The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "You all look quite used to him doing that. Are you all from the same place, or have you just been travelling together for that long?" Reinforce asked, not phased all that much by the... strange actions of the boy.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "We've been travelling together for that long." Akiza said, Harry sighed and nodded. "Inuyasha and Miroku are the only ones who are from the same place." Inuyasha stood up and stretched.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Moka gasped abeitly lightly. "How do you manage him? Mr. Miroku that is." She asked as Ichigo sweatdropped. "he's a Kon isn't he?"
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Hey, pink haired girl, be-------" Before Inuyasha was finished, Miroku was immediately in front of her and asked, "Would you be interested in bearing my child?" Akiza facepalmed. Harry looked at Ichigo, "A Kon.......?"
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    At an instant Archer foot was suddenly sent straight at Miroku's head the moment he began to flirt "that is no way to treat a lady now" Archer said "this group sure is something" Archer said with a sigh
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Miroku laid on the ground, unconscious. Akiza shook her head, while Inuyasha sighed. Harry stayed close to Akiza and gave a chuckle at Archer's foot hitting Miroku in the face.
  7. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Jotaro took out his matchbook and looked at it, "I guess using these would seem kind of disrespectful." he shoved them back his his pocket and took Kamina's advice; using Star Platinum to dig. Although this time he actually took his time (instead of automatically popping a hole in the ground). "Hey," Jojo started, "If Dio appears again, I want you to take the group and run." he wiped sweat from his forehead, "And yeah, I know, your code is against it, but he'll just be looking to fight me." there was a pause, "You are not ending up like Kakyoin or any of the others." Looking down the hole to see his progress so far, Jotaro looked up at the leader of Dai Gurren locking with him in the most serious expression, "I need you to do that one thing for me."


    Kakyoin was immediately surprised; although he wasn't sure if it was by their powers or the fact that his peacemaking worked. "I guess we should head off then." he politely thanked Magashi and waited for the others to make their move.


    The maid smiled and clapped her hands, "Thank you, sir." before heading down the stairs. "Za Warudo." she smiled as time stopped around her, sweeping up the dust that caked the halls and whistling soundly.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo looked at Harry. "how can I put this, he's a perv but never really gets what he wants, that and he's a stuffed bear." He said.

    Moka blushed lightly and was abotu to push Miroku away if ti had not been for Archer's tiemly arrival. "T-Thank you." She said

    Decade walked in the same direction as before, leading the group once again.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Miroku got up, rubbing his face. Harry nodded at Ichigo, trying to imagine a talking stuffed bear, Akiza glared at Miroku, her hand on the holder of her deck. Inuyasha yawned.
  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "We should get introductions out of the way while things are quiet. I'm Reinforce Eins, or just Force." Reinforce decided.

    "Oh right, yeah, we should. Ethan Waber of the GUARDIANS." Ethan announced, for some reason deciding yet again that being a member of the GUARDIANS was worth mentioning to people that had no idea what it was.


    Magashi grudgingly followed Decade's lead, still disliking of him. Noriaki Kakyoin seemed to be a respectable sort, though he would have to prove it before Magashi would commit to that decision.


    Once time had restarted in the area, Howzer stood back up to his full height and peered into the pod. Unlike the other pods, this one held something completely unique, something that he had recreated from data based on his own world with an almost ridiculous amount of dedication. And yet, it was still unfinished. "Renvolt," he called to a figure in the room with him. "Finish things here for me. I have other things to attend to." He didn't even wait for a response before dissappearing into the air again.
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "Hey man... no worries." Kamina said as he helped Jotaro dig, although, he used his bare hands. "The Mighty Kamina may not run away, but the Mighty Kamina doesn't go back on a promise between men either." he told him, still calm and gently.
    He looked down at their progress... "I think this is the right sorta size..." he finally managed.


    Yoko looked down at one of the flowers she had gestured too before as an excuse to get everyone away from Jotaro and Kamina,
    She picked it and gave it a gentle sniff, enjoying the fragrance.
    "I'm sure your mum is just as pretty as you. You must have got her looks right?" she asked with a smile, trying to keep everyone's spirits up as she gave Rein the small flower, by putting it gently in her hair.
    ...What's gonna happen now?... Simon wondered, he was finding it hard to be positive right now.. Finding the body had obviously shocked them all, including the usually strong and upright Jotaro.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I'm Harry Potter!" Harry introduced, Akiza smiled, "Name's Akiza Izinski. But everyone calls me Aki." "Inuyasha." Inuyasha said, Miroku bowed, "I'm called Miroku."
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Ichigo Kurosaki, Subsitute Shinigami." Ichigo said as Moka nodded her head lightly. "Moka Akashiya... a Vampire." She said a bit hesitantly.

    Decade just kept on walking before stopping a brief moment and pulled out the Ride Booker and switched it to Gun Mode. "Looks like we have guests..." he said and saw something that surprised him, it was alien but it had a certain air around it that he knew as it was a humanoid bat with it's body looking like stained glass. "Fangire? Impossible, I thought the worlds are still seperated..." He mumbled and fired a few bullets to get it's attention as it turned to notice Decade.

