The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan merely shrugged. "He did say he'll catch up to us. Prepare yourself. I'm not going to be elegant with this operation." Tristan formed a compress sphere of Lineve, the size of a softball, in the palm of his right hand and threw it at the doors to the building. As the ball hit the doors, it decompressed and obliterated the doors completely.
    When the dust cleared away, Tristan smiled at his work. It turned out that a second pair of guards lay behind the entrance. They were both caught up in the Lineve blast. "Ladies first?" Tristan suggested.


    Nas jump off the rooftop and landed quietly in front of Aidou. She didn't bother trying to keep her distance. She stood inches away from him and cocked her head the the side curiously as she stared deeply into his pale face. "A vampire?" Nas said with a smile. "Wasn't your last master a vampire as well?" Nas asked Ben without giving him a glance.
  2. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: yay pezz!! :glomp:

    BIC: Eleanor blinked a few times in surprised and shook her head.

    "What a sweetheart," she muttered, and stepped over the destroyed doorway and into the building.

    "It's not very easy to see in here," she continued, tightening her grip on her daggers. The pocketful of decently sized pebbles she'd added to her arsenal before leaving the sewers pushed against her right thigh. "Thanks to your dust."
  3. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Aidou didn't blink. He stared right back at the summon, his ice blue eyes narrowing. He didn't like it when people -- anyone -- got into his personal space. Just when he was about to tell Nas as rudely as possible to back off, Ben spoke.

    "That's right," Ben said cheerfully. "But the scary guy isn't my master this time. It's this pretty girl!" He hopped onto Aduial's back, smiling from ear to ear. "Don't you like her?"
  4. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Nas snapped her head towards the girl. "Girl?" she asked curiously. slowly she began circling Aduial while occasionally tilting her head side to side. "Pretty?" She asked more to herself than anyone else.
    Finally she came to a halt. She then gazed up at the stars, which where beginning to appear in the darkening sky. "
    Yes," she said absently, "I suppose you could say she is.... pretty."


    Tristan half heard Eleanor. He felt exhausted not just because of his lack of sleep, but because of his wounds as well. He wasn't too sure how much use he would be here. "Just keep your ears open for now. The dust will clear soon." He said in a whisper.
  5. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Ben exaggerated a frown, his eyes becoming sad and pityful. "You... you don't like her?" It was truly sorrowful to see the tiny summon so pathetically cheerless.

    Aidou kept his eyes on Nas. He didn't like the way she circles Aduial -- like she was something to eat. Her cool tone bothered him as well. Now that the stars were out and the air became a bit more brisk, Aidou felt ready to get going. Ben had had his little reunion. Now it was time to leave and search for the source of this war.

    Aduial looked to Aidou. To her, he seemed very... grumpy. He'd had his "dinner" already, but that hadn't improved his mood. She guessed that it was Ben's constant cheerfulness that bothered him.
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Hmmm?" Nas asked questioningly. "Did I say something bad?" Nas took her gaze away from the stars and looked towards Ben. "Her connetion to the earth is deep. It gives me a pleasant feeling, a feeling of family, just by standing next to her." said Nas while giving Ben a cheerful smile. "How lucky you are to have a Cylian as a master." That thought turned her smile into a frown. Once again Nas gaze up at the stars. "Oh how I miss my Cylian master."
    Nas's depression only lasted for a moment. Once again she tore her gaze from the stars and stared at Adiual. She smiled happily as she call forth a gust of wind. The wind carried to her one of the cherry blossoms, which were so out of season, which bloomed due to her earlier humming.
    catching the blossom in one hand, she examined it closely. The blossom suddenly began to not only grow in size, but also change in appearance. Finally of the transformation was complete. Nas held, in her hand, a lily which was nearly blue in color.
    She then popped the lily into Adiual's hair. "There, much better." She said happily as her smile grew in size. "Never shall it ever wither."
  7. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "Right," Eleanor agreed, and put a sudden hand on Tristan's shoulder. "You're going to be okay... right?" She wanted to end the sentence with "okay" and keep it a statement, but couldn't help herself from asking the question aloud.
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Course I am," Tristan said with a smile, "I got you here to protect me."
  9. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor felt a small smirk touch the right corner of her mouth. "True," she said, and looked to the smoke that was clearing.

