The U.S. Constitution's 4th Amendment Dies Today

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Advent, Jul 9, 2008.

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  1. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Originally posted July 8th, 2008.

    If any of you still needed a sign that freedom in the United States is slowly slipping away, this should do it.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I don't get why they say that about Obama. He can vote against the move but if the majority of Senators are going to vote for it, his vote is just 1 and what's it going to matter? The point is no one is forcing these people to do this unless they are bought out...which happens with lobbyist deals. If people are and were against this they need to be heard and do something about it. It's causing a stink but obviously not a big enough one. I am strongly against this and the thing to do is write the congressman/woman in your area. That's really all we can do and hope the votes come out the right way. We've already gone to war off skewed votes. We don't need to lose our personal freedoms now.
  3. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007

    After reading that, it made me a bit mad because I just really don't understand why they have to go and do that. Seriously. Aren't we based on our personal freedoms?
  4. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Goodbye, Golden Age of Opportunity, hello Year Zero. (If you get that, cool. If not, let me put it this way: The American People are no longer people. We are becoming slaves.)
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    That amendment was signed by our founding fathers on the basis that the English once used blank search warrants to search colonial vessels and homes, and if they found anything they wanted, they kept it, and if they found what they were looking for, the owner of the home or vessel would be tried for high treason of smuggling, therefor being imprisoned for life, hung, shot, or have their entrials cut out and burned. You screw with the Bill of rights, consisting of the first ten amendments which our country runs healthily by, you're are screwing with the entire country.

    Democrats helping Republicans? Democratic politicians like full wallets, Republicans like the best interest of the people, but the liberal press says otherwise, and we today distrust and disrespect the Republican party. In all actuality, Democrats were Republicans under a different name before Liberal/Conserveratism.

    As for Obama, say "Adios" to traditions if he gets in. (He wants us to have the "elecetion" to cover our hearts with our hands during the pledge of allegance, wants us to speak Spannish, and numerous other things that counter our very home. America is not "ares", America is "is".

    Obama: Como es esto, Senor Hiporesia?
  6. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Wait...I dun really get wats goin on here...

    Wat's the bad part?
  7. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    If Bush signs this, the U.S. doesn't need a warrant to enter your house.
  8. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    This is really unfortunate. I mean, letting this go is actually worse than letting them trample all over free speech, this is a lot more overtly saying that they can **** with your life for no reason. Whatever, this is my concern but when it goes down to the quick, I'm just as likely to do something as the next guy.

    I see there are several people who like to blame the Democrats. This is wrong, it's not a party thing. Each party is just as bad as the other. However, I saw one comment that made me laugh. It went on to say that Republicans gave a **** about the country's well being.
    This has been disproven time and time again, anyone at this level of politics will only care about one thing, maybe two: First, money, next reelection and by default power.

    Back in the land of On Topic, this is going to get passed, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Not because all the people on top are screwing us, but because I seriously doubt anyone's going to do enough about it.
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    America was only the land of opportunity back before it became the USA. After that and to this day the only opportunities that present themselves are to those who have money, which is few people.

    As for this Bill, it just goes to show how little this Constitution is respected. It will also leave all other amendments open to being targeted. It seems that the Bush administration is using the so-called "War on (/of) Terror" to strip even more personal freedoms away (not that there were many to begin with) and increase the hold on the populace.

    There really aren't enough bloodless coups anymore >_>
  10. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    You're a real, diehard left-winger, aren't you...-_-?

    "Wa on (/of?????) Terror", you called it? Somebody has watched Fareheneit 9/11 waaaay too much or something, dude.

    And I pretty much understand Bunterx's plight against Republicans here, just by takeing a look at the avie. So what if Republicans don't support Gay marriage as much as Democrats? Either side thinks it's wrong, but the Democrats just say they'll allow it so more people will favor them. Trogdor can say I'm wrong there, but let's try not to back away from the truth, eh Trog?

    Now then, "back to the land of On-topic", if this act against the Bill of Rights(I've noticed alot of people just call it The Bill. It's the first ten amendments of the United States of America, not a BBC Cop show.) is allowed to go through, then we go right back to 1660, when the country was ruled on trade by Navigation laws. A time when all a British Soldier needed to search your Ship or Home and charge you with high treason was a piece of paper called a Writ of Assistance. These were next-to-blank papers that only took a few needed words and names to get what they wanted.

