The World Ends with You

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by xXRhian+RoxasXx, Jan 26, 2010.

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  1. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    “Ugh…. Where…… Where am I? The crossroads? What am I doing here? What the hell!? A pin?!â€

    -Ramen, ramen… I guess I eat it everyday...
    -I’ve been undercover here long enough now that I can finally tell the different types of Shibuya kids apart…..
    -Wow… he likes me! He REALLY likes me...

    “What the…. I CAN HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD! …. What just happened? And where’d this pin come from? Hmmm… Wonder if there’s a connection.â€

    -Oh, it’s that perfume from yesterday…
    -Ugh, my poor stomach....
    -Shopping for the right hat is tough...

    “Voices! Defiantly voices! But why? Am I hearing people’s thought?!â€


    “Huh? Who’s phone? Mine?â€

    Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and face erasure.
    - The Reapers

    “Oh, that’s cute. See ya, spam. Deleted.... Huh? It’s still there... It’s like junk mail from hell... OWW! MY HAND!â€



    And then the noise comes.



    You wake up in the middle of Shibuya, wondering where you are, how you got there. Suddenly a text comes to your phone as you try and work out what this pin is on your hand.
    Reach 104. You have 60 minutes. Fail, and face erasure.
    - The Reapers
    How cute, first day and you already have hate mail. Then the timer appears on your right hand, slowly counting down. Uh oh, I’d better follow that mail if I was you.

    While everyday life goes on in the Realground (RG), the chosen dead are brought to an alternate plane of existence called the Underground (UG). The UG is also the venue for the Reapers' Game. By offering their most treasured possession to enter the Game, the dead (players) gain the chance to contest for the prize: to be brought back to life or to transcend to a higher form of spiritual existence. Most of those who choose to transcend become Reapers, the opponents of players in future Games. Lasting a week, each Game is a contest to judge the worth of humanity Players set out to accomplish objectives under the rules created by the Composer, who is a god-like entity who maintains Shibuya. Another Reaper, the Conductor, tasks other Reapers to obstruct the players' efforts. Failure to complete a mission will disperse the mind and spirit of the player or Reaper, thus erasing his or her existence
    A player in the UG is invisible to the living in the RG, though one can sometimes read and influence their thoughts. The UG is frequented by creatures called "Noise", which are attracted by the negative feelings of the living. To progress in the Reapers' Game, players are often required to defeat Noise by killing or "erasing" them. However, each Noise exists in two "zones" simultaneously, and can only be defeated by two players fighting the Noise from separate zones; Players are therefore required to form a pact with another player to survive the Noise. Players receive assignments via text messages sent to their cell phones, and their right hands are imprinted with a countdown indicating the time left in the mission. After a day's mission is complete, the remaining players find themselves at the start of the next day's mission, having no sense of the intervening time in between.

    You are dead in this RP.

    Pyrokinesis: Creates a path of fire that damges on contact
    Masamune: Slash at an enemy
    Cure Drink: Gives health
    Earthshake: Causes tremours
    Sexy Beam: (yes, laugh) Shoots out rapid bullets
    Ichimonji: Quick thrust, makes you untouchable during the first little sprint
    Long Live the Ice: Incases enemies in ice
    Eyes full of Hope: Focuses damaging light on targets (can blind too)
    Natural Magnum: Shoots three way bullets
    Octo squeeze: Creates a small black hole that attracts enemies to that spot
    Lightning Moon: Creates a spiral of electricity around yourself
    Psychokinesis: Allows you to move objects with mind
    Thunderbolt: Thunderbolt strikes the target

    Black Pin: (only I say who has these and does not count as one of the four) gives ability to read minds


    OC forms
    Fill out these for your OCs.
    In this thread, Neku, Shiki, Beat, Rhyme and Joshua don’t exist. Feel free to use their names.
    I control the Reapers. End of it.

    Age: (10 – 18)
    Cause of death: (not too gruesome...)
    History before death:
    What you gave up:
    Pins: (psych pins that possess lots of power. You can only have 4 each)



    These are MY rules in MY thread. Don’t like them?
    Tough titty.
    Follow these rules and I won’t be on your back.
    I MEAN it.

