The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Acelius found an empty room and went to an overturned table, and dragged it towards another overturned table. She decided that she should rest on something, too, because the creatures could go through walls. If there was an unknown object in the way, they hopefully couldn't get through.

    Shielded on all sides, Acelius contacted her dragon and gave a quick summary of the situation she was in. Reekfir was worried, but she comforted him and told the steed she would be fine.
  2. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    "My crow. Search her out. The heartless will have a better time searching." The crow, or raven, flew away, flying around the windows, checking each one. She spotted a woman and a beast dancing in the ballroom, found the west wing, but never found the girl.
    He squaked with agitation.
    Where could she have gone? Malifecent thought.
    "Berserkers! Check each room! The plan is in action! Don't wory about sound!"
    The berserkers broke the main door down. It's hinges creaked as it broke free, and finally, WAAAAAAAM. The sound echoed through the halls, and continued to echo for a long time.
    Malifecent burned herself away to the west wing. "The rose.." She smiled, taking it and placing it in the safety of her cloak.
  3. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    The bang of the door exploding to smitherines brought Acelius to her senses faster than she had ever done before. She growled and openned the barrier to magic, sending the furniture that was hiding her across the room and into the massive white beings. They were different than the bulging yellow eyed ones with red heart symbols, and looked much stronger.

    She sent a bolt of fire through the center one, which slammed to the ground. The others, though, continued the attack.
  4. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Malifecent sensed that her patrols were attacked and attacking the wolf girl.
    She spotted a beast running at her, growling with anger. She burned away quickly, and sent a bolt of energy towards the beast. He slammed through it, but Malifecent summoned more heartless to block and surround his way. "How pitiful." Malifecent walked away calmly, going to where Belle was located. "Once again you choose. Your beauty...or the girl."

    It took a mement for the beast to realize what she meant. "Get out of my castle now!"
    "With pleasure..." She cackled. "But I'd like to travel light. Belle-or the rose?" She burned away, laughing hysterically.
    Jafar simply found everything according to plan. Jasmine and Alladyn would reach Aladins hide-out, and there is the trap. They walked right into it. He made sure to tell his guards to say the words, who sent you, and they'd say, Jafar. And then-he would be trialed with kidnapping. Just like I was planning...
  5. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Acelius dodged a sickening blow from the weapon of the berserkers, not a moment too soon. If she was struck by that, her bones would be crushed in no time. She had taken a few swipes from them, knocking her body into a wall as if she were a child throwing a doll against the wall. Thankfully, the downward smashes were slow enough for her keen senses to dodge.

    She did a 180 and attacked the Berserker behind her, teeth sinking into it's arm. Flailing, the monster smacked into another enemy, throwing it to the ground with a sickening WAAAM! Acelius loosed her grip and flipped through the air, landing swiftly on her feet and ready for an attack.

    She decided now it would be a good idea to call for Reekfir, so openning the barrier to magic was her next action as she dodged the blows in front of her. She forgot to check behind her, though, and a slice of the Berserker's weapon slammed her into the stone wall, making her go limp. The call for help never made it.
  6. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    That would be Sticky *points to front page*
  7. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: yeah! I did it!
    Godmodding, hmm, you decide, you can become a nobody if you like or break free. I wonder if this is godmodding. SHADES! COME OVER HERE!
    Malifecent surrounded Belle with heartless, and took her heart. "Perfect. According to plan." A heartless patrol told her about the captured girl. "Wonderful. Steal her heart." Malifecent said, sending the heartless. Malifecent spotted Beast running toward her. She couldn't burn away fast enough, so she levitated and striked a bolt from her staff at Beast. He dodged, and jumped, growling with anger that she stole his rose and broke Belle. She grabbed the rose, her last plan of action. And she put it against his attack.
    He stopped, and widened his eyes. Malifecent took that advantage to blast him, and he careened through the air, slamming onto the ground. His last act was to grab hold of Belles hand with a weakened arm. Malifecent levitated down to the dissapearing body of the girl, and the knocked out Beast. She took his heart along with her.
  8. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Acelius openned her eyes slightly, wincing from pain, but when she remembered where she was she blinked them wide open. Calling for help in her mind and kicking the arm of the berserker, Acelius was free and Reekfir on the way.

    The wolf broke the wall of magic and sent the whole room up in flames. The orange light illuminated the room, dancing and crackling, destroying the nobodies.

    A woman wearing a black robe narrowed her eyes, and Acelius growled at her. She wondered if she was the one who sent the beasts after her. Speaking of beasts, a chesnut furred creature lay motionless on the ground, with a black heartless held up a heart in its pitiful hand.
  9. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    "What a shame. Who would you be, miss?" Malifecent smiled to the wolf. She examined the wolf. Heartless...go around behind her...
    A shadow appeared from the wolf's shadow, and prepared to strike.
    She raised her staff, stealing the heart from the heartless. "Why are you in this castle? A guest, maybe?"
  10. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Acelius narrowed her eyes at the villain. She tried to keep her confident sacrasm inside of her as she said, "I am not foolish enough to give out my name. I come here from a distant land, one you never would have heard of. I am in this castle by sheer curiosity. What I should be asking," she couldn't hide a wolfish grin. "What are YOU doing here?"

