The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011


    "I see." Magashi commented unexpectedly, "So you expect me to keep an eye on her? What a waste of time."
    His comment more or less summed him up entirely; willing to obey an order, but unwilling to admit that he'd obey it. That combined with the fact that he was essentially living metal made him a very odd team member indeed.


    Ethan, Iggy, and Axel, all followed after Gil, since he had run off ahead with little concern. Ethan couldn't help but be reminded of his younger sister, Lumia, and the fact that she tended to act in a very similar way.



    "I've got nothing." Chrono said bluntly. He didn't care for the concept of what they had to do at all, since he had always focused on combat training above all other kinds. It wasn't that he wasn't intelligent enough to attempt the puzzle, it was just that he didn't think he would be capable of helping at this point.


    "Eh... you wouldn't wanna eat me! I'm French! I've got no meat on me, it's all just stringy muscle and hair!" The Frenchman rambled on, not really making an awful lot of sense. In truth; he was just trying to bide time for someone to think of something.

    From a nearby corridor, Fate watched the pair of strangers laying on the floor before Dio with very little interest. Most likely Dio would be able to handle the situation, but she had Bardiche set up behind her back on the off-chance he couldn't. Brando was important to Howzer's plans, and so she couldn't allow him to be damaged too extensively. Not yet.

  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry, Inuyasha, Miroku, Akiza, WilyKat, and WilyKit all followed them, Harry held Kirara in his arms and thought back how things were back on his world, Akiza looked through her remaining cards and sighed, WilyKit and WilyKat were talking about how much Lion-O and the others would believe them, Miroku was, well, he was still rubbing his slapped cheeks while Inuyasha was wondering if Kagome, Sango, and Shippo were looking for the Scared Jewel shards. Miroku noticed a look Harry was giving to WilyKit, unseen, but looked away. He smiled.
  3. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Following shortly behind the group was the same girl from before. A large smile was imprinted on her young, cute, face as she was holding even more doujinshi(about three or four) in her hands. For some reason, she did not say anything- just following them with those glazed over eyes that could be seen through her thick glasses. Each of them. Each and every one of them were making her heart soar into the sky.

    "How cute, you want to meet me."​

    Giving Magashi a quick glance he noted, "Thank you." Leading the girl to the back for him to watch. Going back to the woman's side, while keeping Panty close to his person, the boy just had to ask; "Time magic?" He waved it off with how rediculous it sounded. Controlling time? How absurd! "Why would you need to learn such things?"

    "Don't fret. We will see eachother shortly. You and I."​

    His heart began to race to the point that he felt that it was about to explode. "I, for one, dislike these events which are unfolding...."


    Clapping at this show of patheticness, the vampire laughed, "How foolishly incompitent you all are!"

    That. That was the last damn straw. "Hey, sparkly!" He yelled with a finger pointed towards Dio, now more pissed than afraid, "I don't think you've ever been taught manners, have you? This is no way to treat a guest!" Shoving his hands inside his pockets, he then tapped his foot soundly, " forgot one thing..." Bearing his sharp teeth in a large grin he yelled, "I AM NOT INCOMPITENT." In gold text. No seriously; golden text appeared right in front of them! The boy then yanked one arm out of his pocket and reached out for a large golden blade that had now appeared before him. "And I'm willing to take any one of you down just to prove it!" Throwing his crippled friend over his shoulder, he then rushed up the stairwell, "...just not right now!" All that rushed through his mind was 'damn damn damn damn damn damn damn shit damn' as the Sorcerer's feet tapped up the stairs as fast as anyone could really go. Although he did want to make this very known: This was no retreat. This is just a reverse ambush. Rushing up to the top floor, he ran into Archer who---didn't look too happy indeed..."We gotta get out of here! Think of something!" He normally wouldn't have someone else think of a plan for him but...this was a very hasty(and not to mention, dangerous) time.

    Turning to Fate, the vampire grinned widely, "You handle this situation. I have a meeting with a certain someone..."
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ankh had one thign to say. "I'm never riding this transport again."
    Ichigo, Dante, Moka, EIji and Ankh soon followed suit as Eiji dug his hand in a pocket and pulled out a... pair of pants that seemed for a beach and Ichigo looked at him "Why do you carry those?" He asked as Eiji gave a smile. "Well, it's better to be prepared, I always carry one always."

