The Ultimate War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 9Kairi9hearts, Jul 19, 2010.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    OOC: I need to post more. ._.

    BIC: Nalani watched her master's battle with the Darkside. She watched in awe, only wishing she had the same battle skills that he had. Her train of thought was soon cut off as she felt the ground beneath her feet shake. Nalani quickly turned around and saw the two Behemoths. She cursed under her breath, quickly turning around and began to run. She then quickly jumped to the side, moving away from the Behemoths' path.
  2. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya blocked the attacks with her reflect spell, but collapsed to the ground clutching her chest. Dammit. I used too much energy.
  3. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all

    Sephiroth teleported away from the king to allow him and sora to attack each other. "you have improved make no mistake, but as I recall you lost to cloud before am I right, well then who do you think he learned to fight from" he had a purple glow around him "let me see you defeat me..." he flew up in the air waiting for an attack.
  4. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: yes, it is a yes.
    The Darkside that Grey hit stood up, while the shadow's that were not destroyed by Grey attacked Yuffie.

    The other Darkside got on it's knees, then rammed it's arm into the ground, so low that it's head was touching the ground.

    Pondera's keyblade suddenly appeared in her hands, and blocked the keyblade with skill and strength. Her head turned to look at Fade, and her eyes opened, a glowing red filled them.
  5. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Aww insert ignoration here :P

    BIC: Yuffie jumped back and slashed at the heartless. Man these guys really mean it.
  6. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: no, I'm just doing it in peices, so that I don't run out of time and have to dump the hole post again.
    The first invisible was destroyed by it's own energy, the second one re-formed, and floated towards Mya again.

    The shadows that Yuffie slashed were destroyed.

    Tifa ran and hit the head of the Darkside that had it's arm burried in the ground.

    Cloud, instead of running, jumped, and slashed his sword at the horn of one of the Behemoths, which stoped in it's tracks.

    Riku leaped into the air, and landed on the back of the one that was still charging.

    Sora instantly crossed his keyblades, turing them sideways so that the flat ends were facing Mickey. The King flipped and spun in the air, landing on the keyblades for a splitsecond, before leaping off them, and flying straight at Sepiroth.

    Sora performed an Airal recovery, before focusing on the energy stored in his magical clothes, which instantly turned dark green with some red markings, and he floated in the air, "now this took a lot of practice to figure out how to do," he said, refering to his form, which he had labled 'Sky Drive'.
  7. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Oh I see. That's what you get for controling 6 chars :P

    BIC: Yuffie ran alongside Tifa and threw her shuriken at the Darkside's head.

    Mya slowly got up and pointed her keyblade at the invisible headed towards her. This is bad. I won't last long.
  8. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Sephiroth saw micky charge at him " burn...." he raised his hand up and brought fire pillars up around him. he thought to himself "their power is impressive but it will never match mine."
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    OOC: I feel sorry for you. D: You're controlling so many characters.

    Username: Z.E.R.O.
    Name: Herra
    Gender: Female
    Default Keyblade: Sleeping Lion(Gotten from Leon in KH2)
    Personality: Outspoken and acts overly emotional when angered despite lacking real emotions. When fighting she tends to be silent.
    Type: Sorcerer
    Spells: Aeroga and Gravity
    Element: Wind
    Other: She turned to the Dark Master out of fear when she lost her only family member in a heartless attack of her home. She discovered she could use the keyblade, but without any guidance, her only comfort was in getting the strength to stay alive which is why she went to the Dark Master.

    Since I haven't RP'ed using a female in awhile...<<

    BIC: I forget how tought these things are. Grey sighed, knowing he had one other option to attack the Darksides. His eyes shifted towards Yuffie and Tifa who were hitting the other Darkside before looking at the one that had stood up. His keyblade slowly changed form to that of something that resembled a cannon. It would drain more energy than his other attacks and the attack itself moved slower than the others, but the Darksides weren't fast moving creatures either. Grey aimed at the Darkside that was still standing and fired a massive sphere of magical energy at it that would explode on contact.

    Fade pressed down on Podera's keyblade, ignoring the change in her eyes. "Die." He hissed, attempting to over power the girl.
  10. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    OOC: it is actualy more like a dozen, Only six are currently involved in this battle, (I'm not counting the countless amounts of heartless)
    The Darkside ignored both of these attacks, and pulled it's arm out of the ground, clutching an orb of dark energy. As it stood up, Tifa jumped, and landed on it's arm, racing up the length of it to the heartless's shoulder, and began to pound on it's head.

    The invisible swung it's sword's blunt edge at Mya's keyblade, meanwhile, Black had silently floated behind Mya, his clawed left hand glowing again, ready to plunge through Mya's back, and to her heart.
    Mickey was stopped by the fire, it wasn't enough damage to knock him out, but it canceled out his velocity, and he began to fall, but a wave of wind caught him, as Sora's form could control that element. The Gull wing keyblade flew at Sepiroth in a strike raid attack.

