The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    "What are we doing about this?" Reinforce asked him in response, ready to do whatever asked. She was far more used to combat than traps, so it was a valid reason to ask.


    The J-Bird docked into J-Ark at last; giving the occupants a look at the sheer scale of the vessel. It was huge, appearing to be around 70ft or more long (ooc: it's slightly more than that.), and the cannons themselves looked strong enough to pierce almost any armour they could think of.
    "This is the J-Ark." Soldato J stated with quiet pride. "The last one in existence."


    "Hey, don't think I'm gonna lose this now!" the frenchman insisted to them both.
    "They call me the greatest frenchman to ever live, and I'm gonna live up to it!"


    "Alright, then it's decided! I'll go up to the cab and get him to start!" Axel announced, standing up and starting to walk towards the door of the trailer.

    "I'm willing to take bets he dies first." Iggy said cynically, munching on some more coffee-flavoured gum, which nobody had seem him aquire.


    "Interesting." Magashi stated, surprising everybody that hadn't already seen he was awake, which was made all the more surprising with his height and wingspan being what it was.
    "And who might the two of you be?"


    It had to be said; this place wasn't the most favourable place Chrono could think of. There were a great many places he could think of that appealed to him far more than here.
    Onboard the Athra, in the office on Mid-childa, anywhere with Amy...
    Wait, what was that last one?


    "Look at them all; trying to play their little games, each knowing only a little of the truth." Howzer mused, a single, but large, Seed-form standing by his side, an eiry intelligence seeming to eminate from the being.
    "If they could only work together, they would gain the true power in this world; knowledge."
    Without even looking at the Seed, he turned and walked away, back to his lab.
    "Do what you will for now, but stay on the grounds." he said to the creature simply.
    Perhaps the day would be more entertaining than expected.

  2. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Luffy sighed. "People are always trying to kill me." He said, looking at his deadly pants. "Exploding pants are pretty original, though." He looked back to the guests, waving. "Do you guys have any ideas? 'Cause, I'm more of the action guy." he asked, perfectly calm, despite the enormous danger.

    Scott stumbled backwards into the seat. "What type of force? Like, Star Wars?" he asked, chuckling at his own joke. "I hope a few of you got my completely high-brow humor. But seriously, what are you going to do?"

    Rose's eyes closed in on a small group in the distance. She frowned. She had no reason to trust them, but they might be the only other people here. She waved towards them and quickened her pace.
  3. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: Accepted vampire is accepted.
    Damn, we've got amillion demons, a handfull of vampires, tons of zombies, a country, some humans, some witches, and other things that are just...yeah...
    We've got a large cast of characters; don't we?


    "First; let's take a look at this bomb." The man took a fork of the table to stab into the boy's pants. It probably might set off the explosive but he seriously did not care at the moment. "This." he said, pointing to the belt buckle which was an odd symbol.


    "Aries..." He started, "It's from the zodiac." Standing up to his fullest he then noted, "The other symbols are gone...but maybe if we scratch the others in we can disable it."
    It was a crazy-ass guess at the least.
    But it should work.

    Here's how the puzzle goes.
    Save that picture up there; use GIMP, Photoshop, Paint, WHATEVER; to fill in the blanks with other Zodiac symbols.
    What order it goes in?
    That's for you to try.
    I would like each of you(who owns a character on the boat) to try at least once for the answer.
    Looking stuff up is allowed so don't worry your pretty little heads about it.
    Get going hunbuns~


    Kakyoin lept almost out of his skin before turning around, "You definentally are not the most obvious person about...." He stated with another kick to the armor.
    "And there's another one." His thin lips seemed to stretch into a more kind expression as the girl seemed...quite like himself, in a way.
    He wasn't sure why he even considered this; but Kakyoin is frankly just wandering in his own head at the moment.


    The train started with an incredibly fast alurch that sent everyone forward a bit.
    A stumble for those sitting down.
    A fall for those standing up.
    "It seems he decided to finally start the car..." The man noted while watching Angelique do her job from behind thick shades.

    Smashing his fists and shoes into anything that looked even slightly like a machine, the boy laughed excitedly at the damage being done by his own hand. He even went so far as to pick up a display screen, wave it over his head, and let out a howl as if he was Godzilla. Oh damn was this awesome!


    "It looks-a like someone's hungry!" Italy shoved a spoon full of his food into J's mouth as the man gleamed with pride. This of course...ruined the moment of shining pride....completely and totally....ouch.

