The Ultimate Organization division 1 Information Thread

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nulix, Jul 28, 2007.

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  1. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    The Ultimate Organization division 1 Information Thread:

    The Ultimate Organization.
    by Darknight. This Fan fiction based off the Organization is truly a work of Art, it accurately records what has happened, and is quit a good read.

    The Ultimate Organization Character themes.
    a Thread that's just about the themes of the Ultimate Organization Characters, and although it wont give you any new info, it might give you a new understanding of the Characters based off of there themes.

    The Ultimate Organization Updates. Since many new things may happen, its hard for members too sometimes keep up, so this thread was made to keep a record of all new happenings.

    The Ultimate Organization Graphics. The name says it all...

    Character Profiles:


    Main Character’s.


    1. The Ultimate Gang Members:
    (Note: Many of the Organization Members have gotten Hearts, and cannot be in the Ultimate Organization any more, but they still do stick together)


    * Xegreny Meion No. IX The Energetic Bolt, The Leader of the Ultimate Organization.

    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Power: Energy/Energy Manipulation
    Weapons: Energy Blasts, Two Energy Blades, The World Bringer
    Personality: Cheerful but Levelheaded
    Abilities: Blasts, Energy Control/Manipulation
    History: At one time he was a robot with a artificial heart. The Uniqueness of his fake heart drew the heartless to him in massive numbers. Since he was made of metal and not flesh he lasted a long time. Eventually the Heartless defeated him and destroyed the City he protected and took his name from.Meion City was destroyed minutes after he was killed. He became a Nobody with a real body after he died, and joined the Organization after about a year after he died. Xegreny doubts his own abilities often though he doesn't show it. Also, he Joined the Organization to try and find his creator who was not from Meion. As Number Nine he is the Third in Command. He is under Wing and Darxess but besides that he is in charge. He doesn't respect his own position and though most of his companions are far below him he considers himself as a regular member just like them. He uses his rank when he has to but rarely does. Currently, Xegreny is occupied with being the World Bringer's (a world shaping Keyblade) chosen one, and dealing with a tiny fraction of Xardius' soul. It got inside him when Xegreny pumped Xardius full of every ounce of energy he had to help defeat the Knights. Instead of dying due to the sudden loss his body subconsciously stole part of his soul. This is slowly making him more aggressive. Recently, he didn't listen to reason when Jet tried to convince him he was friendly. He only calmed down when Twilight Mask, told him to. Xegreny has found Xardius and the others again but doesn't know how to rectify the problem. He is currently with his friends, in the past trying to change the future.


    * Wing formerly No. VII Master of Gales, Former Leader of The Ultimate Organization.

    Theme Song: Leave out all the rest
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Heart Statues: Active
    Power: Wind/ Twilight (Due to eating Dark Fruit)
    Weapons: Two keyblades, Featherdancer and Twilit Oathkeeper
    Personality: He's a kind and loyal character. Never Judges. Quick to defend his Friends and will not back down from a fight. He jokes around on occasion. He keeps his past to himself, letting those who ask specifics in on just a little bit of his personal information.
    History: Wing was a native of a country called Prism. His world was invaded by heartless, so the Knights stepped up to help. They were quickly overwhelmed and defeated. Wing defended one knight named Jack Swanson, and discovered he could wield a Keyblade. Wing and his friends decided that they would save their world and created a group called "Inverted Prism" The name was based on the concept of a prisms ability to refract light into many colors, so logical the opposite would be an inverted prism, meaning bringing all those colors back together intro one light. The group was Shadow, Rain, Dream, and Wing. They fought the heartless and freed many villages, but soon Wing's friends began to fall, and each loss was harder and harder to bear. Soon Wing was alone and the Knights came back. They saw how well he fought and offered him a position among them. He agreed and was soon betrayed. The knights left him behind and he was soon defeated by the heartless and thus Wing was born. He first appeared in front of Memories Skyscraper with his new keyblade, Gales and his new power of wind. He was accepted in the Organization and was soon off on important missions where he gained and showed leadership abilities. His first mission was to find Yen Sid, to obtain a Map piece that would lead the Organization to a powerful mage named Retlaw. His mission was a success, and then he was quickly dragged into a new battle with new organization members, that would soon become his closest friends. The rag tag group defeated the knights and were off to find Retlaw. Map piece after map piece was found and soon the group returned home where Wing was promoted to Superior of the Organization. With his new position, the group defeated the knights once an for all and then he traveled to Kingdom hearts a few days after the others. His presence has been scarce among the group, and he was left in Kingdom hearts. His goal is to find Vecked, and either defeat him once and for all or come to some understanding. Wing has recently become one with Coa, meaning he is no longer a nobody, and cant lead the Organization anymore. After this Wing went missing, and only recently returned on the Air Army's Prison Air ship above Lake Lowe in the western Fire Land. On the Fire Land mountain of Mount Zuu, he and Vecked battled once more. Wing and Vecked alike where unprepared, causing them both unexpected surprises, Vecked at one point in battle, killed Wing's pet named Foux, at this point Wing swore he would kill Vecked no matter what, as the two slashed blade's once more. After that Vecked tried pelting Wing with light fruit, since his body was that of darkness as proved by Wing reacting normally to the Dark Fruit when given to him two years earlier. But... Wing would stand up unharmed by the Light Fruit, telling Vecked that he is a guardian of Twilight, and even if his heart is riddled with darkness, that he would chose light over all else. Wing also stated at this point that Vecked could have a second chance. The two never finish there epic duel, for Kingdom Hearts died, and they escaped in a portal just in time. At the beginning of Session two, Wing give's Vecked his necklace, as Vecked walks away from them to head to Jada 12, Wing's future is unknown.


