The Weapons Of Legend

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TwilightBlader, Jul 1, 2008.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Once a long time ago there lived a man named Versago. Versago was A kind and gentle person until one day he was corupted by a evil inside him and became evil himself. Versago's power was extreamly powerful and nobody could stand up to him. He covered the world in darkness for a long time. All had lost hope until a group of brave warriors stood up against Versago. Each of the warriors had their own special weapon that they used against Versago and together they defeated and sealed him away and brought the world to peace.

    It is now the year 2008 and everything is normal. People still hear about the legend of Versago and treat it as just a legend. A group of boys find a book indicating that if they followed those steps a great evil will be unleashed. The boys thought this was a joke and did as the book said but unfortunatly Versago was set free and killed everybody in the town. The police are confused about what happened unaware of Versago's return. Now with the warriors that sealed him away gone its up to their decendants to find their ancestors weapons and destroy Versago

    You will have to RP as someone 14-18 and your character has to live a normal life meaning they go to school and things like that. They will soon learn about the special powers they can use and soon get their weapons. You can either play as a hero or a villan who works for Versago. If you are a villan you can be whatever age. If any questions ask me

    Good or Evil:
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later):
    Played By:

    Name: Seth
    Age: 18
    Personality: Calm, quiet and shy
    Good or Evil: Good
    Power: Beams, quick movements and sheilds
    Weapon of Legend: A huge broadsword known as the Blade of Obliteration
    Bio: His parents died in a car accident and now lives with his uncle who doesn't really care about him
    Played by: Twilightblader

    Name: Rik
    Age: 15
    Appearance: black trousers and a purple top with a black coat over the top, black boots and black hair with blonde ends shoulder length and red eyes very pale skin tone
    Personality: A very crude and cold person even though when he's nice he gives them a slightly insulting nickname.
    Good or Evil: good
    Power: multiple abilities using dark energy
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): A long katana (Nodachi) called the Sword of Dragons.
    Bio: He was orphaned as a child when his parents died in a car crash and was raised in Japan even though his parents where Irish, he has mastered the sword and is his schools Kendo champion.
    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind

    Name: Alice
    Age: 17
    Personality: Can be shy until she gets to know someone. She is very kind and always sticks to her word.
    Good or Evil: Good.
    Power: Multiple attacks of Light and can use white magic.
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): Hikari Soya, arrows that are infused with Light, which are extremely sharp and can pierce armor.
    Bio: Has lived a pretty normal life, she is like most other teenage girls, besides the fact that she is different in more than one way.
    Played By: sorafangirl

    Name: Leon
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Long brown hair, amber-coloured eyes, tan skin, black leather trench coat, black pants, leather boots, and black fingerless gloves.
    Personality: Unpredictable.
    Good or Evil: Good
    Power: High speed, wind, and light.
    Weapon of Legend: A greatsword called "Grande Mundus" (Grand World or Eldest World)
    Bio: He's perplexed. Leon doesn't do much. He's lazy, sits around, sleep, eat... Anything a lazy teenager would do. He dresses oddly, but he doesn't care. He is what he is. Leon loves the way he is, but has a strange melancholy that he constantly masks with many different things. He's... complicated. The biggest question is: What kind of past does he hide?
    Played By: Sessamaru

    Name: Kimikia
    Age: 17
    Personality: She is a kind girl who likes to be a little rough around the edges
    Good or Evil: Good
    Power: Can use Water and Ice
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): Sais Blades called "Twin Killers"
    Bio: She grew up a rather normal life, but doesn't let her past keep her down
    Played By: Cucpake

    Name: rozardo (but friends call him rexejon)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: a relaxed one
    Good or Evil: good
    Power: darkness, manipulation time,blood and absorbation from weapons (then he can turn his arms into blades)
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): blood nobody's heart [​IMG]
    Bio: his parents where murdered infront of his eyes and lives by his grandparents, he likes to learn about legends and ancient stuff
    Played By: overload

    Name: Ryang
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: a bit of a loner but confident, kind
    Good or Evil: Good
    Power: he can control aura
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): the crimson blade- a weapon of extreme power that amplifies the users aura and its control
    Bio: his family was killed by Versago when he was on a school trip when he found his family was killed he vowed revenge on them and set out to find a legendary weapon to use agaist Versago
    Played By: NeoJecht

    Name: Akua
    Age: 16
    Appearance: (on card)
    Personality: Good most of the time but gets ticked off easily
    Good or Evil: Good
    Power: Light and Water
    Weapon of Legend: Neptunes Wrath (A blue blade that lets him control all bodies of water)
    Bio: His family was kill by his uncle who was later sent to prison
    Played By: Akua WaterDragonKing.

