The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    "That might take a whie" the clerksaid."About 1 hour""Okay, I'll wait" Jacob said as he took a seat.
  2. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Karchit's soldiers had nearly reached the humans. He would have to keep a close eye out for anything unusual. He needed to find the ones responsible for this and then kill them. He would take no more of this.
  3. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    A few of the runners (which, Trenyan guessed, transported more bad news than good news) noticed the Crossbreed casually walking in the hall, but no one stopped to get a closer look.

    Trenyan suddenly realised that he'd better keep his secrecy. He held his cloak in one hand, and his scrolls in another. Upset at the thought that he exited his hiding place without his cloak, he put it on in the middle of the hallway. A few runners were perplexed at his behaviour, but once again, none came talk to him.

    As he pulled his hood over his eyes, Trenyan walked up to the guards in front of the mayor's room.

    "I bring news for the mayor", said Trenyan.

    "Are you new around here or what?" said a guard. "You don't bring the news directly to him. You must go to-..."

    "I'm not a new runner to the service of your city. I must give the mayor this", Trenyan said while showing his scrolls of paper.

    "Didn't you hear?!" shouted the second guard. "You do not let anything here."

    "Those scrolls are of extreme importance. If the mayor doesn't-..."

    "Are you deaf? Just give them to the receptionist at the other end of the hall. The mayor will get them later."

    "It can't be done. He must see them now. If he doesn't, people will die. This is very urgent."

    "Listen, kiddo, if you stay here for ten more seconds, I'll have you arrested."

    "Ten seconds is all I need with the mayor. Now let me in."

    "Didn't you hear? If you stay here-..."

    "...- for ten more seconds, you'll have me arrested. And you'll have the lives of hundreds of citizens of Baflee in your minds."

    "You dare defy my authority?!" yelle the more aggressive guard.

    Now, will you let me in, or do I have to go through you?"

    "Do you have any idea what you're doing, or who you're dealing with?"

    "Don't know, don't care."

    The guard had lost its patience. He swung his halberd, but the weapon's size made it hit slowly. Trenyan had the time to raise his left hand, and mold a large ice claw-shaped glove around it. The claw blocked the halderd, Trenyan immediately pushed it aside, and punched the guard straight in the face. Quickly, he did so for the second guard, before he could grasp his weapon. They both fell unconscious from the shock of his ice claw.

    As the runners in the hall were shocked, and many went to call the guards at ground floor, Trenyan entered the mayor's room.
  4. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    ooc: I can only leave 1 post and then i have to leave....
    bic: "So, are you felling better?" Charles asked the wolf, and he recieved a slight nod of the wolf's head. Charles Sat down against the tree where he first wached the wolf a couple of hours ago, and once again looked up at the sky, to see some stars glimmering in the twilight. As he sat and stared up at the sky, he wolf walked over to him and put its head in his lap and fell asleep.
  5. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    Becka laughed "Well at least your smiling." she said "That's a start."
  6. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    As soon as Lizards were in range, Aduial began to fire off arrows at each one she could with deadly accuracy. Her projectiles struck the Lizards in their necks and chests - the places where their reptilian armor was the weakest.

    Aidou lightly smirked as the Lizards froze and shattered before him. He could see the humans trying to help. Just to see their reaction, he flicked his wrist and set a couple Lizards on fire.
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tsk, The villagers are nothing, but there definitely are some skilled warriors with them. Thought Karchit. At first glance, I would say there are 3 of them. An archer, and two cylians or mages. However, Mages can't heat a creature till it bursts, and there are no flames which mean that they aren't Cylians. Karchit narrowed his eyes more. He was in deep thought. Only two sides seem to be defended by warriors. If they had three, then the logical thing to do would be to defend from three sides. They only have two Warriors then. The archer could be anything, but the other has to be a vampire. How strange.... Karchit looked at a nearby solider. "Send in another 50 from each side."
  8. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Aidou!" Aduial called for help. The quick increase in numbers was more than she could keep up with. She knotched three arrows and shot, taking down one Lizard for each arrow. The Lizards were past her line of defense, and the few warriors that this village had were not the best in the land.

    Aidou frowned at the advance of Lizards. He could handle it - fatigue wasn't something he had to worry about - but Aduial was in need of his help. He heated the ground around the back line of the villagers until it burst into a cresant moon shaped wall of fire. That would hold them long enough for him to help Aduial.

