The Upcoming Walt Disney AS Movies

Discussion in 'Disney Galaxy' started by Firefly, Oct 26, 2008.


Which of these movies are you most looking forward to?

  1. 2008 - Bolt

    5 vote(s)
  2. 2009 - The Princess and the Frog

    3 vote(s)
  3. 2010 - Rapunzel

    1 vote(s)
  4. 2012 - King of the Elves

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I personally love that Disney are making more animation again <3

    I am lookin forward to The Princess and the Frog, despite the controversy that has surrounded it, it looks like quite a cute film.

    Bolt, omg I want to watch that so bad. Though Miley Cyrus really does put me off it a little >.<

    Either way, looks like Disney are finally getting off their asses at last <3
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Controversey? What Controversey? I see no controversey. What is this controversey you speak of?

    AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH MILEY CYRUS?! God, this is proof I deserve my acting contract....the only people who ever defends actors/tresses are other actors/tresses. -_-"
  3. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Miley Cyrus is a twat, she made a youtube video completely ripping it out of another actress and behaved like a tiny child, yet she tries to act like she is a decent role model. Also, she cannot act for ****.

    FYI love, I did acting for more than 6 years, being an actor/actress doesn't mean jack. If she deserved defending then I would defend her but IMO she doesn't. You make it sound like those who act are a completely different species, it is just a job/career/passion, it doesn't make your opinion anymore valid than anyone elses. Besides, if your sole reason for wishing to act is so you can defend Miley Cyrus then that is pretty sad o_O

    As for the controversy over the Princess and the Frog, there was a lot of debate when it was first announced that it was racist and steretypical. A lot of people felt offended.
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Ah yes, the whole "Selena Gomez" bit. Well, I agree with you. Ms. Gomez is quite a bit more talented, but saying Cyrus can't do noting is pure exaggeration. And I wish to become an actor so I can entertain others, not only to defend Miley Cyrus...that would be sad, meeting stars like Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, Adam Sandler, Emily and Haley Joel Osment, and other such celebs I hold in high esteem. Cyrus is currently dateing a 20-year old, do you honestly think I'm saying things in her defense because I have a crush on her or something? No way. Emily Osment is way hotter....XD

    And I actually do have a contract for Acting. Only for those who doubt that. I'm currently a freelancer with no experiance yet with the company I work for. But I just have to verify my contract, and then I'm in. (My lousy little sister got hers verified first, only because her pictures came in first. ><)

    And as for the controversey:
    Everything that has to do with African-Americans is always raceist. There will always be the people who look at white people with contempt and think the world owes them a liveing on the basis their ancestors worked hard as slaves. This not only sets up the bad repuatations for the good people who have let go of the past and come to unity, but also cause those poor souls who worked hard as slaves over a centuary ago to roll in their graves.

    I'd like to stop the discussion of these two things so far. Neither have very much to do with the movies.

    issues to stop:
    Raceism: The Princess and the frog is not a raceist movie. Get on with it.

    Miley Cyrus: Leave the person alone for God's sake.
  5. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I am glad you have a more valid reason for wishing to act as yes, that would be sad <3 I do not care if she is dating a 20 year old, and I never said anything about her looks. Good luck with verifying your contract.

    Actually, some of those who complained were white people. It was they who said it would be too offensive to the black community. Whether or not you agree with the controversy doesn’t make it go away. I personally find it as pathetic as you do that people are offended by this, however that wont make it vanish.

    Now this will end because yes we are getting off topic, but you raised a couple of things I wanted to respond to.

    To some, yes the Princess and The Frog is a racist movie, it is set in New Orleans, features voodoo and the main character is a black woman. So I can understand why some people would think that. As for Miley Cyrus and leaving her alone, I am entitled to my opinion. She needs to decide if she wants to be a kid or an adult, because currently she is a child playing at being grown up and failing hard.

    Back on topic~
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