The War for Kingdom Hearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nymph of Destiny, Sep 23, 2007.

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  1. FlipperDolphin Moogle Assistant

    Aug 28, 2007
    †Shinra Mansion†
    ooc: May I ask how do I come in? XD
  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "What world are you from?" Aerith asked, looking up at him. For some reason...talking to him...she felt a nagging feeling of regret in the back of her mind.

    OOC: Um...come up to Aerith! And tell her that you want to talk to her!
  3. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Some other world away from here. He looks at the sky, then back to her.
  4. FlipperDolphin Moogle Assistant

    Aug 28, 2007
    †Shinra Mansion†
    ooc: heh, feel like a male version of chobit.

    Glancing at his new created body, he sensed a similar signal to his own not far away. His eyes scanned around and there he saw Aerith. Without hesitation, he ran up to her.

    "Hey Ar-. . ." His voice cracked and his brain trying to retrieve the name in his database.
  5. Dawn King's Apprentice

    ooc-How come no one saw my chakram flew past them?
  6. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    OOC: Oh, I must've missed that post! Although it's a bit hard to toss a chakram at two people on the floor...

    Aerith turned, hearing Reno's voice, and she smiled. "Hello, Reno..." She glanced at Nova, not wanting him to ask of why she was conversing so peacefully with one of the citizens.
  7. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
  8. FlipperDolphin Moogle Assistant

    Aug 28, 2007
    †Shinra Mansion†
    "Aerith," Reno finally managed to say. The signal he got from Aerith seemed to tell him to play along with her.

    "Oh hi there, what's your name?" He turned to the person Aerith was conversing with.

    ooc: o.O Is there a bug? My post count is 0! XD
  9. OOC: I'll get it in here, somehow...

    Larxene almost gasped in surprise as he felt Zexion let her go, and she was going to take this chance, until a pair of fiery chakrams made her dismiss that idea. She could barely hear what Axel said though, as she was into her savagery, the chakrams not managing to stop her attack on Zexion, and she, in fact, made it harder. He didn't even give her a chance to move as he trapped her again, but this time not with his hands, but with his body, making her freeze and stop her barrage of pain, her lightning smoothing down, but not stopping. Her eyes widened in shock at what he was doing, hearing his muttering...

    "No..." Larxene got out of her lips weakly, shaking her head frantically on his shoulder as she gritted her teeth, beginning to struggle against him. No, she was not going to take this. She didn't want to stay here, if violence won't solve anything, Larxene didn't really care. She isn't somebody's puppet, she doesn't work as some kind of soldier, and she was going to escape, somehow. Her power went at full blast again, hoping this would get him off, as she kept squirming, though it was harder now that it was his body weight blocking. "LET ME GO!!"

    She didn't mean to shout again, a tear rolling down her cheek without her consent, but it was getting to her, and as a last resort, she decided to start portalling, black appearing around her, just thinking hard of being outside, back into her home, wanting it to take her there.
  10. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Zexion bit back a scream of pain that welled up in his throat, and instead, shouted, "I'm sorry!"
    His hand moved up but he hesitated, and then brought both arms around her, embracing her, his eyes closed tightly, grinding his teeth to bite back the pain. He wasn't going to let her go...not until she calmed down...and he wasn't going to do it the painful way either...

    Ansem slowly stood up, breathing hard, as Larxene had struck him quite viciously earlier, and watched as Zexion laid upon her, trying to calm her. Axel was on the sidelines, upset about it as well...what a disaster...

    Aerith looked at Nova, waiting for him to respond to Reno. She was glad he understood that he was not to say a thing...

    OOC: Haha, no actually, on kh-vids, when you post in the role-playing arena, it doesn't count as an actual post.
  11. FlipperDolphin Moogle Assistant

    Aug 28, 2007
    †Shinra Mansion†
    ooc: oic. guess I would be a record-breaking poster who will stuck at 0 no matter how much I posted in RP. lmao.
  12. “IS NOT YOUR FAULT, IT’S HIS!!†was Larxene’s pained scream as a response to his apology.

