The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    Becka looked up and rubbed her eyes still a little sleepy. "Lanan!" she said happily while she threw herself at him and hugged him. "I thought you ditched me! or you were dead!"
  2. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    This girl is a little too affectionate... Lanan thought as he hugged her back for a quick second and then separated himself. "Nah, if I wanted to ditched you, I would've just told you 'bye'. I wouldn't lie about that." Lanan said honestly and then continued, "and dead? You must not know me well enough, it'd take more than few thousand Lizards to kill me." Lanan smiled confidently as he raised a fist. His nose wiggled a little bit because of all the blood on his clothes and around him.
  3. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    "But look at all the blood on you." Becka said "Are you hurt at all?" she asked
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "It's nothing too serious. I've been through a lot worse. Now come on, we should be on our way," Lanan said as he started walking. "You ready to go?"

    "So this is Ilianam, it sure has changed these last few thousand years," Azazel said as he reached the center of the Kingdom. Now to find the capital. Ras'tepa, you better hope I don't find you
  5. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    "Yeah." Becka said walking by him. "Sorry about hugging you. You didn't really seem to like that much."
  6. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire had watched the sunset out her window. Once the sun was gone, she scurried out of her room and into Tristan's, taking the books with her. She hated the dark whenever she was alone, which was quite often these days. She huddled on Tristan's bed, wishing that her brother was sitting there with her.
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: DeathKing, The desert is miles away from where you are. Of course it's going to take a long time. you wouldn't be able to see a flare from that distance anyway.

    BIC: Karchit had managed to climb out of the hole and was now making his way back to the main camp. His information was faulty. He had been humiliated. He would not allow that to pass.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan gave her a questioning look. "I'm not used to affection in any form. Are you coming?" he asked as he continued walking.

    Tell me, Kingy, what all do you know about Demons? Ras'tepa asked Bryne.
    Bryne was surprised the mental wall was down. He didn't even notice he could see or hear. He's gotten used to the darkness of his own mind. Why are you asking? You have access to my thoughts, my memories, my emotions...
    Just answer me! I have full control over your body and access to your memories, but the mental barriers we put up so much have permanently separated our thoughts.
    Bryne was surprised at the parasite's honest. He was even more surprised he didn't notice that he could only hear the Demon's thoughts when they were directed to him. I still don't see a reason to tell you anything, Demon. And don't try to use my daughter's safety against me. I already know you won't get rid of her.
    Ras'tepa cursed in his private thoughts and then answered Fine, but trust me, Kingy, you'll regret it.

    OOC: Since Tyaom is the capitol of Ilianam, I wouldn't be wrong in assuming that's where the castle is, right?
  9. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    Becka thought for a second then then went up to him and hugged him again. "Well get used to affection then." she said while smiling
  10. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Yup, that's where the castle is. Molded by a great Cylian.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan smiled back and jokingly asked, "anyone ever tell you that you're TOO perky?"

    Azazel was walking down the street, looking at the people around him. They also stared at him. I guess no one's ever seen someone with yellow eyes. He quickly pulled the first person that passed him and asked, "Tell me, is that where the King of Ilianam lives?" and pointed to the castle in the distance.
    "Uh yes, of course. It's a castle, isn't it? Who else would live there?" the citizen asked.
    "Watch your attitude, human." Azazel said with a growl. He proceeded to push the human away. The human flew across the street and into the wall of a building. "Whoops, I forgot my own strength," Azazel laughed and walked towards the castle. People made sure to stay out of his way.
  12. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    The robbery went out pretty well. After all, thye didn't have much to take. Lythorne distracted the few shopkeepers while Trenyan snuck behind the counter, and explored restricted rooms. He stood there for abour five minutes, after which Lythorne was planned to once again distract the shopkeepers, covering the Crossbreed's escape.

    Trenyan was satisfied with the "equipment" he got. He would've wanted more, but he took too long to actually find the items in the stock room. He needed to be ready when Lythorne distracted the clerks again, so he hurried. He made a good teamwork with the human. Perhaps he can be even more useful than he thought.
    With the stolent items in his bag, Trenyan got out of the stock room. To avoid exiting the store suspiciously, he walked around the large store, and even bought a short knife.
    He then exited, joinign Lythorne, who was waiting outside.

    "We've got everything. It should be enough, thanks to your magic. Now time to go to the forest!"

    The two men joined the horses they borrowed earlier, and set their sights to the north.


    Flame Burst arrived too late for the battle. But he did not desire to partake in the war, so he was happy to see humans, without any Lizards attacking. The smell of Leechers was also there, but Flame Burst didn't really care who had been part of this battle. He just wanted to join the villagers, and approached them slowly.
  13. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Karchit had finally made it back to the main camp and was surprised to find his informant, A hooded human with suntanned skin and red hair, there waiting for him. Karchit hissed as he approached the pitiful human.
    "Your information was faulty."

    "My information is never faulty." said the man.
  14. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: k mah sister said somethin like this happened ;) worry i was at work!

    Eleanor threw both of her daggers at the monster, hitting just below the jawline. She drew all her mental energy together, focusing on all the rocks at the base of the bogs. Without blinking, Eleanor made all the rocks fly at the monster, the sharp edges cutting into it's skin. Her eyes blinked once, sending more rocks on top of the monster, burying it bleeding to death into the bogs.

    Eleanor sighed, relaxed, and released all the tension in her mind. "You okay?" she asked Tristan.
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    OOC: she jacked the laptop from me... o': ......... and now she's gone. she'll be back in a couple of hours i guess. (and she spelled 'sorry' wrong. XD)
  16. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: I know, that was what I was planning,

    BIC: "okay, what did I do this time" he said to Chris
  17. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    "You tried to warn people miles away in the desert, ******...." He elbowed a lizard who attacked him and kneed him away.
  18. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    "I know, the lizards are running towards them" he said, smiling
  19. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    He grunted with satisfaction for the plan and kicked another lizard in the face, spinning with his hand on an ice sheet.

    OOC: gotta go, be on in the morning. (11pm here)
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Yeah thanks." Tristan said before examining Eleanor's handy work. "I think that the Leechers probably heard all that. Quick, we must get away from-"
    Tristan's words were cut short by another nearby groan, which was then followed by another, and another, and another, and another. Several more tentacles splashed out from the water.
    Tristan took a step back. "I..... I think we better run for it."


    "You said they would be easy prey. You said the kingdom would go down without barely even giving a fight. Nearly two-thousand of my soldiers are dead, along with several hundred Leechers. They even had warriors defending the villagers. Tell me how that isn't faulty information."

    "Unexpected interference. It happens. Perhaps you should have trained your soldiers better." said the human

    Karchit snapped. "Why you little-" He shot out his hand towards the human's neck, but his attack was stopped by a nearby Leecher. "Why are you defending this human?" Hissed Karchit.

    "He speaks the word of our gods. Touch him, and I kill you." said the Leecher.

    "The Leecher speaks the truth. Some are even free from their prison. It would be wise not to displease them." said the man with a smile.
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