The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Inuyasha and Harry walked up and saw Miroku. Inuyasha grinned mischievously, sneaking up behind Miroku and softly saying, "Boo." Miroku jumped, grabbed Harry, and ran into the bathroom. He slipped and fell to the ground, Harry kept his eyes closed while Akiza looked in shock at Miroku.
  2. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "W-What the hell?!" Axel yelled as Miroku shot past him. He threw the door open himself in sheer instinct and ran in in an attempt to stop Miroku... only to freeze up when he realized that he had now inadvertently 'peeked' too.
    "Oh man... I am so screwed!" he yelled, which only served to make his barging in look intentional.

    Ethan heard a crashing sound from around the bathroom the girls were in. He sighed angrily to himself, putting down the latest thing he had grabbed, and heading back to the source of the sound.
    "Damn it, Axel!" he said to himself, blaming the Dark Hero for what had inevitably happened.
  3. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Deadpool chuckled at Kamina's so-called manly idea, when he himself had one of his own. "Hold it, hot-shot! You wanna get closer to those 'Curvaseous, Busty cute women over there than ever before?" Deadpool said, making sure not to be too loud. "What am I saying, o'course ya do! Here, put this on." Deadpool removed his belt and offered it to Kamina."It's up to you, my friend."Deadpool said, waiting for Kamina's decision.
  4. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: LOL ICHIGO'S NEED :lolface:
    /shot for pervertedness


    Kakyoin put a hand to his chin and stared at the computer for a long while; "Wow I've seen these things- but I have no idea how to use them...." he then wandered out of earshot of the other two for a moment, "Well if it is a password they want, we might as well look around the room, should we not?" The boy scanned over a series of stickynotes and other accessories that scattered the room before raising up a cellphone with his index finger and thumb, "What is this thing?"


    Jotaro gave a slightly disturbed glance towards Kamina, ".......what did you just do with that animal?" he asked- not really wanting a reply back. "Besides," the man stood up in the water and hung his hat over his groin for censorship, "There is no way you're peeping at them." Although by 'them' he more or less meant her. Confiscating the belt that Deadpool offered with a sigh, "I'm getting too old for this bullshit..." Jojo trailed off back around the rim of the pool and tossed it aside nonchalantly.

    He then nodded to Yusuke's comments, "'Lovable Idiot'?" there was a small almost-smile on his face, "That's him alright." his eyes seemed incredibly softened at the moment as he watched more of Kamina's failed attempts to look at the girls nude. "Do you think he'll succeed?"


    The vampire stretched back and watched, with a grin, the nudity that filled the projection, "Gorgeous...."
    Sakuya handed him a new wineglass labled 'Type O' and looked at the screen for herself, "Dio-sama, that's a bunch of naked boys and rodents running around."
    Taking the glass in his hands and looking innocently he answered, "Your point is....?" before turning back to watch.

  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo came out, hands washed until he heard Ehtan cursing Axel and eh went to see what the problem was. "The hell is going on here?" He asked and looked inside briefly as his face became red a strawberry and he finished. "Ah." He quickly moved his head away from the door as Moka was steaming red, her pink hair covering her eyes as when Moka fell, he grabbed her rosary and then, her eyes became slit red and white as her bust was fuller.

    Now, her mother taght her things about men that Youkai Academy didn't teach, mostly around what kinds of men there were, the forgiving ones and the desperate, if any man like Miroku ever barged in on your own private time or any man really, you as a S-Class vampire must defend yoru honor and punish the criminal. as her mother so kindly put it, her father on the hand, just told to beat the ever loving crap out of the unfortnate ones, of course if any man apologized without realizing what the situation was, it would be understandable.

    "Oh Monk-san... Axel-san?" Moka's sweet arrogant tone carried through the air as Moka was followed up by Akiza before Moka picking Miroku up by the scruff of his robes and Axel too and if they looked into her eyes now, it shown they were in for a world of the most painful scenarios there can be. "...Know your places!" Moka cried out and she sent a kick between Miroku's legs right in the gentleman's region as Miroku shot up through the roof and into the upper level of the mansion as Moka toossed Axel in the air and kicked him hard in the ribs, sending him flying through the now open door and straight out a window as Axel so happily hit a tree trunk until it snapped.

