The War for Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nymph of Destiny, Sep 23, 2007.

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  1. OOC: Wow o_O. Everyone just logged off...

    "Interesting, yes..." Larxene repeated to herself, as she crossed her arms and gazed at him, the tone making her wonder just to what species he was talking to. "You're very descriptive, Zexy."

    Maybe he's just descriptive of you. And he was very much before in that room...

    Larxene scowled at Adhira's sly remark. Shut. Up. And stop exploring my mind! That was none of your business!

    Ignoring her cat, irritated, she rose a eyebrow at Zexion suspiciously, she brushed it off, setting her blue eyes on the battle going on in the room. She had the urge of getting in there so bad, and fight, hone her skills. "Can we interrupt? I mean, why do Axel and Roxas get to have all the fun?"
  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    39's really going to get quiet again...although this RP always was pretty

    Glancing at the ongoing battle, Zexion remarked, "Roxas needs to learn to master his abilities and, although I'd love to, it wouldn't be fair to have more than two fight our two opposing enemies. Master Ansem wouldn't approve of that..."
  3. Dawn King's Apprentice

    "I apologize Aerith. You are Final Fantasy's robot servants, which makes us enemies. It is even hard to believe you guys even have a wish for no violence." He replies. "There is no other solution since we want to protect our home while you guys want to take over it."
  4. "Oh, I'm sorry," Larxene remarked in a mockingly disgusting tone, hearing that man's name, flipping her hand in a flamboyant way. "Mr. Ansem doesn't approve, so we shouldn't do it, Mr. Ansem can't let us do this, Mr. Ansem blah, blah, Mr. Ansem can burn in hell."

    She had snarled the last part, wishing more thingd worse than that to happen to that despicable human being. Argh, if she got her hands on him right now, she will make good use of those kunai at this moment. She was bored and itching to hurt anyway. Though Larxene did understand why Zexion spoke so highly of him, from what he told her before. Didn't stop her from hating that man though

    Roxas stood there, watching as Axel, and what he now knew now as Aerith, were ready to fight, yet both are hesitating. But his battle was with this dumb keyblade master, a pathetic fighter with no honor if you asked him, but still a opponent to be taken care of. And if he could make a shield, he was sure he could do other magic as well.

    He waited patiently, wondering what this Xehanort would do next. It was interesting in the fact that it was battle of keyblades, though he still was confused on how he knew Reflect.
  5. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Aerith bit her lower lip, seeming slightly offended at being called a 'robot servant' but made no mention of it.
    "I did not say the others do not want violence," she said, slowly. "I only said that I wished I did not have to fight...but of course, several others want the same. If this could be done peacefully, they would. And they do have their reasons for wanting to take over it...not merely for conquest."

    Zexion looked at Larxene sharply. "I can understand why you bear some sort of resentment for Ansem but you must understand...he is kinder...more magnanimous...than some of the others here...and I do not wish for you to harm all."
  6. Dawn King's Apprentice

    "Now what do you want to do with our own team?" He asks her then turns to face Roxas and Xehanort. "We started the fight and we should end it. Which way do you propose?" His hands still held onto his chakrams.
  7. Roxas took a side glance at Axel, but went back to place his eyes on Xehanort, not trusting him completely on a peace offering. He gripped his keyblades. "I think it depends. If Aerith doesn't want to fight, fine, but I don't think is the same with this guy here."

    "Harm him? What ever made you think I'd do that?" Larxene bit back sarcastically, waving a hand as she rested sideways into the wall. She was planning to find out where he slept and make him have a little accident, and she still could, not like Zexion can stop her. "If I will, I do. You can't do anything, and it might be unexpected. " It was then she eyed him, pondering over who else Ansem had hired to work with him. "By the way, who else were in this turn humans into mutants project? I doubt he did it alone. Of course, being his assistant, you probably helped."

    Adhira just stared at her carefully, inwardly sighing.
  8. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "But I have to..." Aerith said, looking down. "And I suppose...I matter what I doesn't matter what I desire or want, I must comply to what my superiors, carrying out their orders peacefully..."