    1) No godmodding or powerplaying. This sucks to high bloody heaven when you’re not the one doing it. Its unfair and no one likes it.

    2) Try to use proper grammar. Don’t put ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ or ‘r’ instead of ‘are’. People won’t understand you at all. Use “†when talking and OOC if you’re speaking as yourself, not your chara. Also put BIC if you’re back in or just make your post in chara

    Two spaces down like this.

    3) If you’re gonna leave, FOR GOD’S SAKE TELL ME! We can kill your charas by the Reapers or someone can take over them if you want. I hate people leaving and we have to RP around your charas. Also, don’t leave if no one is interacting with your charas. I’ll help you along by getting you near to my charas or helping you get close to other charas.
    Adding on, if you’re gonna be gone for awhile, TELL ME!

    4) Swearing is allowed. Just don’t use it too often really. Romance and Violence is encouraged too. You’re dead people; you GOTTA be pissed off at that?

    5) I have the right to not let you into the thread, kick you out of the thread and make and remove rules as I deem necessary. But I don’t do this much.

    6) No spamming/flaming in this thread. I had it in my last thread and I was VERY pissed off. Adding on, whoever does it gets a warning.

    7) Read the other person’s post properly. If you don’t understand just ask them in OOC form or RP form.

    8) Try to stay in chara and act your age. Joking around - fun - but annoying if all the time. NO CYBERING. You’re all dead in this game. The Reapers are busy trying to kill ya, the Players are busy surviving. No time for it.

    9) Please try to stay active!

    10) I have a three strikes, you’re out! System. Breaking any of these rules 3 times then you’re out. If you do not leave after I’ve asked you nicely then I will have to bring staff into it which I DON’T wanna do.

    11) STICK to the story. I don’t like having to shove a stick up the lost sheepie’s arse to set it back on track. If you REALLY do stray, BE WARNED: Minions like sheepies >:3

    12) This RP moves together. I don’t wanna be unfair to anyone on this thread due to this. When I move the day along from 1 to 2, IT CHANGES LIKE THAT; No one will still be doing Day 1’s task anymore. To be fair on this, the people who miss this time skip will still be alive. They decide to be erased or if I’m kicking them out, I’ll send a Reaper to erase them.

    13) THE TRUE KEY is automatic side-host. Second in charge, if I’m gone, he takes over. Deal, done. :3

    Got any ideas for the RP? PM me, I’m free to take suggestions.




    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Name: Rhian
    Age: 14
    Personality: Happy-go-lucky, naïve and rash but very shy. Has a short temper and can be very anti-social; takes a lot for her to open up.
    Cause of death: Was shot by someone.
    History before death: She lived with her parents but hardly saw them. She hung around by herself a lot, making her a slight loner. Going for a walk in the RG, she was shot.
    What you gave up: Memories
    Pins: Black Pin, Psychokinesis, Cure Drink, Sexy Beam and Ichimonji

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Name: Yukio
    Age: 17
    Personality: Calm and mature, he’s always smiling.
    Cause of death: He won’t say
    History before death: He won’t say
    What you gave up: He won’t say
    Pins: He never seems to fight.

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Name: Lelouch
    Age: 18
    Personality: Cocky and sly, he is a small womaniser. He always seems to be very calm and hardly ever gets annoyed. Sometimes he gives small hints to the players.
    What you gave up: Humanity
    Ability: Able to erase players

    Username: xXRhian+RoxasXx
    Name: Rhyme
    Age: 18
    Personality: Arrogant, easily annoyed and fairly biitchy. She always seems to be very annoyed at the players and loves erasing them.
    What you gave up: Humanity
    Ability: Able to erase players

    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Ayra
    Age: 16
    Personality: Quiet, clever, tries to hide emotion, lonely
    Cause of death: Electrocution
    History before death: (Can't remember any of this) Had a loving family and a tight group of friends but got picked on a lot.
    What she gave up: Memories
    Pins: Cure Drink, Eyes full of Hope, Lighting Moon, Long Live the Ice

    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Tera
    Age: 11
    Personality: Shy and scared but strong willed.
    Cause of death: Huricane.
    History before death: Happy and energetic. She was always friendsly and the center of attention.
    What you gave up: Memory
    Pins: Thunderbolt, Cure Drink, Lightning Moon.