    "...Now then..." Moka crossed her arms and saw harry laying on the wet floor as Miroku had let go of the child. "Tell me Potter, did you peek on us with those two pitiful excuses for people?" SHe asked, if anyone knew it, Harry's life now treaded on the thinnist grounds imaginable.

    Tsukasa looked at Kakyoin from where he sat. It's a cell phone." he simply answered and thought about Magashi and the computer, he was kinda robotic. "WHy don't you try and find out where this place is with this thing? Oh and you mentioned you know what that thing is?" he asked him, gettign out of the chair for Magashi to occupy it.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "Miroku grabbed me when he ran in here, I had my eyes closed because I didn't want to see parts I didn't need to see until I was old enough." Harry said, keeping his eyes closed and shaking. "I didn't mean to interrupt you two. I was with Inuyasha until we found Miroku." Akiza listened to him and sighed.
  7. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "I didn't mean any of it!" Axel managed to call as he sailed through the air in a very pathetic manner, striking the tree and breaking it, before falling flat on his face. Inevitably the tree fell down too, landing square on top of him and making him let out a weak "Ouch."

    Ethan got to the door and checked quickly inside. He saw that Moka had seemingly dealt with the problem now, so he turned away and went out to see what had happened to Axel after mumbling a quick apology to the girls.


    "Yes," he said to Tsukasa quietly, "I believe it is something from my world, or at least, it has been seen there before several years ago."
    He paused, thinking for a moment before continuing.
    "I would not advise attacking it unless we are guarenteed the first strike." he warned, showing a little concern even for the man he apparently hated, though it was likely just because they would have a harder time of surviving with only two combatants.
  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Deadpool snatched his belt back from Jotaro and put it back on his waist. "Jeez, all I was trying to do was help out my good buddy Cantina!" Deadpool exclaimed, "Is that really so wrong?" He asked sarcastically.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Akiza thought for a moment and put her coat over Harry's eyes. Miroku dizzily wandered back down into the area, and fell down before he even reached the bathroom. Inuyasha appeared and poked the bruise that was on Miroku's head, he grinned.
  10. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "I appreciate the offer DeathPond! But a TRUE MAN must grab ahold of his destiny with his own two hands!" Kamina announced, before going over to get Gurren...
    Thereby completely contradicting himself.
    "Bro... this isn't going to end well..." Simon muttered into the water.

    "This is gonna be good." Yusuke said, leaning back in his relaxed state in the water.
    "Hey, big guy?" Yusuke directed to Jotaro. "Shouldn't you stop him? You and him seem like the father-son type after all.
    No offence."
    he added.
  11. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories


    Jotaro scratched his head as he looked at the setting sun, "Father and son?" he looked back at Kamina who wasn't going to give up his chance to see his precious 'mountains' and 'valleys' just yet. "I doubt he'll make it over the wall- but if he gets close; I'll pull him down." Jojo then sighed at the thought- 'I really do treat him like was my son...maybe it's to make up for her....nah, I'm just thinking too much into this'


    'I can see right through you' thought Kakyoin with a smile on his face towards Magashi- knowing that his kindness wasn't just for that reason alone. "Ah! Here is something." The boy held up a sticky note that had several odd combinations on it with 'PASSWORDS' scrolled across the top, "This seems legit enough."

    Sakuya watched for a bit longer, using her sleeve to wipe off her nosebleed "Uwaaaa~" was the closest thing to words the girl could weeze out.

    Angelique nodded to her visitor for a moment, "If you feel I must...then I must." She smiled sweetly as her fingers stroked the cat in her arms. "Ah....another has arrived..." there was a sad tone in her voice as the door swung open behind her.

    "Why didn't you kill the girl like I asked you to do?" questioned the deep voice behind her.

