The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    Getsuga Tenshou hit it's target- burning and melting flesh that covered the lower half of vampire's body to a near-disturbing ammount. "YOU *******! I'LL KILL YOUUUU!!!" Dio shot his hand forward, ready to rip the boy's heart out when, "HM?!"

    Jonathan pushed Ichigo back and took the hit- but instead of the chest it went straight through his stomach and the man toppled over quickly.

    Retracting his hand a licking off the blood, Dio placed a foot over Jonathan's head, "Heh, a meal's a meal- isn't it Jojo?" the blood began to restore his lower features, "You were right to do that, you know- I would have had that corpse against me if I hit the boy instead of you. Za Warudo." time stopped around him, and with those last words, the vampire left.

    The sword stabbed through the woman but--nothing.
    Nothing happened, she didn't react or even flinch in pain.
    Little Jotaro struck her chin; this time she spat out a few bloody teeth but other than that, there was no reaction.

    "What the Hell is with this girl!?" shouted Jotaro through gritted teeth.
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "It doesn't matter! We just plain don't quit!" Child Kamina shouted just before he was interrupted by a loud noise.


    Lagann flew through the air right on target, immiediatly a small struggle came into view.
    Simon was shocked by what he saw."Bro? Jotaro?"
    Whatever it was that was going on didn't matter right now... regardless of whether the two of them were kids... they were fighting which meant that Simon had to intervene first of all.
    Immediately he landed and dropped Gurren beside him. Making a loud noise.
    Lagann morphed it's body, turning it's to arms into drills and releasing one from it's forehead as it charged forwards.
    "Hold on tight Rein!" he called out.
    "I'm coming bro!"


    Child Kamina heard a voice erupt from a small mecha like robot.
    "Bro? ...A brotherly bond... never forgotten...
    he muttered... recalling the words of the older voice in his mind.

    Suddenly, everything went white.
    Child Kamina looked around at the nothing but white scenery, in front of him was a man with blue tattoo's, blue hair, wearing a red cape identical to the one Child Kamina was wearing.
    He was wearing the huge pointy sunglasses and had a big grin on his face.
    He suddenly walked forwards and bent his knees so he was on level with Child Kamina.
    He took off his sunglasses and placed them on Child Kamina's face.
    You show that b*tch who the hell I... we are. You hear me? he spoke in the older voice that Child Kamina had been hearing all this time.
    "Wha? ...but I...
    Suddenly the older man pulled his fist back and shouted Let's see you grit those teeth! before walloping Child Kamina hard in the face.
    Don't just sit around here daydreaming and talking to me! Get back in the fight already!
    And suddenly, Kamina was back in reality, Jotaro was next to him and the small mecha had just reached them and plunged itself right into the woman, aiming at her with it's drills.
  3. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    The drills tore and ripped through flesh- making a disturbing sound as soon as it hit bone.

    "Bro huh?" Little Jotaro looked from Kamina to the mecha above, "I guess we're A Oka-"
    There was a rumble in the ground below them as fire reached around their little bodies, almost consuming them. "KAMINA!" yelled Jotaro, grabbing the child next to him and pulling him to the ground just in time to dodge some streams of fire.

    Emerging from the crimson was the woman, perfectly restored. "Tell me, what are you going to do now?"

    Jojo pulled himself up off of the ground before striking at her, "I HATE YOU!" tears streamed down his little face, "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOUUU!!" her body was pummeled and broken from those tiny fists but would regenerate each time. Memories came back into his mind. Memories of a difficult life. The life of a man named Jotaro Kujo.
    Just a white void.
    'Hey brat! What are you crying about?' shouted the man from the memories.
    the child's tears dried but a look of horror reached his face "I-I can't win! She's beating us! We're gonna die AND I CAN'T DO ONE THING ABOUT IT!!!"
    'We weren't raised to cry about useless sh-! Now I want you to go out there and kick that b*tches ass! Do you hear me?' His voice booming.
    grabbing the man's hand, the child smiled upwards "You would have made a great dad for her"
    'Heh, I guess so'

    Then there was the sound of glass shattering.