    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Kisuke
    Age: 18
    Personality: Immature and carefree. Always jokes around but gets serious on important thing.
    Cause of death: Unsolved Murder.
    History before death: Same but now has more sense.
    What you gave up: Control.
    Pins: Ichimonji, Eyes full of Hope, Sexy Beam.

    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Miku
    Age: 16
    Personality: Happy and caring. Friendly to all and knows and put work before play.
    Cause of death: Suicide.
    History before death: Very depressed and lonely. Gone mad.
    What you gave up: Love.
    Pins: Long live the Ice, Octo Squeeze, Psychokinesis.

    Username: kairigirl22
    Name: Ayame
    Age: 16
    Personality: Even though she's older she's cute, she can be ditsy and falls a lot but when she puts her mind to something it usually comes out well. She's very caring and can't stand to see other people hurt, she'll always put someone else before herself.
    Cause of death: While riding home from school with her older brother on his motorcycle, he loses control and crashes head on into another car, the crash kills only her, her brother and everyone one else in the other car survives.
    History before death: Her parents were pastry chiefs and owned their own bakery which her family lived above of. She's always been a good cook and when her parents were home she cooked for her older brother who hadn't inherited the trait. Her brother and her were very close and did just about everything together. He was super protective of her since she was so ditsy.
    What you gave up: The bracelet her brother gave to her on her fifth birthday
    Pins: Cure Drink, Long Live the Ice, Lightning Moon, Psychokinesis

    Username: sora is cute(I keep forgetting to get it changed ><; )
    Name: She calls herself EAM, or Mage, and doesn't like to reveal her past.
    Age: 14, though she acts very mature sometimes.
    Personality: Very serious. The Reapers Game doesn't seem to be much of a shocker to her then the other players. She also feels pain towards the sound of a violin. She talks with a bird plush she kept in real life named Parma. She will also hand around statues and talk with them.
    Cause of death: Heart Attack from painful memories
    History before death: She loved to role-play, and is fairly well and hiding emotions, she was much of a nagging mother. She grew up with a sister and a mom, mother divorced twice. She is also a novice artist and novice writer. She also had claimed in her life a few times that she was excellent at TinPin Slammer, and played The Game a few times.
    What you gave up: Her real name
    Pins: Masume, Cure Drink, Psychokenisis, Ichimonji
    Appearance: She has very long dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She has bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. She is very skinny and can go without food for a while. She usually has on her red and soft red sweatjacket hoodie, if not, it's tied around her waist. She has a black and purple striped short sleeve shirt, and black sweatpants. Wearing sneakers enables her to run slower then when she's wearing only socks. She also has 3 scars across her right eye, 2 neck scars from what seems like she was beheaded twice, a circular scar on her left hand, and a scar on her stomach and back, as if she was stabbed through the stomach and it didn't kill her.

    Username: cstar7777
    Name: Farah
    Age: 10
    Personality: Shy but Friendly
    Cause of death: She was happily frolicking with her younger brother when she tripped and fell off a cliff.
    History before death: Farah lived with her little brother Robert and her older sister Emilee since her parents ditched them when Robert was born. When Emilee started working, Farah became in charge of Robert, Robert couldn't smell and was deaf, and could only recognize Farah by her face, not by smell, and not by voice.
    What you gave up: appearance
    Pins: Cure Drink

    Username: cstar7777
    Name: Colleen
    Age: 13
    Personality: She was friendly and loving, but now her personality is blank.
    Cause of death: She was walking home from school when she got hit by a car.
    History before death: Colleen loved basically everything about life. At age 11 she got a boyfriend and was in the popular crowd, but she also hung out with the people in the out-crowd more than the in-crowd.
    What you gave up: Emotions
    Pins: Lightning Moon