    Turning around in her chair, the woman giggled in a taunting manner, "I'm sorry- I just didn't feel like wasting any more time with--" her eyes looked him up and down, "This..."

    "Don't tell me you let her go..." There was a taste of anger in his voice as the words were spat out distastefully.

    "I have no idea what you're talking about~" she waved him off and threw the tarot card on the table at him. "Here; a souvineir."

    Dio grinned slightly, "The World? So you know about me, eh?" he nudged, knowing that this was what his Stand was named from.

    "Not you--" she shook her head with a smile, "It is not you at all..."

    "Then who?"


    "He's here isn't he?"

    "If you believe he is."

    "Don't play games with me."

    "You know, you get quite aggitated in the presence of joestars....."

    "You say that as if there's more than one in this room."


  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Moka approache dthe door and slammed it shut for privacy. "Anyone else who comes in here will know their place." She said very scarily as she brished aside her long hair and returned to the baths, holding ontot he rosary Miroku dropped went sent flying and she softly groaned at the water's refreshing senses.

    Ichigo decided just to continue looking around, there had to be a supply area somewhere, a kitchen as he opened another door, showing a huge TV plasma TV with amps and a sofa positioned for easy viewing and small table for anyting such as popcorn. "Whopeever owned this place is certainly rich." He said and shut the door, heading to the other rooms, comign across double beds in each bedroom, one had a bunk bed for children.

    Tsukasa just merely nodded and decided to leave magashi to his own business and search thos school, see what else there was, it wasn't anything like Smart brain in faiz World to simply put it.

    A man in a red trenchcoat with the ends blowing was slowly approaching the town where Ichigo's group was, the noteworthy trais of this man was his unatural white short hair, a huge broadswor don his back with a skull servign at the base as two guns huns froma special belt, underneath this trenchcoat was a black vest with belt buckles as he held a pizza box as he was biting into the juicy textures of his favourite meal, well more liek the last slice of the meal as his heavy boots went from the sandy groudn to ahrd concrete as he continued on.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Great and classic entrance of Dante, Pro!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Harry walked out of the bathroom with Akiza's coat over his eyes, and took it off when he heard the door closed. Miroku came to his senses and glared at Inuyasha, "You really can be a true demon at times, Inuyasha....................."

    Akiza stepped back into the tub, "I feel sorry for Harry-san, being dragged by that monk in here."
  14. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Ethan finally located Axel, who was somehow perfectly fine despite having a tree fall on top of him. Apparently an advantage of being a demon was being made of iron or something. He stormed up to the guy, pushed the broken tree off of his body, and angrily said to him;
    "What the hell were you thinking?! We trusted you to guard them and you do that?"

    "It wasn't me, I swear! That monk-guy took off through the door and I followed to stop him, but then I realised what happened and pleasedon'thurtme."
    Ethan sighed. Knowing Miroku so far, Axel was probably telling the truth.
    "All right. I believe you."

    "You do? Oh, thank Zetta!" Axel replied, hugging Ethan's legs in appreciation. "Thank you!"
    "Is this really how a Dark Hero shows gratitude?" Ethan asked, hoping to provoke Axel into letting go of him.
    It worked, and Axel leapt up and declared, loudly;
    "O-of course not! The Dark Hero shows gratitude through his actions! I will guard them better this time!"


    Rein looked up at the sky for a moment.
    "Rein has noticed," she began, "that no matter where she is, the sky looks the same. Her world, Yoko's world, even Jotaro's world..."

    Reinforce blushed gently at the mention of Jotaro's name.
    "...all have the same sky, Rein thinks. What she is saying is... even when we're so far away from home, we've always got that little bit with us, right?"
    Quite what had brought about this strange monologue was unknown, but Rein seemed to have thought a great deal on the matter.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry left Akiza's coat by the door and went around the mansion, finding himself walk outside. He sighed and looked at the town, thinking about whether he should check in town or not. He looked back inside and decided he would check in town for supplies just for a moment, leaving quietly.


