The world of Laifel

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, May 27, 2009.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Having no luck finding his blade, Azazel stopped running and stretched his wings and flew straight up to get a better view. "I don't think I'm in the Demonic Realm, anymore...." he thought. As he looked around, he saw two beings running through the woods carrying his sword! "End Game!," he exclaimed while studying the creatures. They had sharp ears, whiskers, a tail, and they seemed to be able to run on all fours or jsut on their hind legs.
    "The Cat Clan..." Azazel said to himself as he realized where he was.
    Suddenly, it all came back.
    Weak humans, savage Wolves, agile Cats, magical Cylians, Loyal Lizards, disgusting Leechers, and most important: powerful Angelens..
    "I'm in Laifel! I crossed the barrier!" He said with a laugh. All of a sudden, he flew down and landed in front of the Cats. They looked young, but then again, he was older than most.
    As he looked at the Cats, his form shifted into that of a red-haired human, but his eyes remained yellow.
    "Where'd you get that blade?!" he yelled at the shivering Cats.
    THey seemed to be too scared to talk
    "Don't make me ask again..."

    "we-we found it in a b-b-bush." One managed to say.
    "Well, it belongs to me" Azazel said as he walked towards the Cats and grabbed his sword in one hand. "As does your life", he continued while placing his other hand on the Cats head and draining his life.
    He then set his eyes on the other Cat, who was too scared to move.
    "Here, kitty, kitty," he smiled as he walked towards it.
  2. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "Destroy it, then?" Eleanor asked. "That's not a bad idea. How on earth do you plan to do it, then? I'm... intrigued."
  3. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "I'm a shaper. There are two ways to shape Lineve. The first way involves shaping the flows. The second, You rip pieces from the flows to shape something that will maintain its shape. The second way is unstable. and if something shaped that way is hit with enough force, it will blow anything nearby to pieces."
  4. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Trenyan was surprised how fast his wolf, Flame Burst, was moving. Obviously he was well taken care of, by the people of his town. Trenyan smirked, happy to know that somewhere on this continent, there is that place he calls home, where he'll always be welcome -...
    "Or..." he muttered, suddenly remembering something. His thought became more anxious : "I remember... many years ago... I was going back to my old town, the first one, where I grew up... except I was on foot... and I told myself the exact same things like now. I'll be welcome forever in my town. And when I arrived, I found it under attack.
    Is my town attacked again? No, if it were, I would've been called right to it, not to Ilianam.

    He was pretty far from Triwn, but had a very long way to go. A full day, at this speed, but that doesn't account the wolf's resting time. As strong as it is, it remains an animal that's not suited for mounting.

    Suddenly, and out of nowhere, Flame Burst acted strange. He stopped, sniffing.
    "What's wrong?", said Trenyan. But Flame Burst ignored him, concentrating on sniffing. He seemed to have trouble identifying the smell, or downright detecting it.
    "Is there a strange smell? Let me try.", said Trenyan.

    Of course, he failed to smell anything. Being a quarter-wolf, Trenyan inherited the wolves' outstanding smelling sense, but not much of it. He can detect things by smelling, more than a human, but much less than any wolf, especially since he inherited a lot more Cylian traits.

    Flame Burst showed an intrigued face. He couldn't locate the smell, or what it was. He looked at Trenyan, and probably guessing that his master's smelling sense was weak, he resumed his running.
    "Odd. Hm. This makes way too many strange things happening in a short amount of time. What's going on?"
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    This is unbearable..., Bryne thought privately...
    Even though his mind was being shared with a Demon, he learned to put up a mental wall to block his own thoughts from Ras'tepa's. The downside was obvious: Ras'tepa could do the same and Bryne didn't know what the Demon was thinking.
    While in his private corner of his own mind, Bryne the first few days under the parasite's influence. At first, he had no idea what was going on. There was a sharp pain in his back, but he couldn't move his arm to grab it. He could see and hear, but he could not move. His body started moving by itself and even told the guards to kill the man who told attacked him.
    He then heard the demon's voice in his head,
    Don't worry, human, I'll take care of you, hehe
    Bryne then realized he was able to shift through the Parasite's thoughts, emotions, and memories. He knew what the Demon was: as a King, he was taught that the Wars of Angelens and Demons was more than a legend. However, he never knew this could happen. He was forced to watch his oldest son beheaded, his next son exiled, and was left to wonder what would happen to his beautiful daughter...
    After Bryne learned to put up the mental barrier, he realized the family heirloom was one of the crystals that held up the barrier to the Demon Realm, however it was nowhere to be found. Ras'tepa didn't know the importance of the crystal, and Bryne hoped he would never find out.

