The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    OOC: It is now time for the reveal........
    OF MAH NEW CHARACTERS That have been accepted.
    Theme Moozak of Epicness!


    "Urgh. Stockin'........."

    "What Panty?"

    "Are we there yet?"


    Leaning on her younger sister for support, Panty Anarchy sighed. "Are we there nooooooow?"

    "Nope!" Stocking chirped, spooning more of the Jean-Paul Heaven pudding she hid in her dark dress.

    "Noooooooooooooow?!" Panty put more of her weight on Stocking, barely moving her legs as she walked.

    Suddenly, Stocking stepped to her left, watching as Panty fell flat on the ground with a thud. "Does that answer you question?" She snickered, eating more of the Pudding as her plushie, Honekoneko, put on an evil grin. "Good Honekoneko."

    "Muff you Missh!" She yelled into the ground, her sister laughing.

    "I'm liking this vacation from Garter and Geek boy already! Come on Panty, let's go find something!" Stocking skipped off, one little thought in her mind: 'This is gonna be fun!'

    "You aren't gonna like it when that Sh*tty Sweet of yours runs out!"

    Stopping, the younger Anarchy sister paused in mid jump. "What? We can't order more from Heaven?! Paaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnntttyyyyy! What are we gonna do?!"

    "That's what I was wondering. Look, you find a way to get us out of here, and I'll get a million of those Rotten things.


  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry and WilyKat dropped to their knees when the tentacles dug into their skin and drained a lot of blood. WilyKit looked in worry, but Harry smiled at her and used her as a support to stand up. WilyKat tried to stand up and looked at Dio, angrily, Inuyasha shouted the very question he was going to ask, "Who are you?!" Miroku walked up to WilyKat and supported him. Akiza went to Harry and WilyKit, supporting them, Kirara was by her side in her demon form.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo tried to swat the tentacles aside but he couldn't a she fle this blood beign drained as he gasped. "Ban...ka...i!" He called out a swirl of red and black aura overtook him and shredding the tentacles that didn't get away in time as Ichigo had Tenza Zangestu dug into the ground.

    Eiji looked at Ankh. "Ankh! Medals!" he said as Ankh turned hsi head and opened up the book he carried and took out three differetn coloured medals, one red, oen yellow and one green. "Here." he said in a rude tone as Eiji took them as he somehow pulled out a belt from somewhere, the middle center piece was rectangluar and sticking out as there were three slots, hunf from, right side was a strange device used for perhaps scanning metal or something among those lines as Eiji thrust the Medals in the holes, the red in the right slot, yellow in the middle and green in the last remaining one as he grabbed the rectangular piece and tiltied it diagionally as he remove dthe scanning object and ran it across the three Medals as it lit up once, twice, three times on it.

    "Henshin!" he said as the device spoke in somewhat a mechincal tone but kinda hyper. "Taka! Tora! Batta! Tatoba Tatoba!" It said as three sets of spiralling coins surrounding EIji's had, body and legs before pausing, the head had the red colour, Yellow the body and Green the legs as a symbol of the animals he had were together and came upon his chest, covering him ina light and there stood a warriro wearing a red hawk-like helmet with green crystal-like eyes while the chest had two claws connected to the arms which could extend out and the legs were a pur elime green with a diamond like pattern running down from the top to the bottom on front whiel the feet were covered in all green as Eiji, now in his new armour focused on Batta's legs as he leapt at Dio, kicking with the power of a grasshopper's force and landed nearby Ichigo.

    OOC; Just for reference on what Eiji and the Tatoba Combo looks like

    "You're helping us?" Moka asked, Who was this man who suddenly transformed into this mixture of animals wearing a body suit and Eiji got into a fighting stance, Tora's claws at the ready. "Do I need a reason to help someone?" he asked as Ankh was up in a tree, watching the battle, he prefered high places and thought to himself. "Now let's see what will happen, that guy certainly isn't a Greeed either."

