The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Lolz, Well The Lizards decided to attack Triwn in the Night. It's been revealed that there is another demon free from the Demonic Realm (See Lilbueno's character description of the King and the Parasitic Demon. There is a link to it on the first post.) The Lizard attack is dieing down. the battle is almost won.

    Wow we are already over 600 views.
  2. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: thanks for the recap. not really sure how to jump in but i'll try.
    BIC: Shawn smirked, watching the attack from above. "those lizards look good enough to eat." he laughed "in fact, i think i will...." he slowly walked towards the battle.
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    The "King" turned around as someone knocked on his door. Ras'tepa turned around and answered briefly, "You may enter."
    The door opened and a short man who resembled a rat walked in.
    "My liege", he said with a snicker.
    "What do you want? It's late, I could've been asleep!"
    "Sorry, Majesty", the ratty human said.
    Ras'tepa noticed the sarcasm in the voice of his newly-appointed Royal Advisor, it was something most of his "officials" shared when they talked to him. He looked down on the human and said, "Well, get on with it!"
    "Yes, King Bryne. We've just received word by carrier pigeon that the Lizards have been raiding farms in Baflee, more specifically around the fishing-town of Triwn."
    "Is there a point to this observation? These raids have been happening quite frequently lately, it's nothing new." Ras'tepa said before thinking to himself, Idiot human.
    "Yes, well...It seems that this particular raid isn't working out too well for the Lizards."
    This spiked the "King's" interested, "What are you talking about?"
    "The word we received says the people are fighting back and they have help! It seems at least two Crossbreeds are helping, along with a Cylian and someone who is supposedly...from Sin Isle...", The Advisor said this last part with a shiver. "However, they are also helped by a young man who supposedly pulled light from the air and made weapons!"
    Now Ras'tepa was paying attention. "Lineve!? That could be that boy--I mean, my treacherous son! It could even be a new Shaper...Send a squad of soldiers to Triwn at once! Have them bring me all of these helpers."
    "Yes, King Bryne," the small human said as it left without bowing to the King.
    Ras'tepa also left his room and, as he walked down the hall, thought to himself, Whether it's that boy or not, I can't have people messing with the Lizards! The humans need to be afraid... He made a right turn and opened up the set of doors at the end of the hall. Ah here we go. He walked into the Royal Library and started looking for that book
  4. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan awoke in a bed. the inn keeper's bed. His head and other wounds had been bandaged. His shirt was gone. Tristan panicked. that meant his tattoo was visible.
    It was nearly day break. A few sounds of distance fighting could be heard. He was not alone.

    "Quite the handsome one without your shirt on, aren't you." Giggled Nancy, the girl who had shown Tristan to his room. "What an interesting tattoo you have, what does it mean?"

    Tristan painfully attempted to sit up, but Nancy pushed him back down. "Ow! Geez, I'm wounded here gi-"

    Nancy put a finger to Tristan's lips. "Shhhhhhhhh. Father doesn't have to know." whispered Nancy.

    Tristan's eyes widen as he quickly Shaped a wall between him and Nancy. "I don't think your father would appreciate me doing that to his daughter." Said Tristan as he attempted to get up once more. this time he succeeded.
  5. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    Becka looked around the farm trying to figure out where the farmer had gone. She wasn't really feeling any better, but she needed something to do
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Since when did you care about what my dad thought?" said Nancy.

    "I've always cared," Replied Tristan casually, as he got out of bed and began rummaging through his sack for a new shirt, "but I also cared about that farmer who would have lost a room because of me. He payed for lodging too, didn't he?"
  7. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC : And I thought I went to sleep late at night! I went to sleep at 1 AM, which was still a bit "early", because I've been away for half the day today... man, you people are inspired. I've missed the end of the battle :(

