The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: No funeral for Jonathan? lolwut? :lolface:


    "Fair enough" shrugged the girl- a slight smirk appearing on her lips before she stood up, "You know the best way to win chess is by attacking the peices that blunder off alone...just remember that"
    With a small giggle, she was gone.

    At sonic's comment on their winning the fight he chipped in, "She could have easily killed me when I dragged her onto that ice. We didn't defeat her- she just stopped fighting....and then Dio...."
    This was said in a very anti-climax way; if someone like Kamina said it- it would probably sound ten times more dramatic.

    Jotaro took a moment or two to collect his thoughts, "My world, heh, it's filled with people like Simon there- although once in a while you'll run into a Kamina or two" no one could really tell if this was a shot or a compliment. "Sometimes you run across people like that woman and you don't know what to do with them." he shifted his weight, "But all in all, it's a pretty nice place...bizarre as hell though."

  2. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    "Heh, that sounds pretty interesting. My world is pretty much full of...Well..You've got the people, who just go about their everyday lives, and then there's me and my friends, who protect those lives. Then there's those who threaten those lives. Dr. Robotnik would be a prime example. That walking baloon is always coming up with some new machine to try and kill me. His reason for trying killing me, would be to take these from me." Sonic then pulled out a Chaos emerald. The gem was glowing with energy, and made Sonic feel more powerful just holding it. "Yep, these gems are the source of ultimate power where I come from. Seven in all, and when you possess all seven, you can unleash true power. It's called a Chaos Emerald. Here, why don't you have one? It might just help ya later." Sonic said, tossing his red emerald to Jotaro.
  3. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Jojo nodded- listening to what the....whatever this guy is- was saying. "Sounds like some crazy video game." he commented before Sonic threw him a crystal.

    Holding it for only a moment, he could already feel it take effect- he cocked an eyebrow but felt no need to
    "I killed a megalomaniac vampire who can stop time and dropped a road roller on me.....I guessed that pissed someone off somewhere down the line" he said, placing the crystal in the pocket where his cigarettes once were, "That's pretty much why people want to kill me."

    Once again, no one could tell if he was serious or joking.
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "Well, the Beastmen on our planet want us dead for being human, and for escaping to the surface."

    "It seems that it's been that way for a long time on our planet...
    We have to fight to survive..."

    "But that's exactly why we of Team Gurren and me it's badass and manly leader are fighting!
    We are fighting for tomorrow! So everyone can live on the surface! Can see the sky!
    So they don't have to live in fear of constant earthquakes! so... they can live!"
    he shouted dramatically.
    "And Simon here is my right hand man, my soul brother! He's the one who will drill that hole to tomorrow!"

    "It's not just us though... Team Gurren's grown like crazy.
    We have so many people now.
    Yoko, Leeron, Boota, Dayakka, Kittan and his sisters. Kid, Maken, The twins... and well... everyone really, we've come a long way."

    "That is certainly true. We went from Team Gurren to becoming Team Dai-Gurren!"
    Kamina sighed slightly, as did Simon...
    "Yeah... I miss everyone..."
    Kamina stood up and looked at the stars and the moon, he had learnt about them from Yoko and Leeron.
    "Yeah... me too buddy.
    I must admit... 'Thunderthighs' biting my head off for being an idiot seems like a luxury right now."

    OOC: So everyone knows; Thunderthighs is how he referred to Yoko on an occasion. So near the end there, he's talking about Yoko.
  5. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Archer closed his eyes and smirked "yes but be warned, going after a lone piece may be what they want" Archer said to the girl even though she disappeared. "well then I will trust your words. If I trusted my eyes I wouldn't think much of you but I guess the only way to show your worth is in battle" Archer said to his new ally as he opened his eyes "well then let us move" Archer said as he kicked off the ground and headed forward. His destination was unknown but like he said earlier, they couldn't just stand around
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    "Wait... someone wants to kill you for just being human?" Rein asked, startling everybody since she seemed to be asleep just a few moments earlier. "That doesn't seem right at all! What reason can there even be for that?!" She sounded very confused, mixed with both sadness and a little anger.


    "Right." Reinforce replied, easily keeping stride with him as they moved to... wherever they were headed. She chose to go on foot rather then fly, enough time of her 'life' had been wasted as a floating book, and she intending to get the most out of her humanity, if you could call it that, while she still had time.
    Time... Just how much of it do I have before the defense program restores itself?
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo and Moka walked continously as Moka was asking him questions. "Tell me, Kurosaki-san, are you scared?" She asked and Ichigo paused for a moment. "Everyone's scared of being a place they don't belong, I'm more worried about my sisters, Yuzu and Karin but if I was scared here inn this odd world, I'd neve rget back quick enough, I was sort of taught to never be afraid of anything."

