The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    As both the wolf and Charles looked around and remained silent, the noise came again, this time closer and a lot clearer, "help", it was a whisper but a plea for help nonetheless..."Hello? Is anyone out there?" Charles asked but only recieved another word, "Wolves," said the voice in a hushed tone, "Where are you?! Demanded Charles barely noticing the wolf lunge for him, just missing the attack but before the wolf could attack, a person jumped out from behind a tree and stabbed the wolf, killing it instantly.
  2. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Perhaps I am" said Leech. "but he who cowards live to kill another day. So is that girl still with you? Ah she is....... I can smell her....... Heh heh heh............"
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan finally reached the town of Triwn, again. He could see where the battle was: a couple miles outside of town. Damn! I finally reach the town and now I have to cross the whole thing to get into the battle... as he reached the center of town, the smell of blood hit him like a brick. Wow... He couldn't help but smile, This battle is going to be a lot better than the last one...
  4. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Stay away from her!" Aidou shouted. He pushed his way into the hoard of frightened villagers. Once he found Leech, he'd tear him limb from limb and then set the pieces aflame, and then, just to be sure, he'd encase the ashes in ice.

    Aduial stood up at last. She'd managed to hold the front defenses. Holding her bow ready, she scanned the area beyond her chasm for any more Lizards.
  5. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Flame Burst was at the edge of the Bogs, when he finally saw the Shaper. The daylight was almost gone, but he could see pretty well even in the dark.
    He howled, loud enoguh to be heard by the human and its companion, and then proceeded to approach them, trying not to look aggressive.

    More or less OOC :
    Among with the Lizard's plans, the scrolls on Flame Burst also contain this letter :
    "To the human Shaper that rallied the citizens of Triwn,
    The Lizards are attacking, as you predicted. I have been able to intercept them, undetected. They are moving through the forests, trying to stay hidden, and I think we only got a few days before they begin their main assault. What that assualt is, I can only assume it targets Cheslidair.
    The scrolls on my wofl's back contain all the information I could gather, on the Lizard's numbers and plans. It's not the best reconaissance you can get, but it's sure to help.
    I don't know if you ended up staying with the villagers or not. If you didn't, please tell my wolf to continue on to them, and indicate a direction if possible. As long as you don't go too technical in your language, he'll understand you."


    The mayor's room was pretty large, yet the mayor himself had little space. Sitting behind a messy desk, he looked, for lack of a better word, stereotypical. He didn't hide his surprise upon seeing the intruder.

    "Relax, mayor. I come in peace. There is no time, so I had to cut corners with the formalities, so please excuse my impolite intrusion."
    Trenyan couldn't think of better words, and already regretted his speech. He felt it could've been better.

    "I heard the commotion. The guards will be here soon. What's so important that you're willing to get captured for it?"

    "I have knowledge of the Lizards' numbers and plans. I coudn't get perfectly clear information, but I have helpful info."
    With that, Trenyan put his scrolls on the mayor's table.
    "There is NO time to waste ; you absolutely have to deliver those to the King of Baflee! He might have enough time to prepare his people... at least just a bit. You are important enough so that I can count on you. Don't make me regret all the trouble I've been through to get to you!"

    Noises came from outside the room. The guards were coming. Two were already at the door. Trenyan had to leave, hoping that the mayor will act as he ordered.

    Despite what thought the mayor, escaping wasn't difficult. When you can Mold ice, climbing down gets pretty easy. Trenyan first Molded a large pack of ice on the closed door. That should keep it "locked" for a little minute.
    He then ran to one of the room's window, and smashed it.
    "Goodbye, mayor. Remember : the lives of the people of Baflee are in your hands. Sorry to put this weight on you, but just make sure those documents make it to the King. Now, goodbye!"

    The window was way too high to jump. Trenyan froze a part of the outside wall, and Molded an ice pole going straight down. He grabbed it, and jumped from the window. The small friction made him go down, and he strenghtened his grip as he approached the ground. He was on another side of the town hall, and no guards were there, so he went to the defensive wall, and easily climbed it to escape.
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Oh Sweet Cylian meat! How Juicy! how sweet!" sang the Leecher as he followed the scent. "Peel the flesh from the bone. Snap the bones; A great surprise. Suck the marrow from the bones. Drink the blood; don't miss a drop. Oh how Juicy! How sweet!"
  7. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Aduial!" Aidou cried out to his companion as he forced his way through the crowd. "Aduial, get out of here!"

    Aduial turned around, hearing Aidou's yells. She still had her bow ready to fire, causing some of the villagers to scurry away.
  8. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Pezz, that little song made me want to punch you in the face....