    Vexneah Formerly No. XXVI The Snow Angel
    Theme Song: I'll Stand By You
    Gender: Female
    Age: 12
    Power: Ice
    Weapons: Two Keyblades, and Vexen's Shield.
    Personality: Childish, naive, and most of the time, clueless. Vexneah is also a klutz, and always ends up tripping or falling, usually landing on her face. She can be too trusting towards people, even her enemies. When she is crossed too many times, she can get angry and violent, but that's only on rare occasions.
    Abilities: Vexneah can control ice, thanks to her connection with Vexen, which also allows her to use his shield. She has two Keyblades, both making her ice magic more powerful. She also has a special summon, Fenrisulfr the wolf. She can summon him whenever she needs him, making them both a force to be reckoned with.
    History: Vexneah is Heaven's Nobody, born when Heaven was attacked by her brother Even's Nobody, Vexen, when she was around two years old. Shortly after this event, the knights came to recruit Heaven, tossing Vexneah into a realm made of complete darkness. For ten years, Vexneah wandered through the darkness, searching for a way out. Scarred and confused, she didn't know what to think when she stumbled upon TWTNW, and joining the Ultimate Organization. From that point on, Vexneah has grown stronger, learning about herself and the worlds around her, and meeting new people. Vexneah had at the battle of New Izol, gotten a deadly injury from one of Xardius’s attack’s, there she and Heaven merged to bring her back to life. She and Heaven both have hearts and are still separate beings, She is currently with her friends in the past.


    * Nulixaje Jinx Princeton. Formerly No. XXIX The Silent Assassin

    Theme Song: Love Today
    1: [​IMG]2:[​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Power: Minor Control of Sonic
    Weapons: Part 1: a gunblade and a keyblade Part 2: a boomerang and a keyblade Part 3: Dual Broadswords
    Personality: Skeptical, abrasive, and sharp-witted. Nulix, not gifted with much Magical control himself, instead prefers the ways of the warrior, and he takes his responsibility's very seriously. Nulix has shown as being a skilled warrior, although not a match for his friends, and having perfect aim, usually making him the one who deals with long range weapons. Nulix shows a remarkable proclivity towards science. He seems naturally adept at creating weapons out of practically anything at any time, often helping in various situations. In addition to his engineering skill, Nulix has shown a remarkable talent for poetry. Once he stumbles into a poetry reading and goes toe-to-toe with the instructor, and holds his own.
    Abilities: He uses his minor control of sonic, to enhance his hearing in battle, he is shown to estimate time very well, and is skilled in both long and short range attacks. Nulix employs the element of surprise in defeating larger enemies in many situations.
    History: Nulixaje was first found by Vecked in the Water Country, he was the son of a Water Country business Man, and a Sound Country Warrior Girl. He and Vecked befriended one another, and one day escaped the country and managed to get to the town of Iceving Fall's (Since the Light and Dark half's of Kingdom Hearts are separated, it is unknown how they did this) They where adopted by a young women who lost her husband recently. Nulix was too young to remember this so he still thinks he is from Iceving Fall's. In the town of Iceving falls, Nulix enjoyed writing inventing and other such things, he only had one friend, who's name has been forgotten. One day, he and his brother Vecked went into the forest to pick berries, Vecked then left for he had forgotten something at there house, half an hour later, Nulix had two full baskets and walked back to the town... only to find that it was destroyed, Nulix healed the survivors and asked them what happened, they all said a stranger had come and destroyed the town, killing hundreds. Nulix, convinced that it must be some one from a neighboring town, formed the "Freedom Fighters" a group made up from the survivors of the attack. The Freedom Fighters, lead by Nulix brutally destroyed and killed the other towns one by one, but.... Nulix, obsessed with revenge, didnt notice that his Freedom Fighters where becoming less and less, being killed in secret by his brother Vecked. Finally Nulix killed his last town, and reached his worlds end, he was the last of the Freedom Fighters left. There Vecked reviled that he influenced there town destruction, enraged Nulix lashed out at Vecked and the began to dual around a heartless pit. Finally, Nulix gave up his own footwork to stab Veckd in the stomach, and in turn fell into the heartless pit where Darkness absorbed him. What happens next is slightly unclear, it is believed that he lived on his own for a few years before finding out about the Ultimate Organization. Nulix joins the Ultimate Organization, and makes many friends as well as a romance with his comrade and friend, Bellatrix. At one point, the Organization members go into there pasts, and Nulix, in his past, makes a desperate attempted to change the past, and stop Vecked from killing his town, but, while looking threw some classified files, finds out that the towns folk would be sold as slaves. enraged Nulix kills the guards, and then has a dual with the younger Vecked who is defeated, only by a powerful sound burst that destroys and kills the town. Nulix, now convinced that he belongs with darkness, joins Vecked, but after a conversation with Bellatrix, Nulix knows that he is a being of good, and betrayed Vecked. In the current time, Nulix is often the map expert on the flying ship, the Katanarama. Nulix has yet seemed to have become a lot more comic relief then before, often making humorous or sarcastic and critical comments on everything. He had been critical of Jet for quit a while, but eventually learned to trust him. Nulix had lead an assault on the Air Army, but was ambushed by Jet and Lu Ten. What happened to Nulix at this point is unclear, but he had aberrantly been attacked by a thing called CHESE. He survived this attack, and landed up being saved by a unnamed person. The person seemed to know much about the the Organization, and informed Nulix to go to an abandoned temple. He did so and there found Puko, a griffin like creature that he has kept as a pet. Nulix can be found with his friends in the past.


    * Nulix seems to only be a skilled fighter with a gunblade, with everything else he is useless.
    * Nulix Wright’s with his left hand, yet draws with his left. He also seems to alternate what hand he holds things with, it is possible that Nulix is ambidextrous.


    * Xardius Storm Formerly No. XXXIII the Thirsty Blade
    Theme Song: Otherworld
    Gender: Male
    Age: mid to late 30s
    Power: Fire / Ultima Magic
    Weapons: A massive sword called Chomper
    Personality: Has a massive ego, but otherwise a nice guy, if a little rude at times
    Abilities: Can manipulate fire in the extreme, and knows just about every magic spell in the book (though he only uses Ultima Magic); he also has indestructible armor that can stop a train at top speed, and a massive sword which are both supplied by two crystals that absorb, reflect, and use energy
    History: Once an elite Guardian of Larenska, he's lived through over 7 centuries of complete war and chaos, longer than any other Guardian. Most of the other Guardians revere him as one of the most powerful beings to ever grace the worlds. However, he sacrificed himself to save other less-experienced Guardians in a massive battle, but was turned into a Heartless in the process. He rejected his old name, Darius, and was wandering the worlds in search of his Heartless before he joined the Organization. Despite becoming a Nobody, he doesn't seem any crazier than he was before, and in fact, meeting new people has probably done him some good. He deeply cares for his friends, and will do anything to protect them. Xardius had sacrifice himself at the battle of New Izol after injuring her in a rage based attack, he has said to be officially dead, this is something that will need further research. He is currently missing, and his friends are looking for him.


