The Ultimate Crossover RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by terminallyCapricious, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    "AH! YOU'RE OKAY!" he said- arms open and out for a hand to shake, "I'm so happy!" he then looked back to the group- alittle dumbfounded before saying, "Uhh this is my friend---" he then noticed he knew nothing of this man's name, blushing slightly, "Well I met him before I met you guys!" he said making a gesture showing what they did up until he met the group
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    OOC: Off to Uni again... will be back later.. :/


    Simon noticed the wound on Jotaro's neck and opened Lagann's head up to allow Jotaro inside.
  3. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: *Waves finger at series of single posts lately*


    "Thanks" said Jotaro with a sigh of relief, then noticing how cramped it was, "well this isn't what I expected....but it's fine" he mumbled, completely waving off the fact that this compartment seemed to have been build for one small person in particular. Yawning, Jotaro then replied to nothing in particular, "I'm going to sleep" announcing it in a rather stated manner. He never did ask permission more than once or twice- and he surely won't ask someone else on what he will do.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Ichigo nodded. "Well, they'll spot this place with ease if they pause and turn their huge machine aroudn and see it, problem is, I highly doubt Kamina-san would think of retreating." Ichigo said honestly. "Hopefully the others will knock enough sense in him for retreat." Ichigo finished his words and decided to procreed onwards, staying still waiting for the others could be a while so if they get rations and they arrive, it'll be less rumbling stomachs.
  5. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    Sonic began to run alongside Silver, away from the monsters. He was becoming more and more impressed with Silver's abilities. Sonic had never seen a lot of the things that Silver had been doing. "Well, looks like someone learned a few new tricks while he was gone, eh?" Sonic asked.

    EDIT: OOC: I forgot to thank Tragedy for the awesomelicious banners. They are great!
  6. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?

    OOC: Just before I post, I'd like to thank Tragedy for the AWESOME banners! Thank you lots! I luv em'!

    BIC: "Well if Kamina isn't coming, I'll make him!" Alice started to storm over to the machines, but a firm pair of hands held her back. "Oz, let me go!"

    "Alice, you know Kamina isn't gonna back down soon. Let me go calm him down, okay?" Oz let go of her arm, a begging expression on his face.

    Alic considered Oz doing the work for her for a second. "Alright, but hurry! We're all starving." She watched as he nodded, then ran off to the machines. "He's not gonna hurry...." She sighed regretfully. "I should've said no...."
  7. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC: Yeah,Tragedy you are awesome lol
    IC: Silver was breathing slightly quicker than normal. "I can't afford to let myself get worse at fighting,Sonic. The future depends upon me" he said as he was running.
  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    Sonic looked to Silver, confused. "Things still not the best in the future?" Sonic asked, still running beside Silver. He was hoping things were fine, or they may end up having another Solaris issue when-Or if-They return home.
  9. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories
    OOC: I made mine myself =3


    "I've gotta plan" Jonathan slid his hands atop the mountain, sending the ripple through it as small sections caved downward- creating footholes. "All Gentlemen must carry a Lady or Child." he stated as an order while waving a finger. He then squatted down so Alice could climb upon his shoulders to ride up the slant. "ALL ABOARD!" he shouted loudly
  10. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    Silver continued running. "Things aren't as they should be. There should be people celebrating in the future, being happy and feeling safe now that Iblis is gone...but there isn't. I don't know why,but something bad is going to happen. I can feel it" he said.
  11. terminallyCapricious Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 12, 2011
    In The Land of Propane and Propane Accessories

    Jotaro, taking off his hat and wiping the sweat off of his forehead, looked upwards toward the sky. "Shut up already you two!" he said in a loud manner, although it could or could not be considered yelling. The two hedgehogs were surprised that this man could hear them speak from such a distance, he then turned in lagann for another attempt at sleeping.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Ichigo blinked at Jonathan's foothole creating, it was kind of obivous girls couldn't climb up that, not unless theywere either really stubborn or didn't care they get dirty, then again, his father did say that he must respect a woman's wishes as it's courtesy to do so, surprisely, during that time, he was actually being mature, well except at his mother's grave too.