    Name: archie
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: nice but has also a ego
    Good or Evil: good
    Power: thunder,quick recovery
    Weapon of Legend : double blades called, wrath of the gods: [​IMG]
    Bio: is bet friend of rexejon, he and his family knew longer of his and rexejon's power but he and his family didn't talk about it much, together with his 1 year younger sister he tries to help rexejon
    Played By: overload

    Name: klarinette but the call her klari
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: nice and shy sometimes
    Good or Evil: good
    Power: fire,ice, poison
    Weapon of Legend: a scythe called the poisones fiery ice shard
    Bio:a good friend of rexejon and little sister of archie, in the years that klarinette knew rexejon, she gained feelings for him and now she tries to help him as much as she can
    Played By: overload

    Name: Jet
    Age: 15
    Personality: Sarcastic, Funny; but goes beserk when someone tries to hurt him or his loved ones.
    Good or Evil: Used to be Evil, Now good.
    Power: Darkness
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): [​IMG] (One in each hand, combine to make one) It's name is 'Mako'
    Bio: A young boy who was trained by Versago along time ago, and had become evil. He was trapped in his weapon "Mako" and was set free. Now he is good and fighting alongside our heroes to defeat him.
    Played By: Ven The Keyblade Master

    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality:quiet, calm
    Good or Evil: Evil
    Power:Power to control darkness(similar to the dark side of the force from star wars,choke lighting, summoning montsers,etc.)
    Weapon: The Blade of Hades or Inferno Blade (whichever sounds coolest)
    Bio:He was a young boy who lost his home due to the distruction Versago had caused. Versago found him and made him his secret apprentice. Soon his heart became filled with hatred and evil. When Versago was sealed away Lexamus turned himself to stone and waited for his master to become free. The day Versago was set free he secretly awakened his apprentice from his slumber and he rejuvinated his apprentice's power.
    Played By:lexamus

    Name: Versago
    Age: ?
    Personality: Cold and ruthless
    Good or Evil: Evil
    Power: Unknown for now
    Weapon of Legend : Unknown for know
    Bio: Everthing is all ready explained
    Played By: Twilightblader

    Name: Delab
    Age: ?
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm guy
    Good or Evil: Evil
    Power: Unknown
    Weapon of Legend :Unknown
    Bio: Loyal Minion of Versago
    Played By: twilightblader

    Name: Vesen
    Age: ?
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Crazy and hyper
    Good or Evil: Evil
    Power: Unknown
    Weapon of Legend : Unknown
    Bio: Loyal Minion of Versago
    Played By: twilightblader
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    i'm totaly in

    Name: Rik
    Age: 15
    Appearance: black trousers and a purple top with a black coat over the top, black boots and black hair with blonde ends shoulder length and red eyes very pale skin tone
    Personality: A very crude and cold person even though when he's nice he gives them a slightly insulting nickname.
    Good or Evil: good
    Power: multiple abilities using dark energy
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): A long katana (Nodachi) called the Sword of Dragons.
    Bio: He was orphaned as a child when his parents died in a car crash and was raised in Japan even though his parents where Irish, he has mastered the sword and is his schools Kendo champion.
  3. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Name: Alice
    Age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: She is pretty shy, but kind of outgoing, it really depends on who she is talking to. But she seems to blush some what often.
    Good or Evil: Good.
    Power: Multiple attacks of Light and can use white magic also uses a sort of sheild that she can "stretch" out to protect others. She has not obtained the sheild yet, but she has been working on it, which is why she has been kept to herself lately.
    Weapon of Legend (if you are good and will obtain later): Hikari Soya, arrows that are infused with Light, which are extremely sharp and can pierce armor.
    Bio: Has lived a pretty normal life, she moved to this town to live with her mother, when her father got re-married she found it to be an escape. She is a little clumsy but yet graceful as well.
  4. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Name: Leon
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Long brown hair, amber-coloured eyes, tan skin, black leather trench coat, black pants, leather boots, and black fingerless gloves.
    Personality: Unpredictable.
    Good or Evil: Good
    Power: High speed, wind, and light.
    Weapon of Legend: A greatsword called "Grande Mundus" (Grand World or Eldest World)
    Bio: He's perplexed. Leon doesn't do much. He's lazy, sits around, sleep, eat... Anything a lazy teenager would do. He dresses oddly, but he doesn't care. He is what he is. Leon loves the way he is, but has a strange melancholy that he constantly masks with many different things. He's... complicated. The biggest question is: What kind of past does he hide?
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Ok you guys are in and I must add that you guys choose awsome names for your weapons
  6. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Yay! When can we start?
  7. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    well since im so exicted about this I guess now

    Seth had gotten up from bed and got ready for school
  8. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Alice climbed out of bed and got ready for school.
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth got outside after finishing breakfast and waited for the bus. He yawned
  10. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Alice grabbed a piece of toast off of the table and went outside, she walked over to her car and got inside and began driving to school.
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth managed to get to school and yawned again. At school Seth was a loner due to his shyness.
  12. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Alice parked her car then got out, she walked inside.
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth walked in the school also. HE was reading a book when all of a sudden he bumped into Alice " oh Im so sorry" Blade said
  14. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    "It's fine, no harm done." Alice said.
  15. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Leon rested against his locker, bored and tired, a book in his lap. Time has went by. How much time? He didn't know. Hell, he didn't even look at his alarm clock! He rested, not caring to be late to class. Besides, he loved to be fashionably late. It was just his style. His long brown hair swept across his chest, his drool running past his lips in an instant. He was carefree, tired, and just... well... one of a kind. A jack of all trades! He rested. Dreamed, even.
  16. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik was already at school since he had to go practice with the kendo club, that started a few months ago and he had already becaome the best there from his experience in Japan.
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Seth headed straight for class looking back at Alice. He had a crush on her for a long time but was too shy to ask her out. Seth walked into the class and put his head down on the desk and fell asleep as he normally does
  18. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Rik went into his first class, he sat right at the back and was leaning on his chair looking out the window.
  19. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Alice walked to her locker and got her things, then walked to her first class and took a seat.
  20. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    OOC: ignore this post :P i've got rid of it anyway
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