    * Xane No. XLIX The Wandering Joker

    Theme Song: Blaze Line
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Power: Light
    Weapons: Formerly Armor. Currently a Keyblade called Knight's Edge. He can use Mickey's Kingdom Key and another as Key Claws when he's Light Mask.
    Personality: He is usually laid back and likes to joke. He constantly makes fun of events no matter how serious they are. He is also known to make jokes about his friends which usually makes them mad, though he means well. He is also known to have a serious side that he usually only shows when he is acting as his Alter Ego Light Mask. He also is known to chase after pretty girls. Especially Tifa.
    Abilities: He is a skilled fighter trained by the knights. He also can create Shockwaves in the ground and send them at opponents. He has light powers, though he rarely uses them. Eventually he becomes a cyborg after almost dying. Now he has the ability to Scan the weaknesses of his opponents for 30 minutes before short circuiting.
    History: Xane was born and raised in Port Royal and was a great fighter who admired Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. He was trained to be a great pirate by Barbossa in his home town. His fighting skills were impressive so the knights found and asked him to join them. He was recruited into a special division of knights, trained to destroy the Ultimate Organization by Judge Dragoon and Alyt. He was given a powerful keyblade called Knight's Edge. Later his home town was attacked by a heartless ship. He was defeated by the heartless and became a nobody. He had nowhere else to go so he joined The Ultimate Organization. He grew to like his new friends though he was angry that he could no longer use his keyblade for some reason. He also was l not used to not being a knight, though. He went wild for a while until he gained the use of his keyblade again. Later he rejoined the knights but nearly sacrificed himself to save his friends. He went to darkness barely alive until the mage Retlaw. Retlaw revived him with Stitch's help by giving him cyborg enhancements. Then Xane temporarily became the more serious Light Mask and traveled to many worlds before reuniting with the Organization. When he revealed his disguise he went back to his joking self. He went to a secret mission during the battle with the Knights where he found Twilight Mask. While an attack from the Air Army was happening, and the Virus had infected the UO members, Twilight Mask used up all his power to save the UO members, but death would be the price. Xane toke off Twilight Mask’s mask, and found that the man underneath it was Retlaw! In kingdom Hearts, Xane found his other Zebra Mask. Xane is currently with his friend in the past…


    The Unmasking of Twlight Mask was based off of the famous Star Wars seen where Luke Skywalked takes off his father’s mask, Darth Vader, as he dies.


    * Bellatrix. Formerly No. XXIV The Fallen Angel
    Theme Song: What I've Done
    Gender: Female
    Power: Darkness
    Weapons: Chains, Yang Blade, Oathkeeper, and Oblivion
    Personality: usually very sweet, kind, and always ready to fight. she can become unpredictable though when its something that has to do with her past.
    Abilities: She's a skilled fighter thanks to her past training and all the fights she has been in. She's skilled in both long and short range attacks but usually prefers short range. Her chains can bind almost anything and are practically indestructible. She can also use her chains to transport anywhere if she knows what it looks like.
    History: She used to be a popular, straight A,rich kid, with lots of talent. Despite all that, she felt lonely because she felt like no one ever really saw her. She also felt like she never really fit anywhere. When she met the gang, she never really heard about them or what they did. She agreed to join out of boredom. On her first job, she nearly left immediately but the gang wouldn't allow that and threatened her friends and family. She stayed and continued to kill. One day she nearly killed herself when she found out she would have to kill her best friend, Elysia, to save the rest of them. Bella never forgave herself for that. In the end, they were all dead. She left but not before her brother met her for the last time and handed her the locket. The locket is the most precious thing she has, inside are pictures of everyone she still holds dear to remind her. Though her past is horrible, she doesn't want to forget because its taught her a lot and helped her. Her memory of becoming a nobody is still unclear and all she remembers is finding the invite of the Ultimate Organization. Now, with her new friends, its almost like she never lost her heart, especially when she's around Nulix. Like her brother once told her, Nobodies have hearts, they're just misplaced. With the events that have happen with the Air Country, Bellatrix often gets barley little sleep, and can be found taking a nap. When she and Nulix where taking to Hojan Kyba's Strawberry Islands, he put another's heart inside them, meaning that they now have hearts and are no longer in the Organization. With the return of Noxas, an old meber of the Organization, Nulix would get very jalousie do to miss interrupting Noxas's kind manner for flirtation. The two of them discussed this, and she revealed that she loved Nulix, he did the same and felt reassured. Bellatrix went to the past with the others, and is currently on the Organization’s Gummi Ship.


    * Geryl
    No. XXXI The Rebellious Killer

    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Power: Elemental
    Weapons: 3 guns and 4 swords.
    Personality: Quiet, always keeps a sharp mind, always looks out for his friends.
    Abilities: Can teleport with darkness, senses any movements.
    History: Used to be a rich wealthy son until he had been struck by a heartless and he became a nobody and heartless. His heartless found him and once again fused and then everything went wrong. Geryl learned a dark power that can kill without any control over himself. He then killed his own family without control. Now only one relative survived which is his young sister, Angelyn. Geryl lived alone in an uninhabited world until he met Nulix and Bellatrix and that was when his life was dragged along with the Ultimate Organization. Geryl later gains control of his dark form, Ex, who becomes a very useful ally who can manipulate other people. Geryl is right now in the past, and seems not to remember anything…