    Miroku sighed as he and Inuyasha walked through the mansion, "Man, I didn't mean to drag the young boy. But Inuyasha, really, did you have to scare me?" Inuyasha smiled, "Yes......."
  16. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: Imma just gonna post this part now.....


    The vampire held a glare that seemed to cut through glass as he watched the woman, "Alright, I'll try to reason with you." he waved off his anger to keep his charm still circulating around himself. "What is it that you want?"

    "I don't want anything that you can give me." She stated squarely in a rather straightforward tone.

    He nodded for a moment, "Is there any reason you're disobeying me?"

    Angelique shook her head, "No...." she looked over her shoulder for a quick moment, "Ah- don't cry for me now, I'll be fine."

    "Listen, woman," Dio snatched her up by her arm, "If you really are on speaking terms with him then I should ask you to stop; but if you are just fooling with me, I won't make another thought to snap your pretty little neck in two."

    She quickly turned around and met him with a smile, "And what?" there was a small laugh that made its way up, "That won't certainly kill me. Even you know that." Her eyes seemed to glow at this instance. "Besides," Angelique waved off the conversation as easily as it came, "I'm busy."

    Still refusing to let go of her arm, he slid his fingernails into her flesh without so much as a blink, "I won't have you talk to me like that, now, dear." Dio's voice chanted as if he was about to punish a disobedient child, "Now, tell me where she is."


    There was the quick sound of snapping bone and flesh as her arm flew across the room, hitting the floor with a cludder.

    "Wah!" Letting out the small noise in surprise; but, as the realization of pain set in, she out an earsplitting screech that could be heard throughout the tower. Dropping to the floor and holding the apendage, she couldn't stop trembling from pain, from fear, and mostly- from hate. The arm restoring itself soundly.

    "How about we make a deal; hm?" he offered- although this gesture seemed a bit late to the draw as if he should have thought of this before he started ripping limbs off. "I heard you can revive the dead." the vampire was now towering over her in an increasingly disturbing manner, "If you can bring back Jojo- I will let you have him in marrige."

    The offer was more than enough for her.

    "You---you want your Jojo back?" she looked up at him, a trolling look upon her face as she shot upwards from the floor and into his face, "Sure! Okay! I'll bring back your Jojo!" The grin of insanity stretching across her face in the most disturbing manner possible, "How about the rotting body that was only buried hours ago? I'm sure you'd apreciate that!" Those staring eyes locked straight onto his, "Or perhaps...that headless, fish-eaten, corpse you left at the bottom of the ocean over a century ago? Wouldn't you two just be the perfect pair!" She clasped her hands for a moment as the darkest expression spread across her face. "Oh....I know...."
    She reached around for one of her cards as quickly as she could.

    He immediately slapped her and huffed, "I should have known better than to make a deal with such a wretch." he then left.

    He was gone.
    He was gone.
    And, now, she was alone.

    The small cat at her feet gave off a meow and she sat down to pet it, "This is no place for a girl like you."
    She put the cat down on her bed and proceeded to wave a card in front of an open flame.

    As then, the cat vanished. And in it's place? Jolyne Kujo; back to her normal form.

    "Gah, what happe-- I don't even--- what?" she was a bit confused for the most part.
    "Here." Angelique handed the girl back her prison jacket, "I'm getting you out of this horrid place."
    Still dazed, Jojo put the article of clothing back on, "Thanks...I guess."

    Character: Jolyne Kujo
    Age: 19
    Sex: Female
    Series: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
    I'm gonna use the Part 7 artwork that makes her look female.

    Ability: Her Stand, Stone Free.
    If you wanna know about it- Go to wikipedia *trollface*

    Additional Information: was sent to prison under false accusations. Let me assure you- this isn't the fourteen year old girl that Jotaro knows of (She's from the future- LOLTHATSOUNDED SO FUNNY RIGHT THERE) *erhm*
    In her world and timezone she's trying to save her father (yes, Jotaro)


    "Still after the petty things in life, eh?" Bernkastel chanted nonchalantly.
    "Who ever said this was petty?" he contradicted her- knowing all too well that his own wishes were near impossible.
    "I give you my blessings." She smiled, sweetly "So a Miracle will occur."
    There was only this sarcastic reply; "Ah, words of an angel; are those?" before he trailed back to his room.

