The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry left the clothes shop while Inuyasha and Miroku were looking around. Kirara hopped down from his arms and walked by his side, Harry looked around and wondered what he could find on his own.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Tsukasa immediately reacted to the voice's sudden arrival and then it was giving a offer, it sounded way too familar the way he spoke of revenge, power or a purpose, could he be...?

    "Are you a Imagin?" He asked clearly, Imagin were creatures who needed people's imagination to exist and also to grant their desires so that they can travel back in time to destory the past and rewrite history as it shouldn't have been, of course Imagin possesed people as well while the real holder of the body is in the back seat.
  3. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Since Deadpool had given up on getting the least bit drunk, he had decided it was time to get some shut-eye. "But first..." He pulled out an iPad (From where, only God knows) and began to use the internet on it. Surprisingly he was actually getting a connection out in wherever they were. "Lets see....Ah! There it is!" He moved his finger across the screen, possibly to scroll the page up or down. "Wow, they're having me fight Cyclops!" He said, apparently viewing another RP he was featured in. "2 RP's with Deadpoolio in them at the same time. Hope the other one's a B.A.M.F like this one, heheh." He put his iPad back in...whatever unknown pocket he was holding it in and went to sleep. In the middle of the main room's floor.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry saw a young boy walking around the mall, he smiled and shouted at him, "Hey there!!!!!!" He and Kirara ran to the boy, he stopped when he reached him, he smiled, "Hi there. I'm Harry Potter and this interesting little kitten is Kirara. I don't know if you would believe she's actually a demon. Though I guess the two tails is kinda obvious. I'm so glad you're not a girl." He smiled and held Kirara in his arms.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Gil stopped his trek as he noticed a boy with glasses run up to him and smiled "hey there my name is Gil and its nice to meet you too" Gil said as he looked at Kirara and smiled "what a cute little beast" Gil with a smile and suddenly looked up at him "wait what do you mean your glad I'm not a girl" Gil said with a confused look on his face. "because if you thought for one moment I was a girl I will behead you right on the spot mongrel" Gil said darkly. His sudden tone was far different from his usual childish tone and even though he was smiling, he stared at Harry with a dark stare
  6. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: Offense intended or not; that comment was totally out of place and offensive; HeartlessofLight.
    Everything that has happened is quite plot relevant and at the same time I am trying my damnest to tie up this first Act. I did give your characters the opportunity to do whatever the hell they wanted but you waited several days before posting and that was nothing but an insult. Everyone is working very hard to keep this story going and they don't deserve to be treated to some kind of offhand comment like that.

    I will not have this happen in my RP again. Do you understand?

    Thank you and have a pleasant day.


    A bright green light appeared from behind Harry and the statue appeared once again. Grinning eerily as it always does.
    Suddenly, tons of water shot from nowhere; filling the entire mall at an alarming rate.
    They were going to drown.

    A door appeared in front of Tsukasa.
    Labled across it was, "GO HERE"
    Sure, why not?
    Kakyoin felt the wall for a moment, stating in a dissatisfied manner, "Those kinds of doors again?" looking- not quite at magashi but- a few feet away from where he was standing. This was odd since Magashi had no way of knowing the bomb tripped off earlier created his temporary blindness.
    "Since you'd preferr not to go, we should wait then."
    The boy pulled out a comb and brushed the lock of hair that hung in front of his face- quite the easy task if he followed the blurrs correctly, "I am quite sure Tsukasa will be fine."
    My, how wrong he was.

    Jotaro slunked out into the night, looking over everyone with a watchful eye. "Oh hey." he commented to the sight of little Rein just slumped over on the ground, asleep. He sat down and propped her on his legs to make her slumber more comfortable. Covering her tiny body with his loncoat, he sat there and watched the sun rise.
    Simon, Yoko, and Kamina were all nowhere to be found, Deadpool was busy bitching, everyone else was asleep, and he was just here.
    Just here with Rein.
    "A new day....." he started dramatically, "which will suck as badly as the last one."

    "While he's chatting up the new guys," Jolyne nudge to Scott, "tell me a bit about yourself." Her expression was less awkward and more friendly; she always did get close to people, fast.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo immediately grabbed Akiza around the waist and flashstepped to highter ground. "Where did all of this come from?" he said in a bit of surprise but made things more surprising the entrances/eits were all sealed shut if the water was going up this fast

    Dante stood there when the water was rising to his knees and he groaned. "Wish I had a cleaning lady, now my coat's all wet." He said and noticed Moka had quickly acsended to higher ground and so he did as well, he was sure the others were fine anyway.