    Larxene had to halt her actions from portalling due to the fact that now she might take Zexion with her, and it wouldn't be the most perfect idea, her blood rush through her body and veins could never stop her mind from reeling, even if she was on a blind, PMSing resentment. No one was going stop her. No one. Now that she knew how to portal, this was her ticket out of here, to go home, and think of her bed, her dance recitals, and her work. She didn't care if she would probably be hunted down in the end, she just wanted to see home. And be free.

    And so Larxene kept wrestling out of his grip, never stopping her resistance, scuffling and rumbling, like she was having heart attacks and spasms. Larxene wondered why Zexion was hugging her and wouldn't let her go, why he was taking in the electricty that she knew was hurting him. Her face was burning with the warmth and labor that she was giving, her eyes stinging as she felt her own salty water glide sideways because of her position laying down. Damn it, she couldn't believe she had let a freaking tear out. Stupid weakness. If Zexion didn't let her go, she was going to take her own measures to get out. "DAMN IT!! JUST LET ME GO!!!ZEXION!! GET OFF!! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LET GO?!!!"

    Her energy was diminishing, and so was her determination, but her will was still strong.

    OOC: What method is there other than exploding? o_O
  13. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    suko walked around
  14. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    OOC: It's a surprise... xD lol

    Zexion could see the tear running down her cheek, and this just made him even more determined to not let go.
    "Larxene..." he said, straining to speak through the pain. "I...I wish you didn't have to go through this...but after this...all this...your can go can...and if you're...going to me...don't...touch Ansem..."
    He wasn't exactly sure if what her normal life was, was what she wanted...but either way, he hoped his words helped somewhat. Although he wasn't even sure if the words he spoke were true...
    Although, the pain continued to course through his body, he continued to bear it, holding her tighter, hoping she would eventually calm.
  15. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    daisuke woke up"suko?!"he said looking around
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Gilgamesh was walking around and saw Larxene and Zexion
  17. Larxene didn't want to hurt anyone...actually, yeah, she did, but her priority was to get out of Zexion's grasp, and portal out of here. And he wouldn't let her?! Why doesn't he let her?! She thrashed more, already getting a bit exhausted from working too hard, but she wasn't going to stay. Larxene didn't want to hear Zexion's words either, they were probably lies to throw her off.

    She was dangerously reaching the peak of her anger, the boiling point rising every second that passed, her eyes glowing the color of her lightning as she was charging automatically. "LET ME GO!!" When he didn't, with a loud yell, she blasted him off of her with a muderous ligthning attack as it struck him in the chest, making him fall to the floor. Breathing raggedly, her body in a heat rush, she took her chance, and quickly portalled out of the room in a black mist, back to her house, her eyes giving the occupants one last stare before she disappeared out of their sight.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Gilgamesh watched them "um wow didn't expect this" he said
  19. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
  20. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    OOC: Just go back a page, but if you want details, but for a summary, Aerith and Reno were talking to you, and Reno asked who you were...I think. xD And Gilgamesh is a FF character right? A hero or a villain? I don't know who he is...

    "What...what are you doing here?!" Ansem demanded, spotting Gilgamesh as he turned to him. An enemy infiltrating their lab? How could he have? Was he a robot?

    Zexion held his chest, sparks still running across his body painfully. Breathing hard, he struggled to stand, his hand clenched in a fist on his chest.
    "Not much time..." he murmured as he quickly tried to detect Larxene's 'scent' to where it had gone.
    Closing his eyes, darkness swirled around him, to take him to her house.

    Aerith tilted her head to the right slightly. Her sensors detected that a super soldier had entered the town, and she was weakened slightly. The perfect opportunity...
    Glancing at Nova, she said, "Could you wait one moment please?"
    Then she turned and walked off, quickly around the corner where she was out-of-sight, before dashing off, faster than a normal human's speed, heading towards Larxene's house.
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