The Tybic Redemption

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Destined, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    There comes a time in every story, where the hero will question whether or not the path he has traveled was the correct one, or what would have transpired if he or she had not been thrown into this instance. But a keyblade needs a strong leader than knows exactly what must be done or else it must meet the calling of another.

    So begins the tale of the Tybic Redemption.

    Following the events of KH2, Sora, Riku and Kairi have been recognized as the guardians of Kingdom Hearts, until a costly science experiment backfired, ripping a part the space time continuum. Upon it’s repair over the course of a year, Kingdom Hearts has never heard of Sora, Kairi and Riku they are just regular students attending school and trying to survive the challenges of High School.

    The story begins as Maleficent has begun to slowly expand her forces of heartless and corrupt others of Kingdom Hearts evil doers to her, for another stab at controlling Kingdom Hearts for herself. At this dark hour, the keyblade has been activated, and has been thrown into the hands of not one, but three students:

    A ten year old boy named Tybic from the world of Kanto. Who is imprisoned underneath Hollow Bastion and witness to the killing of his entire family at the hands of Maleficent and her Conquerors…

    A fourteen year old girl named Natali who has just arrived at Traverse Town following the destruction of her home of Yavin IV…

    And a Professor Dylan Os who has been expelled from his university for plagiarizing experiments of time travel as his own, and from psychosis, claiming to be responsible for destroying the fabric of time…

    It is now up to these three key bearers, thrown together by war and destruction, to bring down the tyranny.

    Akitafusa Bongenit, The Tybic Redemption cometh.

    Now: The Rules
    • No godmodding
    • Obey the main rules
    • Try and keep OoC chat to a minimum
    • Posts must be well constructed and more than a few words. Try and create a flowing story, not just a “ZOMG you suck” post. This is a story that I want to have at least the posts be within 3 and up sentences per. Use your creativity, I know you have it.
    • Keep it PG-13, if you need to swear, use asterisks
    • If any problems arise, inform me and I’ll try and rectify the situation.
    • Original characters are fine, but please try and have a maximum of 3 controlled characters in this story, that way other’s may participate.
    Now: Characters
    Main Characters:
    • Tybic- DestinyStar
      • Keyblade name: Redemption (blend oblivion and oathkeeper together and color is steel)
    • Natali- Demitryx
      • Keyblade name: Recollection (Blend Divine Rose and Guardian Soul)
    • Professor Dylan Os- Destined
      • Keyblade name: Repentance (Blend Way to the Dawn and Fatal Crest)
    • Maleficent-
    • Syndrome or Bomb Voyage-
    • Hades-
    • Megavolt (Darkwing Duck series)-
    • Team Rocket-
    • Xemnas-
    • Xigbar-
    • Xaldin-
    • Vexen-
    • Lexeaus-
    • Zexion-
    • Saix-
    • Demyx-
    • Axel- Bama
    • Luxord- Bama
    • Marluxia- Axel FTW
    • Larxene-
    • Tybic Nobody-
    Other Characters (Subject to change depending on story arc.)
    • Mickey- The_King
    • Donald- The_King
    • Goofy- The_King
    • Frozone- Maria
    • Mr. Incredible-
    • Hercules-
    • Darkwing Duck- Bama
    • Brock and Misty-
    • Sora- Tai Sora
    • Kairi-
    • Riku (IF Destiny’s Island is involved.)-Tai Sora
    • Ansem the Wise- Tai Sora
    • Yen Sid - Destined
    Original Characters:

    Name: Mexony
    Age: 13
    Appearance: Mahogany hair, bandage on cheek, skinny jeans, socks (doesn't wear shoes), tan skin, cape, red shirt and striped collar.
    History: Nothing really, but a bossy family:D
    Personality: Quiet, shy, sometimes rude when she is back-talked. Loves to fight, but when she it asked.
    Weapons and Abilities: Fist Hanger
    Biography: Hollow Bation
    Played by: Mexony