    "You are one strange human Eiji." ANkh said and EIji just gave a smile and Moka heard Anhk. "You make it sound liek you aren't human Mr. Ankh." She said and Ankh gave a small laugh. "But of course, I am a Greeed after all, got a probelm with it woman?" He said snidely and EIji spoke. "Don't feel insulted, he's always like this, He's only borrowing detective-san's body but I'll save him." Eiji said and ANkh took more fast paces. "Do what you want, I'm not abandoning this body.

    Dante wanted to see the city so he kept ahead at the front.


    Tsukasa looked at Kakyoin. "Then let us hear this voice out and see where it takes us, it's better than standing around here being all cautious." He commented.


    Justin looked confused. "Mavericks? Is that your miltary? He asked Zero.
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina looked at Jonathan... "Right... I was floating RIGHT here... and EVEN I! Did not get what just happened!"


    Simon was now in Lagann while Yoko had swam to the platform too.
    She looked around at everyone else and then to Jotar-force. "...Tchh..." ...How are we going to get by like this.


    Yusuke was also on the platform, looking around for anything that could be useful. After all, being stuck in the middle of the ocean could be seen as a big problem...
    Yeah... just a tad.

    Thankfully, someone had chosen to drag the pink haired guy with them (at least I hope... or this post will not count..)
    He still just lay there on the floor in his sick state...
    "Guh... somebody solve it already..." not paying attention to the fact that he could try and help them solve it faster... although, the most he did was punch things when it came to helping... so yeah, he just continued to moan.


    Emiya Shirou just followed after everyone else... even he was completely confused about everything that had just happened.
    And now he was soaking wet, but he ignored that and decided to let himself dry off naturally.
    He looked after Gil, who was being the usual fearless child and just running off ahead. So he too chose to make haste.
    He felt he had a responsibility to protect everyone that he could.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    WilyKit and WilyKat walked by Harry's side, smiling and asking him about his world while their tails moved in sync with their steps. Harry smiled and tried to explain his world. Miroku walked beside Inuyasha and said, "I think that young Harry has a crush on Ms. WilyKit." "What? Are you crazy, monk?" Inuyasha asked, Miroku shook his head. "I've seen the way Harry looks at her. But that's just me." Inuyasha sweat dropped and continued to walk to the city. Miroku shrugged and walked with his hands in his sleeves.
  7. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Zero smirked at Justin's comment on the Mavericks. "Heh, My military? Far from it. Mavericks are Reploids, like me, except they are a threat to mankind instead of a help." Zero stopped for a moment. "If you ever come across a Reploid who goes by the name Sigma, do NOT trust anything he says. He's the worst of the Mavericks." The seriousness in Zero's voice was quite intense.
  8. Hell-Sing Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 15, 2011
    "Lets listen to the voice. Voice, talk." Sypha waited, prepared to hear the voice. She had a plan, talking about Time magic was just a distraction. Though she didn't physically move, she prepared mentally. She had a feeling things were going to get nasty.
  9. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Ethan looked behind himself at the others, noticing the girl who was following them in silence.
    "Ever get the feeling you're being followed?" Ethan said plainly at the group, assuming they would pick up what he was saying and not be completely oblivious like some people he knew.



    "You're not taking the wheelchair?!" the Frenchman yelled in horror as his ally ran away with him over his shoulder.
    Without it there was very little he would be able to do without relying entirely on his power, and even that wouldn't allow him to walk without aid.

    Without responding, Fate flew up to where the sorcerer had ran, seeing all three of the intruders there and landing before them.
    "Hakken form." her device stated, as it switched from a simple bladed staff to an energy scythe in around a second.
    "If you surrender" she told them quietly, "we might be able to just use you."
    The way she said it made it seem as though she genuinely thought it was the better option.

  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ankh spoke to Ethan's comment. "Noticed the annoyance already, she must be pretty stupid to think about attacking." Ankh said lowly before extending his arm and the red guantlet like claw disconnected immediately as Ankh's hair was now a black flattened colour as the for almost fallen forward had it not been for Eiji's timely save. "Detective-san!" He said as Ankh's red gaunlet creepd up behind the girl without much notice and palced a hand on her shoulder

    "Any reason to follow us human?" Ankh's voice asked form the gauntlet as he waited for her reaction and response to floating arm-like thing touch her.


