The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    occ: say, I'm not reading the action of your part, but I see its really cool, just bits and pieces of it, I study. Can anyone think of a way I could be part of it? Thinking myself, I don't have much ideas, but first, my escape!
    Seth walked normally, it was easy for him, since he didn't really have much emotion in him. He walked past the guards, holding his new hat, old, and ragged, from the blacksmith, covering over his dirty blonde hair.
    He passed the guards, striding through there stations, looking for Seth.

    occ: hey, can someone tell me what "reacure" is? and can I make that one master of the watch guy?
  2. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "I came here to talk, but all of you just had to be here. I'll leave, but it seems my Heartless is also searching for Kingdom Hearts." Xemnas began. A portal of darkness opened behind him. "Be warned, my mentor. The Organization is growing. You can't possibly deal with the both me and my Heartless and the others..." He calmly stepped into the portal. It closed when he went in.

    Apparently, the Nobodies never left. Atropos saw an opening through them and went in. She looked down the tower. There seemed to be Nobodies all over the place. Suddenly, she got knocked back in the room. "We have to get out of here! Nobodies are filling the tower!" she said.
  3. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth walked past the guards, looking around.
    The guards continued to search, passing him, hurriedly. A few spellcasters began forcing messages into recruits minds to search for the person.
    "Tell the guards to shut the doors and only open them until the person is found, and let only people who aren't him pass. Get a search on the people passing. The person has a blue coat, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, dirty face, with scars and mud, his body is scraped up, too." One spellcaster ordered.

    Seth ran to the walls, looked around to see if anyones looking, and threw his backpack over the wall.
    Painter...Seth thought, looking for a painter.
  4. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    "Well, this just gets better and better." Ninth muttered as he retrieved his lost weapon. That Xemnas creeped him out. He seemed like he was human, but so.. crazy. Ninth had known that Nobodies don't retain their emotions, but.. normally.. they aren't so.. maniacal? Taking a strategic position by the door, he waited for the Nobody onslaught.

    "Unless one of you has a gummiship or a nuke up your sleeve, we're in for a long fight." Ninth said, trying to get the others ready for the fight.
  5. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Painting cargo must be at the Ship yard, being loaded off. Seth thought. But I can't go there since the guards stopped the ships.
    Seth walked on, looking around the streets for a painter.

    Guards began to kick the doors down, and search peoples houses, using spellcasters for force to make the citizens co-operate.

    Seth walked past, holding his bag.

    "Say you!" A guard yelled.

    Seth knew that guard was pointing to him. But he pretended he didn't notice, slowly but briskly walking through the crowds until the guard decided to give up.
    Seth looked around, for something to turn his hair differently. He walked through the crows of people being checked.

    The master of the watch looked around. "I want every single street being checked and watched!" he yelled, pushing a guard forward.
  6. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    "Well I could just do this to get out of here." Atropos said. The light of Soul Calibur embraced her body once again, creating a portal of light out of the tower. After that, the portal began to slowly fade.
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Just a revival.

    I can't think of anything to write in short amount of time I have to be on.
  8. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth looked around. He saw Wanted posters with a large sum of money after him.
    I've got to put my clothes somewhere where they won't find them... Seth thought, passing a guard.
    Seth spotted, in the corner of his eye, that the guards were crashing into houses, getting onto balconies.

    The guards loaded their bows and arrows, positioning themselves on the balconies, getting ready to fire at Seth, if they spotted them.

    Seth got out his shield from his back pack, sliding it within his apron, without anybody seeing, belting it on his back.
    This better protect me from their fire if they find me... Seth thought, looking around for something to hide his clothes in. Maybe I should get another one...

    The Master of the watch looked around. "I want every single person from the execution that was watching and around it to be questioned!" He yelled, as a few guards saluted him and ran to stop the fleeing people from the stands.

    Great, they'll track me down.....Seth thought.
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Luxord walks in the lead of Axel,
    strutting along the dark hallway as if he onwed the skank
    Motel they now were in.

    Axel, on the other hand, was a little more apprenhensive.
    He stuck close to Luxord, should trouble come up.

    Suddenly, Axel's unfelt fears are justified,
    an odd creature creeping out of the darkness.

    It gave off an odd color arua,
    not resembling any kind of heartless,
    and no Nobody would have done what it was about to do!

    The small creaute lunged at Axel,
    but is was swiped quickly away by a mighty paw of Luxord.

    The creature, disappearing just as oddly as it had looked,
    disappeared in a puff of glowing firefly looking things.

    Axel would have been scared out of his wits,
    should he have had a heart.
    "What was that thing?!"
    Axel asks curiously,
    noticing the floating specks of purple light vanishing
    into thin air.

    Luxord merely responds at first with a look
    of disdain, obviously not expecting such an event either.
    "I fear we have a new adversary unrealtive to the heartless..."
    He notes, also watching the floating specks flash out.

    As a next act,
    Luxord just continues moving down the hallway,
    leaving Axel to look around fearfully at first,
    but then quickly rush back to Luxord in a haste.

    I had to do something to revive this
    thread, so introduced-...wait...I can't tell you.

    I guess I can give you a hint:
    Starts with an 'S'.
    (For those who don't know,
    that's KH II refference,
    yet this enemy never appeared in KH II.
    However! it should be noted that
    a major character from the game where the questionable enemy
    first appeared, is in fact, a party member from KH II)
  10. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    ooc: I'm shtuck.
    anyway, it seems I'm the only guy whos not participating in the roleplay...
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Yen Sid watched the assorted warriors arm themselves as the heartless and nobodies began to slowly push back the doors. "I fear that only the key bearer can defeat these creatures once and for all."

    Suddenly, a pirate heartless crashed through the window behind Yen Sid.

    Yen Sid's eyes grew wide as a cold darkness began to creep down his spine as the heartless leapt aside, searching for his next target.
  12. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- Wow I'm lost... Umm... Recap please? >_>
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