    Username: cstar7777
    Name: November
    Age: 16
    Personality: Shy and Lonely
    Cause of death:
    / Murdered
    History before death: November always sat at the edge of the high school in free period writing poetry and closing her eyes to feel the wind blow against her. She had no friends and felt as through she could keep herself happy if she wrote poetry.
    What you gave up: Humanity
    Pins: Eyes full of Hope

    Username: Lovely Phantasmagoria
    Name: Yui
    Age: 15
    Personality: unsociable, not so friendly, respectful (if you respect her), no she is NOT emo.
    Cause of death: One of the unlucky people who died in an arson.
    History before death: Never was too sociable, people wouldn't even notice that she was there until they look at her closely.
    What you gave up: emotions
    Pins: Cure Drink, Earthshake, Sexy Beam, Psychokinesis

    Name: Micheal
    Age: 15
    Personality: Kind, happy, and shy
    Cause of death: Sawed in half :3
    History before death: Micheal was a kind, shy boy. He met Rhian at his school and talked to her a lot. One day, while walking home, Micheal was kidnapped. He was taken to a saw mill (This is the best part) and was sawed in half, slowly.
    What you gave up: Memories
    Pins: Black Pin, Masamune, Sexy Beam, Psychokinesis, Thunderbolt

    Name: Lucifer
    Age: 18
    Personality: Evil and insane, loves fighting the players for no reason What you gave up: Humanity
    Ability: Able to erase players (Loves saying, "Delete" while doing so)

    Username: Alpha Sonix
    Name: Daisuke
    Age: 17
    Personality: Energetic and fun, smart and brave.
    Cause of death: Killed while trying to defend someone in a train station.
    History before death: Studied in one of the best High Schools in Tokyo and used to live with his Cousins as he family had died in a car crash. Wanted to become a Policeman.
    What you gave up: Memory
    Pins: Long Live the Ice, Eyes full of Hope, Natural Magnum, Ichimonji

    Username: TheDeadGuy
    Name: Darten
    Age: 17
    Personality: Straight Forward, Cool
    Cause of Death: Assassination Attempt #78 Failed, Fell of a Building Trying to Escape.
    History Before Death: A Assassin, Not too good or Bad he works for the Yakuza.
    What he Gave up: The Ability to Speak
    Pins: Eyes Full of Hope, Long Live the Ice, Natural Magnum, Ichimonji
    Appearance: Wears a Black T-shirt and a Military Style Jacket, Blue Jeans, Black Running Shoes, Black Hair, Green Eyes, and a Scar on his Right Arm.
  2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Tera
    Age: 11
    Personality: Shy and scared but strong willed.
    Cause of death: Huricane.
    History before death: Happy and energetic. She was always friendsly and the center of attention.
    What you gave up: Memory
    Pins: Thunderbolt, Cure Drink, Lightning Moon.

    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Kisuke
    Age: 18
    Personality: Immature and carefree. Always jokes around but gets serious on important thing.
    Cause of death: Unsolved Murder.
    History before death: Same but now has more sense.
    What you gave up: Control.
    Pins: Ichimonji, Eyes full of Hope, Sexy Beam.

    Username: moshimoshi!!!
    Name: Miku
    Age: 16
    Personality: Happy and caring. Friendly to all and knows and put work before play.
    Cause of death: Suicide.
    History before death: Very depressed and lonely. Gone mad.
    What you gave up: Love.
    Pins: Long live the Ice, Octo Squeeze, Psychokinesis.
  3. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    May I join?