    Smugglers were heroes to our country back then. They traded with other countries besides England, which was by law what you could not do. John Hancock, needing no introductions or backstory from his status in the country, was in fact a smuggler of goods.

    And to satisfy Obama:

    ¿Eres un izquierdista verdadero, intransigente, no eres tú… - _-?

    " Wa en (/of?????) Terror" ¿, lo llamaste? Alguien ha mirado Fareheneit 9/11 waaaay demasiado o algo, tipo.

    E I mucho entiende bastante el apuro de Bunterx contra republicanos aquí, apenas takeing una mirada en el avie. ¿Tan qué si los republicanos no apoyan matrimonio homosexual tanto como Democrats? Cualquier lado piensa es incorrecto, pero los Democrats apenas dicen que lo permitirán así que más gente los favorezca. ¿Trogdor puede decir que soy incorrecto allí, pero que nos dejo intentar no mover hacia atrás lejos de la verdad, eh Trog?

    Ahora entonces, " de nuevo a la tierra de En-topic" , si este acto contra el Bill de endereza (yo han notado mucha llamada de la gente apenas él el Bill . Es las primeras diez enmiendas de los Estados Unidos de América, no una BBC captura la demostración.) se permite ir a través, después nos remontamos a la derecha a 1660, cuando el país fue gobernado en comercio por leyes de navegación. Una época en que todo el un soldado británico necesario para buscar tu nave u hogar y para encargarte de alta traición era un trozo de papel llamado un decreto judicial de la ayuda. Éstos eran los papeles siguiente-a-en blanco que tomaron solamente algunas palabras y nombres necesarios para conseguir lo que quisieron.

    Los contrabandistas entonces eran héroes a nuestra parte posterior del país. Negociaron con otros países además de Inglaterra, que era por ley lo que no podrías hacer. Juan Hancock, no necesitando ninguna introducción o backstory de su estado en el país, era de hecho un contrabandista de mercancías.
  11. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    BaseSebastian, did you not even bother to read my post? I said ALL politicians are evil megalomaniacs. I hate the left just as much as the right, I just pointed out that you supported one side. Calling me a leftist for attacking all politicians is just stupid. Both sides are wrong, it's not a matter of left versus right for me, it's a matter of people versus government.
  12. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Are you unaware that there are Hispanics in this country? Or are you that blind to other cultures? I've always covered my heart with my hand during the pledge.Could that be because they've ruined this country, i.e., the War in Iraq?
    "Election" is spelled with two e's. America has always been a nation of immigrants, a blending of many cultures. I'm sorry if you've suddenly realized that, but that's the way it's always been. Get over it.
  13. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    *Facepalm* Sorry 'bout that...I'm so used to being bashed for being Republican, I tend to forget that not everybody who attacks my party is exactly liberal.

    You got rep anyway, I mean, at least I showed some sense of goodness even if you were left. That rep wasn't pity, it was my sense of being fair.....*shurgs*

    But you can't say all of the People in the parties are corrupt. Both sides have good guys and bad guys.

    Excuse me, I'm about to burst out in laughter.

    NOOOOOO! WEALLY?? I vounder vhy we call-a our country, le mixing pot, non? I live in Florida, where the Mexicans claim as their own territory because another latino group founded the state. Plus, I have have more ethnic groups inside my veins than some. French, Italian, Irish, Scottish, Native American, and I think some Dutch. Don't lecture me about different ethnic groups, for there is where you phailed abyssmally. Obama never did. Not to call him a bad candidate, I'm just saying he has alot of "Un-American" promises like a new "National Anthem(????)" i.e, the Democrats are just as much to blame for the neccasary war as the Republicans. Democrats wanted save Iraq just as much as the Republicans, but then both sides wanted to pull out. Now it's all Bushes fault, since both parties deny ever supporting the war effort, except for a few just D&R's. Well excuese me.

