Okay, so me and my rating .89 C∞N Best friend are writing a book, Twilight V5.5, Nuclear Armegeddon and it TURNS out that Edward and all his Vampires are ACTUALLY sleeper agents for a soviet-era organization known as Red Scorpian, whose goal is ultimatly, global destruction via nuclear weapons, they will start with roughly five nukes, plant one in a random country's capital and detonate it without warning killing millions, than they will send a messege to each major nation in the world, "give us all your nukes or the same thing will happen to you" the world surrenders its nukes to Red Scorpian and they begin Project Iron Web wher the detonate a nuke i neach major city in the worl and kill billions, than they embrk on a human holocaust and murder the remaining human population and Edward reveals that he's really Comrade Stalin in disguise, and he and his vampires take over the world and fill it with their horrid spawn turning it from Earth to Vampy-topia
HELL YES!!!! and OF COURSE bella dies!! she journeys to UVSR (( united Vampire socialist republic )) to convince Edward to turn back to the light and not murder everyone and he appears to confess, when he really takes out a Desert Eagle and rams it up her throat and kills her, than rapes her dead body, than burns it on a cross =D
your probably right, because 1C∞N is a measurement of infinity and nothign can equal anything higher than any measurement of infinity