    * Vecked Flate (Princeton)
    Theme Song: Empty Appartment
    1:[​IMG] 2:[​IMG]3:[​IMG]4:[​IMG]
    Gender: Male
    Age: Undetermined (late teens to early twenties)
    power: Vecked's natural power is fire, but he has many other skills as well
    Weapon : dual Gunblade's in part 1. dual double edged broadswords in part 2.
    Part 1: Vecked is shown as an inhuman being who enjoys playing mind games, and claims to always tell the truth, here his mind was corrupt with darkness, even though he is a being of light, causing him to be quit weak, and very unstable. He was once described as an "Artificial Twilight Being" and if he every went up against a powerful user of light or dark he would collapse from the power corruption inside of him. He is also seen as being a brilliant visionary, weather this is because of the darkness inside him or if he was naturally this way is still undetermined.
    Part 2: Veked no longer has anything, something he cannot seem to accept or acclimate himself to. Vecked believes that a person becomes strong by having to struggle and fight for what they want. He has said that he does not want to have good luck, because he feels he can control his own fate. However, he also believes that he is marked unlucky, or even that the world itself is against him. When he makes up his mind that decision is set in stone, and Vecked will not back down, regardless of the odds he has to face, or the potential consequences. Vecked has numerous seemingly contradictory traits, beliefs, and behaviors. For example Vecked is quite domineering and controlling, and disdains working with people he believes are inferior to himself. Yet he adamantly refuses to view people as expendable.
    Part 1: Vecked almost completely relied on the Power of Darkness, and often used explosives, the dark power over gravity, and the power to fly. But his best weapon was his mouth, being able to root out people's fears and inconvenient truths, and then use it against them.
    Part 2: here we see Vecked's true abilities, no longer using the power of darkness...
    Throughout the beginning of Part 2, his style was based on overwhelming force; nearly all of his attacks produced either a large fireball or a long sheet of flame. While powerful, this style also was reckless, direct, left him open to counterattacks and almost certainly consumed a large amount of energy. (In one of his earliest duels, for example, Vecked is panting and visibly tired after launching just a few attacks).
    In the later parts of part 2, he begins to show far more finesse, refinement and economy of energy. For example, when faced by an enemy archer, rather than launching a large flame to bowl him over, he sends a small bolt of flame that burns a hole through both bow and string, completely disarming him. Also, he begins projecting flames from two fingers rather than his whole fist.
    At the current time, he is shown to charge up his attacks, which significantly increased their power and efficiency. Secondly, he uses his fire control in the shape of long whips or lashes, a maneuver that proved to be an effective mid or long range attack and more malleable than simply shooting a ball of flame.
    Vecked has also demonstrated, on at least one occasion, the ability to breathe fire. Vecked was most likely taught this ability by Saak, during their travels together. As well as being a proficient controlling Fire, Vecked has also shown to be highly skilled in the use of dual double edged broadswords.
    Vecked's final ability is stealth. His ability to infiltrate a guarded fortress was amply demonstrated many times. In each case, Vecked entered hostile territory and managed to reach his objective without being caught, although the circumstances of each separate at this point. Also, the different natures of those fortresses show that he is adaptable to circumstances as well. He is also skilled at the art of the ambush, laying cunning traps for his victims. This ability ties in well with his swordsmanship.
    Vecked's most powerful ability however, would be the power to conjure blue flames, both of which are much more intense than the red, orange and yellow fire normally used by him. Vecked can only do this powerful and difficult technique, when feeling intense emotion, so far he has only used the blue flame technique twice.
    Vecked was originally son of Izol, the late Air Lord, but as a baby he was kidnapped by the Water Country, this in turn started a war. In the custedy of the Water Army, he befriended another child that he called Nulix. The two escaped one day, and came to a small town called Iceving Fall's. (Note: Since the Light and Dark side's of Kingdom Heart's are separated, it is unknown how this is possible) The two where adopted by a young women who had recently lost her husband. And so Vecked grew up From the small town of Iceving falls, located between a mountain and a cherry blossom forest. Vecked felt very alone in the town, since there where no other kids to play with, and this lead him to be somewhat naive and over trusting. One day, a stranger named Jadder (who was actually Nulix from the future) came to the town, and Vecked immediately embraced him, since he was the first other person his age in the town. But an older Vecked who was corrupt by darkness followed Nulix into the past, and meet with the young Vecked, telling him about the future, and that it was unchangeable... In the next few days, Vecked would become a lot more quit thinking about what his older counter part said. Vecked went into the forest one day with the young Nulix and to pick berries, and then forgot something back at there house, leaving the younger Nulix alone in the forest. This was of course an excuse to go back to the town, where he knew the older Nulix would be destroying. When he got there, he challenged Nulix for a dual, and was easily defeated until the older Vecked came to help. When the older Nulix saw that it was him himself who destroyed his town, he was convinced that he belonged in darkness and disappeared with the older Vecked. When the younger Nulix came back to the town and saw that it was destroyed, he was enraged and managed to heal the survivors, he asked them who did this and they all said a stranger. Nulix convinced that the killer was that of a neighboring town, formed the "Freedom Fighters" a group of survivors sworn to avenge there towns death, and so they brutally killed the other town and Nulix matured into a strong leader, but what he over looked was that Freedom Fighters where being murdered one by one, Vecked was behind this , although he played the innocent when questioned. Finally Nulix was the only one left, and he had reached the end of his world, having killed all the towns and, in a sense, killed the world itself, that is where Vecked reviled he was the one who influenced there towns destruction. enraged, Nulix lashes out at Vecked, and they have a dramatic dual, in the end, Nulix gives up his own footwork to stab Vecked in the stomach, and in a result falls down into a heartless pit where his body his swallowed by darkness, and he becomes a nobody. What happens after this is somewhat unclear, all we know is that Vecked is saved by a being named Ex, the two become friends and Vecked and Ex learn off each other the power of darkness and its techniques.
    Vecked finds out that Nulix has become a nobody and meets and battles with him many times, acting as a death angel of sorts. Then Vecked learns that his long gone friend Ex is inside of one of Nulix's friends, and makes a plan to free him. Vecked's and Ex's plan fails, and Vecked, feeling he has lost all that is worth while, moves on to a new goal, get to the world inside Kingdom Hearts.
    This was, by far, his most elaborate plan ever, with many aspects, and even his own bodies death. but in the end it works, and Vecked has been sent to Kingdom Heart, where he is crowned prince of the Air country, the second only adopted family member. Why he was adopted is still unknown, but apparently it has something to do with a test he past... He spends roughly four years as a prince and over time feels he has let go of the darkness within him, claiming that he feels loved, especially from his adoptive uncle Saak. But his happiness is short lived, for the Organization Members are not far behind. Vecked confront them by a near by town, and is surprised to see that Ex is with them. Ex says that he is glad Vecked is well, but Vecked coldly replies
    "...I have seen the light, you and our darkness have nothing left to offer me..."
    After they make short work from the Air army troops, Vecked retreats.
    Vecked once again confronts them, but is not able to land a single hit and gets seriously wounded, lucky Saak saves him, and the go back to the Air country,
    where the King calls Vecked 'a pathetic weak fool who has failed him for the last time' and attempts to kill him, but Saak saves Vecked and they escaped, but now they have a bounty on there heads... Vecked at first think that if he catches the Organization members, his adoptive father, the Air King, will take them back but soon realizes this plan is hopeless. After a few weeks of being fugitives, Vecked splits up with Saak, saying that if they stick together they will be easier targets. Vecked then goes into a desert town, and stays with a kind family who toke him in for a week if he helped with the house hold duties. Vecked agrees, and enjoys his stay, until he sees that the town has been taken over by Air army troops. Vecked fights them off and frees the town, reviling his true identity in the process. The town folk demand him to leave, even after he saves them, this when Vecked come to the realization that he truly is alone. Vecked meets Saak again, and Vecked comes up with a plan to capture the Organization members, now truly convinced that its the only way. First Saak's allowed himself to be captured by the Organization members, so that Vecked knows there condition, then Vecked would disguise himself as an Air army troop and arrest Saak, and then they would sail away in there flying ship, the Katanarama, modified, then they would return the ship, which would then be a death trap, and then with the Organization members dead, Vecked would be prince again. but... the plan went wrong, and Vecked crashed the katanarama, and under his uncles influence went to the Earth country. There, he and Saak got employed at a local restaurant. When the Organization goes to the city, Vecked immediately sees his chance, and steal there Air ship, but gives it back, after realizing that, he enjoyed working at the restaurant, and the simple life... and that maybe... he did not need to chase his destiny after all. since then, Vecked has enjoyed his life more, and even went on a unofficial date with Suki, a girl from the restaurant. One day, in Vecked's happy life, the past called on him, and the Air army attacked, and The Air King himself apologized, and said that Vecked could be reinstated. Saak telling Vecked to chose his own destiny is disbelieved as Vecked walks up to the Air King, and says he accepts the role of prince. Saak quickly escapes, and hopes Vecked will still take destiny in his own hands. Vecked had then lead an attack on the UO at the coliseum, where he was confronted by Geryl, in his anger he killed Xardius (For the first time) And fled, later he goes to the prison's and talks to Saak right before the Sun-Wind ceremony, the results of the conversation levees Vecked angered. During the World's Air Army take over, Vecked would often think or be at parties with the other Generals, he always felt part guilt when this would happen. Later, he would lead an attack on the village of Heaven, burning it to the ground. He then travel's to Blue Jay Way, saving Saak from his death, the two escape, and head for the Fire Land. Once there Vecked fought Nulix, but they where both shot down by specialty Dai Jee air agent’s. Vecked, along with Saak and the Ultimate Organization, seems too begin to realize that he is but a pawn for his father, and quickly runs off after Tyre frees them. At the Mountain, Saak confronts him, and try’s to tell Vecked that he is but a pawn. Vecked refuses, and Saak realizes Vecked is beyond repair. The two do battle, and Geryl also battle’s, but they are interrupted by Wing. Wing and Vecked have a fierce battle, and are both equally matched. In the battle, Vecked has a vision of Nulix, Ex, and Saak, all the people he had once trusted and betrayed, disappear. Vecked falls to the ground from this vision, and Wing walks up to him saying that he could have a second chance. This moment is interrupted by the Death Drum hitting Kingdom Hearts, Vecked escapes into the portal to the past with the others. In session two, Vecked seems to be teamed up with the organization, but makes in clear that he will still kill them. In Radiant Garden, he is about to leave, when Wing run’s up to him and give’s him his necklace. Vecked accepted it and actually replied with a simple ‘Thanks’. Vecked then found his past self, and the two are currently traveling together.