    "I don't see anymore guards, do you?" she continued more quietly.
  10. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Thank you," Aduial returned Nas's smile.

    Ben hopped off Aduial's back and stood in front of her, his expression one of mock seriousness. Then he grinned again. "Now you're even prettier!"

    "Enough of this foolishness," Aidou interjected calmly. "There are more serious things that need to be attended to. Aduial, my mother spoke of rumors she heard. It is said that a princess has a bounty on her head. If she is alone, we should make her our priority."

    "Someone's in trouble?" Ben asked, his small voice filled with worry. "Do you know about her, Nassy?"
  11. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Roots shot up from the ground and formed a spear. Snapping off the bottom end. Nas steadily lifted the spear and pointed it at Aidou. Her hair then burst into flames. "You shall not go near her." Nas said coldly.


    Tristan shook his head. He didn't see anyone. However He was sure that they would be meeting resistance soon enough.
  12. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "I'm not going to eat her," Aidou drawled. He was really starting to dislike Nas.

    "You can trust him Nassy," Ben tried to assure her. But at Aidou's glare, he shrank back to Aduial. "Even if he is really scary..."

    Aduial put a hand on Ben's shoulder, forgetting for a moment how much older he was than she. "Then what is it you want to do, Aidou?"

    "She must have some idea of what is going on here. I plan to simply ask her what she knows," Aidou turned his eyes to Nas. "Are you quite finished?"
  13. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor thought as the smoke cleared. Lanan was taking longer than she expected; true, the guy was slowing her down and she preferred just having her and Tristan alone. Nas wasn't a big deal because she was help... so why on earth was she worrying about that cross-breed instead of focusing on the task at hand?

    She shook her head vigorously to clear it, tightly gripping her daggers. If he doesn't come back that's just one less head I have to worry about, she told herself. Focus on the job... that's it.

    "Tristan," she began suddenly. "Do you think there are supplies rooms around here? Like weapon arsenals that might be useful to us?"
  14. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan merely shrugged. "Who knows. There's only one way to find out though." Tristan shaped another ball of compressed lineve and threw that one at the door down the hall. The door blew apart like the last one. It opened into a giant chamber. Tristan could make out some shadows in the clouds of dust. "It looks like we found our hosts."


    Nas lowered her weapon. She took a moment to take in the vampire. She never really like vampires. They were not natural creatures of the earth. It wasn't always like that. They use to be humans. Their kingdom held one of the crystals that sealed away the demonic Realm. She knew that much.
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Gonna be gone for a few days so won't be around to post. Sorry.
  16. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: aww love you jeffreypoo! :glomp: dont do anything too crazy on your break! ;)

    BIC: Eleanor grunted under her breath; the smoke and debris was starting to bother her. Her mood lightened when she saw new enemy.

    "Ready for some fun?" she asked Tristan, tensing the legs in her muscles, ready to run in and attack.
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "I sure hope so." He said, a little on edge.
  18. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor nodded and sprung forward into the large chamber, right into the middle of the group of unsuspecting guards. There was still a good amount of smoke from the debris hanging around in the air.

    She spun with her arms outstretched, her wrists angled so her blades cut across the shoulders of almost all the men surrounding her.

    "Ha!" she exclaimed, stopping and immediately snapping into a fighting stance. She couldn't believe the trick actually worked. "Try to swing those damn swords at me now!"

    She grinned viciously at the soldiers as they tried to raise their weapons with the triceps tendons in their shoulders severed. Pulling six stones out of her pockets with her mind and raised them in the air in front of her.

    "Smile, boys," she hissed, and shut her eyes. Let's see how well I can do this blindfolded, she thought happily. Show off to Tristan...

    She opened her eyes a moment later to see all of the men dead on the floor, small holes in the side of their heads, blood leaking from their ears.
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan chuckled to himself as he walk past the dead men. "It looks like you really did have fun."
    Tristan entered the great chamber and frowned at what he saw. This must be the main transaction room. There were several children caged up along the walls, grouped together in a way that resembled cattle. There were no other doors that lead to other areas of the building.
    "Where are all the other guards?" he wondered aloud. "This can't be the entire building, It looked as though there were multiple stories."
    Tristan glanced at the ceiling and noticed the outlines of several trap doors.
  20. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: I'm back from my break, recap please.
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