The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire nodded, looking down at Tristan's shirt over her own. "He wasn't a bad person...."

    "It'll be night in a few hours," Aduial murmured.

    "I bet they'll want to stop," Aidou predicted. "Think I'll be able to snag one of them?"

    "I've no doubt," Aduial replied, not at all thrilled at the thought. "But if you do, it'll cause problems."
  2. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    ooc: Okay, awesome, sweet....thanks pezzzz......
  3. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOCmaybe you should do an rp on the other continents?

    BIC: "I need a ring that can convert energy into lightning energy, like static to lightning or food energy from the body, and it can't come off me, and put come lightning energy in it to start, okay? any questions?"
  4. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Karchit and his two thousand lizards were on the move. They would be there around sunset, and would have them surrounded not long after. 50, to start, on each side. Karchit would watch from the sidelines. if something went wrong, if there really were any warriors, then he'll send out 50 more on each side. And if that didn't work...... He would send 200 on each side and........ them.......... his secret weapon....... Karchit shivered at just the thought of them.

    OOC: I have future plans for that.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    King Bryne=Sienna
    it even says so in the first post.


    "Tristan isn't a bad person, not at all..." Ras'tepa was struggling, trying to think of an excuse. "He confronted me previous order..." The King made sure to sigh as he continued, "He confronted me in front of the court and I couldn't tell him the real story in front of them. The remaining members in the council, the ones that remained from the original council, I mean. They told me to have him beheaded as well as he would plan a coup. This time, I was not going to give up my son!" I imprisioned Tristan under the ruse that I was going to have him executed, but it was me, Sammy, ME that helped him escape!"
    Ras'tepa was having trouble staying in character...
    "I replaced the council completely, but I don't know where Tristan is...If I knew I'd welcome him with open arms! But there are still some secrets that I can't tell you yet...If it wasn't for those, everything would go back to normal."

    Azazel stopped abruptly as he walked in front of a building. He had a weird feeling about it. He looked at the sign and read that it was an antique shop.
    He walked in and was greeted by a young woman.

    "Hi! Can I help you with something?" She asked with a smile as her assistant, a young male member of the Cat Clan came in from the back room.

    Azazel didn't answer. He looked around and immediately noticed what gave him the wierd feeling. There was a ruby for sale. It emitted a strange energy to him.
    "What is this?" he asked the girl.

    "I-I'm not sure," the girl just noticed his yellow eyes, "my grandfather, he owns the shop, he said he found it, but I don't know where..." The Cat was giving Azazel a suspicious look.
    "Are you interested in it, sir? It'll come at a fair price." The Cat said in a tone Azazel didn't like.

    "Yes, I must have it. In fact, I'll let you live if you let me walk out of here without any trouble." Why beat around the bush? Azazel thought.

    "Excuse me?" The Cat said as the girl gasped.

    "Too late..."Azazel drew his sword and before either of them could say anything else, their lives were over.
  6. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    OOC: lol
    bic: As the wolf got done drinking the water, Charles felt a staggering pain in his right arm...i was from adding some regenerative properties to the water of the wolf to help his wounds heal. As the pain started to grow it went away as Charles looked up to see that the wolf was getting up....and his bloody wound was nothing more than a barely noticable red line on his white fur....
  7. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire felt horrible for the things she'd thought about her father before. He'd kept Tristan alive. There was still much that she didn't understand, but some things made more sense now. Yes, there were pleanty of things that made more sense now. All of a sudden it was as if a light bulb had gone off in her head. What she'd translated of the book helped put some of the puzzle pieces that were 'her father' together.
    She jerked away from 'her father,' one of her hands on the hilt of her dagger. She was about to make a bold accusation, but she finally had the evidence she needed to solidify her theories. "My dad doesn't keep secrets from me. You... you are not my father! Where is he?!"
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan pulled out his poorly draw map. He and Eleanor had hidden behind some rocks. "They shouldn't be this far north. They must be blocking any exit routes. And they are surely streaming out of the desert which would make it impossible to go that way...... which means we still cross the lake but that....." Tristan hesitated, this was not looking good. "That means we'll have to enter the bogs and hope to the gods that we aren't seen by Leechers. I've near met one, they've been quite inactive for some time. But they are not something I wish to fight. Especially, not on their home grounds."
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Wha-" Ras'tepa was taken aback. What could change her attitude so suddenly?
    "Sammy, of course it's me, what are you talking about?"
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire gripped the hilt of her dagger tighter. "Don't try to fool me. I'm not just a dumb little princess. I nearly fell for your tricks, but I know I'm right when I say you're not my father. I've been watching you. My dad always tries to keep my happy, even when I'm having a bad day and say something mean to him. He doesn't let me alone. You haven't once tried to comfort me. You've kept secrets from me. But I found a book hidden in the library. I've translated part of it. What are you? A shape-shifter? I don't even care. Where's my dad?!"
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Your dad's right here!" The King said as he pounded his chest. He was not giving up his charade this easily.
    "Sammy, it's me! I'm not a shapeshifter! Or any other kind of monster! I'll admit I haven't been myself lately, but can you blame me? I've been stressed beyond the limit!"
    What could possibly be in that book? He thought to himself
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire glared at the man before her, grit her teeth, and then took off in a dead run. It only took a minute or two for her to get back up the stairs and into her room. She slammed her door behind her and then collapsed to sit her bed. Angry and cofused, she hurled the book written in runes at the wall.
  13. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor nodded at Tristan's words. "I think our best option is heading toward the bogs at this point; it's probably the least-guarded area. The sun will not be setting for at least four, maybe five hours. That should give us enough time to get through there with some light to guide us, giving us an advantage... am I right?"
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Bryne" didn't have time to react before Sameire took off. He couldn't believe what just happened. Did she suspect him? No, she called him a shape-shifter, not a Demon. Ras'tepa convinced himself she was just a confused little girl...but she needed to be watched, nonetheless.

