The Truth or Innocence?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Sep 4, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I am talking about you know when you were a kid and everything seemed happy and cheerful like no bad stuff could?
    Weel thats Innocence, but now you should know that your not innocence anymore, you know that the world is full of pain and suffering, and everything that was happy in your life is gone.

    I want to go back to when I didn't know any better, when my parents protected me from the truth, and now, I can't even go back anymore.

    Would you rather have the Truth or be Innocent?
  2. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I'm not innocent, but I know the truth, and the truth is nothing like you describe it. The pain and suffering of the world is the happiness and the excitement of humanity. You can't have happiness without saddness, and for every light there are shadows. There's no way to get rid of suffering and pain, but I know the truth of the matter is that you must enjoy what you have while you have it, because once you're dead there's no going back. I personally intend to make the best of the this while I'm here, and being innocent has nothing to do with it. I'd rather know the truth of everything, because the truth, however cliched this may sound, will set you free. And with that freedom you can find what you love and what makes this world wonderful for you.
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think what you are comparing (or maybe a better word) would be between truth and ignorance.

    The saying goes "Ignorance is bliss" and I would have to whole-heartedly agree. I know that I have strict coursework deadlines in the upcoming months, I'll have to learn how to drive, get a part-time job, pay for college/uni, get a house and all the while worrying about what's going on in the world.

    When you are a child, you don't care about knowing things, you prefer ignorance (even if it is not a choice). But now, I thirst for knowledge, I mean I go on to Wikipedia and read up on thoretical and experimental physics because I'm interested in things like that. But, physics paints a very bleak picture of a rather cold and lifeless universe with an inevitable Heat Death at the end. Many times I've wished I never knew, because you can't forget things no matter how hard you try it will always be there.

    But, at the same time I like knowing things. It makes me glad to know that I know things =/ It's hard to describe...

    Sorry that didn't really say anything there >_>
  4. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I only thought of this when the thought of why did kids want to be older and adults younger, and I realized what was good about being a kid, and it triggered the thought, does anyone else jst want to not know, I mean, sometimes I just wish to be a fish or bird, they don't have the brain to think about thesame things humans do, they live a simple life, a peaceful life, and they follow their instincts, listen to nature, it just makes me feel more connected to the earth, I think this Is the only thing I think is spiritual in my life! XD

    Very good, that is a good way to look on life, but still it seems like you don't think of the problems you face in the world, I mean though looking on the positive of life is smart it still doesn't mean that bad things won't happen. I know you may know it already, but you still need to think of the future, to plan ahead and make sure that happier times will come, instead of just letting things happen, or you will live with no satisfaction in your life.

    It means that you know that though information makes you think that it would be better not to know it, you need it because you like to know how things happen and work to plan for something.
    I think thats what you mean.

    Y'know your life actually sounds similar to mine, always thinking of the next problem.
  5. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    I'd much rather have the truth than be ignorant to everything. Even though I now know the world is full of death, suffering, lust, etc., I'd much rather be known to it than unknown. As a little child, I didn't know the real meaning of death, I didn't know suffering and pain, I didn't know lust. All I knew was my home, and the small, sheltered world around me. That's why it's easy for a 2-6 year old to become a victim of sexual assault, because they don't know that knifes and guns kill, and that there are people who kill and that can hurt you. I know there are some children who still don't understand and there parents are sheltering them from the truth, but my parents allowed me to grow up instead of being ignorant and not knowing the truth.
  6. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Well depends.
    If you have Innocence then you live happier and live such more happy life.
    I was much happier when I was a kid.
    So so depends with different thing. I would like the truth about people I know, but Innocence for the earth's bad colors.
    You know what I mean, Murder, sick twisted people etc.
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I just ment that you should be arrogant not stupid, Safety came first whatever age I was at, and still I had fun!
  8. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    I just meant I'd rather know the truth than not to know it. :)
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Honestly, I don't know. We all want the world to be a fine place, well I do, and I want no wars. But I want to know what's happening, because when 9/11 happened, Guess who didn't know! Me! That's the stuff I want to know even if I was only five I don't want to be nine and asking my dad, what happened on 9/11?
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Children's views of life are closed to about themselves directly and their immediate surroundings. Most children want to learn more about things and soak up information and details around them and yes, some truths can be scary or you have suffering, but that's life. I could not imagine wanting to be totally ignorant of the world about me. When I was growing up, since around age 4, my mother abused me a lot. If you are a child that grows up with a solid set of parents that shows you love and all, maybe ignorance is bliss, but if you don't live in a happy home where you feel safe, you start seeking other good positive things to look at because otherwise, life becomes not a pleasant thing. Therefore, to me, ignorance has never meant happiness.

    As an adult, I have more control over myself. I can make choices that as a child I was not able to. I can enter and leave 'dangerous' situations or those where too much pain is involved. I can choose to help others or to work on the person I want to be and mold me. I can also choose what I eat, wear, and what goals I have for my life. If a person only sees what is bad with knowledge, then it is depressing indeed. Once I accepted life is always going to have its pain and suffering, I realized that life has its good things too and because I accept the negatives, I accept also the positives that are good for me. I can take more pleasure in them now because I don't bother focusing on what tries to bring me down.

    In simple, I can see how some people miss the innocent days of youth but for me they were never that great and the negatives really did outweigh often the good things. It taught me to take care of myself more, not cling onto things that were failing and going to drag me down etc, and made my life more complete so that I cannot fear knowledge, because that is what kept me safe. Ignorance only wounded me. In one sense, I might have wished for a better childhood to escape the nightmare I was in, but I don't regret it as it gave me a world to explore and I care more about having a middle class home with a house, dog, 1.5 kids and not paying attention to the world about me. I see too many adults that think they can ignore the world, and that is what allowed us to have such a craptastic planet in the first place. I'd rather be a mover than a rabbit in a hole.
  11. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    I rather pick "truth",because I want to be mature enough to handle my own problems.
    If I stay innocent,I'll never learn anything in life.

    I want to stand up for my own and take responsibility.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    With arrogance or innocence, you wouldn't know pain, sorrow, unhappiness, to me the small price of peace in my head to knowledge would be Peace from the horrors that dig at your brain. Knowledge, all it teaches you is to learn more.
    But I guess emotions are the main point I am trying to make.

    I can understand why you would think the way you do, abuse from someone is never easy to deal with, but I would say my yunger life was not full of love, mostly being picked on by other kids, being told not to do something or being shouted at, but still that seems better than the life that I can see before me.

    You have just made me the happiest person in this side of the world, you have told me the very point I try and tell people pratically everyday of my life, if you look just below my username to the left, on my user title, you will see what I mean, 'To accept, is to live' You have accepted that all the positives and negatives in the world happen, you know it, and follow it. I have a deep respect for you now, friend!

    'Live simply in comfort' is what I say and agree with you on this point, most peoplewant to live with sporty cars, in giant mansions, have giant T.V screens and so on, just living with what you need can give me enough satisfaction in my life than anything else. (For some reason I think that you got this idea from Dao, did you?)
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