The War for Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nymph of Destiny, Sep 23, 2007.

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  1. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Axel allows his right arm twirl as he turns to face them. "I'm always ready." He likes him and his personality despite his young age injected by the special formula. He turns to face the female brunette.
  2. "Could've figured," was all Roxas remarked, giving him a confident side glance with a raised brow, before turning to face his own opponent, for the little while he'll have to fight him. It was weird how he wasn't quiet anymore or silent while everyone spoke. Maybe because he was doing action he was comfortable with, or not lost on what to say. He was never really that meek, just serious, and now he was going to show his true personality.

    He stared at the golden-eyed old man cautiously, aiming his Oblivion point first at him. "Since I respect my 1,000 year old looking elders, why don't you go first?"
  3. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Aerith turned to Axel, smiling sadly. "I didn't mean to bring another in...he just intervened and then decided to join...please understand that..."

    Zexion began to walk down the hallway, glancing over his shoulder to see if Larxene was following.
    "Yes, they are..." he said, a bit suprised she knew what was happening already. "Although why you wanted to fight Axel first, I'm not quite sure..."
  4. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Axel raises an eyebrow, confused between her humble behavior and her order to eliminate all those that are super soldiers. He shook his head violently and lunges at her again then swipes at her wound with both chakrams.
  5. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Aerith, this time, gasped, in surprise that a bit of her wires could be seen underneat the metal, a few electric sparks emitting from it. Despite being an android, she could very much feel, due to the emotional chip implanted within her. Biting her lower lip nervously, she takes a step back, waiting for Axel to lunge at her again.
  6. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    ooc=whats happening and where is my chars again?lol i lost them
  7. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Axel notices sparks flying crazily from her wound. She took a step back painfully, waiting for him to act reckless like before, it seems. He wasn't going to fall for the bait and threw his weapons engulfed in flames to finish off and another hit her deep in the side.
  8. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    OOC: Basically, Axel and Aerith are fighting within...their headquarters somewhere, while Zexion leads Larxene there. Your characters are outside in Twilight Town, walking around the alley...

    This time, Aerith quickly locked onto the chakrams, using her scanners to determine the speed and destination of where they were thrown and swiftly sidestepped it. She wasn't good at fighting such long distance...she needed to get closer to him.
    Rushing forward at a fast speed, she was ready to lunge at him, although her scanners still moved swiftly, still locked onto his weapons to predict where they when and where it would be thrown.
  9. Dawn King's Apprentice

    He growls under his breath as she side-steps. Once they missed their target, his weapons return back to his hand. He teleported behind her and hits her hard on the head with his chakrams then hit again.
  10. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Aerith's sensors had barely been able to detect when Axel had swung at her from behind and had dodged a bit too late...although his weapon had come in contact with her head, its damage was reduced by very slightly.
    Quickly turning, she kicked hard in the stomach, hoping to catch him off guard.
  11. OOC: Roxas is fighting too with his keyblades in all packed, and he knows their names, but not what the actual weapon is called. And he gets the old man to battle with, though Axel and him decided to alternate. If only Chaser007 was here.

    "Axel simply owes me a fight, is all, and I wanted to be the female who got first dibs. Can't deny he's sexily attractive," Larxene explained carelessly, walking beside him as they trudge on forward. "Then there's you. Demyx. That pink haired one wasn't bad either, he had the whole manly handsome vibe going." She now noticed she was blabbering on about a girl topic he couldn't really care less about, and switched. "Anyway...can we just portal?"

    Seriously, if you got a easy way to get there, why not use it?
  12. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Zexion listened to Larxene speak about who was attractive half-interestedly until he heard her ask if they should portal.
    "As I have said before...I rather not reveal my powers," Zexion sighed. "Some people...might start to get suspicious..."
  13. Dawn King's Apprentice

    He grunts a little then his feet drags on the ground. He turns to face up and yells, "Roxas!" He held his stomach but he could feel recovery from his body then turns to stand in front of Xehanort.
  14. Larxene sighed as well, picking up her pace. "Fine then, we better hurry. Though I think they can handle it." She took a breath there, her eyes searching the interiors as they both walked. "I can't wait to find a girl here. Hopefully, she's not weak, or at least carry on a conversation."

    Roxas barely had attacked, ony a few hits, but nodded at Axels' command, and jumped over, dodging a attempted swipe from the old man's key/sword, surprisingly bouncing very high, before he crouched skillfully in front of Aerith. He found this so much fun than what he expected, and was reveling on the drive. He pointed his Oathkeeper at the ready. "Looking a bit wired, there, huh?"

