The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    As Atropos entered the sultan's room, he was acting all wierd. "Your Highness?" she asked him. There was a girl in the room. Most likely his daughter."Who're you?" she asked Atropos. Atropos walked over to the window and looked at the sky. Stars were dying out at a quick rate. Then she replied to the princess, "No one. Forget I was ever here." She jumped out of the open window and landed to be met by Bandit Heartless. "Creatures of the dark, be banished by the light of the hope." She raised her sword. The jewel core of Soul Calibur glowed, eliminating all those of darkness. "There's more of them now. Something bigger's going on. Traverse Town might have some more information." she muttered while sheathing Soul Calibur on her back. That same light enveloped her body and brought her to the synthisis shop at Traverse Town. The light sucked back inside the sword's jewel. "Hello Moogles." She kicked down the ladder and leaped down into the store below. "Cid." she greeted him. She turned to the group. "And who are all of you?" she asked.
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Ninth Caliber," Cal replied to the newcomer. Casting a nervous glance at the sword on her back, he asked, "Your not here, to kill us or anything, right?" With a sigh, Ninth looked around the shop. There wasn't anything overly special here. "So, now what do you guys think we should do? I don't think I've ever been here before, so it's up to you guys."
  3. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Of course not, unless you've succumbed to the darkness. But you don't look it." Atropos answered. She noticed their looks and sighed. "The name's Atropos. It should ring a bell if you know who controls the fate of eveyone and everything." she told them. "So what's the current situation?" getting to the point.
  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Well, all the stars are blinking out, which can only mean that the Heartless are on the move. I was recently at Hollow Bastion, they seem to have a huge fortress there. But it's too large, and too well protected right now to attack directly. The Heartless seem to be led by an evil witch named Maleficent. And that's all I know about what's going on right now. Fortunately, most of the Hollow Bastion residents have evacuated." Caliber replied, filling in Atropos.
  5. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "And Agrabah's full of Heartless. But they seem to be weak against the light from Soul Calibur." Atropos shows the blade to them. "This weapon is a holy blade, and it can change its form depending on its wielder's training." she explained, then putting it away. She sat down on the couch. "Now what? Do we crash a gummi ship into it?"
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Ok, I've been thinking this scenario out all day...Tell me whatcha guys think:

    "Gosalyn!!" Drake yells, storming up the stairs after his young niece.
    He heard four feet, so no Doubt Hokner Muddlefoot was the second pair.... from...the muddlefoots!
    Drake thought about the gregarious neighbors of his.

    If Honker came over, it was usually to show Gosalyn a new invention of his.
    So he wasn't surprised when he opened the door to Gosalyn's room
    to see them ogggling over a compact device.

    The only weird thing was a hamster.

    "Gosalyn...what are you doing with that hamster...?"
    Drake asks confusedly and blankly pointing at the coughing a hacking hamster.

    Honker replied first, sliding his large glasses back onto his beak.
    "Well, my friends Hamster, Mr. Snuffles-"
    Honker starts off sort of shyly, pointing at the hamster which hacked at the mere mention of its name.
    "Is sorta old so I invented the literal fountain of youth!"
    Honker says happily holding up the small device with his short arms so Drake could see it.

    Drake was unimpressed and calmly took the device in his
    hands nicely and gave Honker a nervous smile.
    "Honker...there's no such thing.."
    He begins off through his teeth, then windes up his arm to throw the device out the window of Gosalyn's window, causing a stir between Honker and Gosalyn.

    "As the fountain of youth!"
    He says as he hurtles the device out the window.

    He turns to leave, dusting off his hand,
    but outside,
    the device swung back on a tree branch and was proppelled
    back through the window into the back of Drake's head.

    Then stars and a weird Baaazzzt!
    Drake could almost here a scream simliar to Gosalyn's,
    but Drake fell into a deep sleep before it could finish.

    I'll leave you guys in at least a lil' suspense. XD
  7. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Heh, it'd be better if I knew anything about Drake/Darkwing, at all. >_>;;

    But, is he ever gonna join up with us? .-.

    BIC: "We could try that, but Maleficent could probably put a spell defending the castle, or use magic to shoot us down. I think we should try and weaken the Heartless. Go out and defeat the more powerful ones. Make the army weaker, y'know?" Ninth suggested.
  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: I don't think Darkwing is going to leave the world of St. Canard unless Destined says so.
    Even though, I would still have a nice plot line going.