    "You have no idea." Bern quipped as her face dropped back to the dull expression it had before. 'Reinforce, Jotaro; you will become my Furniture soon....Ah, and just as planned, that woman made the both of them connected.' Bern then took a sip of her tea slowly, 'By the time Jolyne reaches her father, it'll be too late anyway.' There was a pause in her thoughts as past events rewinded themselves, 'I won't be felled too easily. Do you hear that, reader?' She looked towards You as sharp fangs were clearly seen through her grin, "I know you won't stop writing. And with every post you make- the closer you are to approaching horrible things for your chosen heroes." This was shortly followed by a slight giggle, "You're a real bastard for doing this. Oh, but continue." She relaxed in her chair soundly, "Go ahead. Eat, sleep, post, go along with your natural lives. Be happy. Because I won't let you live long enough to know what will unfold kikikikikikikikikikiiii....."

  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo finally found the kiten and opened the door as he first decided to see if there was any food in the fridge and opened it, the light switching on inside it as there was many assortments of food. "Well, at least this place has food." He mumbled to himself and shut the door to check the other cupboards, there was drinks, spices and all that naturla needs for food, the drinks such as soda or that were in another fridge.

    Moka soaked herself as she was reaching for the nessescary shamppo and soap to wash her body clean of the stink.

    The man's eyes wandered from building to building as he ate the last bit of his delicious pizza, it was really a heaven from the gods itself, anyone else who disargees doesn't know what they were missing out on as he kept walking until hearing a voice speaking very loudly about some Dark Hero as the man turned to see where it originated from and saw a orange haired guy wearing perhaps equipment out of a video game and the other holding what seemed to be guitar as the man leant against a tree with his arm as support.

    "Sorry kid but that title's pretty much for show if you brag about it, of course, who am I to argue with your logic? If it makes you sleep at night then I suppose it's not in my place to say anything." He said and got stares from the two men, obivously aware of his appearance now he spoke up.

    "Hey." He said with a small grin as he crossed his arms now, away from the tree. he was really that carefree despite these two could attack him for anything.

  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry came back from the town, his arms full of supplies he found in town. He looked at the tree where Moka kicked Axel and ran to it, seeing a white haired man in red. His first thought was Inuyasha, but this man was much different. "Ethan, is Axel okay?" he asked, once he was up next to the man. He looked at the man.


    Akiza soaked and washed her body with the soap after Moka was done.


    Inuyasha and Miroku continued to walk around the house, looking for supplies. Miroku wondered who lived here while Inuyasha just looked for supplies, a thought occurred to them, Inuyasha looked at Miroku, "Hey, you seen the kid?" He shook his head, Inuyasha cursed, "I'm gonna look for him. Stay here, monk." "As you wish." Miroku said softly.
  19. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "That guy is definitely a demon." Axel said suddenly, with no forewarning. "The Dark Hero can tell these things."
    "Right, whatever you say, Axel." Ethan replied simply, before approaching the newcomer and extending a hand in greeting.
    "Ethan Waber, Guardians. Judging by the fact that you've not attacked us yet, I'm gonna guess you're on our side." he said to the white-haired man.

    "Axel, Dark Hero, and superstar of the Netherworld. Perhaps you've heard of me?" Axel said, never missing a chance to flaunt his fame.


    Deciding to leave Kakyoin and Tsukasa to this room, Magashi opened the nearest door and went through, hoping to find something more than just computers and other dated technology.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry sighed, he took him being ignored that Axel was okay and looked at the man. 'He's a demon? But he doesn't look like one.............. He's looks more like a human to me.' He thought to himself.
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