    Tsukasa saw the door and figured, why not? Better than staying in a dead end room,so he opened teh door and walked through it.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "It's not what you think, there's a pervert in the group and......" Harry gasped when he saw the statue again. Kirara jumped down and changed into her large form, Harry grabbed the boy and got on Kirara's back. She flew up in the air, Inuyasha jumped up and placed Miroku behind the boy. They found Ichigo and Akiza, landing next to them. "If the water fills up the whole mall, we're not going to make it." Akiza said, Inuyasha groaned, "There has to be a way out."
  9. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    The sleeping body of the tiny girl gripped the coat laid over her instinctively, holding it tight to her for warmth. There was no denying it; Rein was adorable in her sleep.

    A short distance off from Jotaro, Reinforce sat on a small rock, staring out at the sunrise. How long she had been there, Jotaro would be unable to tell. She didn't look at him, apparently not even noticing he was there.


    "<Uh-oh.>" Iggy said, as the mall filled with water. He quickly summoned The Fool... only for the water to make it slow and unresponsive.
    He recalled the Stand, and ran under his own power to the tallest level of the building.
    "<Gotta find a way out quickly.>" he said, looking around for something, anything, that would grant him an exit.

    Axel scrambled up the stairs rapidly, right behind Iggy, unable to think of anything else to do in his panic.

    Now waist-deep in water, Ethan drew a Buccaneer from his nanotranser and approached the nearest window. He leant back, putting all of his strength into the swing and smashed the glass easily, granting them a clear way ou--
    The glass regenerated right in front of him. He could scarcely believe it. Just what was this place?


    I ask you again, Kadoya. Do you accept the power I offer?
    The voice spoke again as Tsukasa entered the door and appeared on the roof on the building, surrounded only by grated fencing at the edges, to prevent anyone falling or jumping.

  10. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Scott glanced at the girl. "Oh, okay." he said. "Well, uh. I'm from Canada,"he said, not knowing where else to start. He blinked. "I'm in a band. We kinda suck."he continued, gazing up at the sky. "And I've got a girlfriend I'm totally in love with."He said, continuing to look into the sky. "But she had seven evil exes and I had to kill them."He inhaled and turned to her. That was usually the part where they got creeped out.

    Luffy snorted. "Yeah, they're pretty fussy." he said with a smirk. "So the Guardians, huh?" he asked, raising an eyebrow."Did they have something to do with takin' us here?"
  11. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    "That is my theory, yes." Howzer said with conviction. "Either way, they must be planning something drastic to have attacked me, and I need to be prepared to stop them."

  12. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Luffy nodded. "So you want me to teach you some stuff."he said, crossing his arms. "Alright! What do you wanna learn?"he asked. He wasn't quite sure if he could trust him yet, but his muscles were getting cramped. He needed to do something.
  13. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Gil crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he let out a sigh "well as expected we walked into a trap. I was hoping the enemy would at least challenge us but I'm guessing they are too much of a coward to show up" Gil said as he groaned "I didn't even get to explore much" Gil muttered quietly and childishly
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Miroku, can you use the Wind Tunnel on it?" Harry asked, looking at the monk sitting in the back. Miroku shook his head, "I don't think so. It would probably take too long and the water might reappear if some of it vanished." Inuyasha groaned, "So, what do we do?" Akiza looked at the rising water and sighed, holding onto Ichigo.
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo looked at the glass windows and withdrawn Zangestu whiel holding Akiza. "GETSUGA TENSHOU!" He called out,firing a crescent wave of enrgy to shatter it, only for it repair within just seconds.

    "Cool move kid, but if this glass can repair itself that quickly, we need a different approach." Dante suggested and Ichigo looked at the white haired devil. "What do you suggest?"

    "Simple kid, if the glass regenerates at a fast speed, we need something faster than that annd we have that, the water rises against the glass so what if we keep a hole open long enough for teh water to escape and use the water to get out of here?" Dante suggested.

