The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo decided to look for anything else, if best, who the owner the owner was at least.

    Moka slipepd her rosary on a sher white hair became a unatural pink again.

    The man noticed the small kid with the lighting bolt on his forehead and overwised glasses and he had introduced the future guy named Ethan alreayd even though Ethan told him he was of the Guardians, whatever the hell that was, sounded like the Order of the Sword back in Fortuna as he looked at Ethan.

    "The name's Dante kid, don't wear it out." He said and looked at Axel briefly as he placed a hand to his chin in thought. "Hmm..." He said thoughtfully and he could tell Axel was getting excited at the prospect of being heard of. "Nope, never heard of you or your so-called 'Netherworld', whatever that is." He said, crushing Axel's dreams of regconition as Dante shrugged his shoulders to say he didn't really care about what Axel was.

    "And for your assumption on saying I'm a demon, got any proof to back that claim?" he asked and crossed his arms, giving a grin. "Because if not, I'll have you you buy me a pizza as apology... or a strawberry sundae."
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Uh, nice to meet you. I'm Harry Potter............" Harry introduced, he heard a window crash and heard Inuyasha's voice. "Harry!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He stopped behind him, he looked at Dante. "Who are you? You have the scent of a demon." "But Dante looks human to me, aside of the color of his hair." Harry said.


    Miroku found the kitchen and wandered around, awed at the fridges and microwaves.


    Akiza stepped off of the tub and dried herself off, thinking of Harry.
  3. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "And Reinforce's hair was white too, and she wasn't a demon." Ethan agreed with Harry.
    "I already said, it's his aura that proves it!" Axel tried to explain, hopelessly. "Besides, I'm a demon, and that Inayushu guy is too! If we say he's a demon, he's a demon!"
    "Are you?" Ethan asked the man, hoping to end the discussion as soon as possible. While it was true that the guy looked tough, white hair, or any other hair colour, wasn't exactly unusual in his world, and wasn't exactly evidence to anything to him.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dante looekd at teh enw arrival Inuasha and he blinked. "You aren't as good looking as me, then again, I could easily pass you off as a girl if it weren't for that gruff tone." Dante humourously replied, oh he was loving this and looked at Axel. "You can't tell people's appearances by their aura kid, even humans can be worser than demons."

    "But since your fellow kid here asked so nicely unlike some kid over there who tries to pass himself off as a celebrity, I'll answer his question, I am a demon..well, more like a hybrid of human and demon." He said, honestly not making such a big deal of it all. "Same goes for girly over there, he may have the appearance of a human but those dog ears are a dead giveaway for a demon, I'm sure your fanboys- I mean... fangirls will give you a run for your money." Dante coughed a bit when he spoke of the horrorifying race that is fans.

    He could tell Inuyasha was getting ticked off at the mere words Dante refered to him as Dante strenched out his arms.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Inuyasha began to growl and Harry looked away, simply saying, "Sit!" In a instant, Inuyasha fell down to the ground. Harry looked at Dante, looking in awe at his weapons, "Where did you get that sword, Dante?"


    Miroku opened one of the fridges and found some kind of dessert. It was light pink with strawberries on it, he took it out and thought to himself, 'What is this?' He pressed his finger across it to scroop some, then licked his finger. 'It's sweet and cold, also it tastes like strawberries.'

    OOC: Oh, no! Dante's rival for strawberry sundaes has arrived!
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Dante had laughed at the dog demon's unfortnate accident then stared at the kid named Harry who asked him about his sword as he bent his knees, being at eye level with him and rubbed his raven hair messily. "Sorry kid, but you'll are gonna have to wait until you get older." He said to him. "And don't try and the cute factor on me kid, I'm not a sucker for those things."
  7. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "So there's a story behind it." Ethan deduced aloud. "Probably wasn't always yours then, am I right?"
    "A half-human, half-demon hybrid? Wasn't there another guy like that I've seen?" Axel wondered to himself, completely ignorant to most of what else was being said.

    OOC: My posts are getting shorter and shorter. It's only a matter of time before they're nothing more than a .
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry sighed and nodded, understanding what he was meant. Akiza stepped outside, dressed, "What's with the group? Hello, there." She looked surprised at Dante and knew what happened to Inuyasha.
  9. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    Kakyoin sighed and welcomed himself to put in the passwords, since Tsukasa seemed too busy at the moment and Magashi searching the area. "There are four codes. I am sure one of these out to work." As soon as he faced the screen, a completely helpless look spread across his face, "Erhm...what is this?" He turned around slowly with a strange expression upon his face.


    Jolyne unwraveled her hand, connected the string to the building; she then lept out of the window as the rest of her apendage turned to string. The weight of her body caused the string to unwravel at a slow, save, manner down the wall. "Yare yare dawa.....I have no idea what the fu- just happened...."
  10. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina, still nude other than his glasses, and the cape he had left in Gurren, although he hadn't bothered to put it on, climbed into his mecha and activated it.
    Stomping towards the hotspring.
    "Bro!" Simon was tempted to go over to Lagann, where his clothes also were. And try to stop Kamina... although he knew... it'd never work.
    "You just can't break it down!"
    "Tch... fine... I'll just stand on it and try to peek over the wall!" he announced.
    "Too bad! I wanted to be able to use my new: 'NOTHING STANDS BETWEEN A MAN AND HIS CURVACIOUS BABES' PUNCH!" he announced, throwing a fake punch.
    But as he did that... Gurren suddenly tripped...
    and fell into the hotspring wall... causing it to collapse and tumble to the ground.


