The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Luxord enters the meeting room, taking a seat beside Marluxia,
    Demyx would have been on the other side,
    should the water-brained imbecile remembered the seating chart...

    Axel enters thr meeting room with a flourish, tipping his chair back and
    scrapping it against the floor, making it slide so he can jump onto the seat.

    Luxord merely rolls his eyes, noticing Number VIII's side-show in sitting down two seats from himself.
  2. pirateking_luffy Banned

    Mar 19, 2008
    'so,is this it,this is all that is going to show up great.'
    'well let's get started gose getting castle obivlion fixed axel.'
  3. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Wha-w--What happened?" Natali groaned as she pushed herself up from the cold, dlightly damp cobbles of the alleyway she was lying in. Her head was throbbing, her stomach still twisting and her skin was moist with the wet of cold, fearful sweat. The fabric of her clothes clinging to her slightly. She slowly blinked once again, still not fully accustemed to the bright, colourful lights that was the First District of Traverse Town, not that she had any idea that that was where she was. All she knew was it certainly wasn't Yavin IV. She glaced down at her hand for a second, had it all just been a dream? Or is this the dream? Natali wondered. Because, it couldn't be reality. She couldn't be alone...
  4. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya woke up in Traverse Town and found that she was on a pile of boxes "How did I get here....?" She looked around and saw a bunch of flashing lights,"Oww", as she covered her eyes. She hopped off of the boxes and dusted some dirt off of her cat ear, " I wonder where I am".
  5. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    She glaced up to the starry sky just in time to see three of the twinkling little orbs of light simulationiously blink out. They'd been doing that a lot lately, back home they'd said it was just the planets re-aligining. Though a few who still belived in the old teachings thought it was the Evil of the Worlds, the legandary Darkness swallowing up the worlds. Natali had always thought such tales where fantasies told to scare little boys and girls. However, now they seemed a harsh, cold and forboding realitly.
  6. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    "All Rise."

    The courtroom instantly rose to it's feet as the presiding judge swung around his desk, depositing a stack of heavy manuscripts and notes besides his gavel. He glanced down at the defendant and blinked, resisting letting his emotions get the better of him.

    "Has the jury reached it's verdict?"

    A tall athletic woman rose holding a piece of paper. "We have your Honor. We the jury find the defendant : Professor Dylan Os, for the crime of plagurizing scientific experiments and research as his own : Guilty."

    A quiet cheer rose from the prosecutions table as the other Professors celebrated victory. The gavel fell as the influx of sound aggrivated the Judge. "ORDER!"

    He turned his eyes fixed on Os. The Professor appeared emotionally and physically drained, his tie hanging ascue and his hair in disarray. "Mr. Os, have you anything to say before I pass sentence?"

    Os blinked, his right hand twitching slightly as he rose. " Your Honor, science is what it is today because other's expand on previous research to better understand differences in the current world. I say to you that I am innocent."

    "By not citing the works of the original scientists and experiments, you've brought shame onto yourself and your theory of space-time continuum. I'm ordering you sentenced to a 50,000 fine and 6 months in jail." The gavel dropped like a nail through a coffin.

  7. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Lucius Best(a.k.a. Frozone) woke up in the morning. "Ugh. Another boring day at a boring job. I wish I could be a superhero for the rest of my life" he grumbled. Then, he got ready for work.

    "I wonder if anyone knows what is going on" So she walked around to find anyone in the empty square. Suddenly she felt scared when she looked up and saw the stars blink out, she's never seen that before. "I hope everyone's ok".
  8. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    It was night now at Disney Castle. The King was preparing to leave to his bed to get some shut-eye, when he faced the sky...

    ...and several stars went out. They just disappeared from existance...

    "Oh, NO...that's a really bad could only mean that..."

