The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Inuyasha grabbed Miroku and hopped on Black Rose Dragon who flew down to the ground. Akiza called it back and gasped when she saw Ichigo, Harry stayed in the hotel room and wondered what was happening.
  2. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Ethan lay on the ground, barely concious. Beside him lay the hilt of the object that had prevented an almost-certain death, his Caliburn, its blade now shattered into several hundred pieces and scattered over the battlefield. There was no chance it could be restored, but it was a small price to pay to survive.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Moka leapt down into the crater and covered her nose to block the smell of the blood and shook Ichigo lightly. "Kurosaki, wake up, Kurosaki!" SHe said with a bit of desperation behind it but Ichigo's eye did not open or his body didn't move, he just lay there as Moka parted her white hair from her ear and pressed it against hsi chest, hearing faint heartbeats, Ichigo was still alive btu barely, by all normal natural causes, he shoudl be on the brink of death but the flow of the blood was slowing down to a halt within him as if something was holding it back, Moka didn't know what it was but she had to be grateful for it but she shook her head lightly.

    "He's out of it, he's lucky to even be alive taking that attack head on." Moka commented and looked up at the Inuyasha, Miroku and Akiza. "What are you gawking at? Help out or do you want the boy to die?" Moka asked and moved under ichigo and placed an arm around her shoulders in a attempt to lift him up.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Akiza gasped and ran to them, placing his other arm around her shoulders, helping Moka lift him up. Inuyasha closed his eyes and looked away, walking to the hotel, Miroku followed him.
  5. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Sakuya watched their attempts to help the boy and stared with a softened gaze. "Poor thing." she wished her mistress was here- Remilia would know what to do. The maid went past her prejudice of the rest of the human race to fix several bandages and medical supplies for his aide.

    A sickening noise echoed from far away, as if someone was dropping watermelons from a rooftop- only the sound was more grotesque and watery.

    "Huh?" she looked back for a moment, not knowing where the sound was coming from, "That's odd...."

    The sound repeated itself again and again; never stopping.


    Angelique's face hatched a horrendous glare as the flames started to flare up a bit.

    Suddenly, Kakyoin grabbed Tsukasa by the shoulder and wrenched him back in violent manner, "Don't you ever speak to a woman like that. Not in front of me." his glare was made up of steel. The boy remembered what Dio made him do to that nurse while he was under the vampire's control, and still regrets the event, although the whole ordeal was out of his hands. "Apologize to her; Now."

    The woman was dumbstruck; she never had any man stand up for her before and it was more than surprising to say the least.

    "I'm sure she thought we could handle ourselves and didn't want to waste any of her strength." he suggested in her defense, "Right, Miss?"

    Still in shock, she had no idea how to respond, "Ah! Well...." Angelique still remembered her intentions with the group, and this boy might have been the key to her plans all along. "I figured three men wouldn't need a little girl like me to save them."

    Giving the woman an interesting stare, he pressed his tounge to the inside of his cheek, 'I've been in this world for over two days and only had one girl attack me with her.....affections..I must be lucky or something.' Jotaro's mind wandered to the fact that he was so used to girls throwing themselves at him. It was the worst- he could hardly stand it.
    "Yare Yare Daze...." he sighed, "This one's not half bad either." This was followed by a pause, "Her manners, not her body." knowing Kamina would most likely take his comment the wrong way.
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "You're travelling with Team Dai-Gurren now!" Rein excitedly said, as though the woman should already know what the team actually was. Before waiting for a reply she quickly flew up to the top of Gurren's head, and planted herself there, her legs hanging over the edge of the... thing.


    Renvolt lowered his leveled weapon at what she had said, seeming to accept her words for now.
    "Very well, your reasoning seems sound. If Kakyoin chooses to trust you, I won't interfere." he stated plainly. He then turned his head towards Decade, glaring and waiting for his apology to the new arrival.


    Finally, Ethan groaned and painfully forced himself to his feet. He could hardly believe how much power that one girl had possessed, it had been like a nightmare. And now Ichigo, of all people, lay unmoving on the ground, and it was impossible to tell if he would be able to survive the ordeal. He stumbled towards Ichigo, Moka, and Akiza to see if there was anything he could do to help.

    Quivering in one of the undamaged hotel rooms, a figure raised his head to peek out the window.
    "Is over? Oh thank Zetta!" he said, standing up straight and dusting his white longcoat down. After sorting out everything he felt he needed to, he dashed out of the door and threw himself onto the banisters of the stairs, using the furniture as a grind-rail to speed up his descent to the hotel floor.
    It was obviously a poorly thought-through move, as when he arrived at the bottom only a few second later, his feet slammed into the ornament at the end and sent him flying off of his improvised slide and into the closest wall.
    "Ow." he said dully.