    BIC :
    Trenyan had awoken. He had spent the night in the house of a farmer, who had been taking care of several human soldiers. The battle was won, and Trenyan's wounds were bandaged.
    Many more Lizards than I have expected... for a moment, I thought I was defending my old village again.
    He suddenly remembered the odds things he saw last night. Odd things indeed. A human Shaping Lineve, an archer that looked disturbingly like himself, what looked like a "different" human... and a Cylian.
    You have GOT to be kididng me. This random fishing village sure is a hotspot in this kingdom. I could barely find any Cylians in the past few days, and now I see four... interesting people. , thought Trenyan.
    Compared to the humans still sleeping next to him, Trenyan was in good shape. He remembered his resolution to find the man he now knew was a Shaper. But if he could find the Cylian or the archer, it might be just as helpful. He started searching the nearby farms, as the sun was rising in the sky.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: I guess the battle's over lol
    BIC:Owwww, Lanan moaned as he got up. His whole body was sore from the night before. The last he remembered was the non-humans fighting the Lizards and then everything went black. He woke up awhile later while the battle was ending and when he noticed some farmers walking towards him and the unconscious Shaper, he yelled "no need for thanks" and dashed away through the field. He reached the farmer's house, the one he had helped the night before, and jumped through the window. He promptly fell asleep. Now that he was awake, he looked out the window and saw it was finally morning.
    I finally got some sleep... Remembering the farmer and the Cylian, he headed downstairs, hoping for a warm breakfast.
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: You fogot about Garxene's Vampire as well.

    BIC:"What are you doing?" asked Nancy, as Tristan pulled out a fresh shirt.

    "Getting dressed."

    "But what about-" Started Nancy in an annoyed voice.

    "Not happening." interrupted Tristan as he put on and buttoned up his shirt. He then grabbed his sack of belongings and reshaped the wall so He could leave the room.

    "Aren't you going to release me?"

    "As soon a I feel like I'm far enough away from you." He said as he opened the door. He then looked back at Nancy and smiled, "I think I can do without a girl who will sleep with every single man that winks at her."

    "YOU SON OF A-" Was all Tristan heard before he shut the door on her.

    Tristan released sigh of relief. As he thought about the previous night. I can't believe I'm still alive. Someone must have come to my aid.
  10. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    Bird quietly walked up closer to Bane and said joyfully, "Well, Magic, hear we are." Bird's words were lost in a gap of silence as the group continued marching on in Ilainam

    Bane preseved the silence for a while, before finally breaking it with the words, "Tell me, Bird. Tell me about Ilainam."

    "Not much to tell. What do you want to know?" Bird asked.

    "Before one must hunt, he must know his territory and its inhabitants," Bane said this while keeping ahead of the group. "Not much is still something. When we settle properly, tell me more about Ilainam," Bane said.

    Bird went silent.

    Zombie, keeping his distance from Bane, finally spoke up. "Why here, Bane?"

    "Never question me. Though I will tell you. This pace is corrupt. Anything big and corrupt enough attracts vermin. Anything bigger then those vermin with enough power can control them," Bane said.

    Zombie thought of asking another question, though decided he didn't want to risk being on Bane's bad side.

    Bones remained silent during this time, every now and then letting out a low snarl to a someone who was passing by.
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Sounds nice, Joker!

    BIC: Upon Leaving the Inn, Tristan was in deep thought. This is not over, they are going to attack again. Thought Tristan as he noticed that the Villagers had begun to celebrate their victory. Tristan headed down to the celebration. Someone was speaking out to the crowd. Judging by his clothes, he was probably the one in charge. Tristan got near enough to listen to his words.

    "-They fought with all their might! They gave it all they had. And what did we do?" Asked the speaker.

    "WE BEAT THEM BACK!" Cheered the crowd.

    Tristan sighed. these people were ignorant. They obviously didn't understand the lizard's ways. Tristan would have to explain the situation to them, else they were all bound to die.
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou had spent the rest of the night watching over Aduial. He wasn't tired, and sleep wasn't exactly essential for him. The two had found a tree with a big enough niche for Adiual to fit comfortably enough in. Aidou had paced for most of the time, but towards dawn, his eyes rested more on Aduial than the surroundings. The sun had risen now and the Vampire could hear, and smell, the activity of the nearby people. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the peace.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Ras'tepa awoke in the library with the King's face in the book he was reading. Ras'tepa normally didn't need to sleep in his own body, but the human's body needed to be nourished. This was the first sleep the King has gotten in almost a week.
    This tome is interesting...., he thought to himself as he shut the book and put it back in the shelf. All the books on the shelf were so old that when he put the tome in, dust scattered everywhere.

    What are you planning, you monster!? The King's voice rang loud in his own head.
    You'll see soon enough.

