The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic looked up at Natali, surprised by her sudden outburst. Nobody had ever stood up for him before... He began to wonder why she was. He had hardly just met her, yet, she was already being protective of him. Tears fell down his cheeks and fell to the cold, hard ground. He looked down. She obviously thinks he's hurting me by making me retell what happened... He thought. They don't even know the worst of it...
  2. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Ninth shrugged apologetically, and then chased after Mickey. "Hey wait! You don't know if he's still there.. what if Heartless are inside?"

    Completely contradicting himself, Ninth opened the door, and peeked inside. "Seems safe enough..." he muttered, walking into the main chamber. Above him, there were long spiraling stairs, and magical portals, connecting various parts of staircase. Highest above, there seemed to be a room, that wasn't moving, and didn't have any exits what went up. Pretty short tower..
  3. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Mya looked up at the tower and smiled and thought It looks really funny. Then she looked forward,"Hey! Wait up!" as she ran inside after them. The tower looked weirder on the inside than it did on the outside. She climbed up the stairs and into the portal.
  4. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Seth was grabbed from his jail cell, and was pushed into chains. The guards handcuffed him, and pulled him by chains up the stairs.
    I don't see how I'm getting out of this... Seth thought.
  5. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Atropos watched eveyone go in. She decided to stay outside to have a better look at things. From all angles, the tower looked the same. Guess the only way's up. she thought. Using the curved swords, she started to scale the tower from the outside. "These walls sure are thick..." she complained, sticking one of her blades into the tower.
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Back at the Mallard abode

    "Ok, just tell me one more time and I'll get it..."
    LaunchPad said stupidly at the new Gosalyn.

    They had all been trying to convince LaunchPad of what had happened for the past four hours!
    Even Mr. Snuffles had rosen up to squeak and pantomime what happened.

    But after Mr. Snuffles finished,
    LaunchPad only gave it a quick thought and galiantly said:
    "You fear you would die without me being here!"

    But everyone facepalmed after that...

    Launchpad suddenly sparks an idea.
    "Hey! That machine on the ground! It turned Gosalyn into a teenager, DW!"
    He says as if it were totally thought-out just then and came as a sudden shock just now.

    Gosalyn in a sarcastic teenager moment got on her knees
    and placed her hands above her head in a prayer of thanks.

    Drake shook his head again,
    now that the little episode with LP was outta the way,
    what about fixing the problem now...?
    Drake says annoyed, bringing the young goose's attention forward.
    He smiled brightly with a flase pretenses.
    "How do you intend to fix this...?"
    Drake asked still overly smiling.

    Honker pushed his glasses back onto his beak and pondered.
    "The machine only can work after being charged for an entire week..."
    Honker says meekyl.

    "A WEEK!?"
    Drake replies aghast.

    "The battery capacity is very high, but uses alot of power..."
    Drake says matter-of-factly.

    Drake slumped down and rested his beak in his palms.
    "I'm doomed...."
    Drake sighs.

    Gosalyn was quick to heave up Drake from his depression,
    by taking him under the shoulder and replying sarcastically,
    "Don't worry, I could get used to this!"

    Drake sighed again.
    "That's where I'm doomed..."

    Far off in the city,
    Luxord and Axel were still looking around for something only Luxord knew half-of-what.

    The two moved through the crowds with authority,
    all of the other, lower on-the-food-chain toons parted like the red sea to two burly Toon-lions!

    Luxord motioned his eyes to Axel and nodded his head sideways in the direction of a dark alley.
    "This way."

    What else could Axel do but follow...?
  7. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    "Xehenort........ maybe it was all my fault...." DIZ thought to himself.
  8. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    When Atropos got halfway up the tower, the walls became patially transparent. "Wow." she said amazed. The winding stairways and portals was something not of this world. Then she saw everyone climbing the stairs. Not far behind them were some unusual white creatures. What the? she thought looking at them. Well, whatever they are, not only are they flexible, but fast. She continued her way towards the top.
  9. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic looked down. He remembered what it was like... seeing his parents killed right in fornt of him. It was truly a hirrid sight... One he never wanted to have to go through again. He put his hand over his heart, looking down at the ground as a sharp pain filled his chest... The pain of lonliness... "I don't care what I have to retell... or even relive..." Tybic said and looked up, tears falling down his cheeks. "I-I just want my parents back!" A thin, black aura started glowing around Tybic's body, but he didn't seem to notice.
  10. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Walking down the dark alley,
    Luxord in a sound lead,
    only Luxord had his hood down,
    it seemed awfully suspicous to him as to why Axel kept his own up.

    Using his lion swiftness,
    he pinned Axel down and drew back his hood with an "Aha! I knew it!"

    Axel wasn't a thinner Leo-toon,
    he was a light-ash colored Foosa,
    not even Feline, more closely related to moongooses,
    the style of Axel's hair only made him look like he had a mane from beneath the hood.

    "What the heck, Luxord!?"
    Axel yells,
    trying to get up.