    She had used too much of her power in the last attack. Her wings faltered under her weight, and while she had travelled a great distance already, she had hoped to cover more before she fell. But fall she did, as both her level of power and forced control sifted away from her, and she rocketed towards the ground, unable to stop herself. An explosion of sand, and her entire front was dragged along the grained ground, as she slipped once again into unconciousness.

    They approached her prone body, having waited for her here for almost the whole day. The tall girl aproached faster, reaching her unconcious form and looking up towards her master.
    "She is still alive, but she will need some rest before she'll awake," she stated emotionlessly.

    "Good." Howzer replied, seeming very satisfied with his underling's findings. "We wouldn't want her waking up too soon and recognising you, would we?"
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo remained umoving as Moka saw Ethan approach them. "How about you take his weapon, I can't carry that thing and Kurosaki at the same time since two 'prideful' men aren't bothering to help out at all." Moka was pouring out a deadly aura when she spoke fo the two prideful men, namely Miroku and Inuyasha that promsed a stern conversation.

    tsukasa looked at Kakyoin and Magashi as he sighed "I get the scorning and Magashi doesn't?" Decade asked before hanging the Ride Booker on his belt as he cancelled out the transformation of Complete, returnign to his usual magenta armor. "I apologize, happy now?" He said and gave a low audible sigh "Never take anything for credit..." he thought to himself, somewhere within him, he wished to be in a different group than this one but he kenw he was stuck with it until they actually come across more people.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Miroku shivered when he felt the aura, Inuyasha turned around and walked to them, grabbing Ichigo's weapon. "I wonder if I can use this like the Tetsusaiga. This Hallow power Ichigo has, it feels so close to the power of a demon." "Interesting, but how would you use it?" Miroku asked. Inuyasha sighed, putting it on his shoulder. "By wielding it like the Tetsuaiga."
  9. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Ethan went to take the weapon, but Inuyasha snatched it away before he got ahold of it. It didn't bother him so much, there were other things to worry about.
    "Here, I'll take over carrying him." he suggested to the two girls, wanting to do something to help even in his injured state.


    "Caution towards strangers is neccessary for survival," Magashi lectured, "Insults or condescending remarks are not."
    He then turned to the woman, directing his next comment towards her.
    "Male, female, or whatever else, strength manifests itself in those who are worthy. If strength has chosen you, then it is not our place to judge."
    He then turned away, and swore he saw some form of movement to what he assumed was the east.
    "We've wasted enough time standing still. Let us keep moving before some of begin to rust."
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Akiza sighed and nodded. Inuyasha looked at Ichigo, "Never knew carrot top could take such a beating." "Shouldn't we be more concerned for Harry, he's waiting for all of us back at the hotel." Akiza said.


    Harry heard the sound and went to the lobby where he waited for the others.
  11. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    "Dai-Gurren?" She took a long look at the ones of this group. They seemed like a bunch of righteous beings. That was great, really. Her body twisted as she took in the sights and atmosphere of this world. It was no doubt that this plane was a strange one, even for her. And though she had come here intentionally, it wouldn't hurt to get the humans perspective of this world.

    "So what exactly is this? Did you guys live here? Or did you appear, like I did?"
  12. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Kakyoin looked over at Tsukasa and bit his lip, hoping that he was doing the right thing, accepting a leadership role such as this. "I apologize; but what you did was out of place; just make sure not to do it again."

    "It's understandable!" Angelique waved, bearing a more than friendly smile, "Really! I've had much worse happen to me before!" she announced in an overly enthusiastic voice. "Understandable! All understandable!" Her hand waved off the conversation as she exictedly laughed to Magashi, "Well I know where we're not going!" she pointed off to where she supposedly came from, "That place is just full of rocks and caves, nothing more, nothing less."

    "I assume the shoreline is our best option then." he directed the group that way and they set off that way.
    He turned to the woman, "May I get a name?"

    "Miranda Duval" she curtsied before realizing she had just used her actual name instead of one of her many fake ones. A wide-eyed expression was forcefully twisted into a convincing smile, "Pleased to meet you, good sir."

    He noticed the name sounded quite foreign, "Ah, you're English?"

    "American." This was said with a sharp, one-worded, hiss.

    Realizing that she seemed a bit annoyed by this, he quickly silenced himself. Kakyoin wasn't one to ask questions, but he figured it seemed like the most polite thing to do.

    OOC: I HOPE THIS DOESN'T CAUSE TOO MUCH CONFUSION!!! I'm still going to referr to her as Angelique though..........for now.......maybe.......yeah....just deal with it.