    * Tera Roth, Ex-Guardian of Larenska, Leader of the League of Roth
    Theme Song: Caught up in a Dream
    Gender: Male
    Age: Undetermined (Late 20s)
    Power: Twilight bent towards Light
    Weapons: Sapphire-jeweled sword, with keyblades on the side
    Personality: Enigmatic, but underneath the surface is very emotional
    History: After a major disagreement with another Guardian, he left the Guardians chasing a renegade assassin. He is an expert swordsman, even better than Xardius, but lacks the confidence and endurance needed to run a full-flung battle all by himself...He is over 5 centuries old, but appears to be in his late 20s only...He acts like it as well.


    * Coa Guardian of Twilight and member of the League of Roth.
    Theme Song: Valentines day
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Power: twilight
    Weapons: Keyblade. Twilight's blade
    Personality: He's a kind and loyal charater. Never Judges. Quick to defend his Friends and will not back down from a fight. He has no memories of his past.
    History: He is Wing's other. When Wing/ Coa was defeated by the heartless his Heartless was punched back into his body, by Xardius, then Darius. Keeping his heart. Though he lost all of his memories. (Wing kept those.) And he joined the Guardians and trained to become the guardian of Twilight, his ultimate Destiny. He met Wing while on a mission to capture Highwind in Twilight Town. He traveled with the Organization until Tera Roth took him in to a Twilight world. Tera Roth completed Coa's mission and then sent Coa back to Laurenska. Where he trained until the War broke out. He fought all six years until he was completely alone. He was almost defeated by the virus, his only savior was his promises to his Friends. He then discovered that the Guardians were still alive and he joined up with them to combat the Virus, and he was given the title of "Guardian of Twilight" by Tera Roth, who then became the leader of the guardians. Coa has recently become one with Wing again.

    More to come!
  2. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
  3. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Yeah, could you make one for your Characters pirate guy?
  4. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Name: Geryl
    Age: 18
    Power: Elemental
    Weapons: 3 guns and 4 swords.
    Personality: Quiet, always keeps a sharp mind, always looks out for his friends.
    Abilities: Can teleport with darkness, senses any movements.
    History: Used to be a rich wealthy son until he had been struck by a heartless and he became a nobody and heartless. His heartless found him and once again fused and then everything went wrong. Geryl learned a dark power that can kill without any control over himself. He then killed his own family without control. Now onyl one relative survived which is his young sister, Angelyn. Geryl lived alone in an unhabited world until he met Nulix and Bellatrix and that was when his life was dragged along with the Ultimate Organization. Geryl later gains control of his dark form, Ex, who becomes a very useful ally who can manipulate other people.

