The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: So now I guess we wait a few posts.
    Garxena, it's about time for the villagers to leave.
  2. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire stopped, nearly at the kitchen. She changed her course for the gardens. Her brown, cloth boots made little noise on the cobble stone as she quickly and quietly made her way to a tree that was near the castle door. She hid behind the tree and listened to see if she could hear what her father was saying.

    "Pay attention!" Aidou's commanding voice rang out louder than the buzz of the villagers' voices. He stood in front of them, guided by Aduial. When their talking had hushed, Adiou continued. "We will be your protection on your journey. If there is any trouble, come find either myself or my companion."

    "We'll do all we can to help you," Aduial added, her tone softer. She had a bad feeling that most of the villagers wouldn't like having a Vampire as their protector.
  3. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: no ramon is also made properly in Japan. And You can easily fly using lightning. The force of it hiltting the ground would propell you upwards. And since lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun, I think that you could rise somehow using heat.

    BIC: Jacob sat down and the people at the shop started making his usuall. He thought of things he could buy that could help him.
  4. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Karchit, sssssir!" Hissed a lizard.

    Karchit looked at the the lizard who had spoken. He was in the middle of eating a dead dear that his men killed. "What is it? I'm eating right! Should I go and kill you, for interrupting me, and eat you too?"

    The lizard took a step back. He wouldn't have been the first to have suffered such a fate. "It'sssss the villagerssss. Their moving!"
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "This world will soon feel the wrath of my kind!" Ras'tepa exclaimed as he looked to the sky. "We'll start with this land...Demoir. When my plan goes into motion, my brethren will be free!" Ras'tepa couldn't help but feel gleeful. As he went on thinking about his plan, he heard something. The King's body was enhanced, albeit by only a little, by a Demon's influence.
    A human wouldn't have been able to hear it.
    Ras'tepa jerked up and looked around and saw Sameire, the King's daughter, peeking from a tree.
    The young princess... Ras'tepa thought with a mental smile.

    Leave my daughter alone, you monster! The King yelled in his own mind. Sameire! Run! he tried saying it with all his might, but the only ones that could hear it was him and Ras'tepa.
    Quiet down, Kingy. I'll take care of her...But I'll need to borrow your voice, haha

    The "King" turned to the tree behind him and said, "Sameire? Is that you? What are you doing spying on me?"
  6. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jacob finished his ramon and went to a nearby majic shop, he knew exactly what he wanted.
  7. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire came out from behind the tree and approached her father. Coming up with a quick lie, she answered, "I came out to see the flowers. I saw you and thought that you'd like to be alone, so..."

    Aduial had a feeling it would have been better if either she or Aidou was in front and the other in back of the group, but since the sun blinded Aidou, she had to stay with him. Without fully realizing what she was doing, her hand moved from a guiding position on Aidou's elbow to a more friendly position in his hand.

    Aidou went a bit rigid at Aduial's change of hold. His expression was masked as usual, but he was perplexed.
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: you changed your color Lil'

    BIC: "What!" yelled Karchit as he threw down the deer's corpse. "Where are they heading? When did this happen?"

    "To the capital......Jussssst recently....."

    "Arrrrggggghhhhh!" Karchit sliced off the lizard's head with his claws. Why did they start moving? What's going on here? I was promised that this would be easy! No interference! So then what's this? Were there really well trained warriors at the village last night? Damn it all! I'll show these humans. We'll surround them on all sides. Let's see how they hold up against two thousand strong! And that's only a small fraction of my army! Karchit headed off to make preparations.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Bryne smiled, ignoring the cries in his head. "I actually did want to be alone," he told her in a rude but calm voice. "I was just getting some fresh air, but now I have things to do," he said as he walked past her. "I'll be in my quarters." He finished as he walked back towards the castle.

    OOC: I got the colors mixed up lol but since it's technically the King, I kept his color, even if Ras'tepa's in control. It's actually kind of confusing now that I think about it...
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Dad," Sameire called after her father suddenly. Her fists clenched by her side, nearly hidden by Tristan's shirt. "Please... won't you tell me what's wrong? We used to sit together in the garden all the time.... Is it Tristan? Did I do something wrong? I know I haven't been myself, but you're the one who... who did those awful things to my brothers! I want some answers!" By the time she's finished speaking, angry tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes.
  11. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jacob walked into the store."I kneed something special, very powerful, behind the shelf, you do that"
  12. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: I meant the demon's color.

    Tristan had been riding for a while. He was riding off the road and in a hilly area. Suddenly he saw something that made his blood freeze. Lizards, in the thousands, and what's more, they were blocking the path to the forest. They could not go any farther with being seen. "Eleanor," Said Tristan in a hushed voice. I think this may call for a change in our travel route."
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    The King stopped. Ras'tepa was surprised at her emotions. He could hear the real King crying in his head, begging Ras'tepa to let his only daughter go. Ras'tepa quickly thought about how to handle this situation. Using the King's own memories, Ras'tepa tried to give an appropriate response.

    He walked towards Sameire and put his hands on her shoulders.
    "I'm sorry, Sammy..." In the King's memories, he had refered to her as "Sammy" when she was younger. "You'll learn the full story when you're older, but I can tell you this: your oldest brother was planning a coup to take over the throne. I only wanted him imprisoned! I wanted a chance to talk to him, but he wouldn't listen!" Ras'tepa forced his eyes to tear up as he talked. "Everyone in the court convinced me to do what was right for the kingdom....that's why I had him beheaded! I couldn't deal with what I ordered...that's why I replaced my council."
    Ras'tepa was proud to hear the story he had made up outloud. He thought he did a good job in such a short time.
  14. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Man, this Rp has ended up being so EPIC!!!!!! I think it's because we have so much going on at once because of the world being so big!
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Tears rolled down Sameire's cheeks. Her brother - the one she'd looked up to so much - had been planning a coup? She didn't want to believe it, but the raw emotion of her father's voice had her nearly fully convinced. The use of her old nickname also struck at her heart.
    "I'm sorry, Dad," She began, her voice still unsteady. "I didn't mean to doubt you."

    OOC: You did a good job with the set up! :glomp:
  16. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    ooc: Ya, maybe.....or maybe because people like to leave in the middle of a On another note....angelens and demons have quick regeneration powers, right?
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Only Class Angel and Devil
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Thanks, especially since I really did come up with that on the spot lol
    btw, Ras'tepa's color is dark green and the King is "sienna" (or as I call it lightbrown) but I use sienna for both since it's the same body, but whenever the King talks ("") it's really Ras'tepa in his body. When they're having a mental conversation, the original colors are in place. Still a lil confusing but yeaa...

    Bryne smiled and contested, "You should give your old man some're probably thinking of Tristan as well, aren't you?" Ras'tepa wanted to put all her doubts away as quickly as possible.
  19. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    ooc: Okay so am i class Angel or what? Because i am confused at the moment and i neeed your intellect at the time or i might die......
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Lil- I have you down as just green.
    SXR- Your powers are still maturing. once they reach their potential, he'll become an Angel.
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