    Jotaro put a hand in front of Kamina, wanting to get this over before the sun sets, "No, we all fell here." He retracted his hand and shoved both into his pockets, "I'm not sure why, but, we can all take a guess, now can't we?"

    Sakuya turned an eye up at the moon as it rose to a centered place in the sky, "My mistress would love tonight..." she sighed and announced aloud, "I let you all stay in this nice hotel; and what do I get? MESSES!" The maid then proceeded to take out a needle and thread eagerly looping them "So....which parts of this carrot boy need to be sewn back up?" The grin on her face was more than terrifying as she began pointing them at the unconcious boy.

    A smile lit it's way in the shadows as the constant noise of murder kept sounding, refusing to stop unless turned off manually- like this was some sort of alarm.
    Small snickers echoed out through the feild.
    "My, you guests are late, aren't you?"


    Word of advice:

    It is never wise to make This
    Go all this.

    Juuuust-a-sayin'. *whistles*
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Moka looked at Sakuya with her thread and needle and gave off a look that shown she was either very pissed at the mess or she always gets liek thsi during operation time. "I don't think he needs that, his wounds have stopped blleding and getting healed very slowly." Moka said, she had no idea what held back the blood or begun the regeneration, Kurosaki was a interesting person.

    Tsukasa just walked quietly as the transformation was cancelled out, showing his natural clothing as he just glimpsed around the area, having nothing better to do, he really prefered it during his own travels.
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Harry ran toward them, "What happened to Ichigo? Where's Reinforce?" "Reinforce did this to carrot top, kid." Inuyasha said, Akiza knelt down and smiled, "But don't worry, he'll be alright." Miroku smiled and nodded.
  15. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    "Hey, Ichigo." called a rather familiar voice, "Come on; wake up. You can't die on them now."
    "Ichigo, I gave you my strength for a reason. Now, exhale the bitterness of your defeat and inhale the will to move on."
    "They all need you."
    "My great great grandson will need you."
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo's eyes snapped open and he breathed. "Jonathan?" He thought to himself and coughed a bit. "You're awake Kurosaki, I thought you'd stay like that for a while, considering you took the full force of Reinforce's attack head on." Moka's arrogant tone said and Ichigo moved to stand by himself as his wounds were slowly healing.

    "I did... thankfully, my Zanpakuto can hold back the wounds i sustains for a few minutes and... I guess my Inner Hollow didn't want me dying since if I go, so does he so I guess he healed me out of the kindness in his heart." Ichigo said sarcrastically at his Inner Hollow.

    "Okay, I'll get straight to the point and we should all hear this Kurosaki, what do you mean by Inner Hollow? What is that maks you wear? Everytime you use it, your aura changes into something completely different."

    Ichigo gave a sigh and rubbed his hair. "Fine, I'll tell you all about what that is..." He said and sat down in a nearby chair. "Originally, my powerrs as a Shinigami came from another Shinigami who transfered them to me as a last resort, however, she was sentenced to execution for using the last resort." Ichigo looked at everyone.

    "Her brotehr came and severed her powers that resided within me, what he or everyone else know, was that I had latent Shinigami powers within, however, the process is quite risky, I'll try and explain."

    Ichigo held up one finger. "First stage was forcefully exited of my body into Soul form hwoever, everyoen has a Chain of Fate connecting you to your body, I hadto fight one of hat and clog's employees in a fist fight, the rule was to land just a single hit on her sicne when you're in Soul Form, you can hardly breathing and by putting the soul in great danger, the Soul will drastically adapt to the situation at hand, I passed with just barely on scratch on the employee."

    Ichigo held up another finger. "Stage Two, bind the Soul Form, sever the Chain, that meant I could no longer return to my body and then hat and clogs puts you downa deep pit, your arms are bound as well, however." Ichigo's eyes became fairly serious. "The severed chain serves as a time limit, it erodes and you got two options, one is to become a Shinigami, the other, a Hollow, my chain erodes alot and according to hat and clogs, I had the Hollow Transformation but it was out of synch, usually, the body forms first, not the mask but I fought against it and met with my Zanpakuto in my inner world a she agve me a test to find the Shinigami power, I did fight it but when i emerged from that hellhole, the mask had already formed on me face and from that day onwards, my Inner Hollow was born."

    Ichigo held up a third finger. "Stage Three, fight hat and clogs while tryign to learn the true name of my Zanpakuto, all SHinigami wield Zanpakuto and each one is different in what they do and their names, there can't be two of the same Zanpakuto, twin Zanpakuto are rare and similar, anyway, I learnt my Zanpakuto's name was Zangestu and for rthe rest fo the week, I trained under hat and clog's and on the last day, me and my friends went into the Soul Socitey to save Rukia, the girl who was to be executed."