    Dante gave a grin and pulled out Ebony & Ivory to fire a coupel of rounds at Dio. "You got a name kid?" He asked Eiji and Eiji spoke. "Eiji Hino." He said in response, keeping on guard.


    Tsukasa gave a small smirk. "I guess I stayed sane because I did not remmeber who I was or my own world, only how to fight and just my name, I'm good at everything apart from capturing photographs because the world I was in wasn't mine to begin with." Tsukasa said and wondered how his sister, Sayo was doign in the World of Decade, he last saw her when he personally met Dai-Shocker for the first time.


    Justin jumped as he turned around see a much more taller male behind him in what appeared to be.. something from the Angelou Civilization he guessed. "Who are you?" and then saw a weird guy who spoke about pasta come out from nowhere and blinked at this...person's flag and his unique...way of speaking. "He isn't from Mullen's group, that's a fact, maybe he's a chief wh is lost?" Justin thought.
  4. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Refusing to act as hastily as the others, Iggy stood back from the attackers. He knew that Dio, and probably his current company, were too strong to be taken on directly like this.

    "Will somebody explain what's going on?!" Axel yelled, not really understanding any of what was happening except that tentacle-man wasn't the nicest person ever.


    "Fine." he responded finally. "We are in need of information now. Tomoro, you're in charge of the J-Ark."
    "Okay." the AI acknowledged simply.
    The armoured man threw out one arm, commanding in a loud voice to the ship itself;
    "J-Bird! Plug out!"

    The navy-coloured section on the topside of the ship detached itself, taking the command deck, and by extension its occupants, with it. It flew to the side of the main ship, its red engines landing it gently, and the airlock doors open that the vehicles occupants could exit.
    "Let's go, Zero." the man stated, walking out of the smaller part of the ship.

  5. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    "Right." Zero replied, following closely behind the man. He activated his Z-Buster, but waited until a possible target was found until firing. "See anything?"

    OOC: Sorry for the shortness.
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Silently, the man pointed towards the two before them, one who held a white flag in surrender for some reason, and another who seemed young, but also the more threatening. But that wasn't by much, since neither of them looked a significant threat against the two of them, who both had energy sabers at their disposal if neccesary, as well as decent quality armour which the two others appeared to lack.

  7. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Zero deactivated his Z-Buster, which revealed his hand once again. He knew for sure that the one with the flag wasn't going to be much trouble, if any at all. The younger looking one on the other hand, while he may not have looked intimidating, Zero wasn't going to let his guard down just yet. "Should we confront them?" He asked, still keeping a close eye on what the two people up ahead were doing.​
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Akiza pulled out two of her three remaining cards and used her powers to summon Black Rose Dragon and Splendid Rose. While Black Rose Dragon stayed and protected Harry and WilyKit, Splendid Rose went to help Ichigo and Eiji, swinging its thorn whip at Dio. Inuyasha looked at Axel and shouted, "You call yourself the Dark Hero, right?! Well, what about stop standing around like a coward and start acting like a hero?!" He went near Harry and WilyKit, taking off his coat and placing it on top of them. He smiled at them as he took out his sword and got ready to use the Wind Scar, but nothing happened. He then used the Backlash Wave, but still nothing. He groaned and ran to Dio, swinging his sword.
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Yoko and Simon decided against their better judgement and depression to do what had been said, and Hook Gurren and Lagann onto the back of the boat...
    Bro wouldn't run away...


    Shirou glared at the 2 in front of him. He didn't know the full story, but yeah, these were definitely bad people.
    At least Gil had been able to defend himself much to Shirou's surprise... "Hey!" Shirou called out, after Inuyasha who had just blindly rushed in.


    The pinked hair figure that Jolyne just saw through the window, groaned in his seat on the train, completely splayed out...
    His cheeks bulged like he was about to be sick... and it truly looked like he was...
    "Gah... I'm gonna be sick... get me off this thing.." he groaned weakly referring to the currently stalled train car... Which had clearly just been moving at what was most likely a high speed before.