    "Sisters?" Moka aske dand ichigo nodded. "Yeah, Yuzu's more like the mother of the household, Karin is Karin and my dad.... he's a lunatic." he said and Moka blinked. You shouldn't say that about your father!" She gasped and Ichigo spoke.

    "Tell me that when he attacks at any time like a child, hell, he even tries to hit me when I wake up in the morning, so I never really let my guard down much, plus I fought alot against gangs cause of my hair, so i guess I'm sort of a deliquent." he said.
  8. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    (this is mostly because we need some people to get up and go---also I need more pieces)

    Keep it fair- everyone needs their limelight.


    Jotaro fixed his cap and nodded, "You really got some faith in that kid- don't you?" he watched them announce their lives to the world- "Heh, I was in two of those 'Team Gurren's. Let's see- the first one had me, Grandpa, Avdol, Iggy, Kakyoin, and Polnareff" his face was so hard for the others to read as it twisted into either an annoyed or disturbed glance. "Your race might be being killed off by beastmen but our dinner is being killed by your speech!" he yelled- pointing to the fish burning while unattended.
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina looked at Jotaro with a raised eyebrow for a second and then looked down at the fish.
    One of which had proceeded to catch on fire.
    "Oh shi!" he started waving the fish on the end of the stick around in the air trying to put it out, the others although a little burnt were alright.
    Simon quickly grabbed them so they wouldn't burn anymore and then looked at Kamina's failing attempts of waving the fish through the air to put it out.
    "The Great Kamina can do a lot of things! But cooking doesn't seem to be one of them!" he yelled out.
  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Rein reacted to the fire at the same time as Kamina, reducing the intensity of the flames quickly with a basic ice spell, restricting the amount of damage done. She sighed aloud at Kamina's declaration of a lack of cooking skills.
    "Maybe Rein should handle cooking from now on... she picked up some skills from Hayate-chan back home, so there's less chance of us being cooked ourselves..." she said, her eyes closed in the relief of not being on fire.

    OOC: Short post is short due to lack of action.
  11. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    ABAJ ABAJ ABAJ ABAJ ABAJ ABAJ!!! Computer plug in thing that plugs in the battery died on my laptop and I was without a computer for forever (Because Mail doesn't send on Sundays or Memorial day) Sooooooo yeah. I was really screwed in the ass by the postal services.
    and I can start posting again.

    BLUH- my luck.

    I can't believe I come back and there's only 2 posts >_>
    I mean it's summer- it's not like there's anything else better to do

    I Mothereffing C:

    Jotaro watched the whole ordeal, shifted his tounge over his teeth and slowly clapped three times; "Good job at stopping our spastic friend's reign of terror." he gave a huge disgruntled face to Kamina which practically said 'SIT DOWN!' with less words and more intimidation. "So Sonic, do you have people like those on your world?" giving a nudging thumb towards the entire group.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo and Moka still kept on walking until Ichigo stopped and reached out an arm to stop her as he saw something of red in the distance, presumebly heading in their direction and there was a female holding some kind of book. "More people?" Moka asked and Ichigo kept a calm facial expression, this was where the Spirit Ribbon lead them to, but the question was, were they allies or enemies?

    "Well, the ribbon lead us to them but don't let your guard down Moka-san." He said and started moving forward toward sthe two people as Moka trailed behind him, if it came to a fight, Moka knew Ichigo would protect her with his strange power, she never got a grasp of what demonic power that was when Ichigo pulled on the white mask, it almost seemed like it was her father's pressure and Ichigo was different from wearing that mask.
  13. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    Sonic chuckled at Jotaro's question, figuring out just who to tell him about. "Well, there's this Echidna, Knuckles. He's a bit of hot-head himself, but when it comes to fighting, he's un-matched, especially since he's got these huge spiky things coming out of his fists. Other than that I don't think there are any other 'Kamina's' in my world, which is fine by me." Sonic replied. "Too bad he's not here, too. You and him would make great 'Soul mates' or whatever you called it. " Sonic said to Kamina, who was still dealing with the burning fish.
  14. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Spotting two figures just on the horizon, Reinforce drew to an abrupt stop. "Archer, do you see those two up there?" she asked her companion calmly. "They're headed straight towards us. Coincidence, or do you think they're here to fight?"
    She stored the Tome of the Night Sky away again, and summoned her barrier jacket onto herself, which took it's usual form of a navy longcoat, similar to the red one that Archer wore. The barrier jacket was likely unneccessary, since her power meant she'd be able to block or ignore most attacks, but since she still had no real idea of where she was, she took the extra precaution regardless.
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    "an orange haired kid and a pink haired girl" Archer said as they stopped their trek "at first glance they seem nothing more than an average pair of teens but one cannot be too careful now can they?" Archer said crossing his arms as he accurately observed the opposing pair up ahead of them with his superior eyesight. "well then...lets see how things play out" Archer said with a small smile
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo and Moka approached the two. "I'll cut straight to the point, did you come here by a portal or are the the ones who brought us here?" Ichigo asked them with a calm stare as Moka remained quiet. "Because if it's the latter one, I don't need to say what will happen." He stated, his guard up at all times, ready in case a fight broke out and he needed to reach Zangestu.
  17. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: *Single manly tear of joy* I am so proud of you all for posting so much!!!!

