The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya ended up in the next room and saw Atropos and the Heartless. "I'll try to get rid of it. Don't worry" She could a little of her strength away. But it would take longer for her to be fully affected by the curse because she's only half human. She charged toward the Heartless, but it seemed to be too fast for her. So she tried again.
  2. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    occ: Im lost...recap...who was my character talking too?
  3. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: You were talking to Tybic, who has since left for Traverse Town. Everyone else (Excluding Os) is in the Underworld helping Atropos escape/kill the Phantom.

    Destined left for personal reasons (the thread's in the Departure Lobby.) so, we'll just keep going off on our own little side stories for now, and see where that leads us. I guess. ._.

    BIC: Ninth slowly raised his guns. He was a normal human, and the curse was extremely crippling. Firing a few shots at the Heartless weakly, he grimaced as they bounced off of the Phantom. "I.. can't.. fight.. here." He said, through pained breaths.
  4. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya turned around and saw Ninth. She ran over to him,"Just down and let me handle it" She ran back toward the Heartless, another candle went out, "I better hurry" She casted Protect and Cure on herself and slashed her two swords at the Heartless. It damaged it some.
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Right.. I have.. potions.. if you.. need one.." Ninth said, collapsing. It was so heavy here.. so.. very heavy. It felt like every single soul to ever pass through here was sitting on him, trying to push him down. Boy, was it working.
  6. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya smiled,"Thanks". She backflipped to dodge and the Heartless's attack. Another bit of strength was drained from her. She groaned and looked over at the candles. Only five of them were still lit. She got an idea and cast Stop on the candles,"That'll give me some time" She jumped over the Heartless and attacked it from behind. it retaliated by slinging her across the room. Both of them were lying on the floor.
  7. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Mickey ended up in a large, dome-like chamber.

    "Gosh...I wonder where this is..."

    Suddenly a loud, demonic roar echoed throughout the cave...

    "That ain't a kinda sounds like..."

    He had no chance to finish his sentence before a giant black doberman(sp?) with 3 heads lunged at him from the shadows.

  8. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "You've got to be kidding me." Ninth muttered as he heard Mickey's shout. Pulling himself to his feet, he noticed far off, there was a staircase, heading seemingly to Olympus. "Gonna.. go.. get.. the.. stone.." He said, grinding out each word. As soon as his feet connected to the first step, the curse lifted, and he felt fine again. Sprinting up the rest of the stairs, he confronted the first god he saw. Fortunately, it happened to be Zeus. "Uh.. hi. I need the Olympus Stone. Friends in mortal danger." He said quickly, nervously looking behind him, trying to see his friends from way up.
  9. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya struggled to her feet. Two more candles went out. More of her strength left her as she ran at the Heartless, while it was down, and stabbed it. The candles disappeared as it did. She ran over to Atropos and cut her chains with one sword and passed out.
  10. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Not waiting for an answer, Ninth grabbed the stone and ran down the steps, jumping them one or two steps at a time. Attaching the stone to his belt, he stormed into the chamber where the Cerberus was, guns blazing. Fortunately, he had seen Mya take down the Phantom as he ran by.
  11. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Meanwhile, the King had troubles of his own.

    "Hah!" Mickey launched a small Pearl, which promptly hit Cerberus in on of the six eyes.

    "ROOOOOOAAAAAR!" The beast roared, nearly bowling Mickey over.

    "'s no use! The Underworld's Curse made me weak..."
  12. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    ...? Tybic stepped forward. There's more than one power...? He thought and looked at Diz curiously. "So... You're not going to hurt me...?" He asked, still sort of frightened. he hardly knew who this guy was, only his name. He had no idea what he was there for, either. Maybe he can help me use my darkness... he thought and put a hand over his chest.
  13. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    The great thing about having TWO guns is that you can shoot two things at once. Targeting two of Cerberus' heads, he shot at their eyes, smirking at their howling. Tossing Mickey the Stone so he wouldn't be cursed anymore he asked, "You okay?"
  14. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Mickey caught the stone. "Thanks, friend! HYAH!"

    Mickey executed his godly air combo. Finishing up with a Pearl than spun vertically around his body, Cerberus cried out in pain. Seeing he could no longer win now that they possessed the Stone, the beast slinked back into the darkness...
  15. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    "Hurt you, for what reason?" DIZ chuckled. "I suppose I can't blame you for being causious (I BAD AT SPELLING, and apparently grammer lol) after being emprisioned for so long. Here." DIZ said as he healed Tybic's wounds." Tell me why were you locked up there to begin with?" DIZ asked curiously.
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic winced a little when his wounds healed. he looked at his arms and legs before looking back up at Diz. "I-I was taken prisoner..." He said, looking away. He didn't like to think about it.
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Sorry I haven't been active lately.
    Came down with a bad cold.
    I might be able to jump in every now and again,
    but no gurantees.
    By the way, has anybody taken Megavolt?
    I know I already have the max. char limit,
    I have no intentions of playing him currently unless given permisson by Destined.
    I just want to make sure
    that one character of mine
    [Luxord, Axel, or Darkwing Duck, I could risk LP and Gosalyn if need be]
    isn't stuck talking to a person
    who is even there yet.


    Luxord walked out of the portal on the opposite side.
    Thus by doing so,
    he had changed.

    He was now a sort of Leo toon,
    short hair now in a silvery blonde mane,
    and traces of silver-blonde whiskers around his slight snout.

    He was still dressed in his Organization cloak of course,
    but the gloves and boots were now too small to house
    monsterous paws,
    with hidden, rectracting claws,
    so now he'd have to walk around barefoot.

    He walked forward toward a soda bar (It's a Disney show, go figure)
    in hopes he might find the information he suddenly felt was
    needed when he left the Organization home world.

    He was so preoccupied,
    he did not see a fellow Feline Panthera,
    slightly more burgandy in the mane,
    thinner, and with green markings under each eye,
    follow him out of the same portal.
  18. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Thank you." Atropos told her, even though she already passed out. She carried her towards the direction of the King and Ninth. When she got there, she gently set down Mya. Then she turned to the guys. "You guys got the stone?" she puffed out quickky. Her breathing was fast and could barely stand.
  19. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    "I see." DIZ said. "Why would they take a boy prisoner when they could have just turned him into a heartless. Malificient must have wanted his power. If she hadn't order it the heartless would have taken his heart. But for what end?" DIZ thought. "So what do you plan to do now?" he said adressing them both.
  20. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Yup. We should finish here quickly, and return it though." Ninth said, tossing the stone to Atropos. He was surprised that Zeus hadn't come down on them like a ton of bricks, yet.
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