    Name: Seth Klayn (real name is Seth Corlasis, you'll know why he changed it below)
    Age: 17
    Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed) He wears a long blue coat, and a bullet belt across him, wears four sheaths, two chakram holders, on either sides of his waist, one sword holder, on his back, and one claymore holder also on his back,wears cut gloves to the fingers, wears a few bags of coins, wears black boots, has a sash over his neck, and a belt that is loosely crossed over his waist. He has lots of scars all over himself, and mud smudges, his eyes are blue, and has dirty blonde hair, all the time covered by a police looking hat.
    History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?) When he was a child, he was abandoned by his parents (their last names Corlasis) because they didn't want children, and so he lived alone for a few week, beging money off the street, and finally some one by the name of Jack Klayn took him in, treated him like a son, and taught him everything he knew. His foster parent was a bounty hunter, so one day Jack went on a mission and never came back. So keith, still trying to find him, took up bountyhunting himself.
    Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?) blunt, strategic, good thinker, quiet, wall flower, to the point, sad, lifeless and tough
    Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise)
    weapons: A couple of knives, a claymore, a sword, two chakrams
    abilities: knows a bit of magic, not much, can heal some cuts, and can control a bit of fire and water.
    Biography: (A little about the character's past, what world are they originally from, etc) world he lives in: Hollow Bastion, more info provided on History
    Played by: Soranspartanti

    Name: Mya
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: (in picture)
    Abilities: White magic and has a lot of agility because she's part cat.
    History: Princess of Valina and grew up in a loving home and had friends.
    Bio: She's the princess from a world called Valina and it disappeared andshe landed at Hallow Bastion. She's trying to figure out what happened to her homeworld.
    Personality: Quiet, caring, and doesn't really like to fight.
    Played by: Maria.

    Name: Atropos
    Age: Looks like she's in her mid-30's
    Appearance: A woman with long, brown hair in a ponytail. Wears a white T-shirt, black leather vest, tattered, hooded cloak that's brown, black, silver studded jeans, heeled boots. Her right arm has armor like Vincent's(FFVII).
    History: Oldest of the Three Fates, she was the sister that cut the threads of Fate.
    Personality: Cold, calm, anti-social, etc. A loner basically, yet doesn't mind working with others and helping them out.
    Weapons: Soul Calibur(keyblade), Atropos(curved shortswords), clawed arm
    Biography: Originally from Olympus Colliseum. At some point, she cut the threads as soon as Clotho, the youngest and the spinner of Fate's threads, made them. This angered the middle sister, Lachesis, the measurer of the threads of Fate, and she told their father, Zeus. When Atropos found out, she took the holy sword, Soul Calibur. The sword changed into a keyblade from her strong will and pure heart. Atropos fought against her father with it and lost. Zeus banished her out of the world after her defeat. When she left, she kept Soul Calibur(still in its keyblade state) along with her curved blades(named after her) that she used to cut the threads with. Now just wanders the worlds alone.
    Played by: Graxe

    Name: Corvalis
    Age: 14
    Appearance: Corvalis has black "emo" hair with bleached streaks. He has Crystal Blue eyes and a distinct jawbone. He is 5'8 and most of his body mass is muscle thought he doesn't look tough at all. He wears tight, skin clinging black shirts with abstract gray designs on them and wheres dark tight fitting jeans held up by a "emo" belt.
    History: Lived in Traverse town but parents got mysteriously sick and he had no clue as how they got sick or even what they were sick with. When his parents got to incapacitated to take care of him he was sent to Radient Garden to live with some sword master that had tought him how to master the use of twin swords.
    Personality: He is mostly Sarcastic and is depressed most of the time, unless he is with people he cares about. Then he is usually a jokester person and semi happy.
    Weapons and Abilities: no abilities besides being mastered at swords, Has two twin blade swords that are both a jet black color and about 1.5 yards long.
    Biography: He was origninally from traverse town but got stuck in radient garden when his parents got sick and they coulden't take care of him.
    Played by: UnSaintly Saint