    "What are you dong here? Aren't you suppsoed to be in Kiva's world?" he asked it before it charged at him and Decade sighed. "He's given into his Fangire instincts... How troublesome." He stated and slid in a car dintot he belt. "Attack Ride...Blast!" The eblt spoke as quick richoheting bullets hit the Fangire, making it stumble as Decade slowly approached it. "Don't bother helping, I got this one." He said and pulled out another card. "A bat for a bat?" He asked and slid in another card, Decade's armour shattered and trakign ona red helmet similar to a bat with yellow eyes, a red six pack chestplate with the arms looking like steel guantlets as well as the legs.

    "Form Ride, Kiva!" the belt spojke as the Fangire charged at Decade/Kiva and He puleld out another card. "Here's a present." he said and slid the card in. "Final Attack ride, K-K-Kiva!"

    Decade/Kiva turned ina roundhouse kick as as the foot connected with the Fangire, sending it flying backwards as a explosion occured and Kiva's armour vanished ina blur, revealing Decade again. "It can't be the Rider Worlds are merging again... Unless the enemy hired some or brought them here to target others." he said thoughtfully as he was approached by the others. "It's a Fangire, creature who drain the lfie force of animals or human to extend their own lives, it's a Fangire's instinct to do just that, however, they shouldn't be here, the worlds should still be etrnally seperate now. he was getting looks and gave a sigh, he'd have to explain what he meant.

    "Okay, I'll give you guys a short simple version of what I am saying, I travel to alternate realities of worlds for two reasons, one to save that world and two, to rediscover my own world, the A.R I speak of is of Kamen Riders, people who gain the power to protect people, when I was on a world, monsters appeared, destroying what they can because the worlds were begining to merge into one, a event that shouldn't have occured and I became Decade, a Kamen Rider who uses the previous rider's abilites and such but I was given a title, I was or still called the 'Destroyer of Worlds', Intially, I travelled to regain previous Rider's powers, one of the worlds is inhabited by humans and Fangire, held together by a law to co-exist." Decade explained.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "Just call me Archer" Archer said calmly with his arms crossed and looked at the group "well then shall we continue on before the enemy reaches this area. Its hard for them not to know we are here because of all the yelling earlier" Archer said
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Akiza nodded and held Harry, holding a card in her hand. Miroku sighed and looked at the others in the group, gripping his staff, Inuyasha gripped the handle of his sword and smiled.
  16. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    Earth Sonic couldn't help but feel bad for Jotaro, and mad at himself. If he would have had all 7 Chaos Emeralds with him, there might have been a chance at bringing Jotaro's relative back to life. He hit the ground he was sitting on in anger. "If only there was something I could do..But there isn't..Whoever did this WILL pay.." He thought. Earth Sonic then snapped out of his inner rage, unsure of why exactly he was angry, He doesn't even know who the man was, other than he was close to Jotaro. Freedom Sonic looked at him with a worried look. "Hey, You okay, Sonic?" He asked. He felt strange referring to him as 'Sonic' since that was his name too. Earth Sonic looked back, "Yeah, I'm fine.." He replied. "It's just..I wish I was able to help Jotaro...In my world I'm always able to help those in need, but here, it's different. Usually it's simple things people need help with, usually relating to Robotnik or something. It's never been this..Dark. I feel so useless not being able to help." Earth Sonic closed his eyes, thinking. " Maybe once this is all over, everything will be reversed? It's a possibility, right?" Freedom Sonic asked. "Maybe you're right. But if we wanna even think about getting out of here, we've got to find the scumbags that brought us here and take them down." Earth Sonic said. Freedom Sonic agreed with a hearty thumbs-up. "Let's just wait and see what the others have in mind first before making any rash decisions, though" Earth Sonic added.
  17. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Jotaro nodded silently to Kamina, "Yeah I think so." he turned to the Sonics, "You want to help? Get me a medium-sized, sturdy, rock." He had figured Jonathan at least needed a headstone.
    He wondered slightly why the others were feeling this bad for Jonathan. The man couldn't even fathom why he, himself, acted this way. It's not like he met his great great grandfather before; just hearing about him through stories and only encountering him once on this journey. Maybe, it was in the blood.
    Either way, this was an odd experience.
    "Kamina, grab his feet." he stared for a moment, "And be gentle."


