Eh, I have been with some creativity problems xD, but I finally maded something that I actually like :3. Don´t post unless you are going to critique =\. CnC please?
I must say, I am jealous of your abilities and skills in Photoshop. You really make me want to learn more and get further into doing better Photoshop work. Really great job ! ( God, that FFXIII is ... I can't describe it fully, but I'll use orgasmic. )
First one: Still not to hot with the colors, and dude seriously, what's with you and floral patterns? xD There seems to be too much color over the render. Also a lack of blending. Different colored borders kinda make my eyes go crazy. Second: Love it. Lighting and effects are great. Not too many negative things I can say here. Keep up the awesome work, dude. :3
Yeah, I know what you mean about the first one, I had a hard time with the colors xD, and I like florar patters ;-;. Probably I could try blending the stock a little. Yeah, I love the second one too XD. Thanks =D.
Yeeessss that is soo awesome :D okay...lets see..for the first one i'm not sure how I feel about the sides and how there just plain borders and quite large. Although it does go well with the style of the sig so I geuss it's alright. Theres also good depth I like how you got the flower thing to go over and under his right hand. I can't really say anything wrong though, it seems pretty cool. 2nd one. Well same thing for the border. Maybe make it a bit smaller..although that could make it just look horrible so nv. Well on the right side of the sig where it has the yellow line coming out of Neku and it goes right to the top of the sig looks kinda weird. Well not that part but were you have the daker purple clash with the lighter pink it looks kinda odd. That's about it though, great job
your brilliant, even when your on a block. Overall, the colors are beautiful and they blend in with the pic very well. My only prob. would be the lines on the rite side of the first sig. The fact that it's wavy makes it seem sort of displaced. Maybe you could replace that with some kind of sprite or something, idk.
1st: I very much like this one. Could use more color though. Add some light oranges (small amounts, at differing opacities preferably). 2nd: This one is pretty nice too. But again, add more color variation. It looks like you added a gradient map over the whole thing with 1 light color and 1 dark color and set it on lighten or screen. lol
Yeah, I know what you mean, but everytime I try to change the colors on both, they turn too monotone DX. And for the second one, I added like 6 adjustement layers, dammit xD. Probably I´ll change both to BW if I can´t make the colors work. I´ll update this as soon as I can make it work. Thanks for the CnC, everyone =D.
Love the colors on the second one, not so sure about the first though. A little too much neon pink :P I don't think it'd be that bad, actually, if there weren't alternating colors in the first banner, on either side; the pink and blue? That's the only thing I'm not sure about, maybe not do that whole cut adn paste thing you did w/ Neku's torso and arms. It's too subtle to be a bold effect, but if you do it too much it might look odd =/ Other than that, really nice :) The second one is amazing. EDIT : No, the second one's great :D Don't change it at all
I honestly tried the best I could with the colors and blending XD, I left that bar because somehow it bugged me =\. I kind of disliked the green splotch in the right, so I turned it into BW.
1st one's better, but I still liked the origional of the 2nd sig though =/ Black and white it doesn't stand out enough; I didnt even notice it for a long time :P