The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels

    You know I knew that ಠ_ಠ

    Or not.​
  2. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Then whats with the two thingamagiggy?
  3. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels

    I wasn't sure if I wanted to add a second character

    Three is never gonna happen with me :sweatdrop:​
  4. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    going back to rp..(were spamming) I have a problem.
    How is the org gonna look like in this rp? Like how are we going to put the org in this?
    And...I planned Hades and Malifecent to work together...but that only leaves one more space. And I don't know If I should ask for Jafar, or ask for Roxas.
  5. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels

    I'm not sure ಠ_ಠ

    We need more members, and for Shades to come on.​
  6. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Yeah. And we also need for both of us to stop spamming, and take this to the pm.
  7. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Sticky, you can have Demytrx as well.

    I want there to be a 3 person max.

    I'm working on creating the ground work story intro to keep the start the story off, however Ive been at work all day and didn't have the chance, i'll post it up by 1 pm MST Sunday

    I would like more people, but we get who we get right?

    Roxas, I got this PM and i'll explain why i'd rather he didn't exist right now, it means that Sora plays a bigger part in this when i'd rather he didn't play anything by a supporting role. Think of this as a MMO for KH.
  8. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Gotcha. I got the pm. Then, can you make a Jafar for me?
    So that would be Malifecent, Hades, and Jafar. The three evil Lords I might have.
  9. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    That's fine, Shades.

    How's work goin'?​
  10. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    “Your Majesty, we have a problem.†Professor Os hesitantly conceded as he stood before the King and Queen of Disney Castle, his research cobbled and crammed together inside of a large manila binder.

    “What are you referencing Professor?†The King asked.

    Os inhaled slowly. “My research into what created this galaxy led me to conduct an experiment that would test anti space as a possible explanation of how heartless are created as well. Unfortunately…there has been a complication.â€

    “Such as?â€

    “I’ve torn a hole in the space and time continuum. I’m not sure how yet, but I began to notice that calculations slowly began to change over time, and memories as vivid as the sun were beginning to alter as if they never happened.â€

    “What does this mean?†The king slowly asked.

    “The space and time continuum is doubling back on itself in an effort to fix itself. This means that memories and events are changing and creating a new reality. It’s possible that everything that we discuss here today could be removed from our memory tomorrow and we may have never had this meeting.â€

    The King and Queen sat quietly for a handful of minutes before the Queen turned her attention fully to Os. “How far back are we talking? A few weeks, a month?â€

    The words caught in Os’s throat. “My memories have been altered as far back as three years.†A slowly coldness began to pinch at the back of Os’s spine, slowly spreading outwards.

    “What would you have us do?â€

    “Make a back up memory, a detailed history as precise as you can and lock it away. I’m just hoping that this blunder will not be as devastating as I fear.†The coldness dripped down his arms as he stared down at them, his eyes growing in alarm as his hands and fingers slowly began to disappear into thin air.

    The king asked another question, but the words were lost to Os as fell into the empty void of darkness, his only thought was self inducing anger for destroying the Kingdom Hearts he knew and hoping that it would not be as bad as he feared.

    aaaaaaand go.
  11. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Tybic sat in the corner with his head down, sobbing.

    "I will get that evil woman, she will pay for what she has done."

    Tybic sniffed, slowly stood and swallowed his tears. He looked over to the door and took his first step toward revenge, with many more to come.
  12. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves

    "Please wait until the craft has come to a complete stop to exit. Refugees are to proceed into the cafe for room arrangements and rations. Please wait until the craft..."

    A mechanical voice repeated the instructions over and over again, irking Natali as she shifted from foot to foot, wanting to get off this ship and try to find her family. The ship swooped in low and slowed down as the pilot tried to catch the ship on the metal hooks so the crew inside the station could reel them in safely. The faint click and a small jostling was the signal that the hooks were in place. Natali wormed her way past the sobbing women and the frantic men, trying to find whoever and make sure they were ok. Natali finally got to stand by the dull gray loading hatch. She was on the balls of her feet, ready to get out. The sooner she got out the sooner she could check to see if her parents were here. This was the last ship to leave their planet so they had to be here. A coldness settled in the pit of her stomach and a small voice wormed its way into her thoughts and whispered. What if they aren't here. The probably got left behind for those creatures. Dead. Natali shook her head harder and harder but the voice kept getting louder. Dead.Dead.Dead.Gone. Never.Coming.Back She banged her head on the hatch so hard that she was beginning to see stars. No one around her bothered to even look at her. What did they care? She was just another face to them, nothing more nothing less. A nameless face. Her thoughts were interrupted by the pilot coming back and finally, after a short and boring speech about how he could feel how we felt(as if, how many times had he made that speech now?40?50?) he finally lowered the ramp. Natali jiggled her foot impatiently as the hatch lowered slowly down. Finally it hit the platform with a ringing thud and she was out. Running down to the big oak doors, she grabbed a firm hold and pushed. The doors opened and she found herself in a large courtyard with lots of people milling around. Quickly and angrily she pushed through them all and approached the book that all of the refugees signed. She flipped through every page and her heart sank when she reached the last. Her parents weren't there. Numbly she signed the book and then closed it. Her feet began to move, taking her down an alleyway, two, then three. Her feet moved faster and faster until she was running, then climbing, high above all of the people and onto the roofs. She sat down on the hard shingles of a building behind the chimney and, for the first time in a long time, she wept.