    At once, The King raced to his throne room and flew downstairs to the Hall of the Cornerstone.
  9. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic suddenly jumped up as he heard footsteps coming around the corner. He quickly ran towards the back wall of the cell, scared. One of the guards came around the corner and opened the door to his cell. "Get over here!" He demanded, making Tybic jump. Reluctantely, Tybic walked up to him. The guard picked him up by the collar of his torn up shirt. "You little weasel!" The guard shouted and threw him back to the ground, hard. He then shut the door and walked away. "That should teach ya!" Obviously, he'd found out about Tybic stealing food from the guard the night before. He winced as he tried to get up. Blood ran from his head and he sat up, his leg aching where he had landed on it. I have to get out of here... He thought.
  10. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Atropos was walking in the desert surrounding Agrabah, Soul Calibur in hand. The blade had already reverted back to its sword form. All day she wandered the desert. It was nightfall when she reached the city of Agrabah. "About time. I was wondering where this place was." she complained. Three palace guards saw her approaching the gate. "Do you have any buisness with the sultan, woman?" they questioned her. No answer. "Well? What's the matter?! You mute?!" They shoved her. In response, she jumped in the air and kicked the first two in the face. The last guard met his fate by the holy sword as she landed. The other two guards got up. "I suggest you run away quickly, if you don't want to end up like him." The two guards stepped back al little, then turned around and ran out of the city. Atropos walked over the body and entered the palace.
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: That poor guard...0_0...did you kill him or maim him 'cause ya' know, Aladdin's a Disney movie.
    The only real bad thing that happened to the guards was winding up in "Crazy Hassem's...-" nevermind what kind of shop. All I can say it was smelly...


    The wind howled in the bustling city of St. Canard.
    The beaked dark knight watched omniously over mere purse snatchers running away (The purse snatchers are stereo-typed as the usual dog/human characters wearing face masks and striped prisoner clothes.)

    The two theives headed down a hallway,
    and that was where Darkwing would wait for them...

    When the theives came to a brick dead end,
    A shadow stood in their way from exiting down the other way they came.

    The theives laughed,
    thinking the shadow just a mere vigilante.
    But their faces turned from smirks to shock as the shadow uttered words:

    "I am the terror that flaps in the night-"
    The shadow starts off,
    starting to glide out of the shadows with his purple cape extended as wings.
    He landed in front of the criminals,
    eyes galring beneath a indigo mask,
    white feathers contrasting a purple suit with a blue under coat.
    The entire outfit being completed by a matching purple cape and hat.

    The theives stood frozen and dropped the stolen purses and ran for their lives,
    leaving Darkwing duck to take the purses in his feathered hands and leave the scene.

    OOC: Say...since Darkwing needs somebody else to act on, like LaunchPad and Goslyn,
    can I just give them short lines so that Darkwing Duck doesn't only have Megvolt to play off of?
    Because I don't even think Megavolt is taken yet...

    Anyway, I love how I'm going to be Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck because I grew up watching that show and now I can get back into it! xP
  12. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth watched as Tybic was thrown back onto the ground. He was seated and curled up into a ball, his hat drooping down over his face, his weapons on the outside of the cell.
    "Stealing food?" Seth mumbled slightly, a small word a bit over his quietness, nevertheless, still can be heard.
  13. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    OOC: Just so you all know, I DID join/send an application. I just sent it via PM. I don't like interrupting RP threads when I'm not part of them. <_>