    Name: Ex
    Age: ??????
    Power: Darkness
    Weapons: None
    Personality: Always cares for Geryl's friends ever since Geryl defeated him. Always looks and follows Geryl sometimes.
    Abilities: Can manipulate, teleport
    History: Has the same mind and is Geryl's duplicate except dark side so he should be the same as Geryl.
  5. Mighty-Matt91 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 6, 2007
    Southwest England
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Name: Varxus
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Power: Dark/Fire
    Weapons: Spear, Scythe, 2 Swords
    Personality: Talkative, jokes often, takes battles and missions seriously, loyal.
    Abilities: Control over fire, high jumps.
    History: He was an average kid who lived in a small village named Relshon, one day, a Knight had destroyed it and killed Varxus' family and friends, the reason as due to a conspiracy that the Knights believed was active there, Varxus had escaped and wandered the worlds, he found a legendary spearman on his travels adn learned how to use spears, eventually he grew weak one day as he travelled through a large desert, he fell unconcious and heartless took his heart. He joined the Organization to gain revenge for what happened in Relshon and to avenge his 'brother', who was supposedly killed by the Knights until many events happened and Varxus found out about the truth about Zecht.

    Name: Zecht
    Gender: Male
    Age: 33
    Power: Earth
    Weapons: Twin Swords
    Personality: Quiet, serious, takes things seriously.
    Abilities: Quick speed and ability to cause earthquakes, though he never has.
    History: He was born in the Grand City of Archadia under the name Zecht, he was the son of two nobles, his father, a soldier in the imperial army, his mother, an alchemist, when his father was killed in battle by the Knights, Zecht wanted to join the army to avenge him, but his mother forbade hiom from doing so. When she died off illness, Zecht was sent to live in Relshon, with Varxus' parents, he had his memory erased from his life in Archadia. He joined the Relshon army to fight the knights, but was captured and controlled until Varxus fought with him, Varxus broke the spell and Zecht travelled with the Organization. Until a mysterious man named Zaynuk appeared and told Zecht the truth. After many battles, Zecht found Varxus and told him the truth, they haven't seen eye-to-eye, ever since.

    Name: Zaynuk
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Power: Mind and Time
    Weapons: Claymore
    Personality: Evil, mysterious, omniscient, cold.
    Abilities: Can cause hallucination, creates illusions.
    History: Zaynuk was once a sage in the imperial army, until one day when a curse backfired and affected him, causing him to go mad. He searched the world for everyone's life stories and told most of them the truth. It was him who told Zecht the story of his life, it was also him that caused Varxus and Zecht to start disliking each other. He has created 14 illusion sages, Varxus and Zecht have both destroyed 1 each, meaning 12 remain, but what happens when they are destroyed? Only Zaynuk knows.
  6. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Xegreny Meion No. IX The Energetic Bolt
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Power: Energy/Energy Manipulation
    Weapons: Energy Blasts, Two Energy Blades, The World Bringer
    Personality: Cheerful but Levelheaded
    Abilites: Blasts, Energy Control/Manipulation
    History: At one time he was a robot with a artificial heart. The Uniqueness of his fake heart drew the heartless to him in massive numbers. Since he was made of metal and not flesh he lasted a long time. Eventually the Heartless defeated him and destroyed the City he protected and took his name from. Meion City was destroyed minutes after he was killed. He became a Nobody with a real body after he died, and joined the Organization after about a year after he died. Xegreny doubts his own abilities often though he doesnt show it. Also, he Joined the Organization to try and find his creator who was not from Meion. As Number Nine he is the Third in Command. He is under Wing and Darxess but besides that he is in charge. He doesnt respect his own position and though most of his companions are far below him he considers himself as a regular member just like them. He uses his rank when he has to but rarely does. Currently, Xegreny is occupied with being the World Bringer's (a world shaping Keyblade) chosen one, and dealing with a tiny fraction of Xardius' soul. It got inside him when Xegreny pumped Xardius full of every ounce of energy he had to help defeat the Knights. Instead of dying due to the sudden loss his body subconciously stole part of his soul. This is slowly making him more aggresive. Recently, he didnt listen to reason when Jet tried to convince him he was friendly. He only calmed down when Twilight Mask, told him to. Xegreny has found Xardius and the others again but doesnt know how to rectify the problem.

    Ill work on getting Xegreny's out-of-cloak disquise... >.>
  7. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    Xardius Storm No. XXXIII the Thirsty Blade
    Gender: Male
    Age: mid to late 30s
    Power: Fire / Ultima Magic
    Weapons: A massive sword called Chomper
    Personality: Has a massive ego, but otherwise a nice guy, if a little rude at times
    Abilities: Can manipulate fire in the extreme, and knows just about every magic spell in the book (though he only uses Ultima Magic); he also has indestructible armor that can stop a train at top speed, and a massive sword which are both supplied by two crystals that absorb, reflect, and use energy
    History: Once an elite Guardian of Larenska, he's lived through over 7 centuries of complete war and chaos, longer than any other Guardian. Most of the other Guardians revere him as one of the most powerful beings to ever grace the worlds. However, he sacrificed himself to save other less-experienced Guardians in a massive battle, but was turned into a Heartless in the process. He rejected his old name, Darius, and was wandering the worlds in search of his Heartless before he joined the Organization. Despite becoming a Nobody, he doesn't seem any crazier than he was before, and in fact, meeting new people has probably done him some good. He deeply cares for his friends, and will do anything to protect them.

    Tera Roth, Ex-Guardian of Larenska, Leader of the League of Roth
    Gender: Male
    Age: Late 20s
    Power: Twilight bent towards Light
    Weapons: Sapphire-jeweled sword, with keyblades on the side
    Personality: Enigmatic, but underneath the surface is very emotional
    History: After a major disagreement with another Guardian, he left the Guardians chasing a renegade assassin. He is an expert swordsman, even better than Xardius, but lacks the confidence and endurance needed to run a full-flung battle all by himself...He is over 5 centuries old, but appears to be in his late 20s only...He acts like it as well.

    Tyre Rutt, Guardian of Larenska, Commander in the League of Roth
    Gender: Male
    Age: Early 20s
    Power: Water-Lightning
    Weapons: A strange bow-like sword, with several smaller swords
    Personality: A joker at times, but is extremely intelligent
    History: A Guardian on leave, Tyre is a horrible fighter...or so he says. In reality, his agility, stealth, and original form of martial arts leaves him head above the rest when he gets serious...And with the war on, he's deadly serious.