    Mexican Alien's get the speacial treatment, meanwhile, actual Mexican Immigrants, Italian Immigrants, French Immigrants, Japanese, Dutch, Chinese, and all of the others are shat upon. I'm sorry it took you that long to realize, but that's the real way it's always been. Get off your high horse.

    To satisfy Obama:

    Combate apesadumbrado del *Facepalm* el 'que… soy así que utilizado a ser golpeado para ser republicano, tiendo a olvidar que no todos que ataca mi partido es exactamente liberal.

    Conseguiste el representante de todos modos, yo significas, por lo menos yo demostraste un cierto sentido de la calidad incluso si te dejaron. Que el representante no era compasión, él era mi sentido de ser ..... *shurgs* justo

    Pero no puedes decir que toda la gente en los partidos es corrupta. Ambos lados tienen buenes chico y chicos malos.

    Excusarme, yo están a punto de estallar hacia fuera en risa.

    ¡NOOOOOO! ¿WEALLY?? ¿Vounder I vhy nosotros cala nuestro país, pote de mezcla del le, no? Vivo en la Florida, en donde los mexicanos demandan como su propio territorio porque otro grupo latino fundó el estado. Más, tengo tener grupos más étnicos dentro de mis venas que alguno. Francés, italiano, irlandés, escocés, nativo americano, y yo pensar un cierto holandés. No darme una conferencia sobre diversos grupos étnicos, porque hay donde phailed abyssmally. Obama nunca hizo. Para no llamarlo un mán candidato, soy apenas diciendo él tengo mucho " La O.N.U-American" promesas como un nuevo " Himno nacional (????)" es decir, los Democrats son apenas tanto a culpar por la guerra neccasary como los republicanos. Democrats quisieron excepto Iraq apenas tanto como los republicanos, pero por otra parte ambos lados quisieron sacar. Ahora es todos los arbustos critica, puesto que ambas partes niegan nunca el apoyar del esfuerzo de la guerra, a excepción de algunos D& justo; R. Excuese bien yo.

    El extranjero mexicano consigue el tratamiento speacial, mientras tanto, los inmigrantes mexicanos reales, los inmigrantes italianos, los inmigrantes franceses, el japonés, el holandeses, el chinos, y todos los otros están cagados sobre. Lo siento que te tomó que de largo para realizar, pero que es la manera verdadera se es siempre. Conseguir de tu alto caballo.
  14. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    The war wasn't "necessary", it was just an excuse for politicians to get more money. Do you think the Democrats had any choice but to at least go along with the war, even if they didn't support it? We had no reason to invade Iraq. There were no WMDs, limited evidence of terrorism support, and all we've done is installed a dysfunctional democratic government.

    I misinterpreted the Obama pledge note. My bad.

    Actual Mexican citizens are far better off than illegals. That's why they're getting special treatment.

    I'm on a high horse? I'm sure I'm laughing even more than you did.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Riiiiiight. Don't worry, I'm not even going to bother telling you how wrong you are, because you're too ignorant to get it anyway, and I don't want to waste my time

    Riiiiiiight, which is exactly why we must speak Spannish to please the Aliens, while the Immigrants break their backs trying their hardest to learn the American language: English. I can ask twenty out of twenty Mexican Immigrants if they think Spannish should be widely spoken in America, and twenty will agree, No.

    I'm sure you are. You call me blind, taunting the splinter in my eye, whilst you miss the tree in your own.
  16. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Man, people like you really piss me off. Bush is an idiot; he can't speak in public, much less lead a war. He supported the suspension of habeas corpus and, while you are correct that Democrats are behind this too, he supports a bill that will kill the Fourth Amendment and pave the way for other violations of freedoms. Don't tell me how blind I am; my eyes are far less clouded than the rest of America.

    By the way, I don't support illegals; I don't believe they should be in this country, much less telling us to learn their language. That's one thing you are right about.
  17. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    It's spelled Spanish, not Spannish. America has no official language, and people in the rest of the world generally learn two and three languages it could easily be more depending on the location, it's not to much to ask Americans to do the same.
  18. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    You say you're far less cloudy eyed than the rest of Ameirca...yet you say Bush is an about your hypocrytes.

