The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves

    BIC: .....

    OOC: Argh I can't think of a post....*is boreed* Ah I'll post in the morning when Shades tells us what the game plan is and how long our characters are supposed to walk around with their heads in the sand(aka clueless) I hear that can be bad for you if ya do it too long
  2. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    "I'm supposed to believe those details? Who needs them?!" Hades responded, the flames on his head which represent his anger at the moment were flaming down. She knew herself, that she didn't actually believe that either. But it was her own magic, her own writing, her own initials, her own even way of writing. But the plans were there, what she was planning to do, and even other plans. Worthy.
    "Very well, Hades, I'll give you a deal. I'll help you with killing Hercules, and you'll help me with my plans." She said this with a smile, knowing Hade's anger before in her letter to herself.
    Her anger to Hercules. Who could resist a deal like this?

    "Hmmm.." Hades said, pretending to think, leaning back into his chair, Hercules cheering for his victory in one of his first creatures he fought.
    "Now don't go blabbedyblah on me with your 'brilliant' plan, but what is your side?"
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Creator notes: Keyblades.

    Keyblades will make themselves known to the user in due time. Basically...when the first fight for each character begins.

    Also, try and come to a way to get everybody together so that they may join forces maybe?
  4. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    OOC: How about everyone gets taken to Traverse Town since that's where everyone whose worlds are destroyed go there. BTW My charrie is going to get her keyblade soon


    Stars. They were glittering bright overhead and gave off a warm appearance. Natali was anything but warm. Her breath sent up little puffs of fog, drifting higher and higher until they went out of sight. What happened to them? Did they float all of the way up into the cold vastness of space or did they just disappear, like her parents, never to be seen or heard from again. She slammed her fist into the hard tiles of the rooftop and berated herself. She shouldn't think about them because her body needed sleep. But how could she go to sleep when she was hurting so bad? She put her hand above her head so she could hear her watch ticking. When did the night end and the morning begin? Officially. Zen questions did their magic. Her eyes slid closed and her hand fell to her side. Natali's head leaned to one side slightly and her hair was thrown over her face by the movement.
    She dreamed.
    In her dream she was in a long corridor and there were many doors lining the hallway. The hall itself was a pale white and the doors were a cream color, the floor was black marble. She entered a door and found herself on a sandy beach with lots of kids. At first it seemed that they didn't notice her but as she approached, a girl caught sight of her. Natali watched in confusion as the girl's face changed from a smile to a mask of pure horror. The girl screamed and pointed at Natali, which started everyone on the beach running away from her. Upset, Natali ran back through the door and shut it. No matter which door she opened she was always screamed at and run away from. Finally she ended up back in the hallway. Turning to look behind her, she screamed herself. Thousands of the creatures were running at her. A name formed for them in her mind.
    Natali began to run, slow and first but then gaining speed. The doors whizzed past, now just a blur. Soon she tripped and landed sprawled on the floor. As she gazed into the black marble she saw her reflection. She screamed again. Her face was twisting and peeling and even as she watched the face of one of the heartless took its place. Then coming up from the depths of the marble came the images of her parents. They were mangled and whispering to her.

    "Failure. You betrayed us. You aren't worth anything and that's why we left you. You are weak."

    While they were speaking their images swirled closer and closer to her from inside the marble. Now they hissed the last words.


    They lunged.
    Natali woke from her dream with a violent jerk. She was drenched in sweat and felt truly alone for the first time. The weight of this knowledge crushed her and she wept again. She wept for herself and for her parents. She wept for a future that could never be.
  5. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Ty ran. And ran. He never seemed to get closer to the scream, he felt like he had been running forever. But he never stopped, he wasn't about to let that person get away with what they were doing. Suddenly the screaming stopped.

    "Nooooo!" Ty shouted as ha picked up his pace.

    Ty turned a corner in the direction that he thought the scream had come from. He smacked right into someone. He fell dowm onto his back.

    "Well, well, well, look who we have here. Tybic, right?" Demyx said looking down on him.

    "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" Ty responded suprised.

    "Demyx is the name, Organization XIII is the game. He he."

    "What? You aren't making any sense."

    "Um sorry I'm not good at this whole rhyming thing. But that doesn't matter. I know everything about you... even things you don't know yourself."


    "Look, we've been watching you"

  6. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    "Hmph...but, Hercules..and dominating Mount Olympus." Hades said with a note of drama, slamming onto the table, a miniature mountain popping up.
    "Trying to become a intriuging.." Malifecent said to herself.
    "Now hades, before we destroy Hercules, there is one more person that is in this. We will also deal on his ideas, and part of his plan."