    "Sigma? Never heard of him in the Garlyle forces, all I know is Mullen and Leen." Justin said in reponse.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Inuyasha and Miroku watched the gauntlet try to talk to the girl. WilyKit held onto Harry's hand as they and WilyKat watched, Akiza was a little surprised by what happened but kept her thoughts to herself and stood near the kids. Kirara stayed on Harry's shoulder, when Harry felt WilyKit grab his hand, he blushed and watched Ankh talk to the girl. Inuyasha put his sword just in case the girl would attack.
  12. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Rose gave a contemptuous glance to the metal man, her lips pursed. She stared straight ahead, listening to the voice. Oh, look, it was talking again. She sighed an touched a finger to one of her needles. Be prepared.
  13. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    With a shreik at actually being touched by one of them; she lept back from the overload of joy. The glass covering her eyes shined in a dramatic manner as she twirled in happiness, "My name is HARUMI FUJIYOSHI and I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN~" She raised a fist upwards while proclaiming this statement as if she was part of some Super Sentai Show.
    "Your show is the most popular thing in the world! Mostly because it takes up all channels." Raising up a doujin called 'Star Peircing Drill' Which depicted two men that were more than familiar to the group, she continued, "I started making your show the sole purpose for my slashes! JotaroXKamina was my OTP of this group until..." Opening up the fanbook-which she had created herself from scratch- to a very...erhm- raunchy sex scene; she flashed it to the group, "Since I saw both of them naked, it was easy for me to draw each scene out perfectly! What do you think?" Turning her head to a full ninty-degree angle; "And by the way" she gave Willykit a look that could slice through steel, "Harry loves Inyuasha. Not...that girl."

    A vampire, two cats, a wizard, two demons, a dog, a shinigami, a sentai warrior, a duelist, a child, and others of this sort. All have been stranded in the same world for quite some time. None of them could have ever realized when or how it could have possibly happened; but...they had entered...
    The Fandom Zone​


    Watching the group travel off into the city being followed by some odd girl, Jonathan sighed, "I guess we should head back then..." With a large smile, he looked back, "I'm sure she was secretly rooting for us this entire time. What do you bet?" He turned to Kamina with a smile; and then back to the train- said expression fading quickly. "Wesker didn't die. If he did; we would have known." The grim look on his face suddenly faded and he went back to his normal self. "Let's talk to Angelique; I'm sure she'll know all of these oddities that have been going on lately."


    "Why did they-a-name their army after cows?" He asked as his head wandered off to a vision of mavericks dressed in army uniforms and mooing commands. This caused many giggled to emmit from the country. Suddenly he was hit in the face by a...flipper. Looking up; you could see several fish were floating above their heads in mid air."UWA! IT'S A NUCLEAR ACCIDENT GONE HORRIBLY WROOONG! OH MY GO-Oh but they so pretty!"


    "There's no way I'm dragging that thing up the stairs! Besides, I can get you a new one sometime or another...EITHER WAY- A KING DOES NOT LEAVE HIS MEN BEHIND IN A TIME OF WAR!" How queer this statement was; for he was not a king...of anything. Looking back at Fate(boy, what a pun this is), he laughed, "Sorry, but there's only one woman who uses me!"
    Oh wait- that did not sound as he intended...


    "I have one more question." Jojo made complete and total eye-contact with her for this one expecailly; "What am I to you?"
    If she was anything like Reinforce's guardian then he needed to know he was of her best interest. There was also the fact that- for some odd reason- her opinon of him mattered. Almost no ones opinion of him ever mattered before now.


    Kakyoin silenced himself and awaited for whatever their leader was planning to do. Hopefully, it wasn't anything too farfetched...or too dangerous.

    "You look for me. How sweet of you."

    "The Emperor goes in the middle." Stated Jolyne matter-of-factly. "...what? I'm good at brainteasers! It runs in the family!"

    OOC: Hint hint hint.

    Also; Fun fact: Today is-erh, was Kakyoin's birthday.
  14. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    "You're our biggest fans? Then I guess that means you know exactly who I am?" Axel said, striking a rather concieted, yet somehow attractive, pose.

    "And who exactly have you paired me up with?" Iggy asked, amused.