    Name: Ninth Caliber, or Cal for short. (He doesn't know his real name, just his designation.. just read the history bit. ._.)
    Age: Mid to Low Twenties
    Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed) Ninth wears the Chaser armor featured in the Secret Movie. However, it's MUCH MUCH older. It's lost it's shine, covered in dents and scratches, and completely destroyed in some places. Underneath the armor, he wears simple clothing, designed for practicality. His helmet was smashed, a long long time ago, so you can easily see his short auburn hair, and brown eyes. He's also short, around 5' 3", but strong from all his Chaser training.
    History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?) Ninth Caliber (or Cal as I mentioned earlier.) was one of the few Chaser's in the universe. The Ninth. He was the newest recruit, and unlike everyone else, he couldn't use a Keyblade. He'd tried many times before to get one, but each attempt ended in failure. He began to feel alienated, when all the others were learning the art of swordplay, and how to use magic, with the Keyblade. Fueled by a determination to prove that he was just as good as the others, Keyblade or not, he trained rigorously, and mastered the use of Guns, and most ranged weaponry. When the Enigmatic Figure appeared (Unless... do we know his name yet? I'm talking about that old guy from the secret movie.), and brutally killed Calibers 5 and 6, the remaining Chasers went into a panic. First Caliber assumed that the threat was less than it had seemed. Both First and Sixth Caliber were magic specialists, if they were to come into melee contact, they wouldn't last very long. There were several signs of a surprise attack, so First assumed that the Enigmatic Figure had gotten the jump on the two Calibers. Unfortunately, he was very, very wrong. First sent the remaining Calibers, excluding himself, Second, and Third, after the figure. The fight was short, Ninth was the only survivor. His unique fighting style, was what kept him alive. Returning seriously injured, he soon fell into a coma. Shortly after, First, Second, and Third went after the Figure. If they died or not, Ninth will never know. Suffering from minor amnesia, he's forgotten everything about himself before the Chasers. He's struggling to remember, and trying to decide, to choose revenge, and try and track down the man who slaughtered his comrades, or to focus on the recovery of his memories. His story begins in Hollow Bastion, one of the highest populated worlds out there. Maybe he can find someone who knows the Figure, or someone who knows him.
    Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?) Cal is goofy, and cynical. He shows very little respect for those who oppose him, and enjoys taunting, and demoralizing his enemies. He's a jerk to the bad guys, really.
    Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise) Magical Dual Handguns (They're magical in that they don't needed to be reloaded, and cast a small reflect field around themselves when hit. This allows Cal to use them to block melee attacks. It also allows me not to type something about having to reload every ten seconds.. XD)
    Biography: (A little about the character's past, what world are they originally from, etc) Cal was originally born/raised, in Traverse Town. He was recruited by the Chasers at the age of 19, 5 years before the events of KH1.
    Played by: Xegreny

    Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed)
    History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?)
    Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?)
    Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise)
    Biography: (A little about the character's past, what world are they originally from, etc)

    Played by:

    Happy RPing.
  2. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Darking wing duck, Luxord, and Axel. Please. If its two allowed and I read it wrong by accident, you can take away the Luxord part...Just Axel and Darkwing if it's just two allowed
  3. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    I'd like to join Destine:D

    Name: Mexony
    Age: 13
    Appearance: Mahogany hair, bandage on cheek, skinny jeans, socks (doesn't wear shoes), tan skin, cape, red shirt and striped collar.
    History: Nothing really, but a bossy family:D
    Personality: Quiet, shy, sometimes rude when she is back-talked. Loves to fight, but when she it asked.
    Weapons and Abilities: Fist Hanger
    Biography: Hollow Bation
    Played by: Mexony

    :D Yay.
  4. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    I'll have a go at Natali if that's alright Destined. ^^
  5. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle
    Mickey, Donald, n' Goofy.
  6. pirateking_luffy Banned

    Mar 19, 2008
    marluxia plz
  7. Roxaspartanti King's Apprentice

    Name: Seth Klayn (real name is Seth Corlasis, you'll know why he changed it below)
    Age: 17
    Appearance: (A description OR a picture are welcomed) He wears a long blue coat, and a bullet belt across him, wears four sheaths, two chakram holders, on either sides of his waist, one sword holder, on his back, and one claymore holder also on his back,wears cut gloves to the fingers, wears a few bags of coins, wears black boots, has a sash over his neck, and a belt that is loosely crossed over his waist. He has lots of scars all over himself, and mud smudges, his eyes are blue, and has dirty blonde hair, all the time covered by a police looking hat.
    History: (What are some events that happened to him/her before the story began?) When he was a child, he was abandoned by his parents (their last names Corlasis) because they didn't want children, and so he lived alone for a few week, beging money off the street, and finally some one by the name of Jack Klayn took him in, treated him like a son, and taught him everything he knew. His foster parent was a bounty hunter, so one day Jack went on a mission and never came back. So keith, still trying to find him, took up bountyhunting himself.
    Personality: (is your character sincere, sarcastic, nice, mean?) blunt, strategic, good thinker, quiet, wall flower, to the point, sad, lifeless and tough
    Weapons and Abilities: (only the three main members get keyblades…unless you can convince me otherwise)
    weapons: A couple of knives, a claymore, a sword, two chakrams
    abilities: knows a bit of magic, not much, can heal some cuts, and can control a bit of fire and water.
    Biography: (A little about the character's past, what world are they originally from, etc) world he lives in: Hollow Bastion, more info provided on History
    Played by: Soranspartanti
    and happy RPing to you, too.
  8. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    K, you are all in, but i'm waiting to start till we at least have a Tybic and Professor Os.
  9. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Can I play Tybic? :D
  10. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Can I be Frozone and