    OOC: But who could this guy be?
    Gasp... you'll find out next post!


    The Rogue just stood by... he could tell the vampire was expecting him to do something too.
    "...I'm not going to waste my time with these weakling unless I have to." he stated nonchalantly, completely ignoring the others entirely.

    OOC: hint hint..

    Also, Pro, I hate to be THAT guy...
    but... you see:
    I know it said that it's 'near impossible to use' bankai.. which means, yes.. you still technically could use it (albeit with a lot of added difficulty I'm sure) but still keep it in mind that powers have been limited in a lot of cases.
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    OOC: Oh Ichigo is limited yes, I'm using the Gotei 13 Invading Arc Ichigo for this power-down so he won't really stay in Bankai as he could.
  11. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    Still holding his bored expression, the figure took the shots and the whip with little to no effort. "Really now, is this all you can do?" There was a laugh as the holes healed themselves. As soon as Inuyasha rushed him, the Vampire clung to his neck and dug his fingers in, draining more blood. Turning to the kid at his side, Dio grinned, "Did you know that if you crush something's heart, it's brain still runs for seven more minuets?" Red eyes glided over to the demon in his clutches, "I wonder...."
    He didn't really have to torture the group like this- he could just keep them occupied some other way until the train arrived- but this way was just so damn fun!

    "Ah! Others!" These strangers were admittingly as big as Germany! How-a-scary! The country stood up and ran over energetically towards the scary one, "I SURRENDERRRR!!" His white flag waving about, Italy could only think of one thing; 'Maybe they'll feed me when I get captured! I hope the food isn't as bad as british food! Ooh! Pasta and cheeses would be the best! Va~'



    "Well.....this is um...yeah..." Jolyne spurted out for a moment at the broken window.


    Kujo nodded to himself for a moment and continued onto the deck.

    The demon watched them all for a moment, wondering what had just happened; but then realizing that she was much more important that these stupid people, "We have a buffet ready for everyone to enjoy during their ride. Single file order. I command it."

    The man didn't feel like fact, the thought made his stomach churn, but he supposed they should at least sit down anyway.

    Opening the doors to the newly layed out table, Scanty grinned, "Enjoy the best food you could ever lay your filthy hands on!"

    Banging on the library door, the 'Sorcerer' called out to Archer, "Hey, get your ass out here; we're planning!"

    The greatest idea had come to his mind and it had to be settled...of course this was almost a suicide mission, it was needed to progress the story!

  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo grunted. "Damn! I can't fire a Getsuga while Inuyasha's caught!" Ichigo thought as Eiji wondered what eh could do as he looked up at Ankh who gave a small anoyyed grunt. "How bothersome."

    "Ankh! Yellow Combo!" Eiji said within his OOO Suit as Ankh pulled out two Yellow Medals from the book. "Fine, but don't lose them, take them!"" Ankh tossed two yellow Medals from high within his tree as Eiji grabbed them and removed the green and red medals as he palced them in a small capsule on his left side and slid the two Yellow Medals in as all three resonated for a moment before EIji did the same motion he did when eh transformed, holding the Scanner with ti's hyper but mechanical voice. "Lion! Tora! Cheetah! Latoratar! Latoratar! Latoratar!" it said

    OOC: All One Coloured Combos have musical themes

    The same coin the projected changed the Head and Legs parts to yellow as teh chest remained teh same but now, The head was motifed after a Lion's head and the legs were somewhat padded with what seemed to be yellow guards but immense light shine, blinding Dio and other bystanders as Inuyasha was freed and Dante took this moment to grab Inuyasha as he just elt him fall to the ground after getting out of Dio's range.

    Moka covered her eyes with her sleeve and when ti died down, she saw the glanced upon the man named Eiji's new form. "A combo?" Moka wondered as Eiji stared at Dio in his....yellowness of his OOO Suit and started to run with a unatural blurring speed, claws extended as he thrust them in the back of Dio before noticing something comign and leapt away as Ichigo fired off a Getsuga straight at Dio before panting,

    "That's odd, I never usually feel so tired after one Getsuga..." Ichigo thought to himself as Eiji took this chance of Dio covered in smoke to grab the Scanner again and slid it across the belt again, only this time, the words were different. "Scanning Charge!"