    And nice try, just because you asked me a question doesn't mean I have to continue just yet.
    I'm going to hold the suspense a little longer.
  9. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Atropos just looked at him, then at the King and everyone else. Soon, the ground shook. Atropos quickly got up. "Third District." she told them as she left. Outside, something was slamming on the door to Third District. Perfect... she thought.
  10. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    The man entered the study and opened the secret door to the computer room. When he got on the computer he found that the database was already open. He then looked through all files it contained."So thats his plan, the princesess of heart. Then there's matter of this organization XIII and these beings called nobodies. I've heard of this before, but this confirms my suspitions." He said to himself."

    WARNING! RESTRICTED DATA. CONFISCATING FILES... "What? He even reactivated the NCP! I won't let you access the town's data!" He worked quickly to lock out the NCP.

    WHAT? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHY CAN'T I ACCESS THE DATA?! "Good he doesn't know the password. Most of the Information should have been corrupted. Now no one can use it as he has." He open a portal and went into the dungeons. Hey You! a guard yelled at the man. He put up a dark shield as the guard ran to grab him and was knocked back unconcious. "How Barbaric." He said aloud.
  11. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007

    OOC: Heh, where is Destined anyway? For the RP creator, he hasn't posted much. D:

    BIC: Running to the Third District door, Ninth Caliber drew his guns. "What do you think it is?" he asked Atropos, as he began surveying the area for strategic points to hide behind. He'd probably need them later on. This thing must be huge, if it could could cause the ground to shake and rumble all the way from the Third District.
  12. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Atropos drew out her crescent blades. The big door soon flew off. Two Opposite Armors rushed out. "There's your answer. One for each of us." she replied. On seeing them, both Heartless went into cannon mode. Before they fired, she ran up to the left one and jammed one of her blades into the main body, causing it to hold in the energy for the cannon and self-destruct. The released heart was absorbed into Soul Calibur's core.
  13. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Mickey stood atop a rooftop watching the events. Seeing the enormous Heartless, he flipped down in KHII fashion, landing in a battle stance. "Need a hand?" His Majesty asked.
  14. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    Suddenly 6 other guards appeared. "At this rate the whole castle will be alerted to my presence." The enigmatic man then summoned his dark powers. He vanished and appeared right behind a guard."Do you really think you can take me by supprise?" he mocked. Then suddenly the guard was flying through the air. He then fired dark firagas at the guards knocking them all out."Such Ignorance." he addressed the fallen Guards.
    He looked behind himself and noticed a boy locked in a cell he then approches the boy.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Ok, first thing you need to know...Gosalyn is Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck's neice and he is her sole guardian. Along with Launchpad. This was before Yoai girls though...something like 1996 or something...
    Anyway, Gosalyn is best friends with Honker Muddlefoot, who is sort of a nerd, but really smart, while Gosalyn is a tomboy-ish pint-sized red-head with pigtails.
    Most of the time, Drake considers too young to accompany him on dangerous missions...
    But he may reconsider after....


    Drake tried blinking back to reality,
    but couldn't.

    He was suspended in a darkness, maybe even...
    Launchpad, in a hastened hurry stomped right onto Drake's beak, causing the mild-mannered alter-ego of Darkwing duck to wake up suddenly.

    He got up only halfway, hands planted on the ground and legs still lying across the floor.
    "Why don't you watch where you''re....your'e...who're you?"
    Drake begins to sttuter and then asks the sixteen years old girl standing where Gosalyn was standing.
    Strange...she sorta did look like Gosalyn, excpet...being taller...and...Drake shook his head with a shudder.

    No Way!...Drake thought in shock.

    Drake asks, now really confused.

    "Hey, DW! I think some Teenager kidnapped Gosalyn and came back for Honker!"
    LaunchPad, who was all in a tizzy with his simple mind, exclaimed outwardly.

    "Hey, wait, Launchpad..!"
    Gosalyn replies in a voice fitting her new age, thought still too confused as anybody to put together words.

    "Where'd you take her?"
    LaunchPad asks intimidatingly, still towering over Gosalyn even with her new height.