    Yoko listened to Rein, and she smiled looking up at the sky.
    "You're right Rein. No matter where we go... we're all together under the same sky."
    She smiled at the little girl. "You're more than just a cute face." she said, playfully giving Rein's nose a gentle tap, but in the process... getting really close to her.

    OOC: The next part featuring Rein was written courtesy of DarkTraitor. Cheers bro.

    Rein nodded at Yoko's compliment and smiled, before reverting to her normal... unusual... behaviour.
    "But Yoko and Reinforce have much more 'talent' than Rein, so Rein wishes she was more like them!" Rein yelled suddenly, grabbing hold of Yoko's sizable chest and sqeezing it gently, uncaring whether or not she had permission to do so.

    OOC: Now, back to me.

    BIC: Yoko yelped slightly from the contact, not having expected it.
    "Uh Rein..." she giggled unexpectedly, "That tickles." she giggled some more as she was about to try and remove Rein's hands from her sizable chest... but she froze as everyone on the girls side would have heard a loud noise, and then witnessed the protective WALL OF PLOT crumbling down... A tripped over Gurren in it's place.
    And the eyes of the guys... suddenly on all the girls.


    Simon looked on in shock as the wall fell... and then...
    he was shocked by what else he saw...
    The girls...
    and in particular. Rein who was groping Yoko.
    ...Simon suddenly shot out of the water, propelled by a powerful nosebleed from what he had just witnessed.
    Before he crashed back down into the water... in a daze.


    Gurren's mouth opened as Kamina slowly clambered out a bit dazed himself. But he suddenly composed himself as he looked on in awe at the girls.
    "...That didn't go to plan...
    he shouted, giving a thumbs up to... well, no one in particular.
    Suddenly, he was struck in the face by a rock that Yoko had grabbed nearby.

    Yoko's eyes were almost glowing in anger.
    Her long hair now covered her chest as she stomped forwards towards Kamina.
    Her face was blushing a heavy red... although whether it was from embarrassment, anger... or both was a mystery. "KAMINA!" she shouted at him.

    Yusuke just whistled at the ensuing scene and chuckled to himself, not moving from his position in the slightest. "Looks like the Mighty Leader is in trouble... right big gu-... Jotaro?" he questioned... seeing that, undoubtedly, Jotaro's gaze was towards the now revealed Reinforce.
    "...Ah jeez." Yusuke said standing up.
    "I don't wanna get caught up in the crossfire." he calmly walked away and grabbed a towel, tying it around his waist.
    "Good luck to ya."
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Miroku appeared with a bowl of strawberries, his face covered slightly in the ice cream he had snacked on. Akiza looked at him, he smiled and said, "I found the most delicious treat in the kitchen. It was cold and sweet, but it had strawberries on it as well. Who is our guest?" "Dante, apparently a half-demon with the attitude of a demon." Inuyasha said, sitting up.
  12. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    A slow breeze went by and the hat of censorship blew away as Jotaro just stood there in silence: bearing all in front of the girls. " go do that." he sighed to Yusuke, turning around to at keep the peering female eyes from looking too long. "Yare yare daze...." Jojo then reached down to grab his pants when he noticed-- "Aw shit." All of their clothes were gone- with the exception of a few small articles of clothing; unluckily, none of them were pants or even underwear for that matter.
    He facepalmed for a moment before noticing the mark on his hand, "Kamina-no, Deadpool---Simon---nah, probably Kamina; I'm killing you for this." he pointed to the symbol on his hand to the boy who was already dealing with enough problems on his own.
  13. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Nothing happened at all for what felt like hours.
    Reinforce's eyes were locked onto... certain parts of Jotaro, slowly wandering up him until meeting his eyes.

    Rein just looked over at the guys and waved happily at them, not caring that she was obviously exposed almost completely.

    Suddenly, Reinforce covered herself with her arms and hands, shielding everything about her body, mostly from Jotaro. She ran out of the water, and off behind one of the border walls around the entire hot spring, blushing profusely all the while. She couldn't even utter a sound as she ran, too embarresed that she had been seen like that in front of him.

    "Huh?" Rein questioned with ignorance. "Where is Reinforce going?"


    "He calls himself Dante." Ethan explained before turning to the man in question.
    "Oh, sorry. I should've let you introduce yourself, right?" he said, sincerely.