    Username: kairigirl22
    Name: Ayame
    Age: 16
    Personality: Even though she's older she's cute, she can be ditsy and falls a lot but when she puts her mind to something it usually comes out well. She's very caring and can't stand to see other people hurt, she'll always put someone else before herself.
    Cause of death: While riding home from school with her older brother on his motorcycle, he loses control and crashes head on into another car, the crash kills only her, her brother and everyone one else in the other car survives.
    History before death: Her parents were pastry chiefs and owned their own bakery which her family lived above of. She's always been a good cook and when her parents were home she cooked for her older brother who hadn't inherited the trait. Her brother and her were very close and did just about everything together. He was super protective of her since she was so ditsy.
    What you gave up: The bracelet her brother gave to her on her fifth birthday
    Pins: Cure Drink, Long Live the Ice, Lightning Moon, Psychokinesis
  4. khmage1918 King's Apprentice

    Mar 2, 2007
    In the Circle
    Username: sora is cute(I keep forgetting to get it changed ><; )
    Name: She calls herself EAM, or Mage, and doesn't like to reveal her past.
    Age: 14, though she acts very mature sometimes.
    Personality: Very serious. The Reapers Game doesn't seem to be much of a shocker to her then the other players. She also feels pain towards the sound of a violin. She talks with a bird plush she kept in real life named Parma. She will also hand around statues and talk with them.
    Cause of death: Heart Attack from painful memories
    History before death: She loved to role-play, and is fairly well and hiding emotions, she was much of a nagging mother. She grew up with a sister and a mom, mother divorced twice. She is also a novice artist and novice writer. She also had claimed in her life a few times that she was excellent at TinPin Slammer, and played The Game a few times.
    What you gave up: Her real name
    Pins: Masume, Cure Drink, Psychokenisis, Ichimonji
    Appearance: She has very long dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She has bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. She is very skinny and can go without food for a while. She usually has on her red and soft red sweatjacket hoodie, if not, it's tied around her waist. She has a black and purple striped short sleeve shirt, and black sweatpants. Wearing sneakers enables her to run slower then when she's wearing only socks. She also has 3 scars across her right eye, 2 neck scars from what seems like she was beheaded twice, a circular scar on her left hand, and a scar on her stomach and back, as if she was stabbed through the stomach and it didn't kill her.
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Username: cstar7777
    Name: Farah
    Age: 10
    Personality: Shy but Friendly
    Cause of death: She was happily frolicking with her younger brother when she tripped and fell off a cliff.
    History before death: Farah lived with her little brother Robert and her older sister Emilee since her parents ditched them when Robert was born. When Emilee started working, Farah became in charge of Robert, Robert couldn't smell and was deaf, and could only recognize Farah by her face, not by smell, and not by voice.
    What you gave up: appearance
    Pins: Cure Drink

    Username: cstar7777
    Name: Colleen
    Age: 13
    Personality: She was friendly and loving, but now her personality is blank.
    Cause of death: She was walking home from school when she got hit by a car.
    History before death: Colleen loved basically everything about life. At age 11 she got a boyfriend and was in the popular crowd, but she also hung out with the people in the out-crowd more than the in-crowd.
    What you gave up: Emotions
    Pins: Lightning Moon

    Username: cstar7777
    Name: November
    Age: 16
    Personality: Shy and Lonely
    Cause of death:
    / Murdered
    History before death: November always sat at the edge of the high school in free period writing poetry and closing her eyes to feel the wind blow against her. She had no friends and felt as through she could keep herself happy if she wrote poetry.
    What you gave up: Humanity
    Pins: Eyes full of Hope
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
  7. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    All accepted! :3

    Woop, we can start when 1 or 2 more join.
  8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    Yay! I wait. :3

  9. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Username: TheDeadGuy
    Name: Darten
    Age: 17
    Personality: Straight Forward, Cool
    Cause of Death: Assassination Attempt #78 Failed, Fell of a Building Trying to Escape.
    History Before Death: A Assassin, Not too good or Bad he works for the Yakuza.
    What he Gave up: The Ability to Speak
    Pins: Eyes Full of Hope, Long Live the Ice, Natural Magnum, Ichimonji
    Appearance: Wears a Black T-shirt and a Military Style Jacket, Blue Jeans, Black Running Shoes, Black Hair, Green Eyes, and a Scar on his Right Arm.
  10. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Username: Alpha Sonix
    Name: Daisuke
    Age: 17
    Personality: Energetic and fun, smart and brave.
    Cause of death: Killed while trying to defend someone in a train station.
    History before death: Studied in one of the best High Schools in Tokyo and used to live with his Cousins as he family had died in a car crash. Wanted to become a Policeman.
    What you gave up: Memory
    Pins: Long Live the Ice, Eyes full of Hope, Natural Magnum, Ichimonji
  11. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    Username: The True Key