    Gosalyn asks confused, not understanding Launchpad.

    Launchpad yells, tired from so much yelling.

    Gosalyn facepalms and sighs.
    She first picks up a strand of her own hair,
    which had grown to shoulder length and wasn't in pigtails.
    "Does she have red hair, excalty like this?"
    She asks, holding a strand of her red hair.

    Launchpad nods.

    "Does she wears clothes like this?"
    She asks, picking up loose clothing at the shoulder.

    Launchpad nods again, even more furiously and faster.

    "And green eyes like these?"
    Gosalyn asks again, thinking her statement was clear enough.

    Launchpad nods again but shrugs shortly afterward.
    Even Darkwing and Honker understood at this point what happened,
    though it shocked Darkwing more that the machine worked,
    LaunchPad couldn't verify it at all.

    "Yeah, but she was shorter...."
    LaunchPad says dully,
    and everyone but LaunchPad facepalms,
    even Mr. Snuffles gets up on his tiny hind legs and facepalms.

    OOC: I just realized I accidentally crossed into The grim and adventures of Billy and mandy with the whole hamster issue.
    I suddenly remembered how I thought of the name for this hamster because my brain just thought up Mr. Snuffles because it sounded stupid enough...But I realized Mr. Snuffles is Billy's Old hamster that the Grim reaper was going to reap the soul of it, but windes up being those brat's friend forever.
    So who knows, maybe Honker Muddlefoot is friends with Billy and I accidentally set that up.
    *Facepalms like everyone but Launchpad*
  16. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    OoC: Yes i know, i'm sorry, but i can't be on here 24/7. know how it is.


    Slowly, life began to bleed back into Os's soul as his eyes slowly began to focus, seeing himself confined in a small cell, his arms and legs securely restrained inside of enclosed energy orbs.

    He blinked, trying to remember everything that had transpired, but nothing was making any sense. He kept seeing himself enveloped with darkness and glimpses of a machine.

    "He's awake."

    Os head snapped around till he located the voice. Outside his cell, stood a tall woman, wrapped in a dark cloak. She beheld a large rod adorned with a magnificent emerald orb, her face remained hidden.

    "Who...who's there!?" Os stammered, trying to fight the restraints but immediately froze as a surge of energy coursed through his body.

    "Now now, we don't want you to try and be a hero. We want your technology." she stated in a subdued whisper that seemed like poison was dripping from her soul.

    "I--I can't, I don't remember--"

    "You will remember, or you will never leave this cell for the rest of your life!" She roared before vanishing into a swirl cloud.

    Where the hell am I?! What technology!? I don't even know who I am...wait...what is my name!? Os slowly froze as the revelation that every memory had been ripped away from him became apparent. He began to softly cry, as the energy coursed through him again as the orbs passed a series of beams.

    He remained suspended, in pain, and without a past.
  17. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Heh, don't worry about it. I don't expect you to lurk around in this thread.

    BIC: Acting quickly, Ninth shot the feet and arms out from under the Opposite Armor's... head.. cannon.. body.. thing. However, the cannon was able to fire. Ducking down, Ninth sighed a sigh of relief as he felt the huge sphere pass over him. Jumping on to the cannon, he shot the head, right through the eyes, point-blank. Without the head to control it, the body fell limp, and it dissolved into a heart, which floated away, back into the night sky.
  18. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    Ooc: Nice Darkwing idea Bama. By the way where is DestinyStar? Tybic hasn't done anything for a while?
  19. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    The heart Soul Calibur took left the blade and hovered around the Accessory Shop. Odd. Atropos thought. Then she peered into Thrid District. It was black. Small pulses of darkness leaked out. "You shold look at this, Caliber." she called to him. Even though she was an ex-goddess, just looking at it put some fear in her heart, like how it did when she got lost in the Underworld one time. A voice on the other side seemed to call to her. "Enter the darkness...cutter of Fate." it said. She soon recognized the voice. "Hades..." she muttered angrily.
  20. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Hades?" Ninth said confused. "What does he want? Either way, be careful. Portals of Darkness like that can be extremely dangerous. Who knows where it could lead." Preparing himself for a sudden Heartless attack, he thought to himself, Since when can Hades control Heartless? More importantly, who taught him how, and when?

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