The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Atropos used it on her and Mya. Her energy rushing came back. "That's better. And someone else should return it. I can't. In fact, I'm not even supposed to be in this world right now. And if I am, like now for example, the Underworld is the safest place I can be." she told everyone. Then out of nowhere, a big voice boomed out, "And you should never have returned to this world, my daughter." Zeus was here looking for the missing stone.
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Pulling his guns, on the God of Thunder, Ninth shouted at his friends, "Go return the stone!"

    Diving behind a nearby Stalagmite, Ninth started shooting at Zeus. I'm such an idiot.. shooting at a god..he grimly thought to himself.
  3. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    As Atropos ran with the stone, Zeus grabbed her neck and raised her up. She dropped the stone into his hands. "You never shoul have returned..." he told Atropos. Then he used her as a living shield to block the bullets. The bullets got lodged in her back. Zeus tossed her to the ground. Then he eyed the King and his Keyblade. "You posess the key..." he said to the mouse.
  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Ninth swore aloud, realizing that he couldn't risk firing again, should he use Atropos or Mickey as a shield again. Smashing a potion on his knee, and tossing it onto Atropos, he ran over. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't think he'd use you as a shield..." Ninth muttered. Bringing his guns back to attention, he said, "Touch the mouse and I'll put enough bullets in you to make you part metal."
  5. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    "Yeah, I do." King Mickey kneeled. "I am King Mickey Mouse of Disney Castle. Sorry 'bout usin' the stone, but Hades' dog was attacking me n' my friends." Mickey did not move from his position, lest he anger the god and cause his allies harm.
  6. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Atropos slowly got up. She looked at her father approaching the King. "You, chosen by the Key, I grant thee with the Olympus Stone." Zeus handed the stone to the mouse. Then he turned back to Atropos. "Such a shame..." he told her. And in a lightning bolt, he returned to Olympus. "Now that that's over, I say we get out of here before Hades finds us. He already knows that I'm here and Cerberus is probably reporting to him now." she advised.
  7. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya finally came to. She rubbed her head,"What happened?"
  8. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    "Wow." Mickey smiled. "I was worried there, for a second...but you're right." He turned to Atropos. "Get Mya--even I wouldn't be able ta take on Hades in the Underworld." Mickey looked around for an exit. "Wait..." He faced Atropos. "You're Zeus' DAUGHTER? I thought Herc was an only child..."
  9. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    "Huh?" Mya stood up slowly and looked at the others. "Who is Zeus? And where are we?"
  10. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    In recognition to Destined's return to glory....or at least the forums....

    ....I shall post!


    Inside the soda bar, (Disney show...oi vei...)
    it was a not-so-bad hive of semi-scum and wanna-be villianery.

    Luxord excused himself through a crowd of rough and tangle toons to arrive at the bar.
    He didn't know, at this point, that Axel was shortly behind him.

    Luxord ordered a drink,
    not noticing Axel sitting down just a few bar stools away.

    A large Gorrillera's hand gripped Axel's shoulder,
    speaking in undistinguishable grunts and whoops, angry ones...

    A crane with a mangled beak bent closer to Axel's ear,
    "He doesn't like you."
    The crane whispers.

    "Well I'm sorry..."
    Axel says nonchantly and tries to get up, hood still covering most of his face.

    The crane pushes him back into a seat and glowers at Axel.
    "I don't like you either, we're wanted men!"
    The crane notes angrilly, the gorrilla now whooting with delight and punching one fist in another.

    "What's your problem!?"
    Axel yells,
    alerting Luxord nearby, mid-sip.

    Luxord spits out the drink his was imbibing suddenly, shocked to see Axel here.

    Collectively, Luxord gets up and places his large paw on the Crane's frail shoulder.
    "Leave the boy.."
    He calmly notes.
    The crane ignores him.

    The Gorrillera, forgotten at the side,
    lunges for Axel's throat,
    but the great idiots hand is hewn off at the wrist by Luxord's quick movements with a aeiralblade
    he had taken from inside Xenmas's sleeve once when the superior wasn't looking.

    While the Gorrillera howls in pain,
    Luxord quickly grabs Luke...I mean the wrist and leaves the soda bar with haste.
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    You have earned 10 bonus points of coolness by blending kh with star wars.
    I am back, it's true. and i'm glad to see this didn't die!!
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Who knew I'd earn coolness points one day for knowing alota things about Star Wars....
    And on a Kingdom hearts forum....
    I'm both shocked and delighted....XD

    And it's not so surprising your thread still exsists because you
    have quite a few guys who work great as a RP Team. (I just had to mention the people who are here more than me...XD)

    And then there is ME(!), the nerdiest SW knower-abouter in the world!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    Ok....maybe not so nerdy.......ummmm...and I'm good at plot to I suppose....

    Speaking ov vwichse:


    Before Axel can utter a thank you he's pressed right up against the wall of an alley
    by the very same person who rescued him.

    "Why did you follow me?!"
    Luxord growls, lowering his hood.