    BIC: The warrior that was known as Ninth Caliber stopped at the edge of the cliff. He smiled a little as the gravel and rocks crunched over his metal booted feet. I remember the last time I was here, with Fourth.., Ninth thought pleasantly, reminiscing about his happy past. Not paying attention, he didn't notice the ground beneath him cracking. The earth below him suddenly gave way, and he tumbled down. Fortunately, his armor, or what was left of it, absorbed most of the shock. Scrambling to find a hold, his hand caught on to solid concrete. "What the.." he muttered, as he found his hand holding onto an open window ledge. It seemed like someone had constructed a Bailey of sorts under the cliff. Oh, look, there was a small opening to the ravine near as well. There must have been some serious reconstruction in the last few years. Hauling himself up, and patting off the dirt and dust that his old battered armor had collected, he pushed open the Bailey doors. "Lets see what those crazy kids at Hollow Bastion are up to!"
  14. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic looked over, seeing Seth. He hadn't even been aware that he was there. However, he still remained silent.
  15. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth still had his eyes closed, resting himself for the execution.
    Now why would a bounty hunter end up getting into a jail and to meet his end?
    The assassination of a lawyer of the name Ferdinand Gond, for it was one of his missions that he was payed a large amount of money.
    Seths hand moved to the bag of money, the money cold, just like what Seths heart turned out to be.
  16. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Cal strolled through the Hollow Bastion streets. Much of the city was still deserted. There seemed to be a small group trying to take back the city from the much larger Heartless force. He doubted with their numbers, they'd be able to take down Maleficent. As if on cue, three sinewy Shadow heartless materialized from the floor. Calmly drawing his two guns, he got ready for the fight to come. Twirling around, he met their shadowy claws with the barrels of his handguns. Thanks to the enchantments on them, they used reflect magic, to deflect them. Unfortunately, the spell's range could only cover his hand, at most. Taking careful aim, he shot two bullets. One pierced two shadows in the back, and the other, hit the last one in the head. Holstering his weapons as they disintegrated into nothingness, he sighed satisfactorily. "At least I can remember how to fight!" he said triumphantly, realizing it was his first fight, since he woke up from his coma, and couldn't remember anything from his childhood, or anything from before he joined the Chasers, for that matter.
  17. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    "There..." All was set. Mickey had his Keyblade, Pluto had his letter, and nobody was awake. Now he could embark on his journey...
    Passing a sleeping Goofy, Mickey snuck into the Gummi Hangar and got his personal ship ready for launch.

    "Goodbye, Daisy, Donald, Goofy...Minnie..." With that said, The King headed for the closest world to his own: Traverse Town. From there, he would head to Hollow Bastion, if he could get a ship upgrade.
  18. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Turning a corner, Ninth Caliber saw movement. Ducking back around, he drew his guns. He flipped out to face his enemy, to find a sword right in front of his face. "Well.. this is awkward. You stab me, I shoot you.." Cal said nervously, eying the sword. It was strange, it looked like a blade, but it had a trigger, and revolver barrel at the hilt as well. The man who held it, had a serious expression on his face. And a lot of belts.. looks like he wasn't messing around.

    "Just put those down and nobody get's hurt, okay?" The man commanded, trying to avoid conflict. Caliber noticed several others running towards them, obviously the man's companions. This was about to go from bad, to worse.

    "Depends. Will you give me a ride to Traverse Town? I was trying to find answers here.. but everyone seems to be gone, excluding yourselves. And I don't think I've ever seen you in my life." Ninth retorted. He wasn't going to back down so easily.

    The man's friends arrived next. One was a kind looking woman, in pink clothing, while the other was an oddly dressed Ninja. The group was rounded out by an old man, with a toothpick loosely placed in his mouth. The kind looking one said, "Oh, Leon, what have you done now?"

    "So, your name's Leon? Well, Leon, how about considering that ride? From the looks of that Heartless-infected castle, it seems like you don't have much of a choice." Ninth said, trying to sound confidant, when in reality he was scared. They really didn't have much time.

    "Fine. Yuffie, keep an eye on him. If he tries anything, kill him." Leon said, lowering his weapon.

    Stifling a victory cheer, he introduced himself, "Oh yeah! I'm Ninth Caliber, or Cal, if you'd like. Thanks for the ride!"
  19. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle &lt;3
    Mya walked into the Second District of Transverse Town, "It is really bright here", she noticed. Out of nowhere, a little dark creature with big yellow bug-like eyes, popped up. "What is that?" It jumped at her and she instantly, she pulled out her two swords. She slashed at it with one of them and it disappeared. And then, more of them popped up. "This isn't good" as she ran toward them...

    Frozone was at work at the Metroville Post office. He sighed.
  20. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Star Seeker in hand, Mickey walked into the Traverse Town Square.

    "Hmm. Not too many people...I hope--oh, not again!" Another star faded above his head. "Okay!" His Majesty said. "Gotta find someone who can help!" With that, he headed into town. He went to several doors, but anybody who saw him either slammed the door, or asked for his autograph. Heading back to the Square, Mickey groaned. "Aw, this is gettin' me nowhere!" Suddenly, he heard a scream coming from the First District.

    "Oh, no!" Mickey readied Star Seeker. "Hang on!"
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