    ((How's that?))
  13. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    If we did all posts like this, we could dominate the RP extended eventually!!!!
  14. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Malifecent put her hand across her crystal ball on her walking staff that glowed with her aura of evil.
    She spied regularly on Disney castle, knowing that the imfo they give will definately be handy for her plans of dominance. The World that Never was was indeed a problem. After the incident with the final nobody being destroyed, the castle became a wreck, and was soon being sucked into a giant hole in space.
    Kingdom Hearts was ruined, her keyhole plan was ruined. The princess's, safe completely. She didn't know what to do. As she spied, she got a handful of information. Time...completely set back...
    "How intriguing..." She said to no one particularly, since she let Pete out on himself in the storm.
    "A back up memory...." She examined a wall in her underground layer in Halloween town. Her forces were moving in to their first mission, whether Sora had a say in it or not.
    She burned writing into the wall, the writing seemingly to burn itself into it. She conducted the secrets of her spies, her assistant, the birds eye view, and her own failures. This will come in handy....
    "Since Petes not here, I'll need some of my own assistants..." Malifecent snarled, knowing that her other killed partners, Hades and Jafar, would get back at Sora...the problem...
    She thought for a long time, listening to the conversations. "I need to conduct a plan..."
    Malifecent engraved her initials onto the wall.
    And then, the plan.
  15. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    Tybic just walked, no idea where he was headed he relied on his feet and heart to lead him in the right direction. He was numb, he didn't even realize the dark clothed person following him.

    "Ah... I can feel it, the anger in him. But wait what is that?!?! Oh no!" Demyx said in fear, because a keyblade had appeared in his hand.

    Tybic just kept walking not even noticing the keyblade.

    ooc: not to spam but can I call him Ty? and does he know he has the keyblade?
  16. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    OoC: Sure you can call him Ty. And no, the three main character do not know that they have the keyblade yet.

    Also, if it gets down to it and we don't have more people I might play a number of charactesr to keep the story going.
  17. The Fifth Element Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 27, 2008
    running with the wolves
    ((Tis my goal lol thanks))

    BIC: Days,hours, weeks, they all meant nothing to her. Time screeched to a halt, reeking of burnt rubber. Her parents were dead. She was an orphan in a distant world who knew nobody and had no money. Crap. Why did her parents leave her all alone to fend for herself. Natali scowled at their memory but the tears rolled on, unbroken. Somewhere far off, someone screamed. No. It was close, right there in the courtyard. Time sped back up again. Natali eased her butt over the tiles until she was on the other side of the, now warm, brick chimney. Chaos reigned. The black ant-like creatures were pouring out of the large gates that Natali had come in not too long ago(or had it been forever ago? Natali didn't really care.). Natali moved numbly to stand. She wasn't there. She left when time stopped. But her body couldn't be that way and for now she had to move where they couldn't see her, save herself. Bad Natali said they should just scoot back around and wait for it to be over, Good Natali said they should go down and help all those people. In the middle of the courtyard a little girl fell to the ground, people running all over her, not seeing one small child in all of the panic.
    She felt like such a pig.
    Good Natali shoves Bad Natali out of the way and slowly begins to descend the building from the other side.
    Natali's feet hit the ground running. She was fast and agile so it was considerable easier for her to get to the child, though she was thrown back a couple of times. Not even stopping, Natali scooped up the kid and threw it onto her back. Crouching, she analyzed the situation. A small pocket of nothing was around them but apart from that the whole place was a screaming mass of people and creatures. Suddenly through all of the noise, somehow, she heard a distinct voice. It was not a voice she had ever heard but she still found herself moving towards it, pushing, shoving and lunging. The rough cobblestone connected with her knees a few times which caused them to begin to bleed a little. The voice became a face and then a person. It was the child's mother. Relief evident in her face, she snatched the child from her back and scurried off.

    "You're Welcome," she said sarcastically as she crawled back onto the roof.

    There. She had done her good deed and could now rest in peace. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she examined her gouged knees. The blood still oozed out of the cuts. Putting her head closer she sniffed the blood and licked it off. Rust and salt.
  18. Sticky the Somebody!! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 17, 2008
    realm of darkness
    As Ty kept walking ,looking down at his feet, he passed through the barrier between worlds. He felt a cold shiver run down his spine, looked up and was surprised to see a whole new scene in front of him. He looked around to see a fairly calm and pleasant town.