    And there, once more, stood two men. Jotaro and Kamina- no longer children.
    Cocking his head, Jojo pointed towards Angelique, "Hey, you know what's the best way to beat a b*tch?" a slight smile appearing on his face.
  4. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    Sonic watched in awe at what was happening in front of him. An indestructible woman, who was sick enough to harm children. Not only that, but the children were actually Jotaro and Kamina. Sonic was unsure if he should help them or not, Seeing as everything they had done was completely ineffective. "Mario! Luigi! Get back here!" Sonic yelled. He knew he wouldn't be able to help Jojo and Kamina. He doubted that even Super Sonic would be useful. "This is their fight. Ours'll come along soon enough." Sonic thought.
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina smirked back at him. "I'm sure you've got a few ideas... but I'd say, beat her down to the very last atom so she has nothing to regenerate back from!" Kamina yelled out pointing a finger at her.
    He then looked at Jotaro, a bigger grin coming to his face. "What do you reckon? I'm sure we both have ways of making that happen."


    Simon watched in awe.. Rein sitting with him and he was sure she was the same as him right now.
    That was just how awesome Kamina was, and Jotaro for that matter.
    Both had somehow returned to adult form through sheer willpower. Or as Kamina would probably say, through sheer manly spirit.
    "Rein.. You want to join Team Dai-Gurren huh?
    ...Well, that guy right there... is the leader of Team Dai-Gurren.
    My Bro... Kamina."

    Kamina was a man who could inspire anybody... a man who in Simon's eyes, would never lose no matter the odds.
  6. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    "You got the idea." said Jojo with a fist bump.

    his stand was even more powerful than before, restless violence corsing through his soul.

    "You broke it? YOU BROKE IIIIT!!!" Angelique tore the earth beneath their feet- "I WON'T LET YOU RUN AWAY FROM MEEEEE!!!"

    Jotaro leaped from one peice of broken earth to another, bounding towards the woman, "I'll make an opening for your sword Kamina! And this time, give it all your soul!"
    Leaping towards her, he directed his stand to do one thing. "ORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAAAAA!"
    Barraging the woman with a series of punches, "NOW KAMINA!"
  7. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "Who's running?!" Kamina yelled at her as he charged forwards taking advantage of the opening Jotaro had made.
    He slashed rapidly and wildly tearing into her with every blow.
    But he wasn't sure if it would be enough to beat her, she was still powerful and very pissed off...
    Oh, Kamina felt there was nothing that he couldn't beat. But... still, a sword against this crazy b*tch lady... nahah.
    He however... knew one thing that would be enough to finish her for sure.
  8. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    Regenerating with each slash she raised up her hand, "You should have known better...."

    Flames burned their way, but Jotaro Flung his coat over both of them as they were blasted away.
    "Ah, well....we're boned..." getting up, Jotaro look upwards, "But there is one other plan, my family technique."
    Jotaro ran past Kamina, without any thought, and TACKLED Angelique into the freezing water.
  9. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "YES! That!
    If her power involves that fire thing she does! Fire does not burn in water!"
    Kamina stated kinda obviously.
    "We win lady!" Kamina yelled as he jumped into the air and pointed his sword down as he fell towards the lady, ready to land the finishing blow!
    At least... I hope this works and the fire isn't just for show...
  10. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    OOC: I love how Kamina has still failed to realise that Jotaro's "family technique" is to run the f- away.

    BIC: Rein was unsure of what exactly to do. The drills of Lagann had no effect, and there was no time to change forms and unison with anyone. Even if she had time, she would have no way of telling if they would be compatible until it either worked or she took complete control of them. She looked at Simon next to her, hoping to see that he had some sort of plan.
  11. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: Running away is a funny word since they normally use it to continue a fight on more equal grounds or to keep from killing anyone (I.E. Josef VS one of the pillarmen on that mine cart)

    IC: Jotaro pushed his face above water saying aloud, "I really don't want to drown the girl." he then did the same with Angelique- dragging her back to the nearest block of ice he could find. Slopping her onto it and then climbing on, himself.