    Jolyne stated in a rather mood-killing manner, "Star Wars was okay but I preferr Johnny Depp movies." It was as if the speed of the cart didn't affect them just as long as they kept their minds off of it. The strings sort of loosened and Jojo ended up slamming her head into the side of the car with a loud bang. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhit." It wasn't the pain that was so was just the fact that the side of the car was just so damn filthy.
  4. Hell-Sing Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 15, 2011
    (OOC: First post w00t)

    The various lights shut down for a millisecond casting shadows off of the subway compartment and through that shadow; the No Life King simply appeared in the few milliseconds the light failed. With all of the these various specimens here, this was certainly more interesting than killing a singular ghoul here and there; here, he would no longer have to fight pathetic monsters that don't even live up to that name. Maybe even find a true human, like the late Alexander Anderson, to be killed by. He seriously doubted that, however. Anderson had been the first being to truly challenge him since his third defeat by that mad man of god, Helsing. And though Anderson was a true human, he was nothing like Abraham. No, not even on the same plane, as that one true, human. A man of word, a man who could defeat him the no life king at his best, while being a normal human. Yes, Anderson did use one of the true Nails Alucard now kept in his red jackets pocket now. Before becoming a monster who fought for god, he was no real challenge. But his will....

    Alucard simply stared at the floor while he had these many thoughts, and reflections, absorbed in them. His red duster took up far much more space than his actual body, and his hat cut view from his face except for that one singular grin of his. He folded his pentagram clad white gloves, and crossed one foot over the other, and leaned forward absent mindedly. The King is dead. Long live the No-Life king.
  5. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Luffy looked at Jotaro. Zodiac? He thought he knew about that. "Can I try? I'm gonna try." He said, crouching over the buckle. He slowly scratched in the symbols he could remember.


    OOC: everything reminds me of homestuck

    He looked up. "There. It looks good."
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Archer jumped high and straight into the tower. Closing his eyes a bow materialized in his hands and Archer began to run through the area firing sword arrows at some technology he found, all the while he kept a eye out for anything important "now this cannot be so easy. They must have some sort of security to protect their valuables" Archer said keeping an eye out for anything that may prove to be troublesome.

    Gil toppled down upon the start of the train and immediately climbed up the chair and sat next to Shirou with a smile "Now lets see where this train takes us. Quite possibly another trap" Gil said happily as he curiously looked out the window.
  7. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Also yes; I figured it'd remind you of homestuck.
    But I just have a love for Zodiac-related themes.

    The symbol popped off and hit the floor. Ticking...."So that's the bomb." Jotaro noted for a moment. "Well, shit. We've gotta get rid of it." This was stated so matter-of-factly it was almost odd to hear it in this situation.

    Passing by the king with little-to-no sense of anything around her; the witch stood in silence. "It looks like another has joined the game..." She then kept going, without even really considering his presence at all.
    It didn't matter to her. There was only this group to fool and nothing else.
    Not for now, anyway.

    Wesker had never seen such a child; even the little girl went insane from the mental torture. This boy just seemed to be thrown just about everywhere he could imagine and back. And yet can retain their childhood like this....maybe it was the fact that it was his second experience...or not.
    Either way; the man had quite a few plans for this group...


    With closed eyes and an outstreched grin, the young man hung from chords just above Archer's head, swinging on them violently until they snapped, "Hmmm you're right...I would expect alittle something more from these kooks...but Just lean back, relax, and break shit!" Once they snapped he landed on his feet gracefully, the cape airing out his landing.
    "I guess I'll be taking one of these...." He stated while staring at a laptop with several bits of information scrolled about. "Wow that's a hell of alot of requests..." His attention was this cut away from this and back to destroying everthing. Every. Thing.
    It didn't even matter if it was electronic or not; he just had fun with beating the stuffing out of a chair with his specail moves...which weren't too specail but they were still pretty admirable to preform.
  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    "Ohcrapohcrapohcrap! J-Just throw it into the water or something!" Deadpool screamed. It was weird that he was freaking out, even if the bomb went off, his healing factor would heal him.

    OOC: Do you still want the rest of us to post our results too?


    Zero refused on Italia's offer for food. "Sorry, but I don't eat. Actually, it's more like I can't eat. Being a mechanical being, food would just mess me up. I appreciate the offer." Zero said. He took a tour of the ship, it's size was quite amazing to Zero, even though it wasn't his first time being on the ship.
  9. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: can if you want to!
    I don't discourage your tries!


    Jojo looked up with a rather stale face, "What if it sets off while in my hands?" He then looked to the group, "Which one of you won't get blown to pieces by a bomb?....who is also not trapped in a cage..."