    "There is something strange about this place" He thought to himself.

    At that very moment he heard a scream. It was the same scream he heard when his parents were killed. A boiling anger arose in him toward the person that was the cause of that pain. He knew he had to do something about it.

    "I will help that person" He said to himself "I may not have a weapon but I'll work it out when I get there."

    So off he went with his anger growing more and more as he approached the source of the scream.
  19. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: so...the time now is Br0K3N...
    Malifecent blinked, her heart and memories consuming and mixing together, trying to fix themselves. Some flames erupted from her cloak, and she was walking into an underground lair that was owned by Oogie Boogie. Her crow sat on her shoulder, examining the surroundings. She spotted the writings on the wall. "Fascinating..." She spoke to the crow, petting it as it jumped, perching on her staff. A handful of good information...made by myself...
    She teleported away, her crow following into the flames, cackling.
    "How intruiging..." With her burning away to another point, the writing burned away from the walls, transforming into ash, and being sucked into her staff.

    Hades examined Hercules fighting one of his beasts, two miniatures battling it out. He bit his index fingers nail. "Now..what I need is a stronger enemy...maybe Cloud would do.."

    "I see other Lord's also speak to themselves about intelligence."

    "Wahwoah.." Hades startled, looking at the new figure that appeared. "Did you forget who you are talking too? I am the Lord of the Dead!"
    His two lackeys were cowering behind his seat.

    Malifecent appeared more into view from the flames, her crow flying around the room. "I know that already, Hade's, what I'm trying to make with you is a deal...and a handful of wonderful information."
  20. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    OC: I see you're planning on taking over the section, Shades ;D Let's do this.

    Acelius opened her eyes weakly, and was greeted by a solemn darkness. The cold, stone floor (or it seemed like stone to her) gave her a grave silence that welled up in her tired body. Spasms of pain coursed through her bones with every movement she made, and when she came to her senses a little more she realized she was bleeding in several places.
    She had no idea how long she had been in the coma. It mustn’t have been too long, seeing as the wounds were still fresh on her body. Even in her human form she had keen senses, though not as keen as a wolf. It was obvious that she had been unconscious for only a short time.
    Sitting up, Acelius took a look at her surroundings and pushed the pain deep away to a forgotten passage in her mind. Darkness, a void of darkness, was all she could see. The princess panicked for a second, hoping she was not blind. She focused her mind on transformation and her body changed into a wolf, with the same color fur as her hair. Acelius’ keen eyes scanned around, now able to see a little bit better. At least she knew she wasn’t blind.
    Chains dangled, speckled with rust and maybe even blood. They clinked and chimed in an eerie manner as they moved with a non-existent breeze. Her eyes caught an upright figure lying nearby, which forced her heart to beat quickly. Focusing deeply on the silhouette and only the silhouette, she could make out it was not a human but in fact the mangled body of her dragon, Reekfir, who wasn’t the biggest dragon in the world. In fact, Reekfir was only about two times the size of a man, not the usual ones she heard about in myths. She remembered that Reekfir was with her when she went down, as well as Dandil.
    The wolf’s next mission was to find the horse. Acelius turned her furry head back and forth until her gaze promised her noble steed. Dandil, from the shadow, appeared to be lying in an awkward position, but hopefully he was in a good enough condition to ride. She changed back into a human, than forgot that she could have sent a spark of fire in the first place with her magic.
    Acelius snapped her fingers and let the barrier of her mind open enough to let fire course in her veins and on the palm of her hand. Light flooded the small area, and Acelius was surprised to see she was actually outside, a small structure giving her shelter.
    It was pathetic: open to the wild in the ceiling and walls, but chains were still there on the original roof. It provided no shelter and a large enough hole for the trio to have fallen into. Acelius lightly pushed the fire from her hand and towards an unlit piece of wood. The room was glowing in a cheery red light, and so Acelius shut the barrier to the magic and continued a search.
    Reekfir and Dandil needed little healing, so the princess of Acneira healed them with a little magic and then tended to her own wounds. A nasty gash ran along her knee, as well as one on her forehead. Those were her top priorities, and then she could fix the other ones. After about five minutes of mending, Acelius stood and notched an arrow to Stingark, who was still in one piece.
    The darkness around her echoed as her footsteps met the stone area around the aged building. She was alone and confused, but she needed food and shelter. None of the food for her journey had survived, and she was starving.
    Close by to her, a large mysterious building loomed. An eerie green light came from the building, which drew Acelius closer and closer. She decided it would be best to investigate the building after some rest. She could survive a little bit, even though starving, without some food.
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