The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC:I guess, I don't exactly know where the fight is
  2. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Triwn...
  3. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: hey black, why don't you use your ice to make you go faster somehow
  4. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: ok.... I wasn't gonna, but sure.

    BIC:Chris started propelling himself with his ice, seeing Triwn in the short distance.
  5. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    "About time" Jacob as he started to fly again going next to Christopher"Are you thinking what I'm thinking"
  6. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    He grunted, his mask hiding his facial expression. He jumped up, his ice disappearing.
  7. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jacob nodded, and flew ahead of him, using his lightning to clear a corcle of lizards so he and christopher could land and fight. He landed.
  8. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    As Chris landed, he pulled out his sword and rammed a lizard into the ground, leaving his sword there and savoring the smell of blood, any blood
  9. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC : It's near Triwn, and I guess that means west of it (cuz east is the ocean).

    BIC : Introducing a new character!

    Username - StarSeeker99
    Name - Lythorne (pronounced : "Light-Thorn")
    Race - Human
    Powers - Magic. He can use very varied elemental magic, but they aren't too strong... yet. He didn't train magic too much, and also has some quite odd spells that apparently do nothing.
    Age - 16
    Gender - Male
    Side - Neutral
    Weapon - Dual Swords. He is better at swordplay than magic, for the moment. Later on, he'll get two swords that can be united into one (mechanically).

    Background - He was born in Baflee, and grew up there. He lived in a poor border village, and Lizards attacked his home recently. His parents were killed, and althought he survived thanks to his sword skills, he had nowhere to go. He barely trained his magic, having discovered it recently, and now has to find a way to survive.
    His young age and few skills except his figthing, made it difficult to get a job, especially while Lizards were constantly raiding. He was forced to beg in the streets to get enough money to live. He disliked this style of life, so went travelling to Cheslidair, hoping that the great city will have more opportunities for a future. He meets Trenyan in that nameless city between the forest and Cheslidair.

    Appearance - About 178 cm tall, medium-lenght dark brown hair, not very muscular, a bit thin. Wears long pants, and a shirt with loose sleeves, and looks pretty poor.

    OOC : We're running out of colors!

    Now that you mention it, Ice Molders/Mages could move faster with ice. I only see it possible with a slope, however. We can make an ice plank and snowboard our way down!:roll:
    Or why not ski? Make ice skis and sticks, and there you go!
  10. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jacob took out his two swords and attacked 2 lizards which blocked with swords. He than sent an electric current throught his blades, electryfing the 2 lizards.
  11. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: Actually, if you got up enough momentum you would slide forward at a rapid pace.

    BIC: Chris punched a lizard's sword, sending him backward. He then jumped onto the lizards chest as he was flying, created a surface of ice underneath, and slid towards the next batch, casually picking up his sword on the way.

    OOC: I gots to go, death. Cya!
  12. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: The battle ended when those mysterious bolts appeared...... The remaining lizards ran away. but I guess you could be chasing after them..... Just don't go too far. your characters alone can't take on the main army. you need an army to do that.

    BIC: Karchit awoke suddenly What happened? he wondered. Suddenly the memories came back. He was thrown into that pit. how he ever managed to survive was a miracle. Karchit got to his feet and spat. Two thousand gone just like that. I'm going to have a little chat with my informant. He has some explaining to do.

    OOC: If you run out of colors, then use bold and a color. Joker's characters are already in bold.
  13. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    "I'm caling in for backup" Jacob as he activated a majical flare, alerting all Guild of the broken blade members to come and fight."This is just getting interesting"

    OOC:I gotta go,
  14. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Trenyan was walking through the city. He walked fast, towards the north, towards the forest.

    But now the time to put his main plan into action.

    He purposely went to what looked like the poorest neighbourhood of this city. He needed a few people. And he needed to hurry. If this works, the citizens of Baflee will know that danger is even closer than they think, and the King will hopefully understand the gravity of the situation.

    Trenyan saw a young human. He looked depressed, alone in the dark streets. The night had arrived. Time to act. Trenyan approached the youth.

    "Good evening", said the human. "Sorry to ask, but do you have some spare change?". Lythorne hated asking this. What a way to lower his self-esteem. But he had no choice, at least until he reached Cheslidair.
    "Asking for change won't make you go far in life, you know."
    "I know... but what can I do? No one offers jobs now. Everyone panicks because of the Lizards. They even refused my warrior services", Lythorne said, pointing to a nearby bag holding his two swords. "They claim I'm too young, and that I can't fight well enough!"
    "Well, go somewhere else. Somewhere where there are job offers."
    "Thanks for the tip, but I thought of it myself. I'm going to Cheslidair. If only my parents survived the Lizards' attack... they could've helped me."

    Trenyan didn't belive it. "Sure, your parents died. What a typical lie from a beggar, to make pity."