    "Blabbedyblah, now your going." He said, with a change of tone, cocking his head from side to side. "So theres another guy, who is also part of this blabbedyblahblah plan of yours. Yeah yeah, and I have to listen to his too. Geez Louize."
    "Fine, if you want it clean and simple, you'll get it. He wants to become the weilder of Kingdom Hearts. And so do I...and I also plan to whipe out those wretched keyblade bearers...unless they are all gone in the time continuum." Malifecent said. Her emotions and feelings were fine with this underworld dog's behaviour. "Don't know, don't care. So, I want to whipe someone out, so do you. I want to become a God, and you want to be the master of Valentine...with this other dude...Why didn't you say so in the first place...geez.."
    Malifecent had a smart thing to say, and her temper was going on edge, but she still endured. Now that I got Hades, unlike the other time I was supposed too, all I have to do is contact Jafar.
    "Good bye, Hades. Meet us both at Traverse town sharp." Malifecent said, engulfing in flames, the crow following after her.

    His two lackeys walked out from the throne. "Sir, are you really going to help her?"
    "Hey, calm down. Show's not over yet. And plus, three heads are better then one, right?"
  7. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    "How do you think? I've been folowing you ever since that lady nailed your parents. That's how I knew that sound would bring you running."

    "So you made that scream so I would come to you?"

    "Exactly, don't be mad"

    "And just what were you planing once you got me here?"

    "That's where the part about me knowing somethinjg you don't"

    "And just what might that be?"

    "We need your help" Demyx snapped his fingers and thre heartless appeared.

    "What the...?!?!"

    "Your turn" Demyx remarked as he turned and dissapeared into a portal.

    Ty looked at the heartless as they slowly started to move toward him. Suddenly one lunged at him. Ty flinched and kneeled donw on one knee moving his arm in front of him to block himself. There was a bright flash as the keyblade appeared in his arm just in time to stop the heartless, the heartless flew back and dissapeared into darkness.

    "The Keyblade" Ty heard Demyx say.

    Ty slowly stood looking at the keyblade in his hand

    "A Keyblade..." Ty said in wonder.
  8. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Hades snapped his fingers, Cerberus appearing in the window of his throne room. "Cerberus, patrol the underworld while I'm gone." When he noticed Cerberus not getting it, He just yelled, "Cerberus! Go!" Cerberus left with a growl.
    "Dumb dog.." Hades muttered, poofing away in smoke and flame, and quickly, he was gone.
    Malifecent walked through Agrabah, knowing the place Jafar and her met, or was supposed to meet, with this Time Continuum.
    "Ah...mistress." Jafar said, standing with his parrot on his shoulder.
    "Jafar." She smiled, a very small bow of the head.
    "You're late." Jafar said, walking beside her, not caring for manners. "That was not part of the plan."
    "I have a different plan...but I hope so that you'll believe what I say." Malifecent responded, walking along side Jafar, both of their paces very slow.
    "Hmm? A different plan then the seven princesses?" Jafar asked.
    "Not quite." Malifecent responded, smiling.
  9. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Glad to see this is still going strong. I've been busy with getting ready for a workshop and real life, so i'll be on friday to go over this and probably join in. Thanks guys!!
  10. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Jafar stopped. "This time managed to get the information you needed before the time became broken, and now you know whats supposed to happen completely, and so now were completely in the power? Fascinating.."
    Malifecent smiled, stopping with her back turned to Jafar, putting her hand over her crystal ball on her staff. "Not exactly. The time continuum is ripped, not rewinded. So, anything could happen. I only have the info that happened.
    "How lame." Jafar said.
    "Yet, my plan will still work. Now, we must make haste to Traverse town, where the lord of the underworld is waiting for us in temper. He becomes dangerous when hes mad.
    "A handful of useful information." Jafar replied, smiling.
    Malifecent turned slowly, examing this hunk of dirt that Jafar wanted to take over. "We are in this together Jafar. Remember this."
    "I am exceedingly sorry." Jafar said, bowing with drama.
    "Yes...all lords have there own sense of being sorry...for many reasons such as destroying all hopes of light." She smiled.
  11. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Hades examined two miniatures talking to each other on his hands. One, with a black cloak and blonde hair, the other, well, held a key around.
    Malifecent examined the minatures. "That one is Demyx, part of an organization Sora destroyed, and the other, a brat which I killed his family. Now he has a key? How intruiging..this time continuum is proving to be a fateful chance...who knows...Sora could be part of this organization."
    "Get on with it. Stop blabbedyblahblah on us." Hades said, putting a note of drama in his voice.
    Jafar turned his head to Malifecent. "The plan?"
    Malifecent nodded. "We shall leave this place, for it contains no princesses. Though, if you do find that specific person...."
    "Yeah, yeah. I get it. The old secrecy thing..." Hades said, crunching the two miniatures in is hands, and poofed away.
  12. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    fearless, sure you can be axel.