    "I knew it! You're a Foosa! Why did you hide it?"
    Luxord asks interrigatingly.

    Axel just stares back up at Luxord blankly.
    "Is that what I am...what's a foosa...?"
    Axel admits confusedly,
    not as learned as his captuer

    Luxord shook his head and got off of Axel.

    And they continued to trek down the hallways towards a dimly light doorway,
    with a neon sign flashing:

    One major reason why I'm not color coding Axel and Luxord's parts,
    it's confusing...

    They're too together a the moment to color code them.

    If they split up and search seperately,
    then I'll color code where it won't be so confusing on anybody...0-0

    And Foosa's, they do exsist.

    I needed some variation between Luxord and Axel's look,
    so I made Axel something similar but totally something else.
    So now Axel's being a Foosa will be a running joke...XD
  11. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    " He.....stared into his own darkness without fear or rejection." DIZ thought. "Your heart is strong for one your age you must have been through a lot. Your darkness is great..but so is your light." DIZ said.

    Ooc: hey guys we have been sitting still in the same conversation for a while.....
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    In hindesight,
    I've noticed the same thing about your conversations.
    I have the feeling nobody even reads my latests posts because Obama said it would be racist to do so. xP
    He said that!
    Jerimiah Wright can back me on that!
    One, I don't like either, and Two I'm not even Black....I just thought it would be funny...


    Inside the hotel,
    Axel twitches as he sees a rat run right along the ground beside him,
    scampering away.

    Luxord holds a hand up to calm him,
    and moves for the register,
    where somebody's is standing behind the counter,
    shrouded by a newspaper.

    Luxord rings the little bellhop bell twice and looks down at the clerk reading the paper.

    When the clerk lowers the news paper with a nassily and wheezy "Yes?",
    Axel has to stand against a wall to keep from falling.
    The clerk, himself, was a quite beligerant, sleezy looking Rat-Toon.

    Luxord was hit with the impact only slightly,
    and still dealt with the hotel clerk.

    "We need a room."
    Luxord says plain out.

    The rat gave an evil eye look and scanned Luxord and Axel down.
    "Third door on the left."
    He spits, pointing down the hallway with one scaly, long-nailed finger.

    Luxord heaves a ready-to-vomit Axel up from the shoulders and thanks
    the rat politely,
    who replies with a sneer.

    "And make sure you don't wake Dribbles!"
    The clerk yells down the hall,
    only after Luxord and Axel had trekked half the distance.

    Axel didn't want to know what Dribbles was,
    and Luxord felt the same,
    but was too calm to care.

    I'm also surprised nobody noted me on making Axel a Foosa...that was sheer genius...
    A toony Foosa!
    With a Toon Lion!
    That's....weird....but Funny!
  13. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    What the hell have been telling this kid... If what I think has happened has happened then... there's no way to bring them back...
    "Tybic... Let's just go... It seems like the only thing you're gaining from this conversation is more greif. It's not worth it." She mumbled quietly so only he could hear.
  14. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Huh...?" Tybic blinked and calmed down a little, and the black aura went away. That feeling just now... What was it? He thought, curiously. He looked up at Natali and wiped the tears from his eyes. "O-Okay..." He said, looking over at Diz. This guy was starting to creep him out.
  15. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Well, DiZ." Natali said coldly "I'd like to say it was a pleasure, but I was brought up not to lie. Come on, let's go..." She finshed, brushing Tybic's arm with her hand as she passed him. A way of indicating he should follow.
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic glanced up at Diz one last time. He then quickly turned around and ran after Natali. He slowed his running to a walk when he came up beside her. He didn't say anything for a bit, but then looked up at her. "Back there... when we were talking to that guy... You seemed like you already know what happened to my parents..." He said, remembering how she had said he was gaining more "greif". Well, grief from what? If she didn't know about his parents, then why would she say that?
  17. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "I'm good at reading people, from what they say and how they say it you can learn alot..." Natali replied with a slightly meloncholy edge to her voice. "And... I have reason enough to belive I lost my parents too... Not much more then a few hours ago... And the rest of my world with it... Though I guess that hasn't sunk in yet or something. I don't know..."
  18. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Oh..." Tybic said and looked down. "So you already know what happened?" He looked back up at her. "Wait, wouldn't you know if you lost your parents?" He asked and then tilted his head.
  19. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Well... I lived... Maybe they did too... Guess I'll just have to look. If they are out there, then I'll find them soon. If they're not... well... they're not there to be found so I should give up. You can't find something that isn't there."
  20. Tai Sora Moogle Assistant

    May 4, 2008
    DIZ thought back " The people of my world always thought I was so caring and kind......has my time in confinement really hardened my heart this much?" suddenly he saw a portal open behind him he stepped through to find himself outside a strange tower. He ran inside and started up the stairs. Soon he saw a group of people up face he recognized. "King Mickey is here too..." DIZ's thought trailed off as he relized they were being followed by white creatures. "Nobodies!" DIZ thought. He used his powers shooting darkness out of the ground eliminating the Dusks easily.
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