The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor started forward, thinking to herself as she went. We're bound to find plenty of those damn Leechers in those bogs... but if we're lucky we can finish them off before the sun goes down and get the hell out of there... if we're lucky...
  2. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Lets go find some action" Jacob said as he used his new lightning ring to make him fly and strted flying in an eastern direction
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan thought for a minute, he didn't want to leave Becka alone, but she had no combat experience. He made up his mind and said, "Becka, I have to go help the villagers. You shouldn't be in any danger so find a nice place to wait for me and stay there." Without waiting for a response, Lanan turned around, dropped on all fours and took off in the direction that they just got done coming from.
  4. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    Becka didn't really see any point in running after him it wasn't like she could catch him. I will just sit down and wait for him to come back I guess. So she sat down by a rock already bored.
  5. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jacob saw a large blob in the distance, and flew towards it
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: That Leecher that spoke will have the name Leech for now. He will die by the end of the battle.

    BIC: Leech was soaring through the air. His kind could jump great distances. The sudden wall of ice that blocked his way only made his heart pound with excitement. He quickly pulled out his sword and slashed through the ice.
    When he jumped, his target was a child at the center. he could see the child now. it was a little girl. Leech grabbed the child as he landed and bit through her neck, while, at the same time, slashing at the nearby villagers with the blades on his arms. The child was dead.
    Leech spat the child out of his mouth and turned around to face the frightened villagers. "Time to play" He said with a grin.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Damn! What the hell's wrong with me lately? Lanan thought as the wind rushed across his body. He usually wasn't this...caring about other people. I hope I can get there in time...

    Azazel was finally out of Edelsteen. He knew that was the name of the town because he had overheard its citizens refer to it as such. As he left the town behind him, he grasped the jewel he had "obtained" in one hand. What a strange gem... He wasn't sure why he was attracted to the ruby, but he desired it enough to kill two innocent bystanders for...although he would have killed them on a whim anyway.
    He decided to study the world and kept walking instead of running towards Ilianam. After all, the world has changed in the thousands of years since the War.

    What are you doing now?
    Ras'tepa was surprised at the King's curiosity. He shut the book he was reading in the library and replied to the King, None of your business, Kingy, go back to your little corner! Ras'tepa put up his own mental wall. Being in control of the body, he had completely shut the King out.
    Bryne lost his sight, his hearing, his taste, his touch, even his smell. Whenever the Demon put up his mental wall, the King had nothing but his own thoughts surrounded by darkness.
    Ras'tepa heard a knocking on the door and immediately got "into character."

    "Sire?" A voice said on the other side of the Library door.

    "Yes?" Bryne's voice answered...even if he wasn't the one saying it.

    A man walked in, Ras'tepa recognized him as the human in charge of his personal army.
    "Our soldiers, the ones that were on their way to Triwn, are on their way back..."
    "What?!" Ras'tepa could sense his anger rising.
  8. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou repaired the ice wall and then turned to face Leech. The scent of the humans' blood was fresh and strong. Aidou covered his nose and grimaced. He had to focus.

    Aduial fought on at the front lines of defense. She was holding them off, but her mind was focused on Aidou. Was he okay? How many Leechers were there? Could he handle it alone?
  9. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    About an hour later, Eleanor and Tristan reached the edge of the bogs. Eleanor tightened her grip on her weapons.

    "We have about two hours of daylight left," she sighed. "Dammit."
  10. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jacob saw the huge army of lizards and a small command post. He headed towards the command post where Karchit was
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Leech stared at the vampire and grinned. "You control heat right?" he said before impaling a different child, with his hand, and grabbed hold of his heart. "Would you risk a child's life to kill me? surely you would cause harm to him if you did anything to me."

    ooc: just to let you know, Karchit does not die this battle DeathKing

    "If it gets dark it we could be in trouble. we must hurry but not run."
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou's hand dropped to his side. The scent of blood hit him like a tidal wave. "You know something.... I really don't care." He heated the ground around Leech into a circle of flames.
  13. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    [MARQUEE]413!!!!! [/MARQUEE]
    Name (full)-Raphiel Sanguore
    Powers (if any)- Controls the aspect of water, Steam, he uses his power by superheating the water inside of an object until the pressure inside of it grows too much and the object explodes. The Flaw, there has to be plenty of water/liquid inside of the object for this power to work.
    *His other power is the absorbtion of super charged particles in the air, to form shapes and objects that are made up of super condensed particles which he then hurttles owards his opponens. The Flaw, The more particles in the air, the bigger the object/shape, and fewer the particles to absorb, the smaller and weaker the object/shape.