    Axel, being choked against the wall is slightly confused to that point himself.
    "You just left, I followed, big deal?"
    Axel chokes out, shrugging a little.

    Luxord's eyes glowed menacingly and viciously,
    "A very big deal!"
    He thunders, the new lion-toon look really complimenting it.
    "You could have risked my mission here....and..."
    Luxord continues angrilly, then goes into a raspy whisper at "And".

    Axel stares at him blankly.
    A long pause

    "you could have risked third-party-infringement!"
    Luxord says half-annoyed, pushing Axel against the wal a couple of times.

    A longer pause and Axel looks even blanker.

    ".....I....didn't ctach that last one..."
    Axel says fully confused.

    Luxord shakes his head and releases Axel from the wall.

    After Axel dusts himself off a bit,
    Luxord points one finger accusingly up at Axel with a scowl.
    "Screw one thing up, and you'll be travel back to the superior via bootthroughportal."
    Luxord says warningly, saying the last part very fast.

    Axel, worrying for where Luxord would put the boot,
    nods very quickly and pulls down his hood.
    " problem!"
    Axel says nonchantly.

    Luxord quips and starts to leave the alleyway without Axel,
    forcing the red-maned leo-toon to have pace to keep up.

    Tell me if you didn't get bootthroughportal, anybody...XD
  13. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "More like ex-daughter. I'm the oldest of the Three Fates. My title was the one who cut threads of Fate. In other words, I was the one who decided who should die. Besides, Herc and I have different mothers, so it doesn't really matter much." Atropos replied to the King. She looked around. There seemed to be no exit in this place. "I'm guessing the safest way out is by gummi ship. Otherwise, we would have to face Hades."
  14. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Yay, Destined is back! :D

    BIC: "Yeah, lets go." Ninth said, holstering his guns. He was glad he didn't have to shoot at gods anymore. "Uh.. anyone got a Gummi ship?" Ninth asked, realizing they'd come through a portal.

    "Plus, them gods are having babies left and right, who knows who's who? No offense.." Ninth said, with a chuckle.
  15. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic shrugged. "I-I don't know..." He said. "I don't even know exactly where I am... just the name..." He said and looked around, frightened. "A-And I can't even begin to imagin what'll happen to me if they find out I'm not in that cell anymore! I-If they catch me again, I'm done for!" He shook his head, scared. Tears filled his eyes. What do I do?! I completely forgot about that!!
  16. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    " Now listen," he said gently dropping his rough, hardened attitude for a moment acting more like his alter ego. "You don't have to worry." He said kneeling down next to him." I won't let that happen. I can fight them off and I can help you become stronger so you can protect yourself. Besides you didn't want to stay they forever did you?" he chuckled. "You only just got here. So how about we have a look around town to familiarize our selves? I myself have never been here either." He himself just realized he was for the first time in another world. " This place is about as far as one can hope to get from Hollow Bastion." He said reasurigly, at the same time regaining some of his former demenor. " Wait. I don't think any of us have weapons so let us first head to the Item shop." He said pointing in the direction of the store.
  17. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Oh, shut up." Atropos told Ninth. The portal led them to the base of a funky-looking tower. Stars and crescent moons was carved into the door. "Hey, where are we?" she asked the King.
  18. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Mickey stared in awe. "Master Yen Sid's Tower..." Without waiting for the others, he raced up to the door.
  19. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Alright, that's enough!" Natali suddenly snapped. She'd be staying quiet so long so she could listen in and save Tybic from explaining everything twice. But now he was getting rather distressed, and that just wasn't far on him. It was so painfully obvious that he'd been through an awful lot in the ten years of his life and the werid and, let's face it, creepy old man making him retell it, remember it and making it so much worse was just bordering on sadistic. "Can't you see you're upsetting him!? He's not a subject in an experiment you know, he has feelings. You can't just probe him until he breaks!"
  20. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    191 it possible?
    I"m...i'm not even sure.

    Congratulations Professor, the first time machine.

    We don't even know if it will work, or what could happen, it's all theory.

    Do it.

    "NO!" Os roared as he snapped back into consciousness, his body contorting as electricity danced across his body.

    The woman remained outside the prison doors, not saying a word, as if she was waiting for the moment when Os would crack.

    "Are you ready to tell me everything?" she spoke, in a quiet whisper, as her words slowly danced around his ears like wind.

    Os shook his head trying to rattle the cobwebs of his past loose. "I told you I don't remember anything!"

    "Pity." She began to turn and motioned toward an unseen minion, and instantly the lights extinguished, leaving Os suspended in a dark void. "You will tell me, or your heart will corrupt yourself...either by my doing, or your own."

    Os struggled against the shackles, and spasmed, as he remained feeling as if he was free-falling into an abyss, never to feel solid ground again, nor to know which direction was up. He was there.

    Only the sound of footsteps could be heard heading away from the cell, until they instantly halted as another pair raced forward, a distant voice panting. "The other...he's...he's...."

    "FOOL! Calm yourself, what is it!?"

    the breathing slowed. "The other, he's escaped. Tybic is gone."

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