The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "Perhaps they think her to be of some use," Eleanor muttered, as if it were obvious. She still didn't feel like sheathing her daggers just yet.
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Gemini flexed her claws in and out nervously. Demons, summons, enemies, voices in people's heads. This is way too much. tsk
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Ruby crossed her arms and closed her eyes, shrugging, "She said she wished to fight with us and that she knows where the Demons are headed." She leaned her head back and smiled, as if she enjoyed the putrid smell everyone else despised, "Most likely a trap."

    Finally taking his eyes of Tristan, Lanan slowly walked towards the restrained Ekaf. His left hand was feeling the hilt of the dagger he bought for himself, while his right hand was clenching and unclenching. He stopped a few feet away from her. He wanted nothing more than to take the dagger and thrust it through her throat. "After what she did," He muttered angrily, "she's right in front of me." He thought of when he met Gemini. The danger she was put through because Ekaf attacked them. He thought of how Ruby became injured during that fight. He didn't want to see either of them injured. His thoughts flashed to Arnum. The town was destroyed. He had a hand in it, he understood that, but it never would have happened if Alira and Ekaf didn't attack them. He remembered Ekaf's offer back outside of Edelsteen. Ash...the girl from the Inn was probably dead now, along with the other citizens.

    Before he knew it, the dagger was in his hand and flying towards Ekaf's throat. The moment it touched the root around her neck, it stopped. Lanan's hand started trembling as he held the dagger that was now poking the root. "I don't believe her. This is a trap," he said outloud. A footstep behind him made him realize Ruby was there. "But we need her alive." He added that for himself, not completely aware he said it aloud. He turned around and walked towards Tristan. "I don't care that you almost killed me." His fingers clenched the dagger's hilt. "I don't care that you might be mental right now," he put the dagger back in his belt, next to its smaller counterpart, "In fact, maybe a Demon is controlling you," He stopped a yard away from Tristan. His face was staring straight ahead into Tristan's neck, due to the size difference, but his eyes were upwards towards Tristan's, ignoring Eleanor behind him, Ruby behind himself, and Naserrea near them. He had forgotten about the Princess and Gemini as well for an instant. "You might end up killing me in the end," his mind didn't even register Ruby's snort behind him, "But for now, we're working together and we need to move. If Ekaf is here, Alira may not be far behind," Both his fists clenched, his left one with a clanking sound, "If we're found, then we die." Lanan's speech was revolving around one thought: Revenge. "Let's free these kids already, worry about your inner killer later, and if we do get attacked by Alira," His fists were tremblings and he was unable to finish his sentence.

    "She won't live," Ruby finished his thought, now standing on his right, her skin an inch from his.

    Lanan's eyes didn't move from Tristan's as Ruby spoke next to him. She was even taller than Tristan. For a quick moment, the feeling of vengeance towards Alira was replaced by fear as the image of a red Demon with glowing yellow eyes appeared in his head. Blinking, Lanan banished the image from his head, revenge was his main concern.
    Able to speak again, Lanan finished his speech. "You're the leader, Prince. Let's move."

    OOC: Long post ftw
  4. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor watched Lanan curiously for a moment, and then looked to the ground, nodding in silent agreement.
  5. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Mental.... Have I really gone insane?" Tristan wondered gloomily.
    Not yet. Laughed the voice. You haven't gone insane just yet.
    Tristan felt a shiver run down his spine. This... voice... was listening in on everything including his own thoughts. If only he could shield his thoughts from the voice.
    Try as much as you like. You can't. It's impossible. We are connected. We are one.
    Another shiver ran down his spine. Connected? They are one? Perhaps he truly was mad. Tristan glance at Nas. She appeared to be paying the conversation no mind. "Nas what did you find?"

    "The are three slave markets in the city. Two are located near the gates leading out of the city. the other is on the outskirts of the inner city, where the upper class live. The last one is the biggest of them all and most heavily guarded. The others barely have more than 15 guards."

    "I see.... Where exactly are they located?

    Nas closed her eyes and concentrated. Very soon, a bunch of squeaking could be heard not far away. Mice of all sizes appeared and made of strange design on the ground that who ever saw it, would be able to tell instantly that they where staring down at what appeared to be a simplistic, and furry, map of the city. "here, here, and here." Nas said while pointing to three different locations on the furry map.