    Highwind, ex-Guardian of Larenska
    Gender: Male
    Age: Early 30s
    Power: Darkness
    Weapons: A long sword of darkness, with various other swords
    Personality: Very dark, and rather morbid
    History: A Guardian who was taken over by the darkness from within...He disguised his heart from the Heartless, so he can command lesser forms. He is blindingly fast, and has extreme strength, but is less deadly than he seems in the end.

    And that's everybody, so far. Except for Zane. I'll do one for Zaxor sometime.
  8. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    Bellatrix XXIV The Fallen Angel

    Gender: Female
    Weapons: Chains, Yang Blade, Oathkeeper, and Oblivion
    Personality:usually very sweet, kind, and always ready to fight. she can become unpredictable though when its something that has to do with her past.
    Abilities: She's a skilled fighter thanks to her past training and all the fights she has been in. She's skilled in both long and short range attacks but usually prefers short range. Her chains can bind almost anything and are practically indestructable. She can also use her chains to transport anywhere if she knows what it looks like.
    History:She used to be a popular, straight A,rich kid, with lots of talent. Despite all that, she felt lonely because she felt like no one ever really saw her. She also felt like she never really fit anywhere. When she met the gang, she never really heard about them or what they did. She agreed to join out of boredom. On her first job, she nearly left immediatley but the gang wouldn't allow that and threatened her friends and family. She stayed and continued to kill. One day she nearly killed herself when she found out she would have to kill her best friend, Elysia, to save the rest of them. Bella never forgave herself for that. In the end, they were all dead. She left but not before her brother met her for the last time and handed her the locket. The locket is the most precious thing she has, inside are pictures of everyone she stil holds dear to remind her. Though her past is horrible, she doesn't want to forget because its taught her a lot and helped her. Her memory of becoming a nobody is still unclear and all she remembers is finding the invite of the Ultimate Organization. Now, with her new friends, its almost like she never lost her heart, especially when she's around Nulix. Like her brother once told her, Nobodies have hearts, they're just misplaced.

    Derek, Former top commander of the knights.


    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Power: Light
    Weapons: Chains, Yin Blade
    Personality: usually very kind and laid back except if he knows someone likes his sister. then he acts like the older brother or dad.
    Abilities: He's not a very good fighter but still onbe of the best. He's best at short range battles but that still never helped him in his battles with his sister. He can unlock almost anything. His chains can only bind.
    History: Derek was better than his sis at nearly everything except fighting. He kept an eye on her for his parents and knew what she was doing. He always felt guilty for never stopping his sister. He was always makin up proverbs and was always trying to learn new things. After Bellatrix left, he went on a journey and ended up joining the knights.He met the organization for the first time in the woods. He wasn't the same though. Afterwards he helped the organization, betraying the knights, and left. He has not been seen since.
  9. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    This is cool!


    Vexneah No. XXVI The Snow Angel
    Gender: Female
    Age: 12
    Power: Ice
    Weapons: Two Keyblades, and Vexen's Shield.
    Personality: Childish, naive, and most of the time, clueless. Vexneah is also a klutz, and always ends up tripping or falling, usually landing on her face. She can be too trusting towards people, even her enemies. When she is crossed too many times, she can get angry and violent, but that's only on rare occasions.
    Abilities: Vexneah can control ice, thanks to her connection with Vexen, which also allows her to use his shield. She has two Keyblades, both making her ice magic more powerful. She also has a special summon, Fenrisulfr the wolf. She can summon him whenever she needs him, making them both a force to be reckoned with.
    History: Vexneah is Heaven's Nobody, born when Heaven was attacked by her brother Even's Nobody, Vexen, when she was around two years old. Shortly after this event, the knights came to recruit Heaven, tossing Vexneah into a realm made of complete darkness. For ten years, Vexneah wandered through the darkness, searching for a way out. Scarred and confused, she didn't know what to think when she stumbled upon TWTNW, and joining the Ultimate Organization. From that point on, Vexneah has grown stronger, learning about herself and the worlds around her, and meeting new people.


    Heaven Rebel Enigmatic Knight
    Gender: Female
    Age: 12
    Power: N/A
    Weapons: A claymore, Terra's Keyblade, and various other tools.
    Personality: Rude, two-faced, and a con-artist. These are some of the things that describe Heaven. The complete opposite of Vexneah, she is violent, stealthy, and would rather talk with her weapons. She has a special talent for eavesdropping, which explains how she always knows what's going on. She also feels no guilt for lying, or doing many other crimes. She'll do anything to protect herself, even if it means allying with her enemies for a short time.
    Abilities: Thanks to ten years of training with the strongest knights, she's skilled with most any weapon she can get her hands on. She can also teleport short distances, which comes in handy for escapes. She has amazing speed, also useful in escaping or attacking.
    History: As a baby, Heaven lived in the now abandoned mansion of Twilight Town, along her brother, Even, who used her for various experiments behind the backs of her protective parents. After Even left for Radiant Garden and shortly after disappeared, Heaven's parents were heart broken, letting their guard down. One day, they let Heaven play outside the gates, unguarded. Vexen appeared in attempt to destroy her, but her strong will protected her from death. Vexen left her unconscious, and being overwhelmed with darkness triggered the birth of her Nobody, Vexneah. Still unconscious, she didn't realize that she had a Nobody until years later. Figuring she was destined for greatness, the knights kidnapped her to be trained as one of them. She was taught to handle the most dangerous of weapons, and to mercilessly destroy her enemies. As she grew older and became less oblivious, she was trusted less and less, keeping her at her low rank as a knight. She eventually decided to go out on her own, but still calls herself a knight to this day, even after they fell to the Organization. Why she does this, it is unknown, like most of the things she does.
  10. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Xane no. 49 The Wandering Joker
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Power: Light
    Weapons: Formerly Armor. Currently a Keyblade called Knight's Edge. He can use Mickey's Kingdom Key and another as Key Claws when he's Light Mask.
    Personality: He is usually laid back and likes to joke. He constantly makes fun of events no matter how serious they are. He is also known to make jokes about his friends which usually makes them mad, though he means well. He is also known to have a serious side that he usually only shows when he is acting as his Alter Ego Light Mask. He also is known to chase after pretty girls. Especially Tifa.
    Abilities: He is a skilled fighter trained by the knights. He also can create Shockwaves in the grond and send them at opponents. He has light powers, though he rarely uses them. Eventually he becomes a cyborg after almost dying. Now he has the ability to Scan the weaknesses ofhis opponents for 30 minutes before short circuiting.
    History: Xane was born and raised in Port Royal and was a great fighter who admired Barbossa and Jack Sparrow. He was trained to be a great pirate by Barbossa in his home town. His fighting skills were impressive so the knights found and asked him to join them. He was recruited into a special division of knights, trained to destroy the Ultimate Organization by Judge Dragoon and Alyt. He was given a powerful keyblade called Knight's Edge. Later his home town was attacked by a heartless ship. He was defeated by the heartless and became a nobody. He had nowhere else to go so he joined The Ultimate Organiazation. He grew to like his new friends though he was angry that he could no longer use his keyblade for some reason. He also was l not used to not being a knight, though. He went wild for a while until he gained the use of his keyblade again. Later he rejoined the knights but nearly sacrificed himself to save his friends. He went to darkness barely alive until the mage Retlaw. Retlaw revived him with Stitch's help by giving him cyborg enhancements. Then Xane temporarily became the more serious Light Mask and traveled to many worlds before reuniting with the Organization. When he revealed his disguise he went back to his joking self. He went to a secret mission during the battle with the Knights where he found Twilight Mask........