    OOC: accepted. (I forgot to do donald, goofy, and Leon earlier, so I'll do them now.
    Leon fell back from the kick, but Donald melted the ice with fire that rotated around all three of their bodies. Goofy threw his shield at Serin.

    The Darkside was hit by Grey's attack, and stood in place, frozen as a glowing, bright energy orb, sparking with electricity, appeared on it's chest, one hit from a keyblade would send the heart held captive rushing away to freedom, and the heartless collapsing into darkness.

    Pondera pushed back with strength even greater then Fades, her stance becoming a perfect combat stance, one that would take years to perfect.
  11. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Sephiroth saw the keyblade fly at him and swung his blade at it sending it sailing back to its master. "too slow." he teleported behind sor again and said calmly "burn....." fire pillars shot up directly at sora from the short range
  12. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    OOC: Sephiroth. Making goddmodding happen since 1997 XD

    BIC: Yuffie ran up the Darkside's other arm and threw her shuriken at it again.

    Mya blocked the invisible's attack and backed away from it, trying to put distance between her and the invisible.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey shook his head slowly, realizing that he had weakened the heartless enough to defeat it with his next attack. He hurled his keyblade like a lance at it while he still had his chance. One down! ...Several more to go.

    Beginning to get frustrated with the combat, Serin knocked away Goofy's shield, growling lowly. Under normal circumstances he felt he would have been able to defeat his opponents quickly with ease...but now there were too many keybladers in the area with their allies. He watched as one of the Darksides was defeated by a male. I sense something... He shrugged it off, not wanting to be distracted. Serin pointed the tip of his blade at Donald and fired off a burst of lightning.

    Fade jumped back, sensing the girl's new power. He was intrigued by it but kept his guard up. Fade began to sink into the ground as a puddle of darkness appeared beneath him before suddenly rising up from beside Podera and kicking at her side.
  14. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    OOC: woah low blow much ive only been using the attacks he can use lol XD
  15. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Sora was knocked backwards by the fire, but the air moving turbulently around him formed as a shield, and reduced most of the damage.

    Wind propeled Mickey to fly at amazing speeds, and slice at Sepiroth's back, but he was far up higher in the air too fast for anyone, even a one winged angel, to react.

    OOC: why 1997?
    The darkside threw the orb of energy into the sky, and dark blasts began to rain down on Tifa and Yuffie.

    Black brought his hand back, ready to take her heart, but a blast of fire forced him back, and the invisible disntegrated, as the red keyblade flew through it's torso, "you leave her alone!" Eventus shouted, now in a battle stance, against Black.

    Meanwhile, with no opponent, Malum had gone up to the computer room, and was doing somthing in there.

    The darkside's captive heart flew up into the sky, while the monster itself disintegrated into nothingness.

    Donald was shocked by the lightning, but that didn't stop him from casting cure on himself and Leon.

    Pondera's other hand caught Fades foot with ease, and she pointed her keyblade at him, "BLIZZARD!" she shouted, a wave of freezing energy flew at the heartless' face.
  16. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Yuffie reappeared behind it. You guys really need to speed up a bit. She jumped back.

    Mya looked behind to see Eventus. Is that you Eventus? Thanks for saving me. She still clutched her chest.
  17. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Just before the spell hit him, Fade raised his keyblade to block the attack. The hilt of his keyblade and most of his arm was frozen by the spell.

    Serin stepped forward, annoyed with the duck. "I'm going to enjoy crushing you." He swung his blade towards the side, releasing a wave of fire at Donald, Goofy, and Leon before teleporting behind the group and following up his attack with a blade of wind.

    Better hurry up and finish here. Grey watched as Tifa and Yuffie dodged the dark orbs, circling around the Darkside as it was left open. He leapt onto its knee before jumping on the Darkside's arm just long enough to climb onto its shoulder. "You things are quite easy to scale." He commented before stabbing his keyblade towards its head.
  18. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Nalani pointed her keyblade at the Behemoth that continued running. She commanded another fire spell, aiming at its legs only hoping it would stop as the other Behemoth did. It'd be easier to attack them if they're not running around.

    OOC: Short post. ><
  19. 9Kairi9hearts Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 18, 2010
    in my own head, running from my lies.
    Tifa mostly dodged the dark attack, while still hitting the darkside's head, but one finaly hit her, and she was knocked all the way down to the ground, and with the darkside not bending over, it would be impossible to get back up.

    Eventus nodded, "yeah," he said, casting cure on Mya, before turning back to Black.
  20. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    Mya raised her keyblades. Alright. Now let's finish what we started. She twirled her keyblades.
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