  13. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Acelius thought she heard noises from the building, but her sensitive ears couldn't pick anything out. The castle was too far away to hear more than what her ears could sense now.

    A rumbling in her empty stomach was all she heard now. Narrowing her eyes and sighing, Acelius notched an arrow to Stingark and walked towards the woods to the right of her. The bare, black knarled barks of dying trees stretched far behind the suspicious castle, as far as the princess could see, at least. She took cautious steps towards the scattered trees and before she knew it the trees were close together and in greater numbers.

    About fifteen minutes later, Acelius decided to turn around. She was fruitless from her labor and she didn't want to lose her way. It was easiest to find her way now than if she had to take a turn off the imaginary trail. A cracking of a bush behind her changed her mind.

    Acelius readied her bow and aimed at the bush. It was parched, still with traces of green on its plentiful leaves. One patch on the bush, though, was bare and showed inside its black depths. For a split second, a golden red eye appeared in the bush.

    Startled, Acelius carelessly shot the arrow at the blinking orb, which had already disapeared. A whistle throught the bush, the arrow went straight through it and hit a tree, shaking still from the shot. Acelius quickly strung another arrow and shot at the bush.

    A yowl erupted in the forest as a black coyote stumbled out and fell. Acelius' eyes couldn't see, but she could guess that the target was bleeding from the arrow. The smell of blood confirmed it. She stalked over and picked up the coyote. Frowning, she realized it was a pretty scrawny creature and even if it was fat, the meat would taste horrible.

    "It will have to do," said a disapointed princess.
  14. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Hades appeared on top of a building, the tallest he could find. He spotted the key brat, the newest one in the series of morons, he could tell the way Malifecent acted when she said their names or even their weapons, that only too kind kids would like them. Warming up...hmm, not good, but he had to follow this dumb old Witches orders just so he could become God. He himself didn't think that she could actually help why was he here? Only for Hercules. He looked around for any other people. He spotted some shady looking group of people, with weapons. He sensed that they didn't bear much light, but close to the amount the boy who was called 'Tybic' had, but not enough. Tybic. What a stupid name. Hades was very much concealed in the shadow, nobody could see him unless they were on the roof with him. A very good place. He decided to send a little greeting. He snapped his fingers, a couple of heartless apearing, surrounding Tybic's ways out. They swarmed on the rooftops, in the alleyways, and they kept on moving in, closing out all ways of escape. "Its feeding time." Jafar appeared in Agrabah, and started the plan. He walked to the castle, and began his plot. First, the heartless.
    Summoning various groups of them, he eventually made them split up and scour for street rats.
    Malifecent appeared in front of Beasts Castle, her crow circling overhead, searching for a good view. She made heartless appear in the castle, swarming out of the ground.
  15. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    When Acelius made it back to her station, Dandil was standing solemnly and Reekfir scratching the ground with razor clawed feet. Dandil's soft eyes weren't accustomed to the dark, but his ears pricked up and let out a docile whinney. Acelius grinned and rubbed the dark brown neck of the bay horse, and then walked over to Reekfir. The human sized dragon blinked its piercing blue eyes at her and let out a small hum.

    Acelius smiled and dropped the jet black coyote on the ground. A few sticks were scattered nearby, so the princess picked up a fair few and set them up so the fire would be cheery but not too noticable from the ominous castle that was the backdrop of the night.

    When a bubbling fire danced in her presence, the woman took the coyote and skinned it, laying the fur for future use. The tacks for both Reekfir and Dandil had been scratched and broken, as well as the pouch that was the quiver for Stingark.

    After a while, the meat was cooked, not perfectly golden like a magestic elk from her homeland but it would have to do. She bit off a piece and sighed, her hunger satisfied. After finishing half of the wild dog, she gave the rest to Reefir. The hungry dragon sank its teeth into the meat and finished it in record time.

    Dandil had been grazing the few grass patches poking through the stone floor of the broken building, so Acelius took the tattered lead and tried to lead the horse away. After a minute of neighing and stomping, Dandil was walked out to the giant field to graze.


    The next day, Acelius camped and stitched together the fur of the prey she had fallen yesterday into the lost parts of the saddles and quiver. She decided it would be best to wait until dark to break into the castle.

    Reekfir was free to do what he wanted that day, but Dandil had to do some work. Acelius mounted the steed and galloped through the field. Trying to stay out of sight of the castle, the princess rode the bay colored horse away from its tall walls and towards the unknown. Gripping Stingark, she shot at a deer that fell to the deadly aim.

    Praying for the departed soul, Acelius gathered the limp body and walked back to her horse. The deer and the woman would be too much weight, so Acelius took out a bright tooth of a dragon and blew, creating a frequecy fixed for the ears of Reekfir.

