The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Jolyne cocked her head to the side, "Mmm, if you say so." She eyed him for a quick moment and decided, "I nominate you!" Her index finger was quickly pulled out and placed on his forehead, "To be the officail decision maker!"
    He had clearly more common sense than she had, herself. And Jojo was sure as Hell not going to listen to those crazy mofos. Also, he was cute. That helps alot.

    The game screen played another laugh as it read, "I will give you another chance. To start from the begining."

    Akiza and Axel were 'drowned'.

    In the back of the store where Miroku was currently at, someone- or something- began to bang on the utility room closet.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Even underwater, Miroku could hear the banging and swam to the utility room closet. He pondered if he should open the door and feared the worst would befall him as it had befell his companions. Miroku reached the doorknob and opened the closet.
  3. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    The word, 'behind' covered the walls of the utility closet.

    Miroku has drowned.

    You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

    Everyone would eventually wake up within the distorted game.

    Maybe the whole mall experience was just a dream after all.

    Either way, they are all safe.
    For the time being.
  4. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Scott blinked and crossed his eyes to look at her finger. "Alright,"he said with a smile. "As official decision maker, I say we stroll vaguely in that direction and take a peek at what Chrono's up to."

    Luffy's eyebrows skyrocketed. "Whoa! Hey, Howzer! Dark god of doom! Howzer!"he called into the water, cupping his hand over his eyes and staring into the dark water. He blew a strand of his hair up with a sigh. "Hey, demon chicks,"he said, "I think the giant death monster is gone. But so is Howzer."
  5. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Jolyne pulled Scott up to the nearest hill and peered over at the group. Eavesdropping, she muttered all of the things she could hear, "Something, something, Animal, master, something, sister, servant, chains, something, something, sister, something, toy, illegal."
    After this a mix of disgust and disturbedness rose on her face. "What?!"

    The sisters were staring in complete and utter disbelief.
    "........I think"
    ".......we just"
    "Messed up."

    Fastener finally crawled back onboard and sorely stumbled back into the driver's seat.

    As the boat set sail once again, Kneesocks jumped off the ledge and into the water, searching for both the beast and the man.
    Her sister sat by nervously, "Be careful down there, onii-sama!"
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    OOC: Oh dear. I think Jolyne may have misheard. I wonder what she's thinking right now.

    IC: There was no sign of either of them in the water. There was only the feeling that something unnatural had occured.


    "I hardly need bedding of any kind." Magashi stated. "Just find me a flat section of ground, and I'll shut myself down for repairs."


    Chrono became slightly suspicious for a moment.
    "In what way, exactly, is your contract illegal?" he asked cautiously. He had only just met these people, after all, he wasn't to know if any of them could truly be trusted.
    "And you say that your twin is the abyss itself? How would that even work?"
    He had to wonder, had Jolyne and Scott decided to go their own way? They said they would be right behind him.


    "Where are we headed today?" Rein asked anyone in the group unexpectedly.

    OOC: Short posts, with several characters. All meaningless really, nothing plot-relevant can happen until Bushy posts.

  7. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Kakyoin gave a slightly displeased look to Magashi before saying, "Just as long as you sleep inside the windmill." He didn't know the extent of Magashi's self-loathing but either way, he didn't want the man to go overboard with it. Taking a quick look at the fried patches in his skin, the boy immediately ignored it and created a pallet to sleep upon.


    Reaching the surface of the water, Kneesocks pulled herself back aboard. "They weren't there." This was followed by some gasping, "we're going to be punished for this."
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: FFS... Don't call me out Dark. I've already told both you and Capri that I'm incredibly busy with things right now.
    Not all of us have as much free time as you. Jeez..


    Kamina looked a Jotaro curiously. "Grown?" he perked an eyebrow before shrugging. "If you say so."
    He looked out over the the what was now an island. "This world amazes me... as messed up as it is." he said somewhat maturely. "It's constantly changing by the second.
    Just like all of us."
    He smirked. "And... we're still fighting. For a better future. To get back home so we can continue our fights to change the worlds we come from in our own ways."
    He stayed silent for a moment. "Hey, old timer, when you get back to your world... Promise me something?"
  9. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    He was right. Everything moved and changed so fast just like this world. Over the course of seventy-two hours he had just gained himself a replacement child, a team, and a bedmate. Hell, it was like the old days again.
    It's a wonder how this kid could come up with something so poetic.
    Moving his hat so the bill now shaded his eyes from sight, Jotaro nodded, "Alright; shoot."
  10. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "I don't get exactly what was going on with you and that daughter of yours... but when you get back to your world. I want you to give everything you can to make things work.
    God knows we all need our family.
    Sure, this team is part of your family too now.
    But yeah, I want you to promise me here, to promise your mighty and manly leader that no matter how impossible it seems, that you'll; Kick logic out and do the impossible! 'Cause that's how Team Dai-Gurren rolls!
    Forever remember that, and that even once we are separated... and back on our own worlds, you'll never forget what you've gained from here."
    Kamina said...
    Yes, he had his moments. But this was just another awe inspiring speech. However, this one alone was just between him and Jotaro, which clearly showed and meant something.