    "You didn't fully explain about your Inner Hollow, only when it was born." Moka pointed out as Ichigo continued. "My Inner Hollow is a total opposite of myself within my Inner World as he desires to take control of my body at any moment he can, there has been a few times this occured but never for too long since I always regain control, after saving Rukia, I met with someone just like me, Shinji Hirako, a Vizard."

    "A Vizard? What are they?" Moka asked and Ichigo spoke. "Captains and Lieutenents who were experimented on by one of their own for a SHinigami to gain a Hollow's power, they subdue their Inner Hollows and wear the mask they can materialize to wear in which the Hollow power boosts the Shinigami's, going beyond leaps and bounds however, there is a catch." Ichigo said and Moka blinked."The Vizard have a time limit to wear the masks, last I remembered, SHinji and the others could keep them on for three hours, but I'm getting ahea dof myself, I used teh Vizard to help me keep my Hollow in check, naturally I beat him but there was a threat looming veyr quickly, Aizen, the man who experimented on Shinji and the others, given Hollows the power to become Shinigami and now, a Winter War was coming to Karakura Town."

    "So... what's your time limit?" Moka asked and ichigo's eyes narrowed. "Don't know, last time it was ten seconds but it's increased by how much, I do not know."

    "Then let me ask another question, what is that trenchcoat outfit you wear?" Moka asked and Ichigo looked at her. "Ah, you mean my Bankai." Ichigo answered and Moka blinked. "I know my Japanese and doesn't that mean full release?"

    "Yeah, all Shinigami usually have their Zanpakuto sealed in forms of katanas, when you discover the Zanpakuto's name, that is Shikai where your power doubles while Bankai takes thousands of years to learn." Ichigo explained as Moka looked at him. "You don't look like a old man Kurosaki."

    Ichigo held back a laugh. "No Moka-san, hat and clogs developed this dool where you can forcibly materialize the Zanpakuto in the real world, thereby skippign a large portion of the training and the doll's use limit is three days but ti's also veyr dangerous since you fight your Zanpakuto to learn Bankai, Rukia's execution came in three days when the last decision was made, I learnt my Bankai in two days." Ichigo finished.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Wow, it sounds like you went so much already." Akiza said, Miroku held his chin in a thoughtful manner, trying to take everything in. Harry looked at him in surprise, Inuyasha sighed and gave him back his sword, "Your Hallow power, it feels so similar to a demon's. But I'm a half-demon."
  18. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina had been about to answer the woman's question with one of his usual Uber-long speeches of manliness until Jojo interrupted him. "Oh sure... just give her the abridged version." he sighed.
    And then, as impossible as it would seem considering the size difference between the two, but Kamina but an arm around Jojo's shoulder, and sorta leaned on him while talking casually. "Remind me at some point to teach you what it means to make a really manly speech that will inspire even the microbes beneath your feet to want to stand up and make a difference to the world." he then patted Jojo on the back and turned around.
    "SO! Team Dai-Gurren!
    I say we continue what we were doing before!"

    Simon looked at him. "So... we continue wondering until one of those big boss guys find us?" he asked.
    Yoko looked at the new girl before deciding to explain to her. "As far as we are aware, there are these guys who bought us here for some sort of entertaining purpose...
    The majority of us are from different worlds entirely."

    "Yeah, and when we find them! We are going to kick their arses and get back home!" Kamina yelled dramatically.
  19. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Ethan concentrated on the sound that kept echoing around them. Though he couldn't identify it, he knew it sounded bad. Very bad.
    "As important as your monologue probably is, I think we ought to find out just what that sound is." he said, not a trace of sarcasm in his voice.

    "Oh man! What the hell is that sound?!" the white-longcoated man said to himself, his voice filled with panic again. "This is seriously no way to treat a star!"
    He ran outside of the building, right where Ethan, Ichigo, and all the others were, and looked up to whereabouts he thought the sound was coming from.
  20. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Jotaro gave a blank stare to Kamina, "Kid." he started, "I like you." this was followed by a pat on the shoulder while seeming to ignore everything completely.
    "That looks plausable." he motioned towards a mountain range that was closeby.
    It was the only thing within eyeshot anyway so might as well try it.


    Miranda looked over at Magashi and Tsukasa, "Say, if you don't mind me asking, sirs, but what are you?" They both didn't seem like normal humans, like she was one to talk, but this did make her curious.
    She never did read into their files, and didn't plan to; preferring the old fashioned way of learning about people.


    "You're late." The man calmly stated to the 'star' who had a long, good look at the horror before him.​
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