    George W. Bush is not the dunder-head ignorants claim he is. They call him a dumb***, yet there's quite a few things he knows that goes beyond Grammar skills. Oh by Golly, if he can't talk right, why should we respect him like *****-whiped Clinton.

    The press does everything in its power to make you beleive what you say, only to hide itself from its wrongs.

    EDIT: @ Trogdor: Thank you for the correction. It appears I'm just set-up so far to be as "stupid" as the President. Besides, ask any actual person hailing from Spain: Mexican people speak almost an entirely different language from Spanish anyway. It is in fact a dependency on where you live exactly in Mexico that actually pertains to what form of language you speak.

    As well, my Great-Grandfather, a once a wealthy Farmer in Italy, gave up almost a fortune in Italian wealth, to live in a country where he would one day become a much less wealthy farmer, striving to feed his family. He would not allow any descendent of his to speak fluent Italian while he lived. "You are American, you speak American."

    People usually forget, but there are things official in America, but they winde up abolished anyway. "One Nation, Under God...", The pledge of Allegiance was banned from the country because it might upset Muslims. But even Muslims agreed that that banning was unneccasary.

    "Our Lady of Counselance", a title for Mary, the Virgin Mother of Jesus Christ, is the herione of America. If you don't beleive me, leave the rest of us alone and recheck your facts at Washington D.C. Catholics pray to Mary under the title of Lady of Counselance to help heal the sick, and give the terminally sick a writ into heaven if they die under their ailments.

    Official Religion: It's an all-out-peaceful war between Protestant, Catholic, Freemasonry, and most recently Muslims and Islamic faiths. Protestant because that's what this country was once monopolied by during Colonial times, Catholic because if it were not for John Carroll, Cousin of Charless Carroll, the longest lived signer of the Declaration of Independance and the only Catholic signer of the same document, no religion besides Protestant and/or Puritans would enjoy freedom of Religion, Freemasonry because at least thirteen signers of the Declaration of Independance were in fact masons, who include John Hancock, George Washington, Thomash Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin to name a few, and Muslims and Islamic faiths have recently joined the dabcle. But because of John Carroll, no one religion will ever be the official religion of these fifty-states, where we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

    (Sorry it took me so long to post this segment, I had to share the computer mid-writing)
  19. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Regardless, he intends to sign a bill that would essentially destroy any hope of retaing our personal freedoms, and I fail to see the logic in that.
  20. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    "One Nation Under God" was never an original part of the pledge. In fact, the founding fathers weren't even devout Christians. They were secularists, they believed that the church and state should remain completely separate (and look how long that lasted).

    Also, the reason I dislike the Republicans is because they are conservative. They are archaic, old-fashioned and obsolete. They should have been left along a long time ago when the world moved on but their supporters were too stubborn and afraid of change to support anyone else. My feelings have nothing to do with gay marriage or anything of the sort.

    There is also the fact that when the conservative party in the UK last came to power the economy was decimated and thousands of people forced into work (not to mention the irreparable damage to the coal industry, trapping large reserves of coal underground which now have to be excavated at a very high cost).

    As for the war in Iraq, there were no WMDs. We know that. The main reason for entering the war in the first place was a lie. Also, now instead of a dictator ruling with an iron fist at detriment to his own people but managing to keep the militias under control has been replaced by a weak and (as Blademaster Mai'kel rightly said) dysfunctional so-called democracy were many people don't vote either from loyalty to the militias or from fear. Never is preferable. The USA (and the UK) needed to plan a lot more before entering into such a conflict.

    The entire US governmental system is in dire need of an overhaul. At the moment, all it has is my utter contempt. It is flawed (more so than most) and corrupt. I am not saying that other countries don't have terrible or even worse systems (lol the UK system certainly ain't perfect) but considering the US is a superpower you think things might have been a bit better.

    As for all of these things being "Un-American", you do remember your history lessons? You even said yourself that your great-grandfather was Italian. There is no such thing as true American (except of course for the native Americans of course lol). America is a nation of migrants, pretty much every citizen is a migrant. All children of the rest of the world.

    I don't understand why people are so afraid of change. Sure it can be painful and even destructive, but changes are often the only way forward.
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