    Yoko stuttered. "You're asking me about fashion?"
    She had never really had much chance for girl-talk like this before, since the majority of Team Dai-Gurren were guys... and she had been so use to fighting all her life, it just never really cropped up before.
  11. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Scott turned to Jolyne. "I.... oh, God." he said quietly. He blinked a few times and covered his mouth. "Let's go down and check it out,"he whispered. A second later, he frowned. "Wait, not like that."

    Luffy groaned again. "Howzer said that monster was a god from his world. Why would it take him?" he asked.
  12. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    "Not exactly fashion, but general appearance." Defense answered her, trying her best to explain what she meant. "I'm not interested in clothing styles, or anything like that, I just want to look... less like a nightmare." she said.
    It was technically true; her yellow eyes glowed violently even when alone, and the red lines served only as a reminder of what she used to be. The pale skin... well, it wasn't nearly as bad as the rest. She could handle being pale.
    "It's not so much asking you because of what you are, but because of who you are. You've only known Reinforce for a short time, yet you've been a good friend to her when you could." she paused briefly, unsure of exactly what she was getting at. "I suppose what I mean is that I trust you enough to value your input."


    Suddenly, the small girl froze. Without warning, she had suddenly felt as though something was going to happen. It might have had something to do with her heritage, being the child of two darkness-elemented mages (who for some reason ended up with the Ice element regardless, but that's another story) meant she might have a inate sense for this sort of thing. Either way, she felt as though something dark was headed towards them.

    OOC: Oh yes, and the message in the mall finally read 'THE FATHER IS BEHIND HIM', in case anybody wanted to see it together.

  13. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: God damn it Kamina....I needed to hear that speech....
    Why is the irony kicking in full throttle?

    Jotaro shifted his weight and gave a slight smile.
    It was nearly impossible for him to know how long overdue this speech was.
    This was probably the third or fourth time he had a one-on-one talk with Kamina. How close have these two drifted together? It was probably one of the very few moments which he shared with another person; sure he had been brought up by a person's determination before, but this- this was different.
    His expression actually stayed for more than a few seconds this time; now, changing his words to sound more sincere, "Promise."
    Kamina was probably the only person to joust these things from him and, admittingly, it was nice.
    "The girls are taking their damn time, now; aren't they?" He asked, not trying to ruin the moment or anything, just pulling in some small-talk.

    A loud scream errupted from the mountain's peak.

    Oh shit, not this again.

    Peeling out of the summit was a large, deformed head; covered in long, black, stringed-out hair that seemed to cover it's horrid face. The entire island rumbled violently under the pressure as the 'god' slid grotesquely from the very tip.


    The girls looked Luffy up and down with disgust before one of the islands up ahead spouted some kind of....body thing.
    Waves crashed about and sent the ship flying in the opposite direction although Scanty still had enough time to see what was going on.
    "There!" She pointed, figuring that it must have been where Howzer was taken and that was said monster.

    Jolyne shot out of the bushes immediately, arms raised, "Please, no more!" She waved her hands frantically around as if she could stop the conversation by doing such, "Just no no no no no no no no NO!"
    Upon seeing that...nothing was really taking place she then looked about, "Oh um...hi?"

    There was a sudden rumble under their feet. It was so small that it felt more like a big truck was passing through.
  14. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    OOC: ...and so it begins..


    Kamina had been about to answer when there was a loud scream... and something emerged. "Heh... Time for round two?!" Kamina smirked. "Hey old man, looks like this is your chance for revenge from yesterday too." Kamina added.


    At the sound of the familiar scream... Simon's heart rate shot right up... he could already tell what was approaching. As Kamina ran towards them with Jotaro close behind.
    "Simon! It's time! We need Gurren Lagann!" Kamina yelled out to him.


    Yoko had been about to answer Defense when a loud scream echoed out over the area.
    She grabbed her gun and Defense's hand, nodding at her. "Let's go!"


    Whatever it was Yusuke was doing... (since I've forgotten) was interrupted by a loud scream. "Hmm?"
  15. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?

    "....Uh....I don't really know how they can be illegal, but if they are, the Contractor has this little Clock called an Incuse etched like a tatto on their body. Oz has one, and for some reason.....the Incuse hasn't been moving since we got to this place." Alice explained, putting her hands behind her head. "And The Aybss is my sister because we have the same mother of course. It's possible, since the Abyss can become the Abyss. Confused?"
  16. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Scott walked out after Jolyne. He looked around and raised his eyebrows. "Oh. So... hey." he said awkwardly, glancing at Jolyne. He suddenly heard a rumble from beneath them. "Huh?"

    Luffy tumbled out of his seat. He hopped to his feet and stretched his neck a few feet to look peer forwards. "Well, what are we waiting for" he shouted.
  17. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Dio lazily layed across some machine of Howzer's; pushing several buttons in random accordance. The women have come to bore him and this was the closest thing to amusement he could receive for now....
    A fairly small rumble made it's way throughout the tower, "Oh hey, it's alive again." The vampire slinked slowly off of the machine and slowly made his way to the nearest screen to watch the fight. Yawning, he closed one eye and scratched himself, "Hey, Destiny," he called to Fate, "What's going on in here?"