    OOC: It's irrevelant at this point, but how many characters have claimed a summon? I know I have one, Pezz has one, who else?
  6. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Technically three have, but one person hasn't been keeping up with the thread. so he may end up having his summon taken from him. I'm going to make create my summon's profile soon. but my summon won't appear for a while.
  7. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "I see," Eleanor replied. "Something I've not inhereted nor been able to do... it must be someting I can't handle. Oh!" She stopped suddenly. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to know your name."
  8. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Yay! I did it!

    Username- Garxena
    Name- Sameire Alzeire
    Race- Human
    Powers- Shaper
    Age- 16
    Gender- Female
    Side- Good
    Weapon- One broad, short dagger. She always has it with her.
    Background- She is the daughter of King Bryne III and brother to Tristan. She looked up to her brothers greatly, and even had a small, self-imposed competition with Tristan in the dealings of Shaping. She never knew her mother because she'd died in labor. Sameire was devastated when her eldest brother was sentenced to death. She coped with the loss by burying herself in books. She is a quick learner and picked up plenty of information from the seemingly endless library that is part of the castle. When Tristan was exiled, Sameire became very withdrawn and hardly spoke to anyone. When she still had her brothers to live with, she wore dresses and outfits fit for a princess, but once she was alone she wore breeches and loose fitting shirts. Because of the reading she'd done and her own experiences, she'd learned that the world wasn't the perfect place she'd dreamed of. Deciding that she needed to face reality, she practiced her Shaping nearly every free moment that she had between her normal lessons. Some nights, she'd go out into the garden and sit by the roses. As the time passed without her brothers, Sameire became determined to get down to the grit of what Tristan was accused of. She now focuses her time on Shaping and reading. Sameire has a small suspicion about her father's actions, but has no proof to support her theory.
    Appearance- girl/SaltyDonut/Anime/Girls/Heather.jpg?o=248
  9. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Tristan Alm-, no you will be the last one I shall speak with. I will tell you my real name. Tristan Alziere. and yours?"
  10. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "Hmmm mm mmnm mhhmm" Ras'tepa hummed. It was a catchy tune. He could understand why the human children loved it.
    Ras'tepa laid on his back...well the King's back and wandered into his thoughts. He could sense the King, but wasn't able to hear him, Are you there, Kingy? You can't stay behind this little mental wall forever! When he didn't hear an answer, he thought about the King's children.
    The oldest, Ras'tepa had him beheaded. The weak human was heir to the throne and didn't even inherit the King's magnificent ability of Lineve!
    The next son, Ras'tepa planned to execute him, but he escaped. Ras'tepa was disappointed, but he had no special care for the boy so he titled him exiled, and called off the search.
    But the youngest, the daughter, Samiere, she was the King's jewel. She was a shaper and very smart, apparently. Ras'tepa knew that she now despised her father, she always avoided him by staying in the library reading her books. If he entered the library, she would just say "Hello, Father" and leave.
    "Oh, well", he said and looked at the beautiful, blue sky. It had pitch white clouds, the perfect amount. "This sky is so beautiful," the Parasite said outloud, not caring who heard him, "This whole world is beautiful. Luscious green fields, calm flowing rivers, giant fruitfilled trees...I can't wait to bring destruction upon this land and ruin it all!"
  11. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire wandered the shelved rows of books in the castle's library. She picked a book off its self, drawn in by the intricate, golden designs along the spine. She made her way back to the chair she'd been sitting in and flopped down. The cover was laced with the same golden pattern. Upon closer inspection, Sameire figured the pattern to be some kind of runes. She opened the book and found that its whole was written in the same runes. It was odd to have such a book mingling with the others. Perhaps it was left out of its section.
  12. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "Tristan," Eleanor replied, swallowing all her other thoughts. "It's Eleanor McKynley. But I... I'm not sure I understand," she added. "Why would I be the last to hear your name?"
  13. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "Because I cannot do what I plan on doing from a safe distance. In order to blow away this town, along with several hundred lizards, I will have to be at the center of it all. All that will be left will be a crater and scattered rubble." Tristan glanced back at Eleanor and smiled. "Eleanor, what a nice name. I'm glad to have met you during my final hours. It brought back memories of my sister. She must be so lonely right now. I will miss her greatly."
  14. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Sameire stood up and set the book on the chair. She walked to the window and looked down at the gardens. She loved that the library was on the second floor; it gave her a great veiw of the flowers. The smile that had turned up her lips faded when she saw her father. She regreted the way she felt about him now, the resentment ate at her heart. But how could she feel the same way after what he'd done to her brothers? Shaking the gloomy thoughts from her mind, Semeire trod away from the window and back to the shelves of books.
  15. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    "Are you sure that's something you need to do?" Eleanor questioned, a little shocked. "You... you realize there are other ways. There have to be!"
  16. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    "I don't see any others. It's not going to be like last night. they will come in the hundreds, and this time they will most likely have their general with them. They travel faster than the villagers and they will probably attack on three fronts. The best chance they have is if we can take a bunch out in a single blow. This is the only way I can think of. Their lives are in your hands. Farewell, I have preparations to attend to."
  17. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    Trenyan was gaining distance from Triwn. On his right there were woods, and on his left, an empty, endless field.