    Name: Micheal

    Age: 15

    Personality: Kind, happy, and shy

    Cause of death: Sawed in half :3

    History before death: Micheal was a kind, shy boy. He met Rhian at his school and talked to her a lot. One day, while walking home, Micheal was kidnapped. He was taken to a saw mill (This is the best part) and was sawed in half, slowly.

    What you gave up: Memories

    Pins: Black Pin, Masamune, Sexy Beam, Psychokinesis, Thunderbolt

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Name: Lucifer

    Age: 18

    Personality: Evil and insane, loves fighting the players for no reason

    What you gave up: Humanity

    Ability: Able to erase players (Loves saying, "Delete" while doing so)

    Appearance: [​IMG]
  12. Lovely Phantasmagoria Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 10, 2009
    crappp. ; w ;
    Username: Lovely Phantasmagoria
    Name: Yui
    Age: 15
    Personality: unsociable, not so friendly, respectful (if you respect her), no she is NOT emo.
    Cause of death: One of the unlucky people who died in an arson.
    History before death: Never was too sociable, people wouldn't even notice that she was there until they look at her closely.
    What you gave up: emotions
    Pins: Cure Drink, Earthshake, Sexy Beam, Psychokinesis
  13. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    OOC: -glomps Micheal- Curse you, you made him CUTE :3
    Accepted, we can start!


    Rhixan's eyes opened and she sat up, looking around. Huh? The Crossroads.... What the fuuck am I doing here?
  14. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    OOC: How to start....

    Tera looked up. She was tired and more needed sleep. "So tired..."

    Kisuke was skipping around, goofy as usually and not caring about anything or even the fact that he didn't know where he was.

    "Where?" Miku stared at here hands.
  15. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    The first thing Ayra remembered was her throbbing headache when she woke up. Her eyes fluttered open and she loooked around trying to figure out where she was and how she'd got there. She frowned, she couldn't remember anything. She seemed to be at some sort of a crossroads, she rubbed her head as she groggily got up.
  16. Lovely Phantasmagoria Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 10, 2009
    crappp. ; w ;
    Yui woke up with a throbbing head as she slowly opened her emerald eyes, "Where am I?" She looked around her, "I'm in... some sort of crossroads?" She looked for any sign of life, "Is this some sort of joke?"
  17. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Rhixan stood up and looked around, frowning. Looking at a guy in a business suit, he seemed to be trying to sell some pin.

    This is useless. I can't sell this pin!

    Shrugging, she walked up to him and stared at him.
    The guy stared right through her.
    Blinking, Rhixan gasped. Holy shiit! I'm invisible!
    Her phone rang. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her phone.
    Make the red pin one of the hottest things around.
    Fail, and face erasure.
    - The Reapers

    "How cute. Buh-bye spam." Rhixan deleted the message.
  18. Lovely Phantasmagoria Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 10, 2009
    crappp. ; w ;
    Yui scratched the back of her head, not knowing what to do... then her cellphone buzzed, "W-what?"
  19. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Daisuke woke up and waited for his eyes to focus again. He slowly looked around him. He seemed to be in some sort of... Crossroads? Yes, that was it. He stood up slowly but shakily trying to view his surrounding, he put his hand to his head. "Oh, what a headache. Where am I?"
  20. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    T.era layed back inorder to fall asleep again. She was close to sleeping when just jump up at the vibration of her phone. "Damn it..." She placed her phone to the side and laid back down.

    Kisuke continued skipping, admiring the pretty ladies he saw around. "This is so great."

    Miku continued to stare at her hand.
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