    "Geez, isn't Jonathan as hungry as we all are?" He thought to himself.
  13. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Kamina's face popped up on Lagann's communications screen.
    "Simon, I think it's time to end this." he said with a grin.
    "Huh? What do you mean bro?" Simon asked him, confused, looking at Kamina's determined stare from a screen inside Lagann.
    "We've done enough playing around, it's time for YOU to end this."
    "You mean we're gonna-?"
    "No Simon! We don't need to do that against these weaklings! I mean YOU RIGHT NOW are gonna end this."
    "But I can't bro... I don't know what you are talking about.. Why can't you end it?" Simon asked him weakly.
    "BECAUSE Simon! You're gonna end it!" Kamina told him stubbornly.
    "...but bro... how can I-?"
    "Simon! Remember you've always been the method to my madness!"
    "I-?" Simon stuttered... he and Kamina had been through a lot together, always working together a lot. "..I don't think I can do it bro..." Simon told him.
    "If you can't believe in yourself Simon! ...Then believe in ME! BELIEVE IN THE KAMINA WHO BELIEVES IN YOU!" Kamina roared at Simon and pointed at the screen.
    Simon looked down at Lagann's controls... then he gripped them tightly.
    "Jotaro... I'm sorry, you can go to sleep after this... but things are about to get loud."
    Kamina grinned from inside Gurren. "That's it Simon, show them your true power! show them what Team Dai-Gurren's Simon can do! SHOW THEM YOUR DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!" and with that his face disappeared from the screen. He sat in Gurren satisfied, he knew that Simon could do it.

    Simon gripped the controls tighter... his breathing becoming heavier.
    Suddenly the panel around the core drill started glowing green as an energy dial started spinning rapidly. It began to flash making weird sounds.
    Outside, Lagann's face became fierce.
    "Yyyaaaaaaaahhh!" Simon roared, Lagann roaring as well as green energy started to erupt from it body and mouth.
    Suddenly Lagann took off flying high into the sky at great speed, a trail of green energy following it.
    "Hold on Jotaro!" Simon yelled, pulling his goggles down over his eyes.
    Lagann erupted more energy as Simon became fired up and they flew higher and higher.
    Lagann's huge base drill emerged as it tucked it's arms and legs back inside it's body.
    "Here we goooo!"
    The drill started spinning rapidly, the green energy spiralling around it and Lagann as they started to fall back to earth at high speed.
    Lagann impaled into the ground creating a huge explosion of this green spiralling energy, every single one of the monsters in the area disintegrated into nothing as they were literally destroyed atom by atom.
    This glowing explosion would be seen from even miles and miles away.

    Kamina simply sat inside Gurren with his arms folded, doing nothing and saying nothing as he watched Simon showing his true power. He had a huge smile on his face.

    OOC: Told you this next post would more than make up for all the short previous ones XD
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Inuyasha was resting by himself in a random tree he found with Harry. Harry's stomach growled and sighed.


    OOC: I can't make the banners for my characters. I'm not that artistic.
  15. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    "Well, don't worry. If something is wrong--" Sonic was interrupted by the sound of a man's voice. It was difficult to make out who it was, but it was clear what he was saying. "Did you hear that?" Sonic asked.
  16. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    Silver nodded. "Yes,i hear it" he said. He wondered who would be saying it. He then realised something. He turned to look at Sonic as he suspended himself in the air,gliding along the ground. "Where exactly are we going?" he asked.
  17. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    Sonic slowed down a bit, and looked back, noticing that they were quite far away from where the monsters were. "Y'know...I have no idea. I guess we're far away enough now. Sonic said, slowing down, then eventually stopping.
  18. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    "We'd better be...those things drained alot of my energy. I don't know if i could repel another assault" Silver said,still hovering in the air.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    //OOC; Glad you guys like them! :]

    "I can do it myself, thank you very much!" She directed towards Jonathan. She knew his intentions were good, but she couldn't seem to manage putting her pride aside to allow one of the men to carry her. She took a step forward quietly, glancing around towards the others before blinking at the mountain, a barely noticeable groan leaving her throat.
  20. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    What you see is what you get. Just a guy who loves adventure.

    Sonic turned to see if the monsters had been chasing them. Silver's TK wall had held them back pretty good, plus Simon seemed to have things under control. "Looks like the kid in the robot is holdin' them back. How about we try and find a way back home?" Sonic was really anxious to get home. He wasn't sure if Shadow could keep Robotnik under control on his own.
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