    As he walked down the hall, humming a song the children of this world often sang, he kept his thoughts to himself, away from the King's conscience. Thoughts he's been thinking since he discovered the book, thoughts about an ancient War, thoughts about special crystals, and most importantly, thoughts about normal crystals with a lot of power...
  14. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou looked back at the sleeping Cylian. Sighing, he bent down and scooped her into his arms. Carefully, he adjusted her weight in his arms. The shade of the trees blocked the sun from him, but if he was going to find a decent place for his companion to sleep, he'd have to go into the sun.


    "Just sleep," The Vampire instructed in a mutter. "I can take care of things."

    Aduial was going to protest, but she was too weary. Her head rested against Aidou's chest as she drifted back to sleep.
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Yes, we beat them back! Those who lost their lives did not die in vain. I doubt they'll be back soon."

    "You're wrong!" Tristan Yelled.

    The mayor, along with everyone else, glanced towards the one who had shouted out. "Excuse me?" said the Mayor.

    "You're wrong." Tristan repeated. "They will be back tonight, and in greater numbers."

    "What makes you so sure?"

    "This is how they do things. This is how they work. They strike when you're down. They've declared war."

    The Mayor looked concerned. Murmurs spread through the crowd. "We are not at war, though." said the Mayor. "The capitol would have sent word if we were."

    "Lizards are cowards. They do not openly declare war. They start by raiding the farms, to halt food production. With no where to go, the farmers then head to the nearby villages for shelter. That's where they strike next, and they do it at night. The survivors then head to the cities. They lay siege to the city. When the people are weak with hunger, They climb over the walls and leave no survivors. This is how they do things. This is how they declare war.
  16. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    With a soft grumbled, Aidou made his way through the trees towards the town. When he stepped into the sun, he closed his eyes. Holding Adiual close to himself, he opened his eyes and paced into the town, using the sounds and smells to guide him. The noise of a riled crowd were easiest to follow.
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "So then how do you suggest we proceed." Mayor asked.

    Tristan closed his eyes and thought. After a moment's time he opened his eyes. "You're going to have to abandon your homes and fallback. We don't have time to set up a proper defense here."
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan walked downstairs and saw the farmer in the kitchen.

    "So you're awake, huh?" Said the man.

    "I've had a long night," replied the Crossbreed as he sat down at the table in one of the two empty chairs.

    "I started cooking earlier, but you were dead asleep," the farmer told him. "I reheated the meat over the fire for you."

    "Thank you, you're very generous." Lanan had trouble speaking with the food in his mouth.

    "It's the least I could do! You saved my life, my farm, and my home!" The man said with a laugh.

    "Mhm", was all Lanan managed to say. After swallowing the final bite, he looked at the empty chair and asked, "Where's the Cylian?"

    The man also looked at the empty chair and then replied, "You mean that girl? I have no idea, I was getting firewood and when I came back, she was gone."

    "Well, thanks, sir," Lanan said as he got up, "I'm glad I could help."

    The farmer immediately got up and answered,"No, no, thank YOU! Are you heading out?"

    Lanan smiled and said, "Yeah, I need to head to the town nearby and pick up more bolts for my crossbow. Again, thank you for everything and I'm glad I could help."

    "Don't be a stranger," was all the farmer said, although he wasn't sure if the crossbreed heard him: by the time the farmer turned around, Lanan was out the door and gone.
    "I didn't even get his name," the farmer said as cleared the table.
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou stopped near the crowd. By the sounds of it, they were talking about what had happened the night before. Whoever had spoken was right, this town had no time to try to defend themselves from the second wave of Lizards. Aidou frowned - there went his easy dinner, now he'd have to follow them. He decided to stay with this crowd for a moment longer, maybe he'd hear something interesting.
  20. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    The crowd's complaints were loud. Seizing the opportunity, Trenyan stepped through the people, and arrived at the center of the crowd, where stood only the Shaper.
    This man is right., he said. Your village is jsut that ; a village. You hav eno defensive structures, nothing. I've been with your people as we fought off the Lizard Clan. You barely have weapons. If you stay here, the next attack might well wipe you out.
    While saying this, Trenyan shot glances at the Shaper. He hoped to get a conversation with him later.
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