    The country's little curl of hair fell limp at Zero's words. What a poor bastardo he was. Va. "I can't think what I'd do if I couldn't stuff my stomach to it's fullest every hour." After spooning in a few mouthfulls of food- from the same spoon he used on J- Italy then waved it about like a wand, "I would probably die or something!"
  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    "I'll do it." Reinforce volunteered. Admittedly, she wasn't actually the best candidate, but explosions she could normally handle. She had no reason to expect not to be able to stop this one too.


    Soldato J coughed after having been force-fed some of the food. Unknown to Italy; J didn't need food either, as a J-Jewel Cyborg the energy he needed to live was all generated in the gem on his wrists. He hadn't had to explain that before, since the only others he had known since being restored also worked with a cyborg.
    Once he had finished coughing the food back up, he called out to his ship;
    "J-Ark! Resume course!"
    "Roger." the AI, Tomoro, responded, as the J-Ark did just that; its engines pushing it through the air once again.


    Not to be outdone; 'The Frenchman' also was at work trashing everything he could find, which would have looked particularly impressive considering he was still in a wheelchair. And he was really enjoying the smashing.


    Axel went flying backwards as the train started, landing flat on his face near the back of the cabin.
    "I'm okay...!" he could only respond.

    "It started. I wonder where we're headed then?" Ethan asked aloud.

  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Justin looked around the craft, it was certainly advanced. "Id this a Angelouian airship?" he had to ask in wonder.


    Tsukasa gave a small jump at Magashi suddenly appearing. "You already look better than before." He commented obivously.


    The train begun to move as Axel was sarign into the back of the cabin as Ankh paid no attention to the demon, just jerking in his seat briefly as did the others he assumed and noticed Eiji slowly begining to wake. "So you finally decide to wake up again." he said as Eiji looked around. "Ankh, are we..." he begun to ask as he took in his surroundings and Ankh gave a scoff. "You should figure it out yourself, those Core Medals reacted again."

    Eiji looked down breifly. "I see." He said as Ichigo looked at outside, "When was the last time I been on a train?" Ichigo thought to himself remaining quiet, rememing the times with Mom, this was one of those times as he stared blankly outside.

    Dante didn't express much interest in the transport itself, after all, why go for a ride on a boring track when you knew how to fly out of a crumbling castle? or ride up the side of the Temen-ni-Guru on a rocket powered motorcycle or better yet, running down the building with just shoes? Ah those were good exciting times.

    Moka was kind of fascinated by the train but she realised it was kind of like the bus that connects the human and Youkai Academy worlds together, so it wasn't all that exciting.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry managed to keep Kirara in his lap when the train started and sighed, looking out the window. "Wow, we're going so fast!!!!!!" WilyKat said, looking out his window, WilyKit looked as well and smiled with her brother, "Yeah, Lion-O and Panthro would be so interested into this." "Being on a train on this reminds me of going to Hogwarts at the start of the school year." Harry said, Inuyasha asked, "What's 'Hogwarts'?" "It's the school I go to practice my magic. But it's not like a regular school, it's a huge castle." Harry said, smiling, he pointed to his crest, "This means I'm in the house of Gryffindor. But I'm not sure if I can explain that." "It's okay, it's just nice to know where you learn your magic," Akiza said.

    OOC: If you're confused by this post and my intermission post, the reason WilyKit mentioned Panthro in this post is because he has recently appeared in the remake series, when in my intermission post, he hadn't appeared yet.
  13. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    The white substance started to build into a mass; creating a rather lively glob that stayed clung to the back of the train. It was quite the experiment. He had been working on it for a few days- of course this wasn't the only thing- just one of them.
    Soon enough; the mass would be large enough to slowly consumed the entire train. What an impressive specimens these on board would be if they could escape it in time.

    Wesker crumpled up paper and threw it on the floor of the train; not caring if anyone payed attention to it or not. Relaxing and polishing his gun with a hankercheif, he frankly stated, "I'm suprised I ended up with such an odd group as you."

    Magic? Catpeople? Demons made of steel?
    What foolish things.
    There was clearly a logical explaination to these things....and if not- they would prove to be of some use to his studies...


    "I wonder when we'll be able to meet some girls!" Italy cheered while waving his spoon about; spraying food all over the group, "In heaven, you know; the lovers are Italian! Hahaaa!"
    This was a reference to an old song he heard from grandpa Rome. Ahhh~ Grandpa Rome!