    Three huge circles lined up between Eiji and Dio and Eiji ran forwards, passing through them as he gained spped, Tora's claws exetending as he cross-slashed upon Dio's body.

    "The new guys got some power." Dante commented on as Eiji leapt back to see what had happened but he coudl feel the COmbo's power start to strain his body, Medal Combos were never good for the human body, especially his own since he only uses one Combo, mixed and matched powers were fien but using all of one set of Medals focused the Corresponding Greeed's power into the body of the human.


    Justin stared at the two men approaching them. "Answer me, who are you?" He asked once again.

  13. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    The vampire stared blankly...he was hit but...well, yes, this was just pathetic. The more one overshadowed the others, the more boring this got. It was like some contest to figure out who was how powerful. They weren't even attempting to work fun!
    His little friend easily stopped the Getsuga- which was more than laughable because it seemed to tire out their little 'assailant'.

    "So sorry," Dio apologized in a sarcastic manner, "But I do believe that you're just no all future boy!" Highpressured blood shot from the vampire's eyes and hit Eiji several places in the chest, ripping all the way through to the bone.
    The noise surely wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world, but it was peace to his ears...unlike hearing them yell attacks all day.

    He didn't even need his Stand to kill all of these useless things! It was so simple!

    But of course; this child might have something to say about these unfolding events....


    Giving the biggest smile imaginable, the boy ruffled his own hair and waved, "I am-a Italia! And who are you big scary man of scariness?" The flag settled at his side as Italy stood there laughing to himself about...really, nothing in particular at all.
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Simon and Yoko weren't up for eating at all either.
    Rather than miss anything though. They did follow the others, but they didn't eat. And instead just stayed dead quiet.

    ...Yusuke also sat down. (OOC: Not bothering with his banner for 4 words... lol)



    Shirou called out, "We've got to work together! Or we won't stand a cha-"


    After having stopped the Getsuga Tenshou with his sword, rather easily at that.
    The figure had vanished from the trace of energy instantly and kicked the red haired who was muttering some nonsense about how if they wanted to stand a chance, they'd need to work together.
    As if... even united, they wouldn't stand a chance.
    The boy got sent flying back from the kick and slammed into the monk hard.
    Then the cloaked figure vanished again and appeared next the the orange haired guy with the pure black sword.
    Instantly, his sword plunged deep into the Orange reapers foot, and into the ground.
    Then a hand shot out and grabbed the teenage soul-reaper by the neck.
    "You really are a fool.
    When you aimed your attack, you made it look like you were only trying to take Dio out... but your intention had been to hit both of us at once."
    Red eyes appeared from beneath the hood staring right into the reapers eyes... making him relive terrible nightmares of his loved ones suffering.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Everyone was surpised as their new ally was stabbed as a cough was heard, even with that armour, Ankh was surpirsed even more. "Eiji..." He said befre the crystal-liek gems changed purple briefly and three coins came out from OOO's body and spiralling around the knelt warrior and slotted themselves into the three holes, tossing out the Yellow Medals as Ankh reached out and his red guantlet like-hand was flying to grab them and reattached to the human he was inhabiting. "The Purple Medals..." He said as the O Scanner levataied in midair and scanned across the belt.

    "Ptera! Torikera! Tyranno! Putotyrannosaurus!" The Mechanical voice said as the body of OOO had changed completely.

    Eiji let out a scream as a purple aura, disembering the trees as Ankh leapt down just in time as the warrior just breathed heavily, not saying anything as it stood there, preying upon Dio and Anhk knew this wasn't good. "Eiji has gone berserk." He said with a tone that sounded concerned.

