The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    OOC: Stuck a feather in her hat and called it Pezzaroni

    Ruby saw Ekaf and slithered towards her body, surprised. Using her claws, she picked her up by her head. "Fight with usss? Ssstupid fake..." She said, getting ready to squeeze.

    "I think that's it," Lanan said, bowing over a stand, checking out the daggers and knives. "Hmm," he pondered if she should buy a dagger. Didn't expect to see weapons here...He thought. Noticing the merchant was eyeing him, Lanan decided to first buy what Tristan needed. Taking a step back, he searched the stands for clothes.

    Azazel reached behind him and grabbed End Game out of the ground as he jumped to his feet, turning around. "Alira?! What happened?"
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: *applauds* you two have such lovely singing voices :P strange-oids

    BIC: Gemini walked past the weapon's stall without a second glance. She soon found a stall with decent clothes they could afford. I hope these fit them... she thought to herself, trying to figure out the right sizes as she picked out a few basic items. "Do you think this will be good?" she asked Lanan
  3. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan eyed the clothes Gemini picked out closely. "They look about their size..." he said, putting a hand to his chin, "But I'm not too good with this kind of detail. We'll buy them, just in case." He looked around the other stands and found some hair dye. Not sure what color Tristan wanted, he picked one out at random and bought three of them. "Oh wait!" he yelled at Gemini. "I just thought of something...we'll need more cloaks than this. At least for us. Once we help Tristan, if someone recognizes us, we'll be fugitives as well....Are you okay with that?"
  4. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Gemini bit her lower lip, slightly startled by the thought. She tried to think what her clan would think of her as a fugitive. "Yes... I guess that's what we already are by this point." she concluded, "I'll get us a cloak each then, I have money enough for that, if you want to buy their things.".
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Alright," Lanan smiled. He planned on buying a little more than just what Tristan wanted. He was a prince, he had gold to spare. Meet me back at the sewer entrance when you're done."
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Okay." Gemini agreed, walking off to find the cloaks. She found one right away that would fit her and cover up her more promonent feline features, but it took alittle longer to find something for Lanan as she didn't know exactly what to look for. Soon enough she payed for them and headed back towards the sewyer entrance. Again she passed the weapons and this time looked at them while she passed. A small shudder went up her spine at the sight of the metal objects and she hurried past them.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    After paying for the hairdye, and anything else Tristan wanted (OOC: I forget), Lanan browsed the weapon counters. Buying a nice amount of bolts for his crossbow, he dropped them to his quiver. He'd ask Tristan to make more Lineve bolts for him, but sometimes he needed a more subtle attack then an explosion of Life Energy. He then stopped by the stand he and Gemini passed earlier. He searched the weapons until he found a nice dagger he liked. It was roughly the size of his forearm, from his elbow to his wrist, handle included. The blade was slightly curved and the handle was colored gold. He strapped to his pouch and then bought a similar blade, except smaller. Just in case someone else needed a weapon, most likely Gemini or the Princess. Paying the clerk, he put the few coins that remained back in the pouch and headed back to the sewer. I'll pay the prince back later, he thought as waved at Gemini.
    "Ready to go back to the sweet smelling headquarters?" he joked
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Gemini wrinkled her nose, looking at the sewer entrance. "As ready as can be, our poor noses. Oh, here's your cloak, I hope it fits well." she handed him the larger of the two cloaks. "What's that?" she asked, gesturing to his new blade.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan looked around to make sure no one was watching and knelt down to lift the manhole. The odor hit him like a wall. Trying to tune it out, he stood up and took his cloak. "Oh, this is nice," he siad, feeling it. He tossed it over his shoulder, the hood falling back. He liked the light gray color of it (because Jeffreypoo thinks thats the color it should be) He then moved the cloak opening to show the dagger he bought. "Just a little insurance," he said. "Do you need one?" He asked, offering her the smaller blade.
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Gemini pulled her own darker gray cloak on but flinched away from the blade alittle. "no, but thank you." she answered politely. "I like my claws well enough." She already had a hand over her nose from the smell.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan smiled and put the blade away. "Leave your hood down. Don't want to scare the poor humans," he advised, silently hoping Ruby was back. Giving one last look around, he gestured to the sewer, "Ladies first, of course."
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Gemini flipped back her hood, revealing her ears again. "Okay, here we go." she said, taking one last breath of fresh air before stepping off into the hole. She landed on her feet and moved out of the way for Lanan.
  13. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Lanan jumped in after her, catching himself on the rung. Using one hand to close the sewer over him, he used the other to cover his nose as he jumped down. "Let's go," he motioned for her to follow.

    OOC: Now we wait for Hannahroo, Daviekins, and Angybear. Those damn slow posters
  14. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Ekaf opened her eyes a little. "I know where the demon's where heading last. I will tell you if you want" she said, her voice faint, she was running out of energy.

    Alira stopped. "EKAF!, She broke the connection that binds her, but her last thoughts where that of dying or joing them, and she knows where we are heading, and who we are to!" she said, one thing was clear to her, Ekaf must die for what she's done.

    Lauren finished off the remaining guards and barged into the kings room, she saw him and charged at him, ready to stab him.
  15. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan heard the sound of footsteps in the distance. "Someone's coming." he said in a soft voice that was just loud enough for the others to hear.

    OOC: :P hahaha lazy post
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: cue the jepardy music!

    Gemini followed him down the sewer, keeping one hand always over her mouth and nose.
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008

    Ruby gave a gently squeeze, her claws poking Ekaf's skull. She wanted nothing more than to crush it. "What do you think, Rat?" She asked Naserrea.

    Azazel was midly disturbed by the news. "Joining them? If she tells them our plans," He glared at Alira, "I'll hold YOU responsible." He thrusted his sword back into the ground, his eyes glowing. Lanan now had a real Summon and a fake summon? This mutt is going to be a problem...
    Ras'tepa quickly turned around, grabbing Lauren by her outstretched arm and slammed her against the wall, twisting her wrist and pinning her. "You really do have spunk, girl, but your human body is still a normal human body."

    Amongst the smell of pure stink, Lanan smelled human. Seeing the shadows in the distance, he waved. "It's us! Lanan and Gemini." They reached the other three in a matter of seconds. He looked around. "Ruby and Nas-um, Naserrea aren't back yet?"
  18. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Nas glanced up at the sky. she had a spaced out sort of look on her face. It was getting late. Roots shot from the earth beneath Rubira's feet, knocking her out of the way. They then proceeded to wrap themselves, like a snake, around the fake. Nas made sure to make the roots nice and tight. One root was wrapped around Ekaf's neck in case the fake tried anything stupid.
    While all this was going on, Nas gazed off into the distance sky, a smile on her face. She was humming a tune to herself. Flowers began to grow in the nearby earth. "Perhaps..... We should bring her back with us." She said calmly. She then tightened the grip of the roots. "Yes.... perhaps that is for the best."


    "Nope." Tristan was beginning to worry. "I was hoping they would be back by now too."
  19. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Ekaf did not respond, she had run out of energy.

    Lauren struggled, trying to get free. When she couldn't, she simple gave up. "What do you want with me, and what are you?" she asked, looking sad, she knew she was either dead or going to be his slavem at least one she was a live. She now cared not for her self, her will gone.

    Alira though he would hurt her, she was ready, but it didn't come. "I will kill my creation, and all that stand in my way" she said. "I will forge a better servant for you, I will use a crystal and replicate it, and make a being from its energy" she said, hoping he like the idea.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "While we wait for them, maybe you two should get yourselves disguised." Gemini suggested, through her fingers. She looked over towards Sameire, hoping she wasn't getting sick from the smell.
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