    After a minute, the small dragon landed next to her and picked up the deer in its hands. If Reekfir hadn't been strong, the animal would drag him right down. Getting back onto the bay, Acelius kicked lightly and set off at a fast pace back to camp before the sky went dark.

    After a meal, Acelius set out with Dandil and Reekfir towards the dark castle that so easily blended in with the starless night. Hopefully, they weren't too conspicous for any wandering eyes from the wrong people.

    At the giant gates, Acelius showed a small grove nearby where she asked the steeds to wait. She told Reekfir that she would send a mental distress call if she needed help, and was greeted with a nod.

    Acelius changed into a wolf and sniffed about for a weak break in the stone. After a long thirty minutes, Acelius found a break in the stone and hurridly began to dig. She was inside the fearful halls in no time.
  16. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Hades's heartless soon surrounded Tybic. Hades examined the scene from above, hidden. "Show time, kiddo." He 'sat down' sitting in the air, examining the scene that was about to unfold. He knew what the guy in black wanted to do, and he needed to stop it.
    He did a bit of drama, moving his hands this way and that, and finally putting his power to crash the building the guy in black was behind. "Dodge that."

    Malifecent sent her heartless in all the rooms, surrounding the west wing, and Belles room. This tactic will surely not fail. A couple of items for household needs, a beast, and one girl will not stop this.
  17. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    OC: I feel so apart from the other characters. This thread needs to stay alive, too ;_;


    The inside of the castle was just as Acelius expected: dark, eerie and definatly dangerous. Chains not unlike the ones from her hideout dangled loosely from the ceiling, rusted and broken, some scattered on the floor. Walls of stone made an unearthly chill throughout the damned halls, and the princess of Acneira was not partically happy about it.

    Pondering quickly about whether to stay a wolf or change back into a human, the unaware woman was oblivious to a dark matter floating behind her. A slight ruffle, so soft even her sensitive hearing could barely hear it, sounded behind her. No human would ever have heard it. It was so sudden that Acelius had no time to react, and a pulsating ring of darkness clamped around her.

    Struggling, the wolf thrashed in the veil. Her eyes were focused enough to see the creature, which wore a flowing hat on a round head and had a curtain-like body that had no legs, and seemed to be like a lampshade. A grin of sharp teeth shone in its wicked mouth, which sat below piercing gold eyes on a head topped with a strange red symbol, resembling a heart.

    Acelius openned her barrier to magic and quickly shot bullets of darkness into the lampshade creature, causing its body to go limp like a voodoo doll after being pierced with needles. Voodoo doll was fitting to the creature, though, for once it recovered (which it did quite quickly) it spun in a cartoonish manner and in its hand lay a doll of Acelius.

    The grin on the beast grew greater, and it stuck its sharp nails into the stomach of the crude doll. Sharp pains pierced into the frightened princess, and she was so caught off guard by the hurt that she stumbled and fell to the stone floor below.

    It lifted its hand from the inside of the voodoo doll and cackled, spinning up in the air and disapearing. Acelius was left breathless and in spasms of pain.

    "W-what was that thing?" The question ran through her head as the wolf decided to stay in its form. As a human, it would be impossible to hear the fiend approach again.

    OC: That was a pretty bad ass heartless.
  18. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Hey, does that mean your in Beast's castle? I'll edit into this post when you respond.
  19. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels

    I'm guessing I am <3


    Acelius continued moving through the halls. Some rooms she passed were quite elegant, with tall portraits laced with gold and sets of regal furniture and tables for leisure and eating. One room was very large, with a wooden table that stretched across the entire room. This castle must have been grand in it's hayday, whenever that was. A creeping feeling told the princess of Acneira that it wasn't that long ago.

    Other rooms the wolf had to o by quietly. Creatures with symbols like the lampshade heartless stalked in the rooms close to the dark corners, they were under overturned furniture, and even on the walls. She had to take care not to give herself away.

    After an hour of walking endlessly through the castly, Acelius heard felt something brush against the tail. A wail of anger at its revealing of itself caused the lampshade voodoo artist to disappear through the floor underneath.

    The fur on the wolf princess prickled up, and her smell of fear could reach to any unwanted noses in the castle. She hurried along, throwing her head back oftenly to see if anyone was following her. Occasionally, there was, but she was never keen enough to see who, or what, it was in time. They would always stop in their tracks and disappear.
  20. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Malifecent was greeted by a heartless patrol. "A wolf girl?" This maybe the one were after...or maybe she could be the alternate of Leon...
    "Capture her, but bring her alive. Make sure all troops stay clear of her, and maximize attacks on majour points in the castle. This plan must not fail again!" The heartless dissapeared with a flash to initiate the order.
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