The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Think I don't know that, Fearless?
  2. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    OOC: Let's see...

    Maleficent was in Beast's Castle, which Acelius woke up by. She went in after a day of rest and was attacked and captured. She escapeds via Reekfir, her dragon, and is now standing on the border of the world.

    Jafar kills Aladin and makes three wishes: Sultan, Sorcerer and all of the princesses of hearts. He plans to keep this power to himself, but the witch Maleficent finds out and burns in anger and jealousy.
  3. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Thats exactly what it is.
  4. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    OOC: SORRY GUYS!!!!! I havent gotten a chance to get on do much. But I'm back now so here it goes:

    ps: Hey Roxaspartanti, can you ease up on me a bit it gets hard when you get attacked by 50 things and can't respond. Thx.

    bic: Demyx stood behind a building laughing to himself when suddenly Axel jumped out of a portal.

    "AHHHHH!!!!" screamed Demyx.

    Ty looked around as more heartless appeared bloking all his escape routes.

    "Looks like I get a rough initiation to this whole Keyblade thing" he mumbled. Ty shuged his shoulders and charged.

    OOC: Does that work as a returning statement? Oh and can someone recap what happened after my last post i don't feel like reading that much. Greatly appreciated. ;-P
  5. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Demyx looked around, hoping no one heard him scream like a little girl.

    "You know,I would really like it if you didn't tell anybody that I scream like that. Oh! By the way" Demyx said changing the direction of the conversation "I found a keyblade bearer that can help us"

    Demyx motioned over his shoulder to where Tybic was standing.

    Ty defeated heartless after heartless, letting his rage do the fighting.

    "Where does it end!" He shouted as he slashed annother heartless "They keep comming. I don't know how much longer I can do this."
  6. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Demyx turned around to take a look at what was happening.

    "Wait, you expect me to go and lend a hand? Oh no no no not me, not with all those scarry heartless over there as well as what he might do to me considering our recent conversation, now that he knows about the Keyblade. No way!" Demyx remarked as he slowly walked away, too scared to do something about it.
  7. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    "Oh no not yet I can't do that, you,ve seen me fight it's not good" Demyx said as he was being drug away, not ready to face his fear.


    Ty lunged again at the next heartless and tripped and fell on his face. As he slowy stood up and tasted blood in his mouth, realizing he split his lip. he looked around for the next heartless and saw demyx being dragged in his direction.

    "Now what does he want? He looks scared of me.... this might be fun" Ty chuckled to himself.
  8. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Demx screamed out of morbid fear as he was thrown into he middle of a throng of Heartless. He imediately jumped up and begn to run around in circles with all of the Heartles in the area chasing him.

    Ty couldn't help but to laugh a the sight. when Demyx ran by Ty faked him out by lunging in his direction causing him to jump up at least four feet in the air. Thats when Ty lost it, he colllapsed to the ground, hardly able to brathe he was laughing so hard
  9. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    OOC; Gosh guys I've been out for a while, but I'm here and dog tired so this will be a slightly less amazing post *yawns*

    BIC: Natali lay perfectly still as the rain poured, letting it bounce off her form to make a strange white haze around her. She felt so vulnerable here alone but vowed that she wouldn't give up. A lightning bolt cracked. Close. A small signal in her brain clicked and she moved away from the spot to the other side of the roof. This small move would change her life. A man in a tall dark cloak reached out and clamped a hand over her mouth. She struggled and bit down but recoiled as her teeth met metal, sending vibrations up her head. She slumped, dazed and the man grabbed her, opened a portal of darkness, and threw her in. She landed in a crumpled heap that made her muscles scream in protest. Natali opened her eyes. A throng of heartless surrounded her and she panicked for a moment before realizing that three guys were fighting them off. Moving up off the ground she groaned and staggered, feeling her head explode into stars and lights. In her stupor she realized that she needed to fight too, and lunged at a heartless, punching it square in its.....body. She really couldn't tell anything but its head. The thing evaporated and she lunged at another.

    OOC: I got bored of being alone.
  10. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves

    She punctuated each word with the slaying of another heartless. It was true. They were thinning out and if she squinted, she could see the end of their ranks. Sighing with relief, she bashed in some more heads and retreated into her happy place. The killing, even though they weren't humans, was still rubbing her the wrong way. It went against everything she was taught but, she reasoned with herself, they are monsters who are attacking us. Speaking of us, who are these guys. Two look like that man who threw me in here but the other one looks different.
  11. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Ty stood up gasping for breath, recovering from his recent laugh attack, and started to charge at a group of heartless. As he was fighing he noteced a new addition to the fighters, a girl. Once he killed all the heartless in his are he mmoved over to help her out, but was knocked over as Demyx ran by, arms flailing and screaming like a little girl. Before he could stand he got attacked by a group of heartless.
  12. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Ty rolled back and forth slashing at everything that came into veiw trying to rid hiself of the heartless. They seemed to start to thin out after a minute that felt like an eternity. He saw a large black figure step into his view, realizing too late thar it was the man that threw Demyx into the battle.
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