    Age-??? but lookes 16-19
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)-Neutral
    Weapon (if any)-A sword named Twin Serpent
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)-He is a young Vampire with a troubled past, the only thing, he can't remember any of it...he must figure it all out before the worst happens to his life...Appearance-
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "We got word that the Lizards have attacked Triwn. Since it was only a small group of soldiers, I thought it wise to order them turn around. The Lizard army was too massive and we would have lost men....They even have an army of Leechers, from what we gather." The human said.

    Ras'tepa walked towards the human and slapped him with the back of his palm with enough force to knock him down.
    "Don't you ever make a decision without my consent!"

    "I-I'm sorry, sire," The man said as he rubbed his face.

    I didn't expect the LIzards to attack so soon...but it doesn't matter. Ras'tepa thought and then told the human, "When the soldiers get back, debrief them and see if they learned anything else, now leave me in peace." As the human left without saying anything, Ras'tepa turned around and sat back down.

    As the city grew closer into sight, Lanan could hear the sounds of battle. He was not yet close enough to smell any scents besides smoke. For some reason, his hearing was a lot better than his sense of smell. Almost there... he thought as he leaped across the thin river near Triwn. While in the air, he checked his leg and saw the bolts made of Lineve that the Shaper named Tristan had given him. It seems I'll put these to use sooner than I thought.... he landed and picked up the pace.

    OOC: We keep making characters but no one has made a Cat or a Mage yet lol
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    The heat didn't bother Leech. Pain doesn't exist in a Leecher's mind. He only grined. "Fine." He said as he crushed the child's heart and tossed the body at the vampire. His feet burned but he didn't care. "You seem familiar. Where did I see you before?"

    Karchit's eyes widened as he saw the the Cylian drop from the sky. What is this now?
  16. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    Username- BlackKeyblade706
    Name (full)- Christopher Woods
    Race- Half Cylian Half Vampire
    Powers (if any)- ice
    Age- 520
    Gender- Male
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral) Freelancer
    Weapon (if any)- Katana
    Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- His father a vampire and his mother a cylian, he was mainly an outcast for the majority of the 520 years he'd been alive. Because of this, he became a rogue in society mainly. Until he met Jacob, he had actually barely even spoken a sentence since he had become an "adult." He prefers to work in the shadows and occasionally corresponds with the Broken Sword guild, for they both benefit each other. Not much is known about his past except for that, and he has never told anyone.
    Appearance- He has medium black hair that goes into bangs with a silver streak in it, and wears a black hooded coat, gloves, and lots of times a mask to conceal his character. He usually does not say much, but can be more open when he's known someone for sufficient time.
  17. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    ooc: Sorry guys, i made a mistake on my character Sheet.....i have fixed it though......
  18. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou narrowed his eyes. Now that the sun was gone, he could see perfectly. He did know this Leecher. Aidou picked up the corps by his feet and tossed it away. The scent of blood was still a bother, but now that he knew the Leecher before him, his anger pushed the blood out of mind.
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Leech drew his sword and grinned. He was still in the ring of fire, but he didn't care. "Wait, I think it's coming back to me now." said leech as he threw his sword at Aidou and jumped into the crowd to take cover.
  20. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou caught the sword before any damage was done. He stuck the sword in the ground, and looked around for the Leecher. He clenched his fists, knowing that the Leecher was trying to get him angry but not caring. He knew this Leecher - how could he forget?
    "Coward," Aidou growled. He raised his voice, "You ran then too! I'm starting to think that's all you can do!"
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