    Coughing the woman gave him a quick glance, "You......." her words were softer and not quite as filled with rage like before.

    This was met with nothing but a stone cold glare from the man.

    Slow flames encased them, although it didn't seem like the water was why they were so low, "Why?" she asked- bearing a grave look on her face.

    "Time's up." said a masculine voice.
    Apearing behind her was a large, blonde man with burnt clothing.

    "No way..." Jojo commented in shock, "DIO!"

    Grabbing the woman, the vampire pulled up his upper lip to flash some teeth before Angelique made a portal for them to go through.

    "...................." There was a moment where the tense air just dissipated into nothing, "Damn, it's freezing out here." Jotaro melancholicly said before picking his own pockets to pull out a soaked package of cigarettes, "Sh-."
    Turning around, he then gave a thumbs up to all who helped before nodding at Kamina, "We got her- kinda."

    snow started to drift in the atmosphere and night started to break.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Ichigo's mask cracked and shattered completely as he breathed hevaily, it was certainly tiring using his Hollow powers, he knew his time limit increased immensely during his fight with Grimmjow but by how much, he didn't know as Moka bent down beside Jonathan.

    "Hey, stay with us!" Moka said, more like a order not to die as Ichigo leap over to them. "WHy did you take that attack, I could of reacted faster and avoided him!" Ichigo said, he wouldn't do any arguing now, only that he cursed himself that he didn't know any healing Kido or Orihime being here to heal.
  13. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    Jojo shook his head, "No, you don't know Dio...." he coughed some blood out and held a hand to his stomach, "Besides, I'm fine!" a small smile creeping from his lips.
    Standing up, the man then stumbled and leaned against a tree, "I'm nineteen years old and in perfect health....just watch me...I- I can make it back to camp!" the age came slightly to a shock for everyone. Jonathan surely looked around twenty five...he couldn't be almost a child, could he?

    "Come on!" he waved forward, "Don't let me get a head start on you all" his face was incredibly soft but colored with a harshly pale tone
  14. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Rein watched the fight as it ended, and witnessed how dynamic that Kamina's final attack had looked. Her face lit up as she impatiently opened Lagann's hatch herself and threw herself towards Kamina, forgetting to say anything to Simon.
    "That was amazing!" she yelled, "She was like 'grr!' and you were like 'WRAR!' and the water and the sword and...!" she paused for breath for a moment before announcing something that Jotaro would probably have never expected from the girl that had originally seemed so quiet and sweet.
    "Kamina, Rein will join your Team Dai-Gurren!" she said emphatically, "And she won't accept no for an answer!" The smile never left her face as she stood there in front of the cape-wearing leader of the most incredible team she had ever seen.


    A dense jungle was not something that anyone expected to see after opening your eyes from a single blink. Nevertheless, that is what the young-looking woman saw after having said her goodbyes to her master and friends only a moment earlier. And to make things more confusing for her; the Tome of the Night Sky, which should still be in the Yagami household, was inexplicably in her own hands. She could only assume that, being the same entity, the book had been dragged to the same place that she had been... wherever that was.
    Confused as she might have been, she knew that standing still in the middle of a potentially dangerous place was foolhardy at best, so she chose a path and began walking it, hoping that she would run into someone or something that could explain where she was and if, as she suspected, the sealing she had asked for had failed.

    OOC: A new character approaches! I'll post an image of her when she encounters another member of the cast. I'm hoping she'll be able to run into Archer (if he's still involved in the RP), but if not then she'll be joining Ichigo's party.
  15. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    "Well... that was odd... but yes, we got her... kinda."
    Suddenly, Kamina felt him self set upon by the little girl from earlier. Rein... was it?
    "I like your spirit little girl! I mean... Rein! You are now a member of Team Dai-Gurren!" he called out.
    "Simon! hurry over here! We got ourself a new member!"