    The hallway he had entered was plain. Empty. It had hardly anything of note except more doors, all going off in different directions. Resigning the idea of further exploration, Magashi turned and re-entered the room with the computer.
    "I suppose I can handle that, if I must." he said nonchalantly to Kakyoin, offering his help with the computer systems.
    "Dated as the technology is, I'll soon fix it."
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Akiza sighed and left the boys, she walked until she found the greenhouse. Harry had unknowingly followed her, Akiza walked through the aisles of the different flowers, looking at them and sighing. She thought back to her days as the Black Rose Witch, taking off her glove and looking at the mark on her hand. Harry wondered what her life was like as he watched her walk to the roses of the greenhouse. It was like she was thinking of her past and she wasn't liked for some reason, Harry sighed, he understood that feeling. The Dursleys may have been his only family, but he wasn't like by them simply for who he was. "Akiza........." He revealed himself to her and sat beside her, she smiled and wiped her tears. "Can you tell the boys the bath is ready?" He nodded and left, she sighed.
  15. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    The Sonics' eyes widened at the sight of what just happened. They had more of a confused look than a surprised look. "So that's what they look like...Wow.." Freedom Sonic said. "Not what I was expecting at all." Earth Sonic added.


    Deadpool turned to the now exposed women, saying only one thing in a gangster-like tone,"Daaaaamn"
  16. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    "She'll be better off later." Jotaro huffed, putting his newly retreived hat over the little girl, "Put your clothes back on, now. The last thing this game needs is naked lolis running around; we're already pushing the limits- what, with Kamina's stunts."
    He then grabbed Kamina out of Yoko's clutches, "I'll handle this- you something about that." Jojo nodded towards her naked state before turning back to the boy before him, an incredibly disturbing look stretched across his face but, as suddenly as it appeared, it fell. "..................You're pretty tall." he commented before letting the boy go.
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo stood came out as Dante spoke. "Well yeah, but I suppose people saying my name makes more important than self proclaimed 'Dark Hero' here... and..." He trailed off before takign the strawberry sundae from Miroku's hands and gulped the contents down as he breathed a sigh of relief. "Nothing like a cold dessert after that pizza."

    "Dante?" Ichigo asked just hearing his name and Dante stared at Ichigo for a moment. "You sound just like a kid I know." He said and Ichigo blinked. "What the hell are you talking about?" as Dante found it really strange that this orange haired kid spoke like Nero.

    OOC: This references to Johnny Young Bosch who voiced both Ichigo and Nero in both Bleach and Devil May Cry 4.

    Moka had already emerged all dressed and saw the others outside and Dante gave a small whistle. "Now that's a sight for sore eyes." he thought, crossing his arms with a grin.

    Tsukasa came back to the room. "Just a normal school here really, there's a gym, empty classrooms you name it." he said rather boredly.

  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    The moment Jotaro let go of him... Kamina fell to the ground in a heap... completely out of it from Yoko's slapping frenzy that he had just had to endure.
    Simon also floated wordlessly in the water...
    "So curvy... and silky... and smooth...
    so busty... and flat...

    Yoko huffed off until she realised... "Hey... our clothes are gone?!" she exclaimed looking around for them.
    There were a few things left behind.
    Like her Skull brooch, and she noticed Kamina still had his cape and glasses, and Simon his Jacket and goggles... but she saw nothing else.
    She sighed... clearly frustrated and went to find Reinforce.
    "Hey... it's okay...
    You must really like him huh?"
    she said, referring to Jotaro.
    "I guess, I know how it feels to have the one you like... well..." she blushed as she tried to console the embarrassed Reinforced.
    both of them still completely naked.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry ran back to the group, "Hey, the bath is ready for us! Oh, Moka, Aki is in the greenhouse. Could you, uh, keep her company while we get clean?" He blushed as he talked, still scared from what happened with Miroku. Miroku was shocked at Dante who grabbed the sundae from his hands, all he could was, "You're welcome." "Well, I'm going to get clean." Inuyasha said, heading inside.


    Akiza sighed and looked at the flowers, she wished that her friends were here. She stood up and smelt some of the flowers that were out, thinking to the moment that she was freed from Sayer and witnessed Misty's defeat as a Dark Signer. Looking at the mark on her hand, she tried to tell herself that Harry was probably right that someone was trying to mess with them.
  20. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Upon Tsukasa's comment, a subject was brought up to debate; "I don't know why but--whatever was attacking us...why can't it get inside this building?" he paused for a moment as fridge horror came over him, "I saw what it did to the earth under us; why can it not destroy something as simple as a school building?"
    There was a moment of silence as Kakyoin tried to keep his own heart from pounding out of his chest. "I-I'm sure there's probably a cafeteria or a teachers lounge that we can take food from." he started, looking behind his shoulder once and then twice before settling himself calmly. "Yes; we should start looking for one there!" he pointed to a school directory and nodded to himself, "It's just right down the hall."
    This seemed simple enough, although the inevitable question still lingered before him in silence.


    Jolyne finally reached the ground as her arm started to wravel back into it's normal state, "Let's see now...." she wondered for a moment or two at the blank area around her, "Foo Fighters, Weather Report, Annasui, Hermes, Emporio, Dad....." she mumbled under her breath, "Give me strength to do this- because I don't think I have enough right now...." She closed her eyes soundly and breathed in. "Let's do this." And off she went, sprinting as fast as she could into the sunset.
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