    The mysterious smell that only his wolf detected was out of his mind. But another smell popped up. It was very strong. And that was extremely unusual, because Flame Burst should've felt it before Trenyan. But he felt it at the same time. He stopped, and Trenyan got down.

    "This is intense! It stinks, too! And I'm sure I know what this is..."

    They entered the thin forest as to hide from the open field.
    For a few minutes, they looked at all possible directions, until the cause of the smell was made obvious. Lizards were coming down a hill!

    Since they were behind a hill, in a hilly zone, it explained why the smell couldn't travel as effectively as through plain land. That's why Trenyan and Flame Burst felt it at once. Furthermore, the smell was very strong... because there seemed to be no end to the stream on Lizards coming.

    They weren't aggressive, however. They moved quickly, right towards the woods. Trenyan remembered what the Shaper told him : the Lizards were to attack.

    "They are moving... and want to remain hidden... but if so, why would they take such a detour? Surely they could've reached Triwn, from the same side as before, virtually undetectable. Damn! They seek a surprise attack!"

    Trenyan was unsure what do to. His instinct told him to go back to Triwn, or to a nearby village, inform the people, and judge if they can win a fight. But he could not. He had to go to Ilianam. He had enough detours as is.

    "Wait... it's after noon, but the sun is sitll strong. Even with the woods here, in this place, it's highly risky to move so many troops. Lizards aren't that stupid. If they move such a force, here, and now, it means that they can afford to have this force detected.
    This means... that there are much, much more Lizards coming. It's not a surprise attack they are planning, it's an tremendous slaughter!

    Trenyan could not continue his journey, at least not until dusk. The risk of stumbling on a Lizard encampement were far too great. After the sun sets, he could move without much trouble. But what about the humans?

    "Flame Burst", he said."I'll need you. You're going to carry some papers over to Triwn. But you are tired, too..."
    The wolf stood up proudly, showing off its endurance.
    "Don't try. I never underestimated your strenght. But if Lizards spot you and guess that you're more than just a random animal, I need to make sure you have the energy to escape. Furthermore... I need to write down everything I can learn. We need to do some spying. Are you up for this?"

    The wolf made a positive growl.

    Trenyan needed to move quickly, and even have his wolf help him, by doing diversions. He wanted to see how many Lizards they were, how they moved, at approximately what time they'll arrive, everything. He also knew that he needs to send the information quickly enough, otherwise it will be in vain.
  18. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor choked on her next reply, not wanting to sound desperate. Good luck, Tristan, she thought, turning to leave as well. "I hope you figure something better out...
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Tristan headed for the nearby stable. It was time to release his horse.
  20. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    Eleanor stopped, unsure why she wasn't walking anymore.

    Move it, she told herself. Just let it go. Look at all the money I've got... twice the last few jobs I've done. Imagine what I can do with this. But...

    "Dammit," she muttered aloud. "Let it go, El; he's just some cute guy with an ego and a mission. Let it go."

    Eleanor found herself turning around, however, when a new idea came into her mind. Yes... she thought. That'll work... it could if he just listens.

    Eleanor ignored her thoughts and ran toward the stables. "Hey!" she shouted. "Tristan! I've got to tell you something!"
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