    Kakyoin stared blankly at what just happened, he wasn't used to sitting on the sidelines too often but didn't feel useless quite yet. As Decade told his tale, the boy listened intentively, "Sounds like you do quite a bit there." was his response as there was next to no way he knew how to reply.
    Suddenly realizing that it was his turn to give a back story, Kakyoin started, "Well, I was found by this vampire, Dio, while vacationing with my parents." There was a long pause after this as he attempted to reconnect the events afterwards, "I don't remember much afterwards since he had used one of his flesh buds to control me." gesturing towards his forehead (where the wound surely had vanished by now), "Jotaro saved me." He looked from Decade to Magashi and back, "He's seventeen, rude, and acts a bit like you two, although, I don't think you could find a friend quite like him." turning around, he laughed a bit, "I'm not sure why, myself, but I decided to go along with him to Egypt; where Dio resided at the time."
    "Jotaro, Polnareff, Mister Joestar, Avdol, and I; our group who traveled through deserts, dream worlds, and plane crashes just to fight that vampire." He nodded to the group, "That is about all I can say."
    Kakyoin then realized that his story sounded as bizarre as Decades, "Now, I can see why it's so hard to respond to something like this."
    Suddenly he remembered his Stand, "Oh yes," the green, stringy, melon-like figure came into sight around the teenager, "This is Hierophant Green- if you can see him, that is." Smiling, the boy continued, "It's my Stand; I've had him since birth."


    "ZA WARUDO!" Dio yelled, stopping time; after only eleven seconds, it resumed, "Damn it!" he exclaimed. "ZA WARU-" time suddenly stopped. He didn't even finish calling his attack, "What?" Upon hearing a whistling noise, he left his room to investigate.
    "Well, well, well; if it isn't the little maid girl who works for a devil~" a chesire grin upon his face as he strided over to greet one of the very few females he truely respected. "Sakuya! I would have known this move of yours anywhere!"
    The girl stopped for a moment to stare at him. Time resumed as she smacked the back of his head with the end of the broom, "What's the big deal, not greeting me?" she grinned happily.
    "Ah yes, energetic as always."
    "Yes, my mistress has allowed me to come along on your little expedition." the girl looked at him for a moment, "You know, the usual maid work, cleaning, cooking, cutting, throwing kives, controlling time." Sakuya started up her cleaning once more but paused, "'s in the middle of the day...and there are windows...and you're a vampire."
    "HAHAHA! Of course, this world's sun isn't like the others; for some reason I can have free reign where and whenever I please without worrying about turning to dust."
    "Glad to hear, now SHOO!" she pushed him with the broom handle, "I have some serious work to do." As he started his way back she then laughed, "And I'll give you lessons after my shift is over."

    Will put up Character profile for Sakuya later.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo nodded and began to walk in the same direction the group were previously going as he was in thought. "I wonder how things are back home... if Urahara-san does find out where this is yet?"" Ichigo thought, if he had to guess, Rukia was taking over the Hollow Extermination in Kakakura Town since that Afro Shinigami can't really do that much.

    Moka just begun to follow Ichigo's directions, hanging back to talk with with the girls of the group, guess what they say is true, all girls stick together.

    "Yeah, I just fought the evil causes there were at the time of my visit so being in this world doesn't really surprise me since I've seen stranger things such as Worms, creatures who can mimic a powerson completely, Oni who can be defeated by sound, Grongi who are like the darkness of humans, Undead who are representing everything in the world's creatures, there's also a Mirror World, a world where Imagin live and will try to grant you your desires in their own ways not mention there's DenLiner, a train which travels through time." Decade said, counting off a few of the worlds he visited in his head and looked at them. "Of course, I'm not alone in my journey, I have Natsumikan, her grandfather who found me when I awoke in their world with no memories except my name, there's Yuusuke who's Kamen Rider Kuuga from a A.R world and a small bat named Kivala... oh yes, there's the theiving Kaito Datsumi."
  19. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Rein has seen photos of her, and we look almost identical, except Rein is smaller," the small girl said, allowing Yoko to place the flower in her hair. Upon touching her, the petals of the flower were coated in a light frost, one that only made the flower look even more beautiful. She looked to Simon, who seemed to be deep in thought about something. She went up and hugged him reasurringly, knowing that he must have been worried about Jotaro. "Jotaro-san will be okay, it was just a shock for him," she stated, again showing a level of wisdom and maturity above her own age.


    Not taking the lead, but allowing Ichigo to do so, allowed Reinforce the time to think on what had happened to her so far. Appearing in the middle of nowhere, meeting Archer and then the rest of the group, the fight against Scanty and Kneesocks, the thing she saw in her inner-world, meeting more people, and now following Ichigo as he led them... somewhere. She had a feeling that this was only the begining of her Bizarre Adventure.

    Ethan was reminded of his early days in the GUARDIANS, the times spent training with Karen and Hyuga, and sometimes even Headmaster Nav. He wondered if anybody he knew from his own world was here and, if so, how they were faring.


    He looked at the stand, Heirophant Green Kakyoin had called it, and found it incredibly interesting. "If we can see it, you say? And what would make it difficult to see, exactly?" Magashi asked him.

    OOC: Lol, spot the shout-out.
  20. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina nodded and did as was told by Jotaro.


    Simon blushed from the sudden hug from Rein, "...u-uum... Thanks Rein.." he stammered from nervousness and blusheyness (YES, IT IS NOW A WORD!)
    Yoko looked on with a slightly bemused expression, then she looked over at Kamina who was helping Jotaro... and she sighed...almost longingly.
    Simon seemed to notice this, but made no signs of showing it.
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