    Name: Mya
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon: (in picture)
    Abilities: White magic and has a lot of agility because she's part cat.
    History: Princess of Valina and grew up in a loving home and had friends.
    Bio: She's the princess from a world called Valina and it disappeared andshe landed at Hallow Bastion. She's trying to figure out what happened to her homeworld.
    Personality: Quiet, caring, and doesn't really like to fight.
    Played by: Maria.
  11. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Name: Atropos
    Age: Looks like she's in her mid-30's
    Appearance: A woman with long, brown hair in a ponytail. Wears a white T-shirt, black leather vest, tattered, hooded cloak that's brown, black, silver studded jeans, heeled boots. Her right arm has armor like Vincent's(FFVII).
    History: Oldest of the Three Fates, she was the sister that cut the threads of Fate.
    Personality: Cold, calm, anti-social, etc. A loner basically, yet doesn't mind working with others and helping them out.
    Weapons: Soul Calibur(keyblade), Atropos(curved shortswords), clawed arm
    Biography: Originally from Olympus Colliseum. At some point, she cut the threads as soon as Clotho, the youngest and the spinner of Fate's threads, made them. This angered the middle sister, Lachesis, the measurer of the threads of Fate, and she told their father, Zeus. When Atropos found out, she took the holy sword, Soul Calibur. The sword changed into a keyblade from her strong will and pure heart. Atropos fought against her father with it and lost. Zeus banished her out of the world after her defeat. When she left, she kept Soul Calibur(still in its keyblade state) along with her curved blades(named after her) that she used to cut the threads with. Now just wanders the worlds alone.
    Played by: Graxe

    is this good enough?
  12. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Everyone's in, and i've PM'ed a few with questions.

  13. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Name: Corvalis
    Age: 14
    Appearance: Corvalis has black "emo" hair with bleached streaks. He has Crystal Blue eyes and a distinct jawbone. He is 5'8 and most of his body mass is muscle thought he doesn't look tough at all. He wears tight, skin clinging black shirts with abstract gray designs on them and wheres dark tight fitting jeans held up by a "emo" belt.
    History: Lived in Traverse town but parents got mysteriously sick and he had no clue as how they got sick or even what they were sick with. When his parents got to incapacitated to take care of him he was sent to Radient Garden to live with some sword master that had tought him how to master the use of twin swords.
    Personality: He is mostly Sarcastic and is depressed most of the time, unless he is with people he cares about. Then he is usually a jokester person and semi happy.
    Weapons and Abilities: no abilities besides being mastered at swords, Has two twin blade swords that are both a jet black color and about 1.5 yards long.
    Biography: He was origninally from traverse town but got stuck in radient garden when his parents got sick and they coulden't take care of him.
    Played by: UnSaintly Saint
  14. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- so where do we start? >>
  15. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Tybic: Start in prison
    Natali: Start at Traverse Town
    Os: Start at court martial

    Villians: Start at plotting

    Other's: similar fashion to the start of KH 1
    OC: Where ever you see fit
  16. pirateking_luffy Banned

    Mar 19, 2008
    ooc: where do the org start,just wondering
  17. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    191 bout they start at a meeting to discover what they intend to do, until Maleficent joins them?
  18. pirateking_luffy Banned

    Mar 19, 2008
    ooc: so the world that never was then.

    bic: 'why is everybody always late for the meetings.'marluixa thought to himself
  19. The_King Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2007
    Disney Castle

    Mickey hummed the "Mickey Mouse March" as he walked through the garden. "Heya, Goofy!"

    "Hyuk! Mornin', King Mickey!" Goofy said.

    Mickey then proceeded through the Library. "Well, hello there, Donald!"

    Donald bowed. "Good Morning, your Majesty!"

    Mickey proceeded into his Throne Room. "Hmm...things have been awfully quiet since we got rid a' Pete..." He sat in his throne, thinking.
  20. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Tybic lays on the floor, thinking. He's underneath Hallow Bastion, locked withing a small dungeon. The whole place is dirty, the walls and floor are covered with dirt and dust, spiders crawl around, making their homes within the dungeon, and Tybic could've sworn that he'd seen a snake in the dungeon... or maybe he was hallucinating. He wasn't sure. It'd been a few days since he'd eaten a decent meal and he'd started to feel slightly ill. However, none of that mattered to him. Tears streamed down his face as he thought of what he'd seen not too long ago... the killing of his family. Tears fell down his face as he lay on the cold ground, scared to think of what might happen next.
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