    "And if it doesn't work?" ichigo asked and Dante gave a grin. "If it doesn't, we either make a hole in the ceilign and hold out a hole long enough for someone to get out and attack, if those don't work, plug up the water supply

    Moka looked at ichigo. "You can fire off those black getsuga's, aren't they fast enough?" She asked and Ichigo looked at her. "Depend son how fast it repairs, I experienced somethign similar and it took at least three Captains and my fastest speed to even escape that situation."

    Tsukasa looked at his surrounding and heard teh voice as he brushed his hands together as if to wipe off dirt. "I refuse." He simply said.
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Inuyasha gave some thought and said, "If we are able to make a hole in the ceiling for someone to get out, I think Kirara should do it with Harry." Everyone gave him a surprised look, he sighed, "Kirara can fly and Harry can probably use some of his magic to attack the roof. He's too young to go through this." Miroku smiled and got off, "I will have to agree there, Inuyasha."
  17. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011

    "My main power is similar to yours, from what I understand; the ability to stretch our limbs." he explained, "Though from what I've heard, your capabilities far exceed mine. I hoped you would help me learn to use that power with the skill level you possess, or at least higher than I do."


    Without responding to him at all, a giant foot slammed into Tsukasa's side, leaving no time to dodge. When he saw what it was that threw the attack at him, he saw the same creature that had phased into existence for only a moment before they had entered the school, though a little smaller. It was still around the size of a house, however, and its power, were he able to sense it, far surpassed what should have been in its mass.
    Before he could react further, the being blasted a huge, indigo-coloured wave of energy at the Kamen Rider, rendering him unconcious and heavily beaten. The technique used against him had been the same it had attempted earlier; Megid, this time successful, though not fatal.
    There will be others. he heard, just before he lost conciousness.


    The water rising rapidly, Ethan dragged himself up the stairs as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast due to the water weighing him down. The water was rising faster than he was, and by the time he reached the bottom of the second stairs, the water was already up to his neck.
    "A little help here?!" he yelled up to the others.

    Having overheard what the others were planning, Iggy decided he would try just that. He used The Fool to build a platform right below the skylight and slammed a ball of the same sand into the glass hard enough to shatter it violently, as he jumped up... but the glass regenerated before he could get through, knocking him hurtling back down to the ground of the top floor sharply.
    Nothing would be fast enough to get through, the glass was now regenerating faster than light.

    "Ohmanohmanohmanohman!!" Axel yelled from the far end of the mall, where he had managed to get himself trapped with no way up.
    "This is really, really bad!" he stated obviously.

    OOC: Sorry for the godmoddery on Tsukasa there, Pro, but I had my orders.

  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry gasped when he heard Axel's shout, he looked at Kirara, "Lets go save him, Kirara!" She nodded and flew over to where Alex trapped himself. "Axel, get on Kirara! We can get you to safety!" Inuyasha looked at Ethan and jumped down to him, "Got you, Ethan!" He grabbed him and jumped back to the others.
  19. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Kakyoin nearly lept out of his skin at the sound. It was ear-splitting. "Magashi! Where could this sound be coming from?" For some reason the blurs started to collect in his vision and they became a bit more shapely. "The is coming from the ceiling." Putting back on his shades and fixing his school uniform, Kakyoin summoned Hierophant Green. "Are you ready, aquaintence of mine?" A large, slight smile spread onto his face; for some reason, this one seemed more true than the others he had beared earlier.

    The water stopped just before reaching the second floor.
    Standing there in the water was just the statue, still with that smirk.
    Still with those empty eyes.


    "What the hell is he up to?" Chimed in Bern as Angelique stepped in the room.
    "He won't cooperate with us." Answered the woman in an unapologetic manner.
    "What for?"
    Taking a deep breath in and exhaling it out, the woman just mentioned, "All BEN told me was 'Don't open it'."
    "*******; he's going to ruin our plans..."
    There was an air of confidence around Angelique now, "It doesn't matter. I should be joining them soon, anyway." Walking off and getting ready some more.
    Bernkastel stared blankly for a moment, "........and where the Hell is Howzer?"

    Jotaro removed his coat and wrapped Rein in it before placing her, gently, back onto the ground. Moving towards Force, he felt it was a good time to talk to her now that his head was cleared from all of the bullshit. "Hey."
  20. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Luffy nodded. "Yep. Rubber man, eh?" he asked, stretching his arms to tap his fingers on the ceiling. He smirked."So!" he started, letting his arms snap into place."Before we do any training, can you get those girls to make some REAL food?" he muttered.
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