    Aduial grit her teeth; at this rate, she'd soon be out of arrows. She was relieved when Aidou got to her side.

    Aidou froze the Lizards that had gotten past Aduial and the village warriors. He put a hand on Aduial's shoulder to get her attention. Keeping his eyes locked with her's, he extended his other hand and lit more Lizards on fire.
    "Mold." He told Aduial in a murmur. With that, he speedily went back to his position at the rear of the defense.

    OOC: be right back. ^^ I'm gonna make me some ramen! :D ..... and eat it too. XD
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Karchit hissed when he saw the wall of fire appear. I hate vampires.

    "Karchit, They are growing restlesssssss."

    "Tell them to wait for my command!"

    "I'm not ssssssure if they will lisssssten."
  10. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    "We are done faster than i expected" the clerk said as he haned the ring to Jacob
    "Thanks" Jacob said as he handed the man his money and put on the ring, spikes comming out of it, implanting it into his bones, so it wouldn't come off, and so it could take energy from food, and concert to lightning energy."That hurt"Jacob as he waved his hand through the air in pain.
  11. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou stood right up next to the wall of fire, arms folded, as if daring th Lizards to come forward.

    Aduial dropped to her knees and planted her hands on the ground. The earth groaned and split, leaving a chasm just wide enough to keep the Lizards from jumping over. Some the Lizards tried to cross. Aduial's finger tips dug into the ground; roots sprung up and grabbed the Lizards that had tried to cross and pulled them down into the abyss.
  12. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Damn it! they had better listen. Karchit thought as he heard a thump behind him. Something smelled rancid. Karchit stood up and turned around to face them..... the Leechers. As he thought, the thump was from his lieutenant's dead body. They killed him.

    "It seems you are having trouble here. If you fail with this minor village, Our Gods will be most displeased." Said one of the leechers. His teeth were yellow. he had no eyelids. His skin was gray and hung loosely from the bones. Like all leechers, he was bald save a few random patches of dry hair. attached to his arms and knees were jagged blades. at his side was a sword with a fishhook blade.
    "We are done waiting. Send out all your men."

    "But they can't make it to the villagers with those holes in the land."

    "Some of my men will toss them over. We are stronger than you lizards."

    "And the rest of your men?"

    The Leecher grinned as he looked at the center of the circle of villagers. "Children are delicious. their meat is tender you know. Now do as I said." And with that, The several hundred Leechers leaped into the ring of fire. They leaped in a manor similar to a frog. There would definitely be bloodshed with the leechers involved.
  13. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor said goodbye to her borrowed horse as well. "How many hours till we reach the bogs?" she asked.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Yeah, I am smiling, aren't i?" Lanan said. As they reached the fork in the road that had one road leading towards the Desert and another towards Ilianam, he turned around. "What the..?" He asked as he saw smoke in the distance. Is Triwn being raided again? and then he remembered the Lizards' plan. It's not my battle, but....
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "If all goes well, a little less than an hour."
  16. scarred_heart634 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 13, 2008
    In bed
    "Are we going to go through there?" Becka asked Lanan
  17. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    OOC: I'm Back!!!!!!
    bic: As Charles looked up at the sky and the wolf slept, a few moments went by until the wolf's head shot up with his ears pearched, listening...and waiting and then charles heard it too. A noise like, breathing and a twig breaking...
  18. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: yay dean's here! :glomp:

    BIC: Eleanor nodded, pulling both her daggers out of her sheath. They still smelled of seawater, and she was glad they were clean.

    "Ready to head that way, then?" she asked with a grin.
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan gave a nervous laugh. "As ready as I'll ever be." he said as he smiled at Eleanor. He was nervous, but who wouldn't be in this situation?
  20. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Leechers!" Aidou called out, his strong voice rising above the commotion. With a sweep of his arm, the wall of fire cooled rapidly to be replaced by a wall of ice.

    The roots elogated to whip away some Lizards and drag down more. When Aduial heard Aidou's cry, her stomach flipped over. The last time she'd encountered Leechers, she'd nearly died - Aidou had saved her. The situation was different this time though; it wasn't just the two of them.

    OOC: Darn it, Pezz! >< ................ This'll be fun! :D
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