    This fighting was no joke, he knew, but now everyone got to see what his true attitude was. The quiet boy persona seemed so far away. Now, to really see what his fencing in the orphanage had done to him.
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    " far...I only know one girl who comes by periodically..." Zexion said, remembering Kairi's visits. She was a kind girl, who was clever as she was strong...although she seemed quite innocent and was frail physically.

    "Oh..." Aerith said, fimgering the wiring in her right arm. "This? The one Axel gave me?" A silver liquid flew from her fingers, swiftly covering the wiring. "There..." She turned to Roxas, a serious expression on her face. "I really wish we didn't have to do this..."
    Locking her sensors upon his weapon - two keyblades now - she was a bit surprised that he was able to wield the chosen keyblade. More than likely, he was a more powerful foe than Axel...
  16. "Periodically? So, otherwise, I'm stuck with the male specimen? Nice," Larxene sneered, not at all pleased to have to live with a bunch of revenous males, however good-looking they were. She snapped her chin up when she heard slight clashes, and knew they must be getting close. She wanted to see how Adhira, as she didn't send her another mental scenery, and she almost thought that maybe she could speak to her mentally, like usual. "No other one? What if I don't like that girl? Oh well, beggars can be choosers, it seems."

    "You say you don't wish to do this, yet you do it anyway," Roxas announced, eyeing the android carefully. If she was ar eal human, she would've been incredibly beautiful, almost goddess like, but she was nothing but a robot, set to kill, despite what he was saying now. "It seems you only do what you're programmed and are more of a servant than us."

    He saw her looking at his weapons, with a bit of amazement, and wondered if she knew what they were called. He waved them around, almost comically. "You wouldn't happen to know what you call this key and sword tool, would you?"
  17. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Well, then...I'll just have to find you some other girls to hang out with," Zexion said, half-jokingly. Whether he really would or not, he wasn't sure...he just wanted to concentrate on heading towards where Axel and the other were.

    Aerith knew what Roxas said was true - she truly was like a servant...why did this occur to her just now?
    Hearing him ask about his weapon, she answered, "What you wield is a keyblade...Oathkeeper and Oblivion...they only choose certain people to wield them." She smiled. "It seems you've been chosen..."
  18. "What, does that make me special in some way?" Roxas questioned, a tad bit mockingly, though not really meaning to, as he turned his eyes to the, now he knew, keyblades. He hoped it wasn't some responsibility that he had to uphold, and he also didn't know he had been "chosen". Wasn't it the super soldier formula that made this happen? Or, did it just trigger the chosen process faster?

    Roxas didn't understand the meaning of these weapons, but he moved them again, this time, on a stance, defensively. He didn't want to be fooled by Aerith's friendly demeanor, and he somewhat wished Larxene was here, her lightning can perhaps short-circuit the fake female. "So, are you still going to fight me, or would you rather retreat?"

    "Maybe they'll be worth it," Larxene half-joked back, only to widen her eyes as a certain kitty cat came out of a opening from the area that the battles were probably in, running to her. Breaking into a semi-sprint, to get there faster, she crouched her back a little to welcome Adhira in her arms, embracing her pet affectionately. Usually, she would slaugter furry things like her, but the feline bonded with her, she was special, and they had their history. "Adhira! Did Roxas take good care of you?"

    She straightened herself back up, the kitty licking her cheek, as if answering the question. Larxene walked a more, until she was at the entrance of the arena, and saw Axel facing a very weird looking old man, and Roxas againts Aerith, though they weren't doing much. She glanced back at Zexion. "What do we do? Interrupt?"
  19. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Seeing Larxene hurry onward, Zexion rushed forward to catch up, and peered into the room to see the battle scene.
    "Wait one moment..." he said, before looking up at Axel and shouting, " you need any assistance?"

    "Don't you want me to explain...?" Aerith asked...when her sensors picked up two other super soldiers.
    Sighing, she looked up at the boy. "I wish we didn't have to...I really do..." she murmured, although audible enough for Roxas to hear.
    Inhaling and exhaling slowly, she tilted her head up and dashed forward.
  20. Dawn King's Apprentice

    He heard Zexion's voice and snaps his head to face him. "What is with the friendly gesture, huh?" He dodges from Aerith as he was standing too close to her. "No, I don't need any." He replies.
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