Welcome to the house of well.... people! This is the family in which everyone is good friends. We just kick back talk about whatever and have great fun RULES 1. No killing unless you kill yourself or PM me about it. 2. Absolutely no cussing or profanity unless you use *s. 3. No spam or advertizing. 4. No fighting unless you PM me. 5. Be nice and have fun! Here is the form that you can copy, paste, fill out, and PM to me. Character name: Age: Biography: Appearance: One word to describe yourself: Characters so far.(updated daily) Character name: Chaz Age: 13 Biography: A tad to over confident Appearance: Octagon glasses and brown hair One word to describe yourself: spontanious Character name:jonny Age:12 Biography:likes girls Appearance:awsome like One word to describe yourself:supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Character name:Jenny Age:12 Biography:She is a laid back person,caring about nothing.Gets hyper sometimes Appearance:http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/c...95/person2.jpg ,but with brown hair One word to describe yourself: Diffrent Character name: Miele' Age: 12 Biography: outgoing and hyper Appearance: tan skin, hazel eyes and long hair that is the same colour as demyx's One word to describe yourself: RAAAAAAANDOM! name:mintro age:12 biography:lives life with a smile apperence:dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes One word to describe yourself:happy
Character name:jonny Age:12 Biography:likes girls Appearance:awsome like One word to describe yourself:supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Character name:Jenny Age:12 Biography:She is a laid back person,caring about nothing.Gets hyper sometimes Appearance:http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc210/Japanime95/person2.jpg ,but with brown hair One word to describe yourself: Diffrent
i'll join ^^ Character name: Miele' Age: 12 Biography: outgoing and hyper Appearance: tan skin, hazel eyes and long hair that is the same colour as demyx's One word to describe yourself: RAAAAAAANDOM!
name:mintro age:12 bio:lives life with a smile apperence:dirty blonde hair with bright blue eyes One word to describe yourself:happy