    "The hell you talking about?!" Dante asked as Ankh spoke. "Listen human, Eiji is no longer himself now, the Purple Medals within him reacted to the attack your foe did upon him, they are quite protective of their vessel and Eiji hasn't learnt how to control them yet, so, he can't tell who is friend or foe."

    Putotyra OOO breathed again, almost a low growling breath.

    Ichigo struggled to move as his nightmares came rushing back but a hand grabbed the cloak of the man. "Don' ever...threaten my friends..." Ichigo said as his eyes shone light blue.
  16. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    The hooded figure lifted his sword out of the reapers foot and threw him into the air by the neck, then jumped up after him.
    Stabbing at the boy repeatedly, but purposely missing his vital spots with each strike.
    "That was no threat." he stated. "I'm simply showing you what you fear most."
    And then he appeared above him. "You're powerlessness."
    He then spun around and kicked him back into the earth hard. "Lions barrage!"
    As he landed... the hood lowered, revealing two eyes... red eyes with black pupils and 3 black tear marks in them.
    He spun his sword around and stabbed it into the reapers side, while he was floored.
    "Those without power, are worthless.
    Which is why you seek power... to protect the ones you care for.
    A stupid and foolish ideal..."
  17. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "alright alright you don't have to yell about it" Archer said lazily as he opened the door to the library and walked out with an exasperated sigh "judging by the tone of your voice I presume this may be worth my while" Archer said looking over at the 'Sorcerer'

    Gil crossed his arms and watched the mayhem unfold. He stared at the group as they helplessly tried to overcome these two newcomers. Although he was different from his previous state he would not fight unnecessary battles. His pride prevented him from unnecessarily facing a mere pair of mongrels.
  18. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Zero stepped forward, re-activating his Z-Buster and aiming it at the boy. "My name is Zero. That's all you need to know. Now, tell me your name." Zero demanded. He placed a hand on the hilt of his Z-Saber in case he needed it.


    Deadpool sat down, deciding weather or not he wanted to eat. He decided against it, and just sat there and rested his head on his hand, playing with a fork the he found.


    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    The duo of Sonics decided against eating, not only because they weren't in the mood for it, but also because they didn't want to look weird by being the only ones who had eaten.
  19. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Jotaro sat Reinforce down in a seat towards the beginning of the table; then making his way completely to the opposite side of the end and sitting down next to Deadpool. All without saying how or why.
    After only a few seconds, he slid over a napkin with a message scrolled across it to the masked man at his side.
    It read:

    'Don't alarm anyone but I believe these people are up to something.
    What's the plan?'

    The man then continued to stare forward; acting like he was not making any contact with the superhero at all. He didn't want to set anyone off about anything. Expecailly right now.


    "Alright, let's head off!" The young man said with a large grin.
    Once they reached a small door, he kicked it open and yelled, "Hey Frenchie! We got ourselves a new one!" Slamming his hands down upon the small circular table he then announce in the most hammiest manner possible, "And now it is time to reveal my most ingenious plan yet!" There was a large index finger that pointed to....the he continued, "We're going to steal their internet machine!"

    Sitting down with a large grin, the boy fell silent again, wrapping the cape around his body to keep it from touching the floor. "I'm not sure what it is but it's a way that they're churning out information from the outside worlds. It the birthplace of this world."


    Cracking his neck with a bit of distaste, the vampire could hear the sound of a train from a distance, "Looks like our little visit is being cut short! But no worries!" he pulled out several knives, "I'll make sure it lasts!"
    He didn't even need to stop the clock for this; he threw thirty knives in succession at the group; each one aiming perfectly at it's target.
    Oh what a lovely noise it is for steel to hit flesh!
  20. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Deadpool read the note quickly, making sure not to make a scene. He wrote his reply (With what? We'll never know) and slid it back over, nonchalantly of course.

    His reply read:

    'I say we kill them. But if you want to go non-violent, just don't eat, drink or use anything they give you. Then kill them once we know they're up to something.'

    He was running out of room, so he had to write smaller near the end.

    Oddly, his plan actually made some sense.
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