    That answer triggered a lot of rage in Lythorne. He was already really mad from having been refused hire over and over, even when saying he can defend the city. "Don't make me angry!"He reached for his bag, took his swords out, and slashed at Trenyan.

    The crossbreed had obviously underestimated the rage of the human. He knew he did not lie, now. He ahd all the time to see the hit coming, because the human had to get his swords out of the bag. Trenyan molded an ice wall, blocking the human's sword in it.
    His right-handed sword was blocked. But that wasn't a problem. Lythorne used a bit of magic, and created some electricity around his left-handed sword. He slashed with strenght, twice, and the wall shattered.
    "He can Mold electricity?!" Thought Trenyan. He backdashed to avoid a double slash. His sword was still in his sheath, on his back.
    Lythorne then used his magic to create a flame, that went straight towards the cloaked Ice Molder.
    Trenyan was shocked to see the human use fire now. He realised he wasn't a Molder, but a mage. A beggar mage? How come?
    He took a bit too much time to act. He created ice particles in the air in front of him, but only weakened the flame. He got hit, and felt the heat on his head. He could shift the ice particles to cool the air around him, feeling better.
    But the human was charging. Trenyan took out his sword, and clashed with him, blocking a sword. The human's second one was closing in, and Trenyan Molded an ice Wing Sword to block it.

    OOC : How many E-mails titled Reply to thread 'The world of Laifel'‏ you all have in your Inbox?
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: too many Lolz.

    The map has been updated.

    Star, feel free to name the town whatever you want.

    BIC: Tristan and Eleanor had been very lucky so far. They had already managed to cross the first river in the bog. They were now on the bottom left island and were heading north.
    Where are all the Leechers tonight? Wondered Tristan. Something was not right. They hadn't even seen one Leecher yet.
    Tristan looked behind him to check if they were being followed by anything. That's when he felt his foot step into some water.
    Suddenly a tentacle shot out of the nearby pool and warped itself around Tristan's leg. Reacting quickly Tristan shaped a blade in his right hand and sliced through the tentacle.
    The creature, whatever it was, Made a low groan that made Tristan's ears ring. More tentacles shot from the waters. And began attacking Tristan and Eleanor.
    "I'm sorry," he said to Eleanor. "It's so dark, It's hard to see where I'm walking."
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: lol when I subscribed to this thread, I made sure to select "no email notification" So I just check my user Panel instead of flooding my inbox.

    Lanan looked around to see the casualties. So many bodies, but at least the number of Lizard bodies greatly outnumber those of humans...of course, those rays of light helped... Lanan wiggled his nose because the stench of the blood was so strong and then there it was: that weird scent from the previous Lizard raid that the ice making "human" gave off. Lanan looked around until he saw the Cylian and her companion. He realized the companion must be a vampire. Lanan had never met an actual vampire, but he did know of them. He started walking towards them, thinking to himself, This fight could've been funner...
  17. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    Ooc: So is it day or night now....I kind of lost track last night...LOL
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Night, or at least early morning so it'd still be dark
  19. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    OOC : The sun has set, but it hasn't been long since it did.

    Also, Pezz, I'm not sure I understand where you are. The "Nefier Bogs" text kinda blocks the topography. Is it really an island you're on? Flame Burst was supposed to have seen you, so if it needs to cross water to reach you, he'll turn back.

    BIC :
    Lythorne's fight with the cloaked person went towards a stalemate. They were now both blocking each other mutually. His opponent is definitely an ice Molder. This also means he isn't human. The ice sword he created won't last too long, so if he-...
    "Very impressive, very impressive indeed. What I don't understand if how they actually refused your fighting services. The world needs warriors like you. If you ask me, your would-be employers just wantd to get rid of you."

    Trenyan knew that this person had a lot of potential. And he needed to beg for living? A truly sad story. He will help this human... if he helps him first.

    "I apologize for my rude behaviour. I see you told me the truth about your parents."
    With that, Trenyan made his ice Wing Sword crumble, and let go of the mutual sword blocking.

    "In that case, tell me. Who are you? You aren't human, aren't you?"
    Trenyan lifted his hood. "No, I'm a crossbreed. Cylian and Wolf Clan, to be precise."
    The human was still holding his swords tightly.
    "Listen. I could use your help. I came here searching for a few people to hire... but you will do fine by yourself."

    Lythorne needed money. Naturally the offer interested him, but it was difficult to trust someone who just fought him... then he thought : "Actually, it was I who started the fight. Not that this guy didn't ask for it. Maybe he can offer something interesting. Anything beats begging and sleeping outside."

    He asked the crossbreed : "What do you have in mind? What do you want me to do, and how much are you willing to pay?"

    "I'll play quite a lot. As for what I want... simply put, the citizens of Baflee will either see you as a hero, or as an imbecile."
    "There's a big difference between those..."
    "Discussing here is not very subtle. Let's take a walk, shall we?"
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    View attachment 2408

    OOC: my bad I was relying on faulty memory when I wrote that. I'm at the circle area.
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