The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya ended up being chased back into the First District. They just kept coming . Sje groaned in frustration," Will this ever end?!" She really hated to fight. Then they all jumped on her and she couldn't get them off. She screamed loudly. After that, she saw a mouse running toward her,"I must be hallucinating..."
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Ninth felt reeeallyyy awkward in the little Gummi ship. He had gathered that Leon, and Yuffie were the fighters, the woman in pink, was the healer of the group, and her name was Aerith, and the mechanic's name was Cid. He had tried being polite, but they didn't really want to talk to him, after the whole, hold-one-of-them-at-gunpoint thing. Sighing a sigh of relief as the ship touched down in Traverse Town, he dropped some Munny on the seat he had been sitting on. "Thanks!" he shouted as he rushed out of the ship, into the First District. He found himself near a shop. Intrigued, he entered to find it was being run by ducks! And out the window, there was a Mouse charging heartless! What strange world indeed.. Ninth thought to himself, as he bought a potion or two.
  3. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    "Hyah!" Mickey flipped with Star Seeker, slicing up the black creatures as he passed over Mya. Once they were destroyed, Mickey helped her up. "You okay?" Suddenly, there was a man running towards them, a creature on his back.

    Man: "HELP ME! UGH!" That was all before he fell over, dead. A heart floated out of his lifeless body...
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Darkwing calmly walks back through the crowd of people back
    to a kindly old lady who had been the theives target.

    He came up to her with the purse, but the little old lady replied with pepper spray.

    Darkwing lands on the ground with a thud, his eyes stinging.
    His hand was on the ground extended, purse still in grip until the old lady whisped it out of his hands.

    "Steal my purse, will you?"
    The cynial old lady huffs, walking away and leaving Darkwing to wriggle in pain on the ground.
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Rushing outside armor clanking, Ninth stared at the strange mouse his jaw slack. "You! Your.. wielding a Keyblade! I thought only Chasers could use keyblades, and there were only nine of us.. I'm sure I'd remember a mouse.."
  6. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    "Well, that's not true. Anyone with a strong heart can be chosen by the Keyblade!" He turned away. "I know it's true. My master, Yen Sid, taught me that..." He turned to Ninth, and saw more creatures. "Look out!"
  7. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    the doors slammed down hard, rattling the small cell and loosening Os out of his nightmare. No, not nightmare, this is reality. Slowly everything was closing in around him. His life was gone, his family ashamed and for what? Thinking that he could steal other peoples research.

    He shook his head, no not steal, expanding upon it.

    Slowly inmates around him began trying to grab his attention while cat calling and making ubsene jestures towards him.

    I gotta get out of here. They all should have died, that way the research wouldn't have been, that's not true, you're hallucinating!! Snap out of it!!

    Os rolled over and stared at the hard concrete wall.

    Suddenly the cat calling stopped, all noise for that matter stopped, an icy presence coursing down Os's back.

    "This world has been connected..."

    He stumbled up, his eyes darting into every corner of the cell. "Who's there!?"

    "Tied to the darkness..."

    Suddenly, the lights dimmed and Os was thrust into a sea of darkness. He screamed as a black ooze began to slowly surround his cot, slowly clawing its way toward him. He panicked and lunged for the bars, thrusting his hands out to draw any attention, but no one one was there...

    Slowly his vision began to blur as the dark poison expanded, wrapping him in a wave of sheer darkness, as the prison, the land and the planet blinked into non-existance.
  8. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Well, of course it's true. Your holding one right now, aren't you?" Ninth joked, drawing his pistols. Hiding behind one of the lamp posts for cover, he started making shots at the creatures. They were still too far away to be hit accurately unfortunately. Too much junk in the way.
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Can I tie in LaunchPad to come to Darkwing's rescue?
  10. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Mickey rolled his eyes, laughed, and stabbed a creature in it's middle, destroying it. "Y'know, you won't get much action from back there! And be careful, ya might hit ME!" He laughed.
  11. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    "Thanks", Mya said to the mouse. She leaned against the wall and watched the Ninth fight the creatures.
  12. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    OoC: Sure.
  13. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "We don't all have Keyblades you know. Just gotta make due! Don't worry, I'm a very, good shot.." Cal said, punctuating each sentence with a spray of bullets, that ran through one or two Heartless, destroying them. Grimacing, noticing that the Mouse was right, he dived from the lamp post, under one of the creatures and rolled to his feet right behind the Keyblader. "Happy now?" he asked, as he fought the Heartless from his new position.
  14. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    "Yeah, actually." Mickey smiled. He turned to Mya. "Unless you're armed, ya might wanna take cover!" He charged forward at a group of the creatures he now recognized as Heartless. "Now!" Mickey shot a strange light ball from his Keyblade, which made a small flash that eliminated the group of Heartless.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    A deep, almost simple sounding voice rang into Darkwing's ears,
    being unable to see for a short matter of time.

    "Gee DW, another Old Lady purse snatch?"
    Comes the voice of LaunchPad McQuack,
    sounding almost as if he would expect this and that it had happened before, several times.

    "Not another..word, LaunchPad."
    Darkwing mutters, embarrased that there were no supervillains to fight lately.
    All of his archnemisis were either in jail, or on a vacation Maui...
    The only one who hadn't sent a postcard with a Hula girl or a picture featuring a prison, was Megavolt.
    He had no idea where that loser of a supervillain was anyway....

    OOC: My writing has been in depression fanfics keep if my writing sucks, blame the commies...or Hillary Clinton or something....George Bush gets blamed for alot, blame him for my poor writing depression.
  16. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Following up on the King's attack, Cal lined up a shot, and took out a large number of the remaining heartless, while they were stunned by the light, with a ricocheting bullet. "There's only a few left! Let's mop 'em up!" he called out to his comrades, as he began to fight some of the Heartless who had managed to survive thus far.
  17. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya smirked. Then she cast cure on herself and took out her swords to help them out.

    Frozone walked outside toward his car, when he heard a Help! . He turned around to see that a young man was trapped in a burning building. Frozone smiled," Back to the superhero business", then he ripped off his shirt where he was wearing his super suit in these kind of emergencies. He made a trail of ice and slide up into the burning building.
  18. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    I would like to be Sora and Ansem the Wise.
  19. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    "Hyah!" Mickey, who had just executed his air combo, finished up with another Pearl attack that looped around his tiny frame, eliminating the last of the heartless around him. He then ran over to Mya and Ninth to give them whatever aid they could use, regardless of the tiny Heartless amount.
  20. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    and Riku................
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