    Tristan was impressed. "I have to say, that's something else there. It looks like we'll have to do this in groups then. Perhaps you and Rubira should team up again and go to the one at the eastern gate. Sammeire and Gemini you take the one at the west. The rest of us can take the big one. now what to do with the summon while we are gone?"
  6. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan knew what they could do with Ekaf, but that wasn't what was bothering him. "Gemini and the Princess by themselves?" He flashed a look at Gemini. "She has no combat experience," he said pointing at her, "And she doesn't look like she has much either," he gestured towards Sameire. "There may not be many guards, but don't you think that's still a risk?" He did some quick thinking in his head. Ruby and Naserrea were obviously the most powerful members of their team. Sending them in together to the one of the buildings was overkill. Sending Gemini and Sameire together wasn't enough. "One of the Summons should go with one of the girls, and the other with the other."
  7. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan chuckled to himself "You'll be surprised at what my sis can do. As for Gemini, She's part cat. Cats can be so graceful that often you don't even know they are there until they pounce. For them it would be more about stealth.
    "If they so desire, Sameire can act as a distraction while Gemini takes them out one by one. And if they don't have the stomach to kill the guards, then just lock them up. That may actually benefit us in the long run.
    "There's a good chance that there are some decent men among those guards. Sparing their lives could be beneficial indeed. But anyway, I'm sure they can handle it."
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    A shadow passed over Gemini's face at the argument. "We can handle it by ourselves." she spoke up, giving Lanan and uncharacteristicly serious look. She knew Sameire and herself had the least experience, but she didn't appreciate the suggestion that they couldn't do this by themselves.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Ruby watched Gemini, snickering.

    Lanan was taken aback. "Sorry, didn't mean to offend you, Gemini. I'm just trying to look out for you. Are you sure you can handle it?"
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Gemini glanced towards Sameire for a second. "Yes, we'll be just fine. Thanks for the concern though." she smiled only alittle less brightly than usual. She already felt alittle bad for being so cold, even for a moment.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan turned his gaze away from Gemini without a smile. Only one thing was left before the mission was put into play. Clenching his fists, he looked at Ekaf's body. "We'll have to deal with her later. Ruby, pin her against the wall, I have an idea."

    Raising an eyebrow, Ruby obliged, taking Ekaf's root covered body and holding it against the sewer's wall, a foot off the floor. "Now what, Master Luna?"

    Hesitating for only a moment, Lanan ordered, "Petrify her, but only a little bit." He thought for a moment on how to better explain it as Ruby slowly transformed to her large snakish form. Not looking to see how the Princess, who's never seen Ruby's true form, would react, he told her what to do, "I want you to bind her without completely stoning her. Do you know what I mean?"

    "Of courssse," Ruby said as she opened her jaw and wrapped it around Ekaf's neck, leaving only a small space between the roots and her fangs. Her venom slowly dripped on the root, giving it a coat of stone. She then did the same to all the roots on her body. She then spit her venom to the parts of the roots touching the wall, bridging the gap with stone, completely holding Ekaf back. "A little insuranccce?" She asked, turning her head to Lanan, who nodded. She rested her mouth on Ekaf's shoulder and bit it gently. Barely resisting the urge to tear her arm off, she injected a small amount of her other venom, posioning Ekaf. She then slowly turned back to a human, taking her mouth of it. "That'll keep her uncomfortable without killing her." She smiled at Lanan. "You want to restrain her some more, rat?" she asked Naserrea, "Feel free to add."
  12. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor looked to Tristan, and then the rest of the group, her eyes narrowed. "I've a question," she asked quietly.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    While Ruby was talking to Naserrea, Lanan was about to say something until Eleanor beat him. "What is it?" He asked.
  14. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "If all this actually works out," Eleanor began, her tone still low, "what's supposed to be the next move? I'd like to think ahead."
  15. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan frowned. He usually wasn't the type to think ahead. He always thought of the next step, never further. "That's a good question," he said, looking at Tristan. "I guess this would depend on our separate goals. Me? I want to know what exactly is going on with the Demons. I came here looking for help."
  16. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Ekaf woke back up, weakened by Ruby's venom. "The army, it come here for you" she said as she tried to break free. She couldn't wait, Alira knew she had broken free, it was only time. "Alira is heading south with another demon to investigate a strange energy that came from there" she said as she gave up trying to escape. "The Crystals, you must protect them."
  17. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan's eyes narrowed. Army? Crystals? ignoring Ekaf for the moment Tristan decided to answer the others first. "I'm going to reclaim my country. I'm starting with this town. And from what she says, Well be using this army to our advantage. Nas.... What's the stasis on my other item?"

    "I sensed it's energy in the market place."

    "The first thing I would like for you to do is to secure it. I would greatly appreciate it, Nas. Then join back up With Rubira."

    Nas nodded and took off without a word.

    Tristan then looked at the fake. "You're staying here for now." Turning around again, Tristan shouted, "Everybody ready?"
  18. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor couldn't help but let out a small squeak of excitement. "Ready!" she replied loudly, fresh adrenaline already running through her veins.
  19. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "ready." Gemini echoed, cheerfully. "Let's go kick butt," she added to Sameire in a quieter tone. She didn't have an answer to Eleanor's question about the next step but it didn't seem important yet.
  20. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    OOC: ugh ok my sister is sooper busy with school so she wont be posting too often for a while. she said to go ahead and post without her and ill keep her up to date in case we really need her :D
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