    Faster, Reekfir! Acelius yelled in her mind. A crash through the wall beside her was all she needed. Reekfir slammed into the wall and landed on several heartless, whose small bodies were crushed by his large claws. Acelius quickly changed back, shielding her face from the dark queen with her robe's hood and got onto the saddle as fast as she could.

    "Reekfir, we have to get Dandil and leave here, NOW!" The wings of the medium sized dragon made a "FWOOSH" and they went out of the destroyed stones. Dandil was galloping and neighing outside in fright, and Reekfir and Acelius connected their magical voids and telelported the horse into the dragon's claws.

    Because Reekfir was only about three times larger than a man, and even with his strength, the scaley beast had to hold Dandil in its hands and feet claws. They soared as fast as they could away from the castle and into the night. The princess of Acneira was scared, scared for her life.
  11. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Being a mistress of darkness, her spies being everywhere, she saw the face of the girl. How pathetic.
    What are your orders, mistress?
    "Leave her be. She's a coward filled with escape plans. I don't want to capture a princess of cowardice, I want to capture a princess of heart. For now, we have what we need. This castle is perfect for my plans. Set up barricades, Put patrol on duty and place the shadows on archery. Make sure to set up dusks on the bridge." Malifecent walked away to examine her new fortress. Wonderfull..
    Jafar, relaying the orders he thought up, with the back up info of time continuum, he easily got Aladin. He got the monkey away from him, of course. get that lamp. Iago was placed in his cell, he knew now he can't be trusted.
  12. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Landing a few miles away, the princess felt like nothing but a coward. She needed to train, to be stronger. She was too weak. Then again, her life could have been wasted then if she decided to stay. Her heart would have been stolen like the large beast's. Then what would Acneira do, if it ever was restored?

    Reekfir paced, a rumble in his throat. Dandil was grazing, flicking his ears every now and then from the tension filling the area. Acelius wasn't sure if her face had been seen or not, so she had to be careful if the queen sent troops after her in towns. She was alone, all alone except for Reekfir and Dandil
  13. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Malifecent used her magic to bolster the castle's defences, and fixed the breaking in's. It was a scary looking castle, if the previous inhabitants were alive, then anybody could've broken in if they were brave enough to even go near the intimidating castle. She surveyed her plans on her wall, and examined them. "Next up..." Malifecent said as she burned away the plans and appeared into a different world. She examined the dry, hot climate. "Hade's wants to take over this?" Malifecent siad to herself, unleashing her army. "Time to attack."
  14. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    The eerie feeling suddenly went away. It disappeared faster then Acelius could blink. Did something happen to cause it to go away? The princess sighed and set up camp, after hunting a deer and having a rich dinner. Reekfir was still tense, patrolling like there was no tomorrow. Hell, if she was there much longer there wouldn't BE a tomorrow.
  15. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Hades summoned a tornado of fire, slamming it against Demyx, and whirling around slamming another to Tybic. "Die all! Die...ALL!" He poofed away, watching his attacks linger onto the two people, and watched his heartless attack onto the two. "Speed it up, k!?"Malifecent sent her powers onto the surprised Hercules. She needed to use that tactic again. She spotted the tactic. Meg...
    Jafar had everything according to plan. He just waited as Aladin came up, and completed the final finale. The drop.
  16. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Acelius didn't want to wait any longer in the area. She had to find a close by town or city. Mounting onto Reekfir and taking off in the air, she left behing a picketed Dandil and headed in the opposite direction of the castle. After an hour of silent flight, she was startled to hit an invisible wall. Tumbling off of her dragon's back, the princess landed with a crunch. She grimaced at the possibility of a broken bone. Reekfir, too, had fallen in a tangle of wing and scale. He sat and folded his wings, tending to his bruises. like a cat would. Acelius stood and walked over to the land, and winced as another pain shot up her. The wall was guarding the end of the world. There was no where to go.
  17. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Jafar laughed evilly as he saw Alladin fall to his death. There is no more heroes in this tale. Or in this world. He rubbed the lamp, and made his three wishes immediately.
    1. Sultan
    2. Sorcerer
    3. To have all the princesses hearts.
    And he planned not to share it with Hades, or Malifecent. This power was his.

    Malifecent stopped and watched as the sky grew darker. Grey. Swirling clouds whirled around as a body levitated downwards: Jafar. He gave his greeting. A storm.
    Malifecent shreiked as she burned herself away for cover. Mutiny!
  18. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Acelius looked down and could see other worlds. They looked like the moon in the sky of her home world, one far away from this place. She never thought of different worlds on such a scale as this. Getting on Reekfir again, and masaging her sore wrist, Acelius tried to break the barrier with magic. Nothing happened as her mind focused on smashing it. She could only open a little bit at a time, not enough for the three to go through. She sighed and sat down.
  19. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    OOC: Why is that? :P
  20. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    ooc Arrrrgh...Sorry I've been really busy and haven't had a chance to come on for a while. Recap please?
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