    Lanan finally reached the outskirts of town and the battle was in his range of vision. He could see the humans fighting the LIzards with their makeshift weapons again. Holy... Lanan stopped when he saw how large the Lizard army was. That is insane! His Cylian side wanted to do the safe thing and turn around, but his Wolf instincts made him excited at the thought of the battle.
    "Here we go!" He yelled as he continued running.
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Time to bait the fish. Thought Leech as he grabbed hold of another nearby Leecher.

    "Hey Wha-"

    "You're the bait." said leech to the other leecher. He then threw the other leecher towards the girl.
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aduial shot her knotched arrow into the thrown Leecher's head. The foul stench made her cringe, brought back memories. She blew a strand of loose hair out of her face, her free hand automatically adjusting her crown-like head piece.
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Leech jumped up from behind her. His elbow blade raised and ready to stab her in the back.
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Move!" Aidou called to Aduial as he threw up a wall of ice behind her. He was next to Aduial in a second. The Vampire grabbed hold of Aduial's wrist and pulled her away from Leech.

    Aduial kept a firm hold on her bow, surprised by Aidou's actions. When she looked to see what had been the threat, the ice blocked her view.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan entered the battle by launching himself at a Lizard's back. Before the Lizard got up, Lanan slashed his throat with his claws. Lanan loved fighting, especially now that he was at full strength. A group of Lizards noticed him and rushed as fast as they could towards him. Lanan Molded a gust of wind to blow them away but he only managed to stop them in the tracks. He grabbed one of the Lizards, pulled him close and yelled in his face, "You guys better be tough, it's about time you gave me a hell of a challenge!" He then headbutted the Lizard and started fighting with the rest of them.
  14. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    Pulling his sword out of the dead wolf, Raphiel turned to Charles , "hello there, sorry to give you a scare..."" see, I have been tracking this here wolf for the past two days, and I needed to get something back..." Raphiel said in a clićhe and yet happy tone, given the circumstances, as he reached down and grabbed a necklace and chain from around the wolves neck...

    "ummm, who are you?" Charles asked, in a hushed tone and then made his way over to the spot a couple of feet from the man...

    "Oh, I am sorry for not properly introducing myself, I am called Raphiel Sanguore," Raphiel exclaimed while also sheathing his sword, "But you may call me Raphiel...and who might you be?"

    "I am Charles the XIII, Charles for short....I have been in these woods for the past two weeks, I am looking for the demons, but I kind of got lost in here a week ago," Said Charles laughing then looking up at the sky...
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan found it difficult to defend the humans while fighting the Lizards. All of a sudden, a nasty stench ran through the air and Lanan turned around to see the ugliest thing alive: a Leecher.
    "Hm!" He started as he wiggled his nose, "Haven't seen any Leechers for awhile, things are getting better and better."

    "No time for words!" The Leecher yelled as he ran towards Lanan. Before he was even within striking distance, a bolt hit him and exploded.

    Lanan held up his gauntlet and smiled, I love these bolts!. Lanan then continued towards the center of the battle, fighting the Lizards and Leechers in his way. Instead of helping the humans, he focused on killing as many enemies as possible.

    OOC: Midnight snack time!
  16. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Leech gave a horse laugh. He had nowhere to hide now. He knew his time was up. "What is this I see. A vampire who has feelings for a Cylian? How unusual. How cute. You could have killed me right then and there, but you saved her instead. How foolish you have been to let such feelings get in the way. You've left the back ranks practically defenseless. Look at the damaged you've cause. So many have fallen to my kind. And all for this one girl." again Leech laughed out loud. He couldn't stop laughing at the pathetic relationship that those two had. It was too funny.
  17. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aduial was paralyzed from fear. She knew this Leecher, it was the one that survived when she'd been ambushed.

    A feral snarl ripped through Aidou's beared fangs. He pushed Aduial behind himself and then approached Leech. "On your knees." The hatred in his voice made it practically unrecognizable.
  18. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Again leech laughed. "You'll have to force me on them. I have no respect for vampires. Even by forcing me on them, you won't get any pleasure from it. We Leechers know nothing of pain. hurt us all you want, and never will you hear one of us plead for death. All you'll ever get is our taunting laughs, you blood sucking piece of filth."
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou looked at Leech for a moment, eye to eye, and then grabbed a hold of Leech's arm. "You will beg for death." With that, he ripped Leech's arm from its socket and threw it to the side.

    A small gasp came from Aduial. She was horrified by Aidou, never had she seen him show any large amount of emotion.
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Leech cried out in laughter. The stupid vampire just didn't get it did he. "You're kind is so pathetic. Definitely not the smartest race are you guys? Go ahead! pull another arm from my socket. gorge an eye from my socket. You're not going to hear what you want to hear buddy."
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