I prefer Athens. They were doing good in the 2nd pelopenision war. Lol Sparta would always try to make a peace treaty with Athens
Sparta attempted to make peace with Athens about 4 maybe 3 times yet Athens still refused. Plus they had the best Naval Power.
Athens dominated the Delian League, the defense from Persian invasion. As such they believed they had more right to the treasury and it was allegedly thought that they used the money to rebuild their Acropolis. Sparta tried to take them on, but they had to innovate their war tactics and built a navy. They defeated the Athenians, and the rest is all Greek to me...
Yes, I do blame Alcibiates the Athen leader. He abandon Athens and went to Sparta. Several years later he retread to Persia because he impregnate the Spartan Leaders wife. Then he retread back to Athens so that he can't restore them. Last he retreaded back to Persia. What a p****
What source are you obtaining your information? I don't recall that. All I remember about betrayal was a Spartan named Ephialtes, that joined the Persians and revealed the rearward path to Xerxes, in which gave the Persians the upper hand against the 300 Spartans under Leonidas. Thus the end of the Battle of Thermopylae and the burning of Athens.
I go to Military History, best class I ever signed up in. I think your talking about another individual. Alcibiates was a great Athens leader yet he betrayed them and joined Sparta. I forgot what year that was in. Plus when he was with Persia his idea was to have Persia support the loosing side between Athens and Sparta. I'm enjoying this conversation of the Greek history, arnt you?
Most indeed my good sir, very interesting. Hm after reading up a bit on Alcibiades, seemed like quite a floater of allegiance. Interesting how he went to the Persians, even though by this time I believe the Greeks have a stronghold by keeping them at bay from further expansion. As you know, once a ruling empire, state, et cetera begins a stage of expansionism, they can't go back or regress. But the Persians sure did try to keep knocking on their door. I particularly find an interest when the Macedonians come down and pretty much "b!tch slap" the Greeks. Gotta Love Phillip II of Macedon. Course his son was pretty great. ;D
Ha ha ha ha I agree lol. There were like Greek Hillbillies. Who was it that was a prisoner and watched the army? trained