    Ethan had no idea what was going on. A show? Biggest fan? He had fans back home, he was sure, but this was too weird.



    "Okay, look." Chrono said, stepping forward. "We're not going to get anywhere if we go on like this. I'll give it a try first, and if nothing happens, somebody else can go for it."
    "Okay, The Emperor is the mighty king, so that's in the center.
    His wife would be The Empress, the jester is obviously The Fool.
    Stars would mean The Star, like the criminal refers to The Hanged Man. Likewise the 'everyone' it refers to is probably The World.
    A Pope is a religious figure, like The Hierophant, and the lone man is probably The Hermit, since he'd be issolated from society."
    He moved the cards into the possitions swiftly but carefully, ensuring not to damage them in any way.
    "And if I'm right, the 'glow' at The Empress's feet is The Moon."
    He placed that final card in the corner, and waited to see if anything would happen.


    The yellow-haired girl shook her head in apparent disapproval towards the boy who shared her age, and swung her weapon in his direction, launching a spinning, boomerang-like projectile of energy from the tip as her device spoke.
    "Hakken Saber."

  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "What?!!!!!" Harry and Inuyasha shouted at the same time when they heard they were paired up together. Harry asked the girl, utterly confused, "What do you mean, I love Inuyasha?!!!! I like him, and I think of him as my soul brother!" "Me, too!!" Inuyasha shouted at the girl, WilyKat stood on his tiptoes, his eyes shining with his tail high in the air, "Who am I paired with?!" "Should I even ask?" Miroku said, facepalming himself. Seeing as she couldn't be with Harry and her brother was eager to hear his partner's name, WilyKit ran to Akiza and hugged her, Akiza hugged her back. Kirara left Harry and went to the girls.
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ankh soon returned to the fallen Detective EIji held onto and attached to him ocne again, changing the hairstyle and a sleeve completely back to his original persona and looked at the girl who named her herself Harumi. "What a strange human." He commented as Eiji blinked, he didn't know what to make of this really.

    Ichigo's eye twitched, he knew what this was since Chizuru personally tried the same sort of affection in Inoue as he facepalmed himself quite urgently. "Don't tell me you are one of those women..." as Dante looked at him. "What kind of woman you saying kid?" He asked and Ichigo gulped.

    "Men loving men, there a few people who try to... pair the same sex." He sad and Dante stood there for three seconds. "If anyone's paired me up with my brother, I'll promise them a swift end." Dante said so seriously.

    Moka didn't find this sort of thing attractive, why wouldn't she? As long as Tsukune's blood is hers to drink who cares?

  17. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: *puts on Josef Joestar hat* OH MY GOOOOOD! You got the puzzle just right.


    As everyone held the cards into place, the door clicked open. "You got it!" She grasped Chrono by the sholders and smiled, "Now let's get the **** off of this thing!" She kicked the door as hard as she could and it jarred open to reveal the control room.


    The boy grinned and crossed his arms as the weapon had no effect on him whatsoever. "Sorry, I don't believe in bullshit like that." Although he did toss his French friend onto the floor to keep him away from the projectile. Turning back to Archer, he then jammed a thumb her way, "Gee you'd think someone with tits like that would pack more of a punch....Either way, what's the plan?" Completely ignoring the fact that the girl was probably going to attack again...and the fact that he just left his crippled friend on the floor.
    It was alright though, he can handle himself.

    "Of course!" Shouted another girl who had bandages all over her body as if she had suffered years of abuse, "You're the great demon rockstar ex-president: Axel! We're all a big fan of you, expecailly."
    Looking towards the group and adjusting her glasses, "That's right!" She stated with a firm foot to the ground, "I am a yaoi fangirl!" Looking back to the shocked and appauled Duo, Harumi then pointed out, "Silly Harry; I saw the way you were eyeing everyone in the bath~" With a laugh she presented a piece of fanart; "WillykatXIggy was just TOO CUTE TO PASS UP!"
    From another corner stood a girl with flowing blonde hair(a complete difference to these other Japanese girls), pointing a finger in Dante's face, "If you hurt us, I'll sue you!" The exchange student then laughed to herself and posed rather...oddly so that her panties could show to everyone. The worst part was- this was not on purpose.
    A small girl who had darker skin(and was considerably younger) than the other girls, pulled another one along in a wagon. This girl who was bound in a blanket; look up at the crowd uttering, "Don't open me up."
    The tiny child then pointed to Ichigo, "Maria loves your hair!" She then grabbed onto the orange spikes and began to feel through them intensively....this was more than awkward for everyone standing around.