    "I help with the formulas and taking care of them when they fall into a coma," Zexion said, glancing at her. "I never choose who to turn into a supersoldier, nor do I inject the formula into them. And although I'm sure you'd love to know who else is involved, I would find it to be precarious to many of us here if you were to know." He turned to her. "And not harm Master Ansem...he is not the main cause of what happened to you..."
  9. "So you're a robot servant in reality?" Roxas remarked offhandedly, not taking his eyes of Xehanort. He wouldn't let another magic attack like that canon surrpise him, or let it get in the way. "Seriously, what they don't know, won't hurt them. Unless, of course, your programmed chip declines the offer. Why don't you try fighting your own self, for once?"

    "Then who is?!" Larxene exclaimed, getting a bit sore with the subject, even though she was the one that started it. She was sure Ansem helped in some way, perhaps funding it, or coming with the creations? She wanted to know who was the sole person, or people, that would do such a thing, who thought of the sick idea. "Can't you tell me who's responsible? And what did Ansem do then, let it happen? Why couldn't they make some type of androids like Final Fantasy had done?"

    She knew she was barraging all these questions at him at once, but she was....frustrated with this whole thing. They did simply pick random people, or those with "X"s? She had noticed that all of the super soldiers' names, had a "X" in them. Zexion, Axel, Roxas, Demyx, Larxene. Though she might be wrong, as she has yet to meet the others. Maybe it was a coincidence she was thinking too strongly on, but decided to voice it out. "And so far, I noted that the people I met have a 'X' in their name. Does this go for all super soldiers? Is that how they pick them?"
  10. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "I...I can't," Aerith said, looking up at Roxas, her eyes glittering slightly with what seemed to be a tear. "I can but....I won't because...I...I just can't..."

    Zexion glanced over at the others battling each other. He knew they were preoccupied yet...he wasn't certain if they could be listening in.
    Taking Larxene's hand, a bit rougher than he intended to, he began to lead her out of the room.
    "Let's talk privately then..." he murmured. "If you must know everything..."
  11. Roxas heaved a sigh, yet concentrated on the old man, giving a small smile, this one directed at Aerith. He reminded himself of what he said before, calling her a machine with no sense of will, but maybe the program can switch if she tried hard enough, confusing the memory inscripted, and alternating it. Or even fry it. Though he honestly got that from a movie, he was not a expert in robotics. "Yes, you can. You're doing it right now. If you couldn't, why are you questioning yourself?"

    Larxene frowned at Zexion's fierce grab, almost startled at his roughness, and was about to to snatched her hand away until Adhira gave her a look. She didn't need to say anything for Larxene to get that if she bites back, that Zexion might not tell her, so in the end, she simply complied grudgingly, walking with him silently in step. When she spoke, her voice was poisonous to him, a bit upset. "Is not that I 'must', is that I want to know who's really responsible for making into this...and I might not kill the precious Ansem that you worship..."'re taking it too far. Don't get him angry.

    He's probably annoyed by now anyway, and I don't care...
  12. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    OCC: oh....okie, I'm really sorry I just logged off internet lost connection....

    She just wondered around the labratory, Intresting.. she hought looking over at lotsa stuff.
  13. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "How patetic, you don´t understand what is suffering, I been living those 200 years with this body, I need a new one, yours..." Xehanort said walking to Roxas, he grabbed him as he smiled.

    Marluxia was still blanked out.
  14. Roxas felt himself being picked up, getting distracted from speaking to Aerith, only to hear what Xehanort was saying. Widening his eyes, he kicked the man hard in the abdomen, and feeling some grip loosen, pushed him with both his legs enough to get out, his feet landing back into the floor, a few feet away. Roxas glared at him, growling. "I think you're going to have to suffer 200 more years."
  15. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ''That's not very nice.''Vincent said grinning as he appeared beside Roxas and Xehanort.
  16. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "You can do this to your OWN leader?" Xehanort asked, darkness circled thought him as he turned into Xemnas.

    Marluxia opened and widened his eyes.
  17. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ''Wow that's different.''Vincent yawned as he watched Xehanort change.
  18. "Too bad I haven't met him yet. You're still Master Xehanort, take your own form or I quit on you" Roxas remarked as he sighed, rolling his eyes. He didn't even know this group had a leader, except for Ansem. He looked to his side to find this man, that eerily reminded him of a vampire, having a red cape, standing next to him, watching.
  19. Knightshade Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 3, 2007
    Twilight Town
    ''Hello.''He said grinning.
  20. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "Hear me, you are number XIII and I am number I, so surrender or..." Xemnas said.

    "You will show us your homo-powers, Mansex?" Marluxia asked and start laughting.
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