    The comment made Jotaro break out into a smile that made him look so off model that it was borderline disturbing before it fell back into place; "Polnareff" he commented, "Polnareff would have a feild day with you." he then worked together using his still slightly damp shirt to make a basket to put the fish in. "So Rein, now that you're up- care to share a bit of a backstory?"


    "Now that they're all situated and happy for the night- what do you think we should pull off for tomorrow?" grinned the little girl- fluffing the frills of her dress.
    The man toyed with his shades for a bit before commenting, "I don't quite understand; wouldn't it be easier to kill them in their sleep?"

    A chorus of laughter errupted from the other three.

    "Now, where's the fun in that?" Dio asked nudging the fellow Big-Bad, "If you break the toy before you even open it- then what are you gonna play with? Hm?"
    "Besides- we have a new thing to use in our game!" giggled Angelique, who had recovered from her earlier experience.
    Showing- rather sharp teeth in her grin, the girl pushed in, "I've gotta retreive that thing that those sorry creatures call 'God'."
    "Oh?" The woman was a bit curious and cracked a huge smile, "Where off to then?"
    "Silent Hill."
    Dio smirked and drank from his wine glass, "Who would have guessed such a lowly town had such an amazing force behind it? As for me- I have a few...operatives that will work to my liking~"
    "You mean those two?" commented the man who was now looking over the chessboard with a keen eye.
    "Yes" commented the girl, holding up two Rooks, "Those. Two."

    EDIT OOC: Damn all these colors are Groovy
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Archer closed his eyes and smirked "what if I were to say neither" Archer said crossing his arms. "what will you do then? I am oh so curious about what you will do if we were the ones who brought you here" Archer said opening his eyes looking at the orange haired boy in front of him, his smirk not fading away one bit. Shifting his glance at the pink haired girl and back to the orange haired boy casually analyzing the two. There was no need for Archer to do so but he felt it was best to know about the people in this world
  19. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    OOC: The groovy colours comment made me lol so much.

    Rein looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "Yes, I'll tell you." she began, seemingly forgetting to refer to herself in third-person. "Where I'm from, magic is the main source of... well, everything. But with there being so much magic, not everybody uses it in a good way. That's why the Time-Space Administration Bureau exists, as a sort of... military police force. That's where Rein works, as a Master Sergeant, and instructor to new recruits."
    She paused again before going on to the last part of her story.
    "There's one more thing though. I know Rein looks like a young girl, but I'm not a human. I'm a Unison Device, designed to help control a person's mana by joining with them. I am alive, and still have to eat, sleep, all that stuff, but I'll never age" she finished, satisfied that she'd explained most of the important things.
    She then glanced at Simon before adding, slightly hyperactively; "But Rein doesn't mind staying this age since it means Rein will always be Rein!"


    "We might not have brought anyone here, but that doesn't mean we'll just trust you like that." Force added indifferently. "How can we be sure you didn't bring us here, and asked us to catch us off guard?" She doubted that these two strangers were actually responsible for bringing them here, mostly because of the orange-haired boy's sword. Anyone powerful enough to bring us all here against our will probably wouldn't use something like that. she reasoned inwardly.
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo's eyebrows moved a tiny bit at the male's answer and he looked at the female when she spoke. "Then I have nothing against you if you were brought here unwillingly." Ichigo said as Moka piped up. "We're the same as you, a strange hole brought us here into this world, we already met perhaps one of the masters behind this.

    "Yeah, so I was just asking if you two were allies of his or enemies." Ichigo said and he looked at Archer. "That smirk however, ticks me off."
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