    Turning to J with a raised eyebrow, "So-a, if you're gonna probe us with your tool thingies, would you mind not poking me too hard? I kindof need that place."


    "Then do it." Jojo demanded through grit teeth before turning to Luffy, "Now, strip."
    This was said in the most threatening manner possible, as he really didn't want to explode in case anything else was going to detonate on the kid.
    Of course he gave no explaination to this statement and...well....yeah...


    Running into a nearby lab, the young man was about to take a swing at another series of insturments before something caught his eye....
    Pods...several pods filled with what looked like fetuses. "Wow that's kindof sick." He stated as the enthusiasm started to drain out of his body and his voice.
    He had obviously seen more grotesque sights but; it was the fridge horror of what these people were actually going to do with these fetuses that got to him.
  14. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Luffy shrugged and began to disrobe. He looked at the guests around him. "It's not a show, get ready." He turned to Reinforce. "You ready?"

    OOC: short.
  15. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Reinforce nodded at them both, before grabbing the bomb and moving quickly to the side of the ship, where she threw it off of the side as hard as she could, with audible effort.
    'It's not going to be enough.' Defense told her, worry in her voice.


    J had no idea what to say to Italy in response to that. The statement was just so strange. It was like the boy wanted him to do such a wierd thing.


    "An entire school of magic?" Axel asked, getting up from the ground at last.
    "I've been to a demon academy before, think it's like that?"
    It should really be questioned if there was anywhere Axel hadn't been. He seemed to always show up anywhere at the most unusual times.

  16. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    The bomb exploded upon touching the side of the ship, blowing an incredibly large hole in it.

    Pulling Reinforce away from the explosion- after the fact- he looked her straight in the eyes and stated, "I have to tell you the truth: This isn't the first boat accident I've been in..." He looked at the others in the cages and stated, "This isn't even the second..."
    Giving Simon a look of interest he then pointed to Deadpool and Reinforce, "Try to free them from their cages; try hurrying before the ship sinks." Kujo popped the top off of several bottles of water and stacked up one for each person. "When the water gets too high; grab onto one of these. Make sure to keep the opening pointed down at all times and you won't drown." This statement probably sounded incredibly idiotic. But it was the truth; the air would be trapped within the bottle just as long as it's head was pointed to the ground and would not fill with water. This would produce enough air pressure to make a floaty for anyone of any size to use.

    Hot damn did working with the ocean really come in handy...

    Tis crazy; but the truth.
    It really does work.
  17. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Luffy groaned. "Damn, I forgot we're gonna be in the water. I can't swim." he said, grabbing a water bottle. "No big deal," he continued. "I'll probably do something awesome."

    Scott spun his head to Jolyne. "Whoa! You okay?" he asked, his words getting somewhat muffled by the speed of the subway.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I don't know, but I think you'd be in Gryffindor because you're so interesting. In fact, I think most of you would be in Gryffindor because you're all so brave." Harry smiled. WilyKit and WilyKat looked at him for a explanation, Harry smiled and explained, "In Hogwarts, every first year student is placed in a 'house' by the Sorting Hat based on their personality. Gryffindor is for those who are brave and honest, Ravenclaw is for all the smart people, Hufflepuff is all about those are humble, and Slytherin is home for the cunning and mysterious. I was almost placed in Slytherin when I had the Sorting Hat on." "Then, how were you placed in Gryffindor?" Miroku asked, Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, I just knew I didn't want to be in Slytherin."
  19. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    "And that..." Started the man with- not a smile- a grin, "Is what the water bottles are for." Jotaro then headed off to seperate both Gurren and Lagann from the ship. The last thing he needed was to lose the only symbol of their lost leader.
    He hoped, at least, that the others would be saved. "Za Warudo." Time stood still for five seconds; although for some reason it felt strained and overdone. Holding onto time for even his usual five-second-limit was enough to wear the man out.
    Not good.


    "Y-yeah..." She started as the lamp swung again, revealing a rather large man who was now standing in the middle of the tram. Curiously, he didn't seem to be affected by the speed in which they were traveling. "Hey that looks alot"
    A while away Bern laughed at Sasuke who was now forced to bear that heavy body. Although almost silent, her giggling did prove to make a rather eerie noise.

  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Having transverse through the area, Archer managed to destroy as many tech he could find while carrying things like computers and laptops in a bag he found. He was in it to win but at the same time he need to think rationally. Rushing through Archer walked into the laboratory and walked up to the 'sorcerer' and looked at the fetuses unfazed. He had seem much worse. "Leave from here...I will take care of this place" Archer said griping his bow calmly
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