    Jotaro's face went back to it's usual emotionless glare; "It's about time." He's been ready to kick this thing's ass again since what happened yesterday. Not so much what happened to himself; but what befell Reinforce.

    Opening it's black eyes, the creature twitched in a seizure-like manner as darkness filled the area again.

    OOC: New form: [link because it's an effing huge picture]
    I command it.

    "Hey, I'm hitching a Ride." Kujo stated matter-of-factly before grabbing onto Gurren and holding onto it tightly for the upcoming combination.

    "RIGHT!" Both sisters saluted simutaiously before Kneesocks picked up and threw a rock back at Fastener.
    "Full speed ahead!"
  18. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    Fate looked over to Dio, an uninterested look on her face.
    "Which event do you mean, specifically?" she asked, her voice bearing the same tone as her face. "The Dark God, the other dark god, or the machine you just decided to play with?"
    She was still slightly worn down from her skirmish with Bernkastel earlier, but recovered enough for it not be a hinderance, so she had returned to guard the lab in Howzer's absence, and had just finished typing something up on his computer.
    "Because either way..."


    "Right. I think we know what we're up against here. That thing caused me a lot of pain, and I'm gonna make sure to pay it back!"
    She went along with Yoko, heading outside with no hessitation.

    Rein looked around. The creature from before wasn't the source of her feeling, it was something else. But where--
    "There!" she called, pointing off in the opposite direction to the large being. "There's something else!"

    Sure enough, other creatures stepped out from the nearby undergrowth. They were dark-fleshed, pulsating things, less hideous than the beast, but felt as wrong as it.
    There appeared to be three types, all very different, and they seemed to vary in strength.
    The medium sized, apparently the soldiers of the group, were slow, but the blades on their forearms looked as though they could do a fair amount of damage if they got a good hit in.

    The next, small... things that were the complete opposite; fast, but looked as though any real damage wouldn't come from them. Still, if they swarmed...

    The third type, the tallest of them, seemed to be some sort of command tower. There were several of them scattered throughout the large group, moving less, but their complete lack of faces was somehow unnerving, especially since they appeared to be the most intelligent of all of them. They seemed mostly immobile, however, leaving their method of arrival a matter of confusion.

    "There's a lot of them..." she stated, rather obviously.

    There were indeed a lot of them, meaning that those not fighting the larger creature would surely also have a tough fight on their hands.


    " are the one that just set the outcome."
    She pointed at the screen, where the large force of creatures were gathering.
    "Those are Howzer's work, brought back from confinement in his own world." she ended her short explanation there, before moving around to sit and watch the monitor with the vampire.
    "I wonder... will they have enough strength to stop all of them?"

  19. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Both Simon and Kamina got in their mechs... Although... Lagann felt sluggish in Simon's hands as he began to pilot him.
    "Right! LET'S DO IT!" Kamina roared to start the combine...
    but... suddenly, Lagann failed.
    "W-whats wrong?" Simon asked the machine... Now of all times for this to happen is not a good thing.
    "Wh-whats going on?! WHY?!" Simon called out, still trying to get Lagann to activate.
    Kamina watched as the creature seemed to approach... Damn it... his fighting spirit seems to be broken...
    That's why Lagann isn't responding...

    Kamina was the leader. He couldn't afford to let his team down...
    He turned around, and faced the Dark God on his own. With Jotaro hanging onto Gurren.


    "Dang... I guess we got the smallfry..." Yusuke sighed, heading off towards the army of creatures the little girl had noticed.
  20. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    As Earth Sonic began to speed down the mountain toward the ocean, he noticed something large go by, and it seemed familiar. The screech it gave off revealed what it was: The monster that had injured Jotaro before. "Again!?" He sped back to the cabin, only to find not only the monster, but a small army of different monsters as well. "Woah, this is gonna be difficult." Earth Sonic had ended up behind the group of monsters, which was the opposite side of the others. To get back to the other side, Earth Sonic Spin-Dashed through the army, knocking a few off to the side, but nothing that would kill any of them. He uncurled and readied himself to fight. "Sorry I'm late." Earth Sonic said. Behind him, Freedom Sonic stood next to Rein and bumped her arm with his elbow. "Ready to prove that we're as cool as Reinforce-sama?" He asked, ready for battle.


    Deadpool, who had been zoned out for the last page or so, was startled by the near-instant re-appearance of the demon that they had fought before."I missed something? How dare you Nick!" Deadpool exclaimed. "Now's not the time. I've gotta limit talks with you anyhow." I replied. "Huh?" "Rules buddy. They're there for a reason. Now get going!" Fine, Fine, keep yer shorts on!" Deadpool pulled out his two Katana. "I do believe it's Cuttin' Time. Let's do this!"
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