    More and more schoolgirls emerged from different places. It was almost as if this was some sort of cult.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry blushed when she mentioned the bath, but he knew he couldn't explain the reason why. WilyKat had a look of pure shock when he saw the fanart of him and Iggy. Miroku looked at all the schoolgirls and sighed, "I guess I'm too perverted to be paired with anyone, huh?" WilyKit and Akiza watched as the girls appeared from everything, Akiza and WilyKit tried to shout to their companions, but it was no use. They turned and headed for the city, but WilyKit stopped her. Harry tried to get out of the crowd of girls.
  19. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    More girls appeared one after another.
    "I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" Shouted one who had a tightly wrapped ponytail, "You're all hurt so please, please don't go!" She then wimpered more "Sorry"s despite the fact that she hadn't done anything wrong.
    "Ai's right." Stated a teenager who beared an awfully horrible hairline that was split perfectly down the middle of her head, "You can't get to far with those wounds."She placed a nurses hat on her head and grinned, her head turning at a 180-degree angle...which was incredibly disturbing to say the least..."Nurse Chiri. At your service."
    A girl whose face was imprinted with a permenant, feirce glare, started in, "Why don't we just bring them back to the school?"
    Harumi put a finger to her chin, "Good idea Mayo. Hey Nami, what do you think?"
    A completely ordinary highschooler- the only one of the bunch as it seems- stared in silent awe at the figures which she had watched for so long. Inside, she was squealing for joy to the high heavens but outside...she was shaking uncontrollably.
    "How normal." Sighed Chiri.
    Maria tugged on Harry's hand- now completely done with rubbing Ichigo's orange spikes, "Let's play! Maria wants to plaaaay!" Her bare feet tapped across the pavement in excitement.
    "How weird you Asains are!" Shouted the blonde as she pointed to Miroku, "You should be glad no one tried to pair you u-oooh" She firmly made her way towards Dante, "Hello there~" Inhailing enough air to make her breast size seem bigger than it really was, the girl unbuttoned her shirt just a tad.
    "Oh, Kaere! That's no way to introduce yourself!" The bandaged girl then picked up Iggy and petted him firmly, "Abiru Kobushi" Her hand then reached around to his tail as she pulled it, letting out a noise of pure excacy, "NYAH!"
    "My name is Kiri Komori." Stated the odd one who sat in the wagon, her hair parted from blocking her face as she beared the most beautiful expression of them all, "Nice to meet you." The blanket wrapped around her was more than enough to hide her fair skinned and gorgeously shaped body from the public eye. Also the fact that she doesn't wear much under it.
    A small child who was tightly formed stood quite a while away from the rest of the group. She walked up to Willykat and let out the most adorable whimpering noise that the cat had ever heard. Her gaze then fell straight to her phone which she tapped out a message and showed it to the girl. It stated: 'So when's the obnoxious godmodding guy gonna bang the pink haired girl who has done next to nothing this entire time?'

    "Merumeru~" stated a voice from ahead, "She loves to share her true feelings to everyone! Isn't it amazing?" Red eyes stared everyone down as they were met with a large smile, "She is unafraid to tell others what she is thinking. I wish I could be so strong one day!" This girl....Kafuka Fuura(which is not even her actual name) filled the air with her optimism. "Come along now everyone! Sensei is about to start class!" She hopped, jumped, and then skipped her way down to school.

    The other girls looked up at the group expectingly, "Let's go!" They all shouted in unison, creepily.

    OOC: Charater profile coming soon. Won't post it until all cameos here are introduced. Also, sorry for the namedump.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Looking at each other, Harry said, "Well, we should follow them. It will be nice to see other people." "But everyone, keep your guard up. Who knows what these girls are like," Inuyasha said. Miroku looked at the girls and bowed, "After you, ladies." Akiza held WilyKit's hand and followed the girls, Harry, with WilyKat at his side, followed them. WilyKat asked, "What's a school?" "Maybe one of those girls can tell you that." Harry said, then sighed. His friendship with WilyKit was all messed up now, he would try to make it up to her somehow.
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