    Twilight Mask
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Power: Twilight
    Weapons: Twin keyblades that he uses as pistols.
    Personality: Mysterious........
    Abilities: Unknown
    History: He has recently joined up with Xane and the Organization. He seems to know alot about the power of Twilight...........
  11. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Wing #7 Master of Gales, Leader of The Ultimate Organization.
    Theme: Leave out all the Rest

    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Power: Wind/ Twilight (Due to eating Dark Fruit)
    Weapons: Two keyblades, Featherdancer and Twilit Oathkeeper
    Personality: He's a kind and loyal charater. Never Judges. Quick to defeand his Friends and will not back down from a fight. He jokes around on occasion. He keeps his past to himself, letting those who ask specifics in on just a little bit of his pesonal information.
    History: Wing was a native of a country called Prism. His world was invaded by heartless, so the Knights stepped up to help. They were quickly overwhelmed and defeated. Wing defended one knight named Jack Swanson, and discovered he could weild a Keyblade. Wing and his friends decided that they would save their world and created a group called "Inverted Prism" The name was based on the concept of a prismes ability to refract light into many colors, so logicly the opposite would be an inverted prism, meaning bringing all those colors back together intro one light. The group was Shadow, Rain, Dream, and Wing. They fought the heartless and freed many villages, but soon Wing's friends began to fall, and each loss was harder and harder to bear. Soon Wing was alone and the Knights came back. They saw how well he fought and offered him a position amoung them. He agreed and was soon betraied. The knights left him behind and he was soon defeated by the heartless and thus Wing was born. He first appeared in front of Memories Skyscraper with his new keyblade, Gales and his new power of wind. He was accepted in the Organization and was soon off on important missions where he gained and showed leadership abilities. His fisrt mission was to find Yen Sid, to uptain a Map piece that would lead the Organization to a powerful mage named Retlaw. His mission was a sucsess, and then he was quickly dragged into a new battle with new organization members, that would soon become his closest friends. The rag tag group defeated the knights and were off to find Retlaw. Map piece after map piece was found and soon the group returned home where Wing was promoted to Superior of the Organization. With his new position, the group defeated the knights once an for all and then he traveled to Kingdom hearts a few days after the others. His presence has been scarce amoung the group, and he was left in Kingdom hearts. His goal is to find Vecked, and either defeat him once and for all or come to some understanding.

    Coa, Gaurdian of Twilight and member of the League of Roth.
    Theme: Valentine's Day
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Power: twilight
    Weapons: Keyblade. Twilgiht's blade
    Personality: He's a kind and loyal charater. Never Judges. Quick to defeand his Friends and will not back down from a fight. He has no memories of his past.
    History: He is Wing's other. When Wing/ Coa was defeated by the heartless his Heartless was punched back into his body, by Xardius, then Darius. Keeping his heart. Though he lost all of his memories. (Wing kept those.) And he joined the Gaurdians and trianed to become the gaurdian of Twilight, his ultimate Destiny. He met Wing while on a mission to capture Highwind in Twilight Town. He traveled with the Organization until Tera Roth took him in to a Twilight world. Tera Roth completed Coa's mission and then sent Coa back to Laurenska. Where he trained untill the War broke out. He fought all six years untill he was completly alone. He was almost defeated by the virus, his only saviour was his promises to his freinds. He then discovered that the Gaurdians were still alive and he joined up with them to combat the Virus, and he was given the title of "Gaurdian of Twilight" by Tera Roth, who then became the leader of the gaurdians.
  12. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    Brotherhood Member:


    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Power: Unclear, but something to do with dragons...
    Weapons: Energy Sabers (like Xenmas)
    Personality: Zaxor is a conniving old geezer whose backstabbing ways have led him a lowly position in the Brotherhood. They keep him around for mop-up duties and otherwise dirty jobs they don't want the pleasure of doing themselves. Zaxor, however lowly, is extremely dangerous and powerful, and his thirst for blood has only grown over the years. His need to prove himself to the other Brotherhood members may lead him to a sticky end, but he's already survived one death by Zane. His control over the dragon Bahamut is absolute. He also has complete control over the surrounding areas. However, his unstable condition may be his undoing in the end...

    History: Unknown, other than he's from the dark side of Kingdom Hearts; in fact, he may be considered nice in the dark side, which may be the reason for his low positioning.

    *Picture coming soon!*


    Zaxor's picture!
  13. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
  14. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    This hasn't been posted in in forever.

    OK, golems:

    Golems are magic-resistant creatures of which only 30 were created. Their creator remains a mystery, but they are intelligent, human-like beings who are nearly invincible. They can only destroyed using spirit energy known as chi, as well as magic-blessed steel, which includes keyblades.

    Male golems are extremely powerful, and charge into attacks, relying on their impenetrable defense and super strength to kill opponents.

    Female golems flow like water across the battlefield, dodging all attacks and rapidly attacking.
  15. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    your right, but I'm going to update it tonight...
  16. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Well I'm in charge of this now......but I would like Nulix to update it I won't have to start a new thread....he could just copy and paste what I write though.....
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