    Simon was climbing out of Lagann after Rein had taken off so fast.
    Wow... she was excited...
    He walked over to Kamina who was calling him. "I know bro, I heard." he smiled at Rein.
    "But bro, Jotaro. Are you two okay? I mean... you were kids... younger than me even."

    "That was nothing Simon! You should know better than anyone else here (excluding me, The Mighty Kamina) that nothing can contain true manly spirit!"
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "No way, you're not fine, just let us carry you at least, save your strength for when it's needed." Ichigo stated and Moka crossed her arms. "I could forcefully inject my blood into him." She stated and ichigo looked at her. "Why do I get the feeling that means trouble?" He asked and Moka closed her eyes. "Simple, it's a very loew chance he'll live to become a Vampire like myself or he'll become a Ghoul, if so, he must be destroyed, normally, I'd never offer this option to anyone sinc eit's risks are high, last time I did this was with a human boy who did manage to get through it but now, he wears a seal to keep his Ghoul nature in check thanks to the Academy, but here, there's no priests or anything.
  17. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    The Bros seemed to have run off, Silver was gone. Sonic had been ditched. "Maybe I oughta go with them.." He thought. He walked over to the group to see what they would say. "Hey, uh...You guys got room for one more? I My group kinda ditched me..heh.." He asked, trying to keep a positive attitude. "Nice hair, by the way." Sonic added, pointing to Kamina.
  18. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: i can't believe I haven't thrown Jotaro's catch phrase ANYWHERE in this RP! }=0



    Jonathan looked up at Moka, clearly showing a bit of consideration before shaking his head "No, I won't become the same monster that killed my friends and family. I'm sorry." he then let himself be carried by the two, "I want to keep my humanity." Looking up at the sun breaking through the barrier of clouds, he commented, "Besides- there's no hope for me; I'm already dead." a look of saddness spreading across his face, "For years...from the neck down on him- it's my body..." every time he closed his eyes; Dio shouting 'This is your body Jojo!' played through his head over and over again, "........Maybe we're all dead. We just don't know it yet."
    The wind started to blow (dramatic anime wind, of course :lolface:). "Ichigo...Moka....what year are you from?"

    Using his stand, Jotaro jumped the gap and onto the ice which they were standing. " you're gonna join this 'Team Gurren'?" he looked from the surprised Simon to the charismatic Sonic to the jovial Rein and then to the 'mighty' Kamina.
    Patting the tattooed boy's shoulder, he muttered "Yare Yare Daze." then, without missing a beat, opened his coat and started throwing fish onto the ice below them. "Soup's on."
    Jojo made his way back to the cave, sloshing with every step.​
  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Jumping from tree to tree the red knight named Archer explored through the vast jungle. Closing his eyes he simple groaned "you best not be playing games. Summoning me for no reason. The only thing that I had to eliminate was a group of Zombies and cats" Archer muttered as he landed on a branch. Glancing down at the ground he noticed a woman who looked lost. As a bow appeared in his hand Archer immediately shot a group of sword, all which landed near her. These swords didn't have the intent to harm her but to merely catch her attention. With his bow still drawn Archer stared down at the woman calmly, prepared to attack if she had any intent to fight
  20. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Rein followed Jotaro with the rest of Team Dai-Gurren, still looking as excited as before. It was pretty obvious that she had really wanted to be part of Kamina's squad, to the point where she hadn't even asked what it was the squad actually did. She glanced at Simon several times during their trek back to the cave, and never once did her smile falter.


    Swords peirced the ground around her, every single one of them blade-first. She looked towards the figure that had fired at her, at first ready to fight, but upon seeing the man's stance she realised that if he had intended for her to be hit, she would have been. Nevertheless, she knew to be wary, even if her power meant she could block almost anything he tried to do.
    "Who are you?" she called to him, with very little emotion in her voice, "What are your intentions?"

    OOC: And, as promised, here's her appearance. It's fairly large an image, but it's the best I could find for now. The Tome of The Night Sky is in the image too, just in case you don't know what a book looks like.
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