    You can't fool my daughter! The King's voice rang in his head.

    Your precious Sammy is smarter than I gave her credit for, but don't you worry, Kingy, it's nothing I can't handle.
    Leave my family alone! Give me back my body so I can rid my Kingdom of you!
    Shut up! I"m letting your daughter live! But that can change in an instant, if you don't get a better attitude!
    You monster... and then both mental voices got quiet as they both thought about what just took place.
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Stupid book," Sameire was breathing heavily from the run and her anger. Once she'd calmed down, her anger was replaced by lonliness. "He called me Sammy...."
  16. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "I'm not sure.... they may have good night vision. They are, after all, creatures of the dark...... Listen, you probably have heard this as well, but I just want to remind you that Leechers aren't the only ones to fear in the Bogs. The waters are home too foul creatures as well. Tales tell of them dragging unsuspecting people down into the depths of the waters, never to be seen again. Stay away from the deep waters."
  17. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "Good advice," Eleanor replied. "Either way, though, the bogs seem to be something in our way however we look at it. What other options do we have that won't take a lot of time?"
  18. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    It's been quite some time since Trenyan left the forest. As soon as he judged himself far away enough from the woods, he ran every second he had energy for. His wolf genes made him a good runner, but still, nothing compared to his wolf.

    An hour earlier, upon reaching the first village, his first reaction was surprise ; he had stumbled upon a village that wasn't yet burned down by the Lizards. Trenyan had borrowed a horse for Cheslidair.

    The sun was descending in the sky when he reached an important city of Baflee. Trenyan had to face the truth : no matter how fast went, he could not reach Cheslidair, arrange a meeting with the King, and go back to the forest. The capital of Baflee turned out to be farther than he expected.

    However, Trenyan had a plan. And it had to remain secret. But if all went well, he could really make a difference... while travelling on horse, he thought over his plan, and decided to put it in action. But first, he had to give the notes he's taken.

    While his mind was complaining about the seemingly endless stream of detours he needs to take before reaching Ilianam, Trenyan added information about his plan to his notes. Whoever reads his scrolls will have an idea of the Lizards' plans, and also of what will Trenyan do. He omitted his name, or any information that could retrace him, because he had to keep a secret identity.

    As for the Shaper... Trenyan hoped he made the right decision by delivering him the plans. Flame Burst should be near Triwn by now. Unfortunately, the Shaper will know nothing of Trenyan new plan of action. Too bad. He can't change it now.
    Now, Trenyan set his eyes on the town hall of the city he was in. Why go all the way to Cheslidair, when he could give the plans to a very important politician that rules this city, and will inform the King on the spot? Doubtless it will be easier to "arrange" a meeting with him, too.

    Flame Burst, with his master's scrolls still attached to its back, had ran a lot, and was tired. He'd need to take a rest somewhere, before going back to the forest.

    The smell of the Shaper, although difficult to remember, was definitely strong. There was another smell too. He was really close.

    Flame Burst, sniffing frequently, walked towards the direction of the two smells, knowing he'll bump in the Shaper at any moment.

    OOC : Damn, it's 2 AM AGAIN!!! I'd better go, before I doom myself to wake up when everyone comes back from school tomorrow.
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "None. The Lizards live in the Desert. That's why they would be coming from there. and the forests and paths north are blocked for sure. It's like they mean to massacre this country. that's why they are blocking the exits. But they would not dare to enter the bogs. Even Lizards fear the Leechers. I'll shape a boat for us to cross with, and you can hover us over the deeper waters. This will require team work."

    OOC: I'm getting my summon in the swamp.
  